Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

238 Mi Guoguo Was Immediately Excited When He Saw The News. Warner Executives Paid Attention To Qin

Seeing everyone's stunned look, Qin Nuo said with a smile.

"People always have to surpass themselves to make progress, right?"

Seeing Qin Nuo's relaxed look, the reporters knew he was not joking.

700 million US dollars in global box office.

Equivalent to 5 billion RMB!!!

This is about setting a record!

What makes everyone even more surprised is that no one thinks that Qin Nuo is targeting the target.

This shows that Qin Nuo has this strength in their hearts.

"I would like to ask Deng Chao, how did you get the second leading role under such fierce competition.

"Haha, it's very simple!" Deng Chao looked at the reporter.

"After entering the third round, I called Director Qin every day and he finally couldn't bear it."

"Tell me I'll choose you for zero pay."

"I didn't hesitate at all and agreed immediately."

"You don't know that Director Qin was stupid at that time!"

Hearing this, a group of reporters twitched their mouths.

It turns out it can still be like this.

Brother Xiao Ming, people like Hu Ge must have lost so unfairly.

Even if you get zero pay for starring, you will still make a lot of money.

Isn't that the case for Chen Kun, even though he gets zero pay.

However, after the movie was released, the response was very good.

I heard that Qin Nuo gave him a five million red envelope.

Brother Chao is so smart!

Everyone gave Deng Chao a thumbs up in their hearts.

"Excuse me, Yang Mi, are you the first heroine in the play?"

"Of course" Yang Mi raised her head.

"In the drama, I am responsible for the appearance of "707". I guarantee that your jaw will drop when the movie is released!"

The reporters didn't believe it when they heard this.

What a joke.

Your rise to the top was not due to your relationship with Qin Nuo.

Don't think we don't know what you and Qin Nuo did in the hotel.

But wait until the movie comes out.

The faces of these reporters were swollen, and the audience was surprised by Yang Mi in the movie.

Every time Yang Mi appears.

All accompanied by countless swallowing sounds.

Director Qin understands us.

But Nazar on the other side was very unhappy. This old woman was playing tricks again.

You are the number one heroine of Fart.

I am the one.


Then all the actors were interviewed.

Among them, Miura was very grateful for participating in Inception, and Qin Nuo also smiled and nodded.

The press conference lasted two hours.

The end finally came.

"Thank you everyone, the Inception press conference ended successfully!"

After saying that, Qin Nuo stood up, and everyone followed Qin Nuo to the exit slowly.

"Director Qin, one last question."

"Director Qin, wait a minute!"

Qin Nuo ignored these guys.

Two hours is more than enough.

You reporters are really pissed if you keep asking.

The night never ends.

"Director Qin, then I'll leave this place to you!"

"Brother Wang and I are going back first.

Wang Zhonglei looked at Qin Nuo.

The two also have great trust in Qin Nuo.

Hundreds of millions of dollars of investment without even one person to supervise it.

But they're not stupid either.

This movie is the foundation of Qin Nuo.

Unless Qin Nuo doesn't make movies in the future, he will definitely not use any tricks.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

The two left,

Qin Nuo looked at everyone.

"Forget it for today, I'll turn on the phone at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

"The vilification comes first, no matter how good your personal relationship with me was before."

"If anyone dares not to be serious and has a bad attitude, he will leave immediately."

"I won't show any mercy to you."

"Don't worry, the compensation will be yours!"

All the actors became serious when they heard this.

Qin Nuo is not kidding.

He definitely means it.


"Okay, disband and go back to the hotel to study the script. This is your best chance!"

"Hold it!"


at the same time.

After the press conference.

Reporters posted all Qin Nuo’s words online, not just in China.

The same is true abroad.

After reading this.

Only then did they know what kind of story Inception was.

It's so bizarre, so mysterious.


You can actually play with such flowers.

Especially in the United States, after the audience sees the setting.

This group of idle American guys had an orgasm straight away.

"Genius setting, Dream Stealer, so awesome!"

"The most profound parasite in your body is not bacteria, but viruses, but your thoughts!"

"Dream Stealer! Shit, Qin, genius!"

"I can't wait, I really can't wait, I want to see it now!"

"Same, Qin, he's really good at whetting people's appetites. Why did he just say this little bit? Damn it!"

"I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight!"

"Oh dear, you have to be careful, Qin will sneak into your dreams at night!"

"It doesn't matter, come to Qin, I like you, tell me what kind of posture you want to try!"

"Me too, Qin, welcome you to my dream!"

The people who eat melon in the United States are also drunk.

These women are really capable of sexual intercourse.

Not just ordinary people in the United States.

Even some Hollywood executives are paying attention to Qin Nuo.

Especially Warner Bros.

President David looked at the newspaper in his hand.

His brows furrowed slightly.

I was amazed that a dream could create such a wonderful setting.

This young director is definitely in his most vigorous creative stage.

"President, you have watched Arita Minutes"

Sarnoff, who is now head of the production department, asked with a smile.

"Do you like this young man very much?"

David did not deny it, nodded and said.

