Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

230 The Big Guys All Fell Into The Trap, Song Yi And Li Qing Teamed Up To Deceive The Fairy Sister!

"Hey, I'm older than you after all. Do you know what it means to respect your seniors?"

"don't know!"

"I have never heard of it. I only know that there are no fathers and sons, no brothers, and no Yudong..."

Soon the three of them started arguing again.

While Bai Lu looked at the three of them, the hand in her hand stopped.

It turns out that all big guys are like this.

Similar to the aunties who grab groceries near my house...

Soon Xue Tao and Wang Changtian also joined the battle.

no way.

If you don't have enough pie, just grab it.

No matter how good the personal relationship between them was before.

It's no use now.

The way he looked at the other person was similar to that of his father-killing enemy.

After about ten minutes, I felt almost done.

Qin Nuo said.

"Okay everyone, stop arguing!"

"Director Qin, be careful of Wang Zhonglei, a treacherous villain."

"I heard before that this guy wants to take over your studio!"

"Wu Kebo, you are talking nonsense!" Wang Zhonglei quickly retorted after hearing this.

He even glanced at Qin Nuo secretly.

"Hmph, I heard from Xiaoli that I have people in all the top clubs you frequent in the capital!"

Wu Kebo is a talented person, and he uses all kinds of tactics to deal with these big guys!

Wang Zhonglei's face was very red. He did brag to a woman when he was drunk last time.

Unexpectedly, this woman turned out to be a spy.

What the hell.

I will never go to that crappy place again.

"I don't, I don't know Xiaoli!"

"I still have a recording here!"

"Wu Kebo, you are so shameless!!"

"Playing dirty!"

The remaining people also quickly became careful, what the hell!

Isn't this Wu Kebo also placing someone next to you?


"Okay, let's put Xiaoli's matter aside!"

Qin Nuo looked at Wang Zhonglei meaningfully.

This made Wang Zhonglei a little embarrassed.

I also felt a little aggrieved. 27

At that time, you just made a movie called Explosive Drummer, which was nothing.

Is it normal for me to have this thought?

Who knew you would be so great in the future.

And Wu Kebo, just wait for the labor and management!

This matter is not over yet!

"I will spend 250 million as a benefit to everyone!"

"Twenty-five million!!!"

Several people were surprised and even a little shocked when they heard this.

Don't look at how loud they were arguing before.

In fact, I just want Qin Nuo to share more of the cake.

"Look, we've put on such a big show for you, so how much can you pay for the tickets..."

But their highest expectation is only 40%.

Even thirty percent is acceptable.

Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo took out half of the cake at once.

More than half.

This made everyone feel a bit weak.

Isn't this cake really poisonous?

Even if the five parties share it equally, they still have to pay 50 million.

That’s quite a lot.

"Why, you're not talking anymore." Qin Nuo looked at everyone.

"Dislike too little?"

Everyone, look at me, and I'll look at you.

In the end, only Wang Changtian took action, and there was no other way.

Who makes him the oldest.

"Director Qin, honestly speaking, what do you want us to do?"

“With so much cake to share, we’re still worried about eating it!”

"That's right, Brother Qin, if you have anything to do, just say it. We will never refuse if we can help!"

"Yes, Director Qin, just tell the truth."

Qin Nuo couldn't help but laugh when he looked at everyone.

As expected, they are all the big guys in the industry, the best among the best.

How could he still bear it in the face of such a big temptation?

"Okay, I'll tell you the truth!"

Everyone cheered up.

"In two years I will ask five brothers to help me. It won't be difficult for you!"

"But it's important to me!"

"What's the rush?"

"We can't say it now!" Qin Nuo is not stupid.

Now that he has said it, won't his plan be exposed?

"Does it cost a lot of money?"

"No need to pay a penny!" Qin Nuo looked at Wang Zhonglei.

Everyone was a little confused now. It was not difficult and there was no need to pay.

What kind of medicine is this guy selling in his gourd?

"I agree to this!" Wu Kebo was the first to try.

Of course he's not stupid either.

There is no need to pay and it is not difficult.

Even if Qin Nuo has a plan, it is definitely not for himself.

In this case, why not eat it.

This kid is also cheating others.

The most you can do is let them help out!

"Brother Wu is indeed my good big brother!"

"I make the decision, you can get 60 million!"

Qin Nuo looked at him.

"I'll treat you to a drink later, drink well!"

"I agree too!" Yu Dong said quickly.

"Brother, fifty-five million!"

The remaining three couldn't help themselves after hearing this.

"I agree too!" Wang Changtian and Wang Zhonglei said in unison.

As soon as Xue Tao opened his mouth, he was blocked by two people.

"Brother Wang, I said it first."

"Why do I feel like I was the one who said it first?"

"Both brothers, stop arguing, you each have 50 million!"

Wang Changdian and Wang Zhonglei nodded.

Fortunately, I spoke quickly, otherwise it would have been a real loss.

Several people looked at Xue Tao with happy smiles on their faces.

They knew that Qin Nuo must have planned to divide it equally before.

From whom did they get the extra share?

It goes without saying...

"Old boy, your reaction is too slow!"

Xue Tao smiled bitterly, fearing that he would be scolded if he went back this time.

Labor and management were just two seconds slow.

A third of it was taken away by these old guys in the entertainment industry.

What the hell.

What a pack of hungry wolves!

