Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

214 Boss, Don’T Drive Me Away, Interstellar Has Caused A Storm In The United States!

"Okay, Director Sun, let's talk!" Qin Nuo looked at him.

"Do you want to make a TV series or a movie? I'll get you a script later!"

"Boss, that's not what I meant. You misunderstood!"

Sun Wen quickly wanted to explain.

"Then forget it! I'd rather save..."

"Director Qin, I'm filming a TV series!"

Before Qin Nuo could say anything, Sun Wen's face changed instantly.

Bai Lu on the side couldn't help laughing when she saw how quickly Sun Wen changed his face!

The boss is right, Director Sun really cares about face.

"What type of shooting are you planning to do?"

"Can I choose any type?" Sun Wen was surprised.

The boss’s background in filmmaking and screenwriting must be very deep.

Qin Nuo said yes in his heart.

I have a system, but it’s not very good.

But he wouldn't say that.

"You're overthinking it. Why do I need you if I'm so powerful? Let's find out your preferences first!"

"It's best if you have something suitable. If you don't have something suitable, then you have to bite the bullet and take pictures for me!"

"Let me tell you~" Sun Wen muttered.

Then think about it carefully.

Qin Nuo was not in a hurry and waved.

The little secretary came over obediently.

"Massage my shoulders!"

"Okay boss~"

After Bai Lu finished speaking.

He moved a small bench and sat behind Qin Nuo.

Then help Qin Nuo massage.

Qin Nuo had a look of enjoyment on his face. This little secretary made the "two, one, three" move right.

Bai Lu has never been late for work, and her daily work is arranged in an orderly manner!

Not like the leaky little assistant.

If you are in a bad mood, ask for leave. If you want to eat delicious food, ask for leave.

This time my aunt came and took another day off.

Qin Nuo was also drunk.

If only all the women in the company were like you, Chen Duling.

Then my company is in trouble!

Qin Nuo thought about looking for an opportunity to take care of Na Nizi.

A lazy idiot!

I'll find a time to send her out for her debut later.

Make money for me!

"Boss, I'm good at cities. Why don't you write me an urban love story or something else?"

Qin Nuo nodded.

This is not difficult.

Soon he searched for a good script in his mind.

Ode to joy!

Previous Life starring Liu Tao, Jiang Xing, Yang Zi, Wang Ziwen and others

The plot is not difficult at all.

Three girls, Fan Shengmei, Guan Ju'er, and Qiu Yingying, who came to Shanghai to work hard from other places, rented a flat together.

And Andy, a returnee from overseas with a high IQ.

The charming rich girl Qu Xiaoxiao lives together on the 22nd floor of a mid-range community called "Ode to Joy".

The five women have very different personalities.

Each carries difficulties and dissatisfactions from work, love and family.

We know each other because of our neighbor relationship.

From speculating on each other to gradually accepting each other and opening up to each other.

In this process, we worked together to solve various problems and confusions in each other's lives.

And witness each other's growth and transformation in this "magic city"...

Past Life was first broadcast in 2016 and quickly occupied the major TV series lists.

The plot is light and happy, and the five heroines have different styles, but they are all kind-hearted.

There simply aren’t too many people following the show.

Anyway, Qin Nuo had already photographed Ode to Joy 4 when he traveled through time...

This vitality is almost catching up with other people’s love apartments.

"I already have an idea, the plot is very good!" Qin Nuo looked up and smiled.

"I think the results will definitely be great!"

When Sun Wen heard this, his eyes widened.

Is this the difference between geniuses and me?

Just two minutes.

Qin Nuo has already been conceived?

I'll take it!

Sun Wen suddenly felt that his knees were a little weak.

I feel like I want to worship a big boss.

The same goes for Bai Lu behind him.

She was very close, and not long after Sun Wen just finished speaking, Qin Nuo thought for a while.

Then a smile appeared on his lips.

This process takes no more than a minute.

It only took one minute to conceive a TV series?

My boss is so talented!

Contemporary Cao Zhi!

Xiao Nizi's eyes became gentler when she looked at Qin Nuo.

"Okay, boss, think slowly and don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry!"

"Ten days and a half month is no problem!"

Qin Nuo nodded.

"Go ahead, I'll give you the script outline and chapters within ten days. Just have a screenwriter in the company complete it!"

"Leave it all to me!"

After Sun Wen finished speaking, he left happily.

Qin Nuo shook his head.

He could actually exchange the completed script, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it.

The company has more than a dozen screenwriters, and they are all in vain if they are not used.

Eating white rice is not an option.

And the full script is twice as expensive.

It can be regarded as helping him save some scoring points!

Why not do it.

"Xiao Nizi, what are you looking at? Keep going!" Qin Nuo looked at this girl.

"I want to be lazy!"

"Ah, no!" Bai Lu's face suddenly turned red. Just keep pressing.

I was so ashamed that I died.

The boss must have seen it just now.

so shy.

The boss doesn’t think I’m a nymphomaniac.

Bai Lu thinks too much, Qin Nuo has long been immune to this kind of gaze.

It is commonly known that pretending to be better has become a habit.