“Really like it”

"Sanov, do you think the kid's movie is successful?"

Sarnoff actually started to think seriously.

After a while he said.

"As far as I know, this script has been studied by 21st Century Company for a long time."

"It was given such high praise that even Ms. Deng had to give in."

"So I think the chance of success is very high. Qin's screenwriting skills are as good as his director's!"

“Even better!”

Warner's CEO heard this and laughed.

His right-hand man actually thinks so highly of this Eastern boy.

I can't help but have a little more thoughts in my heart.

Marvel has been pressing harder and harder recently.

And their Warner DC has been out of business for a long time.

Obviously their comics came out first.

They were also the ones who opened up the concept of superheroes.

But it happened that I shot countless DC movies and all of them were thrown into the street.

From the seventies Superman, Batman, Batman and Robin, Batman Forever....

Batman v Superman.

Basically, I didn’t make much money, and I almost destroyed the DC brand.

Warner Bros. can't help it either.

I had to temporarily seal this huge IP.

Continue to rush down the street.

This IP is really useless.

"Sanov, I have a serious question for you."

"President, please tell me!"

"I said if, yes if, I ask Qin Nuo to design a movie for DC, what do you think?"

"Hiss!" Sarnov gasped when he heard this.

I was shocked!

DC Comics is Warner's real treasure.

Don't be distracted by the movie.

But the United States and even the entire West.

Countless characters in it are much more famous than Marvel.

Superman, Batman, Joker, Flash, Green Lantern and so on.

But it's like being cursed.

No matter how good the comics and peripherals are.

The movie is all about fighting, basically everyone is fighting!

The last Green Lantern film cost more than 100 million US dollars, but the box office was less than 100 million US dollars...

In the end, the board of directors unanimously approved the decision to seal the IP...

no way.

I really can’t play anymore...

"President, do you think Qin is the key to unlocking the golden mountain of DC?"

"I don't know, but I want to try!"

Sanov was silent. Is Qin powerful?

It’s awesome, but is it really possible?

No one knows.

If the movie they produce doesn't work, Warner may be ridiculed and embarrassed.

The previous lessons are still fresh in my mind.

"The president is not in a hurry. We have to wait until next year at least."

"Let's pay attention first to see how Odysseus's foundation work goes!"

"You're right! Pay close attention!"

"Okay, President!"

The old man wearing a scarf on the other side of the ocean is happy.

They just like to watch Qin Nuo brag.

And the key is that all the boasts came true in the end.

This is really awesome.

"Disappointed, disappointed!"

"What happened upstairs?"

"I was very disappointed when I saw Qin Nuo's interview. I thought Qin Nuo would claim a domestic box office of 3 billion!"

"Starting with a billion dollars in foreign box office!"

"Hey, Qin Nuo is no longer the Qin Nuo in my heart!"

When the old man with a scarf heard this, his eyes almost rolled to his forehead.

Are you so brainless?

Domestic box office 3 billion????

Are there so many people watching movies in China?

Bragging should also pay attention to the basic laws.

There is still a lot of US$700 million.

It’s really quite a lot.

Even some American blockbusters don’t have RMB 700 million.

Qin Nuo is already very good at it, okay?

"Forget it, ignore this retard, I think Qin Nuo's goal is quite high and difficult~"

"Indeed, no one can guarantee success all the time, not even Qin Nuo!"

"To be honest, the setting of the movie Qin Nuo is pretty cool. I'm just worried that the plot will be too confusing!"

"Don't look back and snap!"

"Me too, I hope this will happen. Interstellar is different and the main line is very clear." "

"This time I watched Inception with a confused look on my face. I hope Qin Nuo will take it seriously!"


"plus one!"

Qin Nuo doesn't have time to pay attention to things on the Internet, and the time for this shooting is also very tight.

4.4 Because we have to consider the issue of global release.

The best time to release it is during the Lunar New Year.

On New Year's Day, there is such a schedule in the West.

Around Christmas time.

This schedule is very good.

Couples spend Christmas together, have a meal and watch a movie.

Then go to the supermarket and buy a box of small umbrellas.

arrive home.

Enjoy together.

Movies can be regarded as emotional adjustments, after all, there is always a little lack of emotion directly.

Of course this is also a time for family reunion.

Going to the movies as a family is also a good choice.

So Qin Nuo plans to release it during the Lunar New Year period.

The shooting time is very compressed.

Before eight o'clock in the morning, the crew had everything ready.

Qin Nuo sat on the chair, glanced at it, and every head of the crew nodded.

Indicates that everything is ready.

"Deng Chao, Miura, are you ready?"

"This scene is very important!"


"No problem, Mr. Qin!"

This scene is between the dream stealer Zhou Ze and his friend the outposter Li Yun.

The two plan to steal secrets in boss Saito's dream.

But he didn't expect to be destroyed by Zhou Ze's deceased wife Phantom.

In the end, the mission failed and was captured by Saito.

"Start in two minutes!"

Qin Nuo stood up, and the two of them did the same.

ps: The weekend update has started. Guaranteed four updates, more to come, brothers

Stand up.

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