"Brother Qin, why don't you shout again!"

"Don't forget it, Huayi will eat more than 30 million." Wang Zhonglei looked at Qin Nuo.

"Don't worry, Director Qin, we will work as hard as you want!"

"Yes, I can do it too!"

"No need Xue Tao, any of us can help you!"

Yu Dong looked confident.

He believed that even without Wanda, Qin Nuo would still be able to do what he wanted.

Several of them can also help.

It’s just a little more effort!



Xue Tao"..

He scolded these people in his heart and just ate a third of them.

Are you still planning to eat me alive?

I'm going to fuck you.


One day Wanda will settle the score with you guys!

"Brother Qin, I want the last share, and I'll help you too!"


"Then the final distribution rights~" Qin Nuo looked at the big bosses below.

Everyone has the ability to issue.

Even Qin Nuo himself has one.

However, it is not strong now and can release some medium-sized movies.

500 million super blockbusters, forget it.

It would really tire the people in his company to death.

"Just give it to Wanda and Bona!"

"no problem"

"That's okay with me!"

The other people didn't argue either.

Wanda and Bona are indeed better in terms of hairstyle.

After all, they have their own theater chain.

"Okay, now that we've finished talking, I'm going to treat you today! Everyone can eat whatever you want!"

the other side

Qin Nuo ate and bragged with the big guys.

Below, Fatty Zhou, Sister Hong and Lao Sun are very busy.

Forget about eating.

He didn't even have the time to drink water.

"Next!" Fatty Zhou said weakly.

"Hello, Sister Zhou Daohong and Sun Daohong, my name is Song Yi!"

"let's start!"

After a performance, Fatty Zhou drew a cross on it.

Song Yi's acting skills are average and her reputation is not great.

No need to waste time.

But Sister Hong on the side pushed him and whispered.

“Let’s give this to you and let the boss decide!”

Fatty Zhou raised his head and glanced at Song Yi.

She is indeed pretty and has unique features.

The face is short and very cute.

Is Qin Gou attracted to this guy again?

"Qin Nuo went to Huo Huo's house again?"

"No, Liu Yifei asked me to do a favor!"

Fatty Zhou "..."

"Okay, let Qin Nuo handle it himself!"

After Song Yi performed, I was very nervous. Looking at the three people muttering.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest.

She felt like she didn't perform well just now.

The main reason is that there is too much pressure.

"Okay." Fatty Zhou looked at Song Yi with a smile on his face.

"The performance is good, remember to come and participate in the next round tomorrow!"

"Ah!" Song Yi's little face was full of surprise!!

"Thank you, Director Zhou! Thank you, Director Zhou!"

"No, go back and have a good rest!!"

Song Yi quickly bowed and then jumped away.

"I think Liu Yifei is causing trouble for herself!"

Sun Wen glanced at the little girl. "

"As a best friend in the entertainment industry, I can guarantee that I will let this girl join the crew!"

"I can't help but have other thoughts!"

"The boss is a pretty person, so he probably wants this girl Huo Huo!"

"Hey, Fatty Zhou, what are you doing?"

As soon as Lao Sun finished speaking, he saw Zhou Xiangxiang recording.

The fat man smiled happily.

"I have recorded this for you. You are not allowed to compete with me for those three cameramen from Huayi."

"Otherwise I will send this recording to Qin Nuo!"


Sister Hong next to her saw both of them drunk.

I don’t know if it’s because I stayed with Qin Nuo for a long time, but some people in the company have become a lot more sinister.

You'll fall into a trap if you're not careful.

"Okay, the same goes for Li Qing below, I gave it to you!"

"Let the boss have a headache!"


"Then we can take a break!"

A few minutes later, Li Qing also came out with a smile.

"Sissi, I passed it too!"

Li Qing couldn't help but be excited.

Song Yi was also very happy and said happily.

"I felt like my performance was average just now, but I didn't expect it to be too good."

"Sissi, did you help me?"

Liu Yifei raised her head, her face full of arrogance.

"Of course, I sent a message to Sister Hong, and she will still give me this face."

"Sissi, you are so awesome!"

"What a great honor!"

Liu Yifei was very happy to be praised by the two.

It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed this feeling of being surrounded by stars.

It turns out that being a boss is so cool.

"Qian Qian, what will happen next? There is still another round of auditions!" Song Yi looked at her.


"Can you help me again?"

"It's Qianqian, sending Buddha to the west. Don't worry, we on the crew will definitely help you watch over Director Qin!"

The two women also knew it.

This first round of auditions is just the first test.

The most difficult thing is Qin Nuo’s personal audition tomorrow.

The two of them really have no advantage,

The only one I can rely on is Liu Yifei.

So she quickly gave Liu Yifei some ecstasy soup.

"This, that~" Liu Yifei was a little embarrassed.

Her abilities are really limited.

Being able to help two women advance to the second round is already the limit.

Further down.

Basically no one can decide, except Qin Nuo.

Even the last time she starred in Interstellar.

I almost scratched my tongue...

ps: The guaranteed four updates have arrived, the rest is up to you.

If you have enough monthly tickets, you can add more updates in an hour. Brothers, rise up!

By the way, what do you think of Song Yi and Li Qing as the female supporting role? I think Song Yi in cheongsam is very beautiful...

Welcome to leave a message!

Let me add, they have other arrangements, not this movie, don’t get me wrong.

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