"Xiao Nizi, there is a temperament in Sun Dao's TV series that suits you very well."

"How about I send you on your way to debut?"

Among the roles suitable for Bai Lu, Qin Nuo's favorite is Guan Ju'er.

Well-informed, gentle and virtuous.

Bai Lu's temperament is very suitable for this role.

And this character is also very popular.

Although nine out of ten men are lustful, there is one who is particularly astringent.

But they are also unable to resist gentle and generous girls.

Qin Nuo can guarantee that Bai Lu will play this role.

If it becomes popular, there will definitely be a large number of men with scarves chasing after Bai Lu’s ass and calling her “wife”.

Although it won't be a big hit.

Fans will be very sticky!

"No, boss!"

Bai Lu was very anxious when she heard this.

I was so anxious that tears almost came out.

She thought Qin Nuo didn't want her anymore.

"Boss, did I do something wrong? Don't drive me away!"

Qin Nuo didn't expect that just a suggestion would frighten this girl so miserably.

Almost cried.

He quickly pinched the little face and smiled.

"Who wants to drive you away? If you are willing, just sign in our company!"

"Won't leave!"

Bai Lu is cute and gentle, and Qin Nuo has a good impression of her.

One sheep is driven, two sheep are herded.

It’s not a loss if you sign up for Qintian Entertainment.

Qin Nuo can earn at least tens of millions of dollars within one year of his debut.

"Then I don't want it either, I don't want to debut."

Bai Lu pursed her lips.

"You can't just be a secretary all your life!"

Bai Lu looked at Qin Nuo, tilted her head and asked.

"Why not?"

"...Okay, whatever you want!"

Qin Nuo is too lazy to care about it, just forget it if he doesn't debut.

It’s not bad to stay around.

It’s just a matter of having multiple pairs of chopsticks.

"Hey, thank you boss!"

"Go and order me beef brisket rice."


Bai Lu's face was full of joy and she jumped away.

Time passed quickly, and ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Interstellar was already released in the United States.

Five days later, under the powerful distribution power of 21st Century Fox...

Released worldwide.

Deng Wendi invited Qin Nuo to attend the premiere, but he refused.

Mainly because it's too far and too lazy to go.

But although he didn't go, Qin Nuo said hello to Steven.

The words "old brother" made Steven elated.

I helped Qin Nuo yell a lot in the United States.

It can be said that it is true that Qin Nuo has become his good friend.

Good confidant.


When the movie first started, it was actually not as popular as imagined.

Americans can be said to be the most proud people in the world.

They are also the most ignorant group of people.

I think movies from other countries except Hollywood are trash.

America is most proud of

So on the first day of release, the box office was only 3 million US dollars...

You know, in the 21st century, one million US dollars was spent on promoting this movie in one day.

Deng Wendi looked at the box office on the first day and his heart skipped a beat.

Is it really going to end this time?

Other executives at Century 21 were also laughing.

For an outsider like Deng Wendi, or a woman who landed in the air.

They don't have a cold.

Some people even mocked women privately and had no vision.

If you don't look for movies locally at Hollywood, why don't you go to China...

It's simply a waste of resources.

But the arrow is on the string and must be fired.

Deng Wendi pretended not to hear these gossips and continued to promote them.

The next day's box office was also tepid, only $3.5 million.

Now someone at 21st Century Co., Ltd. couldn't help it, although the box office didn't plummet.

But in terms of the publicity funds paid and the filming schedule.

This number is too small!

Someone has already proposed cutting the schedule at the meeting.

But these were all suppressed by Deng Wendi!

Stop announcing now and you can indeed stop the loss.

But this meant her reputation in the company plummeted.

Although she is Murdoch's wife.

But no one will take her seriously.

Just keep fighting.

Deng Wendi is still confident.

Don't look at it, it just added half a million dollars in box office.

But think about it, yesterday’s box office was only 3 million.

This is equivalent to an increase of one-sixth!

There is a chance.

4.0 These guys have eyes on the top of their heads and cannot see these things.

There are also comments from Deng Wendi after watching the movie.

Although the number of people is not very large, they are basically all good reviews.

She even found someone to investigate privately.

Audiences who have watched it said they were very surprised and gave them all A+ ratings.

This also gave her a lot of confidence.

So at the meeting the next day, the company's objections were suppressed again.

The box office of Interstellar in the United States on the third day was 5 million.

That's up 1.5 million.

At this time, Fox's executives were a little confused.

The box office seems to be rising a bit too quickly.

Three hundred on the first day.

Three hundred and five the next day.

Five hundred on the third day!!

Is it really going to explode?

Probably not......

Time soon gave them the answer.

The box office is released on the fourth day.

A total of 10 million US dollars in single-day box office!!!

See this number.

The company executives couldn’t believe their eyes!!

I was shocked by this number!

10 million single-day box office.

Yesterday's US single-day box office.

Interstellar ranks third!!!

ps: The second chapter has been added, come on, come on, it’s still early today, everyone, please continue to vote. You can vote monthly to remind me of the update, or you can give a reward.

The author will continue to add updates after seeing it.

This is just over 20,000. It’s not even twenty-five thousand yet!

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