Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

232 Second Injury, The Fairy Sister Is So Miserable, The Audition Begins, The Four Beauties From The

I took a bottle of Liu Yifei's favorite drink and returned to the room.

Why are you still crying!

Qin Nuo saw Liu Yifei still lying on the bed.

His head was covered in the pillow, and he made a whining sound.

Slap this girl on the butt.

"Don't cry, drink some wine!"

"I don't want it, get out of here Qin Nuo! Bastard, you are taking advantage of others' danger!"

"I'm still sleeping."

Liu Yifei felt aggrieved.

She was sleeping soundly and soon realized something was wrong.

When I woke up, I saw someone’s face

I wanted to run, but I didn't expect that my feet were stuck.


Anyway, she felt so bad.

So depressed.

"Qin Nuo, you are so outrageous. I even took care of you. This is how you repay me!"

Qin Nuo sat beside the bed.

He touched this girl's hair and said with a smile.

"Who asked you to dress so beautifully, maid fairy sister, no man can refuse you."

Qin Nuo can be said to be speaking from the bottom of his heart.

As soon as you woke up, you saw the fairy sister sleeping next to you.

Still wearing a maid outfit...

Qin Nuo believes that as long as that man is straight, he will do exactly the same thing as him.

"Go away, you hate me!"

"I'll never wear it again, go, go, go!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo touched his chin.

Then he looked at Liu Yifei lying on the bed.

He said secretly.

Lying down seems to work too.

Soon Liu Yifei felt something was wrong.

"Qin Nuo, what are you doing?"

"Get down here!"

"Since I won't wear it anymore, let's do it for the last time!"

Liu Yifei "...

"Asshole! Woohoo~!"


Liu Yifei was held by Qin Nuo like a puddle of mud and went to take a bath first.

Then he was carried back to bed.

My mind was foggy.

Just as I was about to go to bed, I suddenly remembered the purpose of my visit.

"I almost forgot about the real thing!"

Liu Yifei patted her head.

I kept blaming Qin Nuo for knowing how to play 767 in one day.

I'm so confused by you.

"Hey, Qin Nuo, you've already played around, you have to agree to a request of mine!"

Qin Nuo, who was communicating with Sister Hong about the audition time, looked at his phone.


Then he pinched this silly girl's face and said.

"Sissi, you are stupid, if you had said that a few hours ago.

"Even if you ask for my waist, I will accept it."

"Now that I've played all the games, my mind is at its peak!" Qin Nuo looked at her.

"How can I promise you this!"

Qin Nuo really thinks Liu Yifei is stupid.

You need to have chips in hand to negotiate terms.

No one gives the other party the chips in his hand first.

Then we'll discuss the terms...

Liu Yifei also reacted.

I miscalculated.


"No, no, you must promise me, you must promise me!

Liu Yifei had no choice but to act coquettishly.

After a while, Qin Nuo said.

"Okay, let's listen first!"

"My two little best friends, your movie..."

After listening to Liu Yifei's words, Qin Nuo was stunned.

What a fool.

Liu Yifei is too loyal.

I almost fainted from playing because of my best friend.

You are not your best friend, but your biological father!

There is no such thing.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Liu Yifei felt very strange.

"It's okay, I just think you are so generous!"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei raised the corners of her mouth.

"of course!"

"I mean you are stupid, Nizi! How can you help others like you?" Qin Nuo said secretly in his heart.

He was sure that those two little girls were taking advantage of Liu Yifei.

This woman will get carried away when she is arrogant.

Qin Nuo also often used this method to stimulate her.

Of course, the three of them must have some feelings for each other.

"How is it, how is it?"

"Is that okay?" Liu Yifei took Qin Nuo's arm.

"We'll have an audition tomorrow to see how it goes! You know me."

"It will be the same even if you come."

"Fart, it's the same fart. It was my mouth last time..." Liu Yifei glared at Qin Nuo.

"You must be fair anyway!"


Qin Nuo nodded.

But I don’t think so in my heart.

Unless these two ladies can completely conquer him with their acting skills!

Otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

Also on hand are the weird Reba and the banana-loving Nazar!

The chance that it will be the turn of those two little girls is very small.

On the other side, there is another big boss who is also eyeing the role of dream builder.

The Dream Builder is the assistant of the Dream Stealer, he has many roles, and his character design is also very good.

I have a faint admiration for Dream Stealer in my heart.

The character development is good.

The picture shows that he is definitely a fan-attracting character.

"Brother, brother, you must help me this time. This Dream Builder is custom-made for me!"

In the hotel.

Jing Tian took Jing Yu's hand.

No matter what I say, I won’t let it go.

With his pretty face and background, Jing Tian easily passed the first level.

But the second round of auditions is the most important.

"How can I help you~!"

Jingyu was embarrassed and spread his hands.

"I don't know Qin Nuo, and he is not short of money. Although our family has some connections in the military!"

"But you can't even fight Qin Nuo!"

"I can't give him a tank!"

