Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

225 Fans Angrily Criticized Patients With Red Eye Disease! Qin Nuo’S New Movie Revealed! ! Make Wave

[Don’t get me wrong, I’m not exposing Qin Nuo’s love affair!]

[To be honest, I did take a lot of photos, but they were of no use. 】

[This guy Qin Nuo didn’t give me a penny, but he still sent me whatever he wanted... Later I found out that it was of no use at all]

【Everyone is tired of watching it, it doesn’t make any money. 】

[So this time is different, what I want to expose is how much money Qin Nuo made from Interstellar!!]

[I promise that these data are provided by insiders. 】

[I promise it’s true. As for the name, don’t ask. 】

【Qin Nuo is not someone to be trifled with, start now!】

[According to the contract between Qin Nuo and Huaying, Qin Nuo owns 10% of the domestic box office share. 】

[Foreign countries own 50% of the share, and the overseas copyright also belongs to Qin Nuo!]

[However, according to insiders, Qin Nuo made a bet with San Ye, but the details will not be elaborated. 】

[Let’s talk about the results directly, Qin Nuo won and got 10% of the domestic box office share! 】

[Excluding all domestic box office revenue, it is roughly around 400 million, Qin Nuo can get 80 million!]

[Of course this is just a small head, everyone thought Qin Nuo was buying out Interstellar to Fox!]

[In fact, it is not the case. According to insiders, Qin Nuo and Fox use box office sharing! 】

[And Qin Nuo is very bold. He has a gambling agreement with Deng Wendi. The agreement is very long, so I won’t go into details. 】

[But roughly speaking, if the global box office is less than 100 million, Qin Nuo will not get a penny. 】

[With a box office of 100 million to 200 million, you can get 8%!]

[If the box office is between 200 million and 300 million, you can get 10%!]

[If the box office is over 300 million, you can get 35%!!!]

27 […]

[As you all know, Qin Nuo won the bet, he won!!!!]

[Even I, the king of paparazzi, admire Qin Nuo for this! The dog is so brave!]

[The global box office is 360 million, 35% is 126 million US dollars!]

[Excluding the allocation to China Film and Television, Qin Nuo alone will receive 63 million US dollars! 】

[Converted to national currency: 440 million RMB!!!!]

[In addition to the previous 80 million. 】

[Then the total revenue of Qin Nuo’s movie is here~]



[This is not over yet. The overseas copyright of Interstellar is still in the hands of Qin Nuo. The money sold does not have to be divided with China Film. The price is at least tens of millions!]

[Friends who like it, please follow your old friend Zhuo Wei, I will continue to follow up and report!]

[Escape, I have to get on the plane quickly, I have a feeling someone is coming to catch me~]


After reading Zhuo Wei's revelations, netizens all opened their mouths.

I couldn't say a word for a long time.

They just thought that Qin Nuo had high box office.

Maybe make some money.

But they didn't expect to make so much!!!


In less than a year, you can actually earn so much.

Crazy, shocked! Unbelievable.

It turns out that Qin Nuo was chatting and spanking with us online.

Turns out to be a super invincible hidden rich man!

The money earned from one movie lasts their whole life.

No, it can’t be earned in several lifetimes or dozens of lifetimes.

"I'm stupid, really stupid. What this guy Zhuo Wei said can't be true!"

"Qin Nuo now has at least several hundred million in cash?"

"I don't believe other people's reports, but it's not like you don't know Zhuowei, the king of paparazzi.

"I don't know how many celebrities in the industry want to kill this guy, cheat on him, take banned drugs, go whoring..."

"As long as it was him who broke the news, even though the person involved wouldn't admit it, in the end everyone was involved!"

"Is that true? Let me go, there is so much money, I'm drunk!"

"But this is too much, I thought Qin Nuo could earn tens of millions at most, maybe hundreds of millions.

"This guy actually made more than 500 million!!!"

"According to Zhuo Gou's revelation, it's not that many. It's just that Qin Nuo was brave and won the bet!"

"I just got 4.4 overseas dividends.

"I admire you! Qin Nuo is so brave, this bet is so risky!"

"Yeah, everyone wants to be safe, but this guy Qin Nuo wants to become a big fat man in one bite!"

"The key is that people really eat it."


Although most people were shocked and envious, there were still many people making sarcastic remarks below.

"If you make so much money, you should pay close attention to this guy!"

"Yes, check Qin Nuo carefully to see if he has paid taxes!"

"Yes, these celebrities like to evade taxes the most. Check this guy Qin Nuo quickly."

"Hundreds of millions, I don't believe he won't reach out!"

"It would be great if this was found out!"

"Yo yo yo, it's so sour, so sour, so sour. What does it have to do with you that Qin Nuo pays taxes?"

