Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

212 A Shocking Gamble! ! ! Qin Nuo Will Become A Big Fat Man In One Bite!

Qin Nuo plans to leave the business to Fatty Zhou and Sun Wen.

Aren’t these two people also free?

Qin Nuo plans to give Fatty Zhou a movie script.

Give Sun Wen another TV series script.

Let them make money for the company.

There is no such hard-working boss as him in the world.

One person makes movies to support an entire company.


"How about giving Tang Taner to Fatty Zhou?"

Qin Nuo touched his chin.

It has been a year since Tang Detective was released.

It's time to start the second part.

Spent a day wandering around the office.

The next morning, the legendary woman Deng Wendi arrived in Shanghai.

Move very quickly.


Qin Nuo and her were sitting in a good Chinese restaurant in Shanghai.

Both of them had polite smiles on their faces.

"Director Qin is very thoughtful. I like the food here very much!"

"Ms. Deng has come from afar, so as a host, she must be attentive to receive her!"

Qin Nuo had a sincere smile on his face.

This is also his invincible magic weapon in the entertainment industry.


Deng Wendi, who was opposite, looked into Qin Nuo's eyes, feeling a little dazed.

He investigated Qin Nuo before coming.

Collected a lot of information about him.

She even asked her good friend Zhang Ziyi.

The answers I got were not very good.

Shameless, insidious, cunning, shameless! Lustful.

But very talented

But when we met today, Deng Wendi found that Qin Nuo seemed different from the description.

Be humble and polite.

Treat people with sincerity.

Very measured.

Eyes never wander!

It feels very comfortable.

It's completely unlike the information collected before.

"Why is Ms. Deng looking at me like this!"

Qin Nuo was very surprised. This woman stared at him for a long time.

I feel a little nervous.

Don’t you want to...

No way, sister, you are too old.

Deng Wendi flipped up his hair and didn't care at all.

Said with a smile.

"It's nothing, it's just that the feeling Director Qin gave me is different from what someone described before!"

"Oh, what did they say about me?" Qin Nuo was also curious!

"Director Qin really wants to listen?" Deng Wendi looked at him with a half-smile.

"Then forget it."

Qin Nuo is not stupid.

He has many friends in the entertainment industry.

But there are more enemies, and there are countless invisible enemies.

It’s amazing what good things can come out of their mouths.

I have no interest in being abused!

"I think to see a person clearly, you still have to practice it yourself!"

"Chengzu said long ago that practice is the only criterion for testing truth!"

"Being biased in hearing and believing in biased beliefs will lead to prejudice!"

Deng Wendi nodded and looked at Qin Nuo with satisfaction.

Logical emotions, well-founded.

The person who can break the box office record of Avatar is definitely not a mediocre person.

He is really capable.

What's more, he is also a great director of Palm Tree.

Although young, he should not be underestimated.

The two chatted for a while and finally got down to business.

"Director Qin, I watched Interstellar and it was very shocking."

"I didn't expect that China could also produce such wonderful science fiction movies."

"Both the plot and the special effects are perfect!"

Deng Wendi was not deliberately praising Qin Nuo.

After taking over 21st Century Fox.

She began searching for good movies around the world.

As an overseas Chinese, he naturally turned his attention to the big countries in the east.

Unexpectedly, she found a surprise.

At this time, Qin Nuo's Interstellar was released, setting off a science fiction storm in China.

for this.

She also made a special trip to Xiangjiang.

Watched the entire movie in the cinema.

to be honest.

Deng Wendi was shocked.

It’s not like she doesn’t understand China.

In addition to what martial arts movies can do!

Not to mention science fiction, other movies are just ordinary.

But what she didn't expect was that Interstellar gave her a big surprise.

She even felt that this movie could not be made by China.

That imagination is simply breathtaking.

Even compared to Hollywood science fiction movies!

"Director Qin, even if Interstellar was placed in Hollywood, I think it would be a first-class science fiction movie!"

"Ms. Deng deserves the award."

Qin Nuo had a shy smile on his face.

I thought to myself.

Isn't that just a Hollywood movie?

Qin Nuo is still a little worried that this has robbed director Nolan of one of his famous works.

This old boy won't cry.

"Director Qin, I won't hide it either!" Deng Wendi looked at him.

"I'm not surprised that you rejected me last time for 30 million!"

"I want the global movie rights for 40 million, what do you think?"

Qin Nuo touched his chin.

Forty million is actually a lot.

Deng Wendi, this woman is indeed sincere.

Nowadays, if the number of movies sold in China can reach five million, it would be very good.

They even have to give out scarves and have a party to celebrate.

Let netizens be proud too!

If only I knew Interstellar could sell for 40 million.

These old guys with scarves can be crazy happy.

Forty million US dollars, nearly 300 million US dollars!

The cost of the movie has been recovered...

But Qin Nuo wants a lot.

He is also bolder!

"Thank you Ms. Deng for your kindness!"

Deng Wendi frowned when he heard Qin Nuo's words.