Jingyu looked at his sister.

"Why don't you go ask Qin Nuo if he likes tanks?"

Jing Tian was stunned, yes, Qin Nuo is not like other directors.

There is no shortage of money, no shortage of connections, and there are big bosses who are optimistic about it.

Although it is definitely not as good as theirs.

But people don’t have to blame you.

It’s not like we’re in a circle, just be polite on the surface and get along.

"Then why don't you spend some money and give it a try?"

"This is also difficult, sister!"

Jing Yu shook his head, Qin Nuo was definitely not a fool.

Twenty to thirty million is definitely not worth it.

If the character collapses, that's not all that will be lost.

If you spend 100 million!

That's possible, but it's impossible to pay so much money!

Very offensive.

And it’s not worth it.

"Brother, please help me think of a solution!!"

Jingyu really had no choice but to defeat his sister, so he started to think.

After a while he said.

"There's only one way (chch)!"

Jing Tian looked at him with wide eyes.

"Brother, tell me quickly!"

"First of all, you must pass the audition. This goes without saying!"

"Secondly, we are spending some money and building relationships."

"I heard that someone at Qin Nuo Company is planning to make a military film."

"We can help when the time comes!"

"Is there nothing else?" Jing Tian was a little disappointed.

In the past, it was easy for her to get any role she wanted, but why is it so difficult this time?

Jingyu glared at his sister angrily.

"What do you think, a great international director is still filming his groundbreaking work!"

"If you dare to rob me by force, you have to admit it if you make someone angry and turn against you!"

"...Okay, then I'll practice a few more times!"

Jing Yu shook his head, hesitated for a moment and then gave the third master a movie.

"Third Master, can you help me make an appointment with Qin Chang the day after tomorrow?"

"Thank you, Third Master. The old man also wants to chat with you."

time flies.

The fateful moment has arrived.

Qin Nuo, Sun Wen, Wang Zhonglei, and Wang Changdian were sitting in the seats.

Wang Zhonglei and Wang Changdian's faces were full of seriousness.

Very strict about the role.

They invested tens of millions, so much money.

He is an artist from his own company.

If the acting is not up to par.

No one spends hundreds of millions of dollars to flatter people.

No star in the industry is worth that much money!

"Okay, Hu Ge, you go out first!"

"After three days, no matter what the result is, I will inform you!"

"Okay Director Qin!"

Hu Ge left. This time he auditioned for the Outpost, one of several male supporting actors.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the one with the most scenes is the second protagonist.

He played an important role in the play and helped the protagonist solve many difficulties.

Of course, there are many competitors, including Huang Xiaoming, Deng Chao, Shawn Yue, Nicholas Tse and others.

They all fell in love with this role.

"Choose from Xiao Ming, Chao'er, and Hu Ge as the outposts!"

Qin Nuo looked at the two people and asked.

"I have no opinion!"

"I do not have either!"

"Then continue."

Soon a very handsome man with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes came in.

"Hello, four teachers, my name is Yan Yikuan, and I'm here to audition for Fisher!"

Fisher is also the target of the protagonist team.

Always wanted to destroy his father's business.

The relationship with his father was bad, and the will later stated that Fisher would not receive any inheritance.

Because his father wanted him to start his own business...

Qin Nuo looked at the man in front of him.

Yan Yikuan, I believe that people who used to frequently surf the Internet will be familiar with it.

One of the four beauties of the world.

The costume is very handsome, and he has a noble gentleman's temperament.

Put on modern clothes and still feel a sense of elegance.

On the contrary, the temperament of Fisher, who was born into a wealthy family, matches very well.

"The four beauties at the end of the world?" Qin Nuo looked at Yan Kuan in front of him and said jokingly.

Yan Yikuan smiled bitterly.

"Director Qin, stop joking, it's all made fun of netizens.

In fact, he was quite annoyed by the name before.

What do I, a grown man, say about the four beauties...

You must be sick.

But after that, his acting career got worse and worse.

Actually, I still have to rely on the four beauties in the world to have a meal...

The dog is also beeping.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Yan Kuan took a deep breath and then started his performance,

Qin Nuo used all performances without physical objects this time.

The reason is very simple. Inception often requires performances without physical objects.

There are a lot of special effects shots.

No physical performance is the minimum requirement for this audition.

If this doesn't work, no matter who Qin Nuo is, he won't let him pass.

Several people smiled and nodded after watching Yan Yikuan's performance.

Look at each other.

The acting is really good.

Not bad in length either,

But how could he be so miserable...

Qin Nuo is actually very strange. This guy has good acting skills and looks absolutely flawless.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is countless times better-looking than those little fresh meats of later generations.

How did it get mixed up like this?

Possessed by a debilitating god?

PS, the second chapter is here. Thank you Wu Yanzu for the reward. Thank you, keep going, brothers.

The third chapter is not far away, so rush!

By the way, the college entrance examination is over, congratulations to everyone!~

Have any of our book friends taken the college entrance examination...

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