"That's right, the tax bureau didn't say anything, so what? Are you the Internet police?"

“A bunch of idiots, they pay shitty taxes, Qin Nuo still hasn’t gotten the money yet.

"The issuing company will have to pay the taxes for several months. Will Qin Nuo take the lead in paying the taxes?"

"Don't worry about these people. I'm jealous. Qin Nuo doesn't steal or rob!"

"The foreigners' money is earned to create foreign exchange for the country. They know how to use a hammer."

"That's right. If you have a temper, go and tell the officials in front of them. You are a bunch of idiots!"

Soon these trolls were scolded by Qin Nuo fans until they couldn't hold their heads up.

For Qin Nuo, everyone still agrees with it.

Moreover, most of the money they make comes from overseas box offices, making foreign money.

Not domestic.

Why are these guys so angry? If you have a temper, you can earn it!

the other side

The revelation took less than an hour.

Sister Hong, Lao Sun, Fatty Zhou...

There were two assistants and others who hurried to Qin Nuo's office.

Watching Qin Nuo write and draw on paper is a bit strange.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

"Boss, are you settling accounts?"

Everyone was surprised.

Qin Nuo did not look up and continued writing.

"Am I not counting how much money I make?"

"Zhuowei seems to have spared me some trouble, hehe!"

"He doesn't know that the Third Master has given me 10% of his overseas share!"

Sister Hong………………

Fatty Zhou


They all thought Qin Nuo would be angry.

I didn't expect this guy to actually laugh.

Tens of millions were missing...

Then do you want us to help you distribute a scarf to promote it?

But Bai Lu looked at Qin Nuo and asked.

"Boss, have you really made that much money?"

Qin Nuo crumpled the paper into a ball, threw it into the trash can, looked at Xiao Nizi and asked.

"Why, you want to share some~"

"I don't!"

Bai Lu thought to herself.

It's just that in the future, our children don't have to worry about milk powder and tuition fees.

Your father will make money...

"Okay, why are you here? Let's agree first. No money will be shared, no money will be shared!"

"The red envelopes have been given out, don't ask me for money!"

Qin Nuo has already distributed the interstellar red envelope.

More than thirty million.

Don't let him cough up another penny.

"Boss, you misunderstood" Sister Hong looked at Qin Nuo.

"It's just that it can't go on like this. If you don't show your wealth, it's not good to have this matter hanging on your scarf all the time!"

"Hua Guo pays attention to keeping a low profile, and the people above will be unhappy if they see it."

"You just have to enjoy yourself after making money, why are you making such a fuss about it?"

"Yes, boss!" Lao Sun looked at Qin Nuo.

"Nowadays, unity is important. You making so much money will make some people feel unbalanced!"

Everyone advised him one after another.

Qin Nuo muttered.

"It's not me who said it, look for that boy Zhuo Wei!"

"What did you say, boss?"

"Nothing, what can you do?"

"How about I send out the news about a new movie this month!"

Qin Nuo couldn't think of any better 583 method.

That boy Zhuo Wei is very cunning.

After giving out the scarves, I ran away directly.

Qin Nuo originally planned to come to the company to "chat" with him.

This kid dared to explode on his head.

But they ran away long ago...

"Boss, are you sure?"

"Yes, boss, what movie?"


Upon hearing this, both Sister Hong and Fatty Zhou's eyes widened.

They knew that Qin Nuo and Deng Wendi seemed to have had a private conversation.

But Qin Nuo never said that.

I thought it would take a few months.

Didn't expect it to be so fast!

My boss is such a quick shooter!

"I haven't decided yet (book friends are too slow)!"

"You have three choices, just spread the word and blow hard!"

"Just say invest 100 million US dollars!"

E’s blockbuster!”

"Okay, no problem, I'll do it!" Sister Hong patted her chest!

"New movies, if you suppress this, there should be more than one problem!"

"Brother Fat is right, netizens still care more about your next movie than money!"

"Then go and get busy!"

Qin Nuo waved his hand and thought to himself.

Zhuowei, Zhuowei, show me your boy.

If you dare to blast me, don't let me catch you!

"Why don't you leave!" Qin Nuo looked up and found that several people were still there.

Chen Duling said coquettishly.

"Boss, there is no distinction!"

Several people were a little excited when they looked at Qin Nuo, to a certain extent!

Qin Nuo "………………"

One person paid a price of one hundred thousand.

These guys finally left.

Qin Nuo feels very shortchanged.

Simply put the blame on Zhuo Wei.

ps: The first chapter has been updated. Wow, there are two more. Come on everyone, there are eight more to be added.

Keep going, the author can hold on.

By the way, the movie will be decided in the next chapter, book friends who want to watch it should hurry up and choose early!

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