Forty million is already the highest price she can get.

The company has professional film experts who have predicted it.

Interstellar would have been filmed by Hollywood.

It can earn at least 500 million US dollars at the box office worldwide.

But this is a Chinese director, and there are also Chinese stars in it.

The most famous of them all.

The only two people who are somewhat famous in the Western world are Qin Nuo and Zhang Ziyi.

So we have to give a big discount.

They predict that except China.

It should be able to earn $200 million at the box office.

If you buy it for 40 million, you will definitely make some money!

But not a lot.

"Could it be~ Steven!"

Deng Wendi knew Qin Nuo very well.

I also know that Qin Nuo got a palm tree in Cannes the year before last.

It seemed like I had become friends with Steven.

She asked someone to inquire last time.

Steven was very excited when he heard Qin Nuo's name!

"Director Qin, how about this?" Deng Wendi hesitated for a moment, then became firm.

"I'll add another five million! This is already the highest authority I can achieve!"

"I don't believe (chbc) that other Hollywood companies can offer higher prices than me!"

Deng Wendi is very confident.

Even if Qin Nuo has a good relationship with Steven.

I'm afraid I can't afford this price.

Although most of the time it won’t be a loss.

But it's not necessary.

Deng Wendi urgently needs to make some achievements in the 21st Century Company.

Everyone will do this.

"Ms. Deng, you misunderstood!" Qin Nuo said with a smile.

"I'm very satisfied with this price, but I have another suggestion, would you like to hear it?"

"Oh! Director Qin, please tell me!"

Qin Nuo put the chopsticks in his hands and his expression became serious.

"I actually like gambling, why don't Ms. Deng and I take a bet!"

"All ears!" Deng Wendu expressed interest.

He held his chin and looked at Qin Nuo.

"I can give you the global movie rights of Interstellar. If the box office is less than 100 million, I won't take a penny!"

"Free for you!"

"If the box office is between 100 million and 200 million, I only need 10% of the box office share!!"

"Between 200 million and 300 million, I want 12%!"

Qin Nuo slowly approached Deng Wendi, looked into her eyes, and continued.

"If it's more than 300 million, I want 30% of the box office!!!"

"I wonder if Ms. Deng dares to make a bet with me!"

Deng Wendi felt a pressure when he was stared at by Qin Nuo.

Even thought of her husband.


"This guy is so ambitious"

But Deng Wendi is not a vegetarian either.

Qin Nuo dares to bet, and so does she!

"Director Qin, are you serious?"

"You can sign the gambling agreement now!"

Deng Wendi shook his head and said.

"No, we have to change it. Since Director Qin is so confident, why not bet bigger!"

One to two hundred million, eight percent!"

"Two to three hundred million, ten percent!"

"More than 300 million, five percent!

"Do you dare, Director Qin?"

Deng Wendi smiled, Qin Nuo wanted to scare her,

not that simple.

I, Deng Wendi, have been through all the obstacles for more than 20 years to reach this point.

I was caught off guard by your boy just now.

Now it’s my turn to come back!!

Someone in the company predicted.

The highest of this movie is 250 million, and the lowest is 1.5.

Three hundred million is possible.

But the possibility is very small!

She has a very good chance of winning.

Why not bet!

Qin Nuo squinted his eyes. said

"Ms. Deng's conditions are very harsh..."

Deng Wendi had a smile on his face, and Su Nuo was scared.

But what surprised her was that Qin Nuo didn't seem to back down!

"But I agreed!!!"


"I agree, Ms. Deng!"

Qin Nuo's face was full of seriousness.

He calculated in his mind that three hundred million was not impossible.

In the previous life, there were more than 700 million interstellar travels in the world, and China only contributed 100 million!

Apart from China, there are more than 600 million in other places!!

Even if you discount it in half, it’s 300 million US dollars.

In addition, the things he shot are better than Nolan in terms of plot.

The special effects are not lost either.


In this case, why don’t you dare to gamble!

“I just hope that in the 21st century we won’t resort to petty tricks!”

"Humph, Director Qin, you are too little Fox!"

Deng Wendi frowned.

"Even if Interstellar has a box office of 500 million, it will only be over 100 million at worst!"

"Twenty-first Fox is not short of money!"

"That's ok, happy working together!"

“A pleasure to work with!”

The two shook hands, and the agreement was completed.

They don't need to do the rest.

Their lawyers will help them draw up an agreement!

The two reached an agreement, and Shadow got the news immediately.

Although the copyright is in the hands of Qin Nuo.

But they have the dividend rights to the movie.

Qintian Entertainment also notified them immediately.

In the office.

Wang Lin looked a little anxious.

"Third Master, please go and persuade Qin Nuo. This bet is too risky!"

"Three hundred million is too difficult. Wouldn't it be good to buy it out directly?"

ps: The guaranteed four updates have arrived, what about the additional updates? You won’t really be squeezed out, brothers, keep going.

I only have 700,000 words, and my goal this month is to reach 1.2 million. Four updates a day is not enough, at least six!

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