Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

259 Gentle Shishi, Qin Nuo Actually Had The Urge To Go To The Civil Affairs Bureau, And Wang Jin Fou

"Hey, can you two stop showing off your affection? I'm almost starving!" Zhao Shengnan touched his belly.

"When can we go have breakfast!"

Zhao Shengnan woke them up early in the morning.

This woman was holding the banner of Qin Nuo yesterday.

I also got a room for free.

When Qin Nuo found out, he slapped her twice on the forehead.

You take advantage of this.

Now Xiao Zhao still has a red mark on his head.

"Xiao Zhao, can you eat less every day? If you continue to eat, I will worry about whether you will get married in the future."

"None of your business!"

"I'm doing this for your own good! Why can't you, girl, tell the difference between good and evil!"

"You beat me in just one day, why can't I rely on my appetite to relieve my pain? It's all your fault that I'm so fat!"

"Qin Nuo!"

“Screw you, blame others for your greediness, blame gravity for your inability to poop!”

“Qin Nuo, you are so disgusting!”


Liu Shishi on the side watched Qin Nuo and Xiao Zhao bickering.

There was also an aunt's smile on her face.

One of these two people is her future husband, and the other is her best friend.

The two of them get along so well.

Liu Shishi felt really happy.

"Stop arguing, you two, the phone in the room is ringing!"

"Xiao Zhao, go answer the phone!"

"Why should I go!"

"If you don't go, give me back the card!"

Xiao Zhao answered the phone unhappily.

After a while, he took the phone to Qin Nuo.

"Looking for you~"

"Who is it?"

"Hotel manager~!

"give it to me!"

"Hello, Director Qin is like this..." 27

Qin Nuo drank coffee while answering the phone, and hung up the phone a minute later.

No words were spoken.

His brows furrowed slightly.

Liu Shishi asked after seeing this.

"What's wrong with Qin Nuo!"

Xiao Zhao next to him didn't interrupt when he saw Qin Nuo's appearance.

"It's nothing, just Xiang Huaqiang wants to treat me to morning tea!"

"Xianghuaqiang" Liu Shishi has also been in the industry for such a long time.

Naturally, we know this person’s energy in Xiangjiang.

"Then go, you are invited, it would be rude not to go!"

Qin Nuo looked at Liu Shishi with a gentle look on her face.

"But we agreed not to do any work this month."

Liu Shishi holds Qin Nuo. His face was full of affection.

"It's okay, these twenty days are the happiest days in my life."

"Go and do your work, it won't waste much time!"

Look into Liu Shishi's eyes.

Qin Nuo now really has the urge to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Liu Shishi!

But he still endured it.

"How about you come with me!"

"Forget it, I'm not interested in your work. Xiao Zhao and I are going to have breakfast together!"

"Do not worry about me!"

"That's okay" Qin Nuo stood up and looked at Xiao Zhao.

"Katsuo, take care of your boss!"

"I want you to say it!"

After shaking the girl's head, Qin Nuo changed her clothes and left.

"Damn it, Qin Nuo, I just got my hair done!"

"Sir, please come this way!"


Soon Qin Nuo was led by the waiter to an exquisite room.

You can see the simplest life in Xiangjiang right on the street.

If Qin Nuo guessed correctly, this store has been open for at least several decades.

There are many guests.

Xiang Huaqiang saw that Qin Nuo was coming alone, and winked at Wang Jin.

Wang Jin nodded.

Xiang Huaqiang stood up and extended his hand with a smile.

"Xianghua Wall!"

"Qin Nuo!"

Without further introduction, Qin Nuo sat across from them.

"Director Qin, it's better to meet him than to be famous!" Xiang Huaqiang looked at Qin Nuo.

"I really didn't expect Director Qin to be so young. Looking at Director Qin, I realized that I was really already young!"

"How come, Brother Hua was my idol when I was a kid!"

"Long Wu is really super handsome!"

Qin Nuo is no stranger to Xianghua Wall.

It should be said that many people born in the 1990s are familiar with Xianghua Wall.

In the era when Hong Kong movies were popular.

The man in front of me has also acted in many movies.

Long Wu is one of the most representative characters.

"Haha!!" Xiang Huaqiang smiled happily.

"I'm old. I could still play twenty years ago, but now I can't!"

"I think it will work. Brother Hua is very skilled. If I have time, I don't want Brother Tsinghua to teach me two moves!"

"That's no problem, just come to me anytime!"


"That's still available, come anytime!"

Wang Jin on the side watched Qin Nuo being so happy with Xiang Huaqiang, and secretly admired him.

Qin Nuo is good at making movies.

But this interpersonal relationship is also tricky.

I had a lot of fun in the Mainland with Mr. San and all the big guys.

Come to Xiangjiang.

Cai and Xiang Huaqiang had known each other for less than a few minutes, and they quickly became familiar with each other.

Xiang Huaqiang has always liked kung fu and other things.

Qin Nuo also liked him, and when he caught Xiang Huaqiang, he questioned him.

But the Xianghua Wall is so beautiful.

The two of them chatted while eating, and half an hour passed without noticing.

"Qin Nuo, let me tell you, just twenty years ago, I could fight several of them by myself!"

"Those who rushed to the street to collect protection money actually got it from me. A group of bastards blocked me in the alley!"

"Oh, what happens next!"

"Afterwards" Xiang Huaqiang smiled disdainfully.

"Then I took the bamboo pole on one side and used it as a stick, using the Wulang Bagua Stick!"

"I hit each person with a stick, and in less than two minutes, those few who threw themselves on the street were beaten to the ground and kept begging for mercy!"

"so smart!"

"That's, and..."

Wang Jin on the side sounded drunk.

One of you dares to brag and the other dares to believe it!

One stick at a time, fists are more reliable than sticks in the alley.

It's so narrow and the stick is stuck. Let me see what you do...

But this is true.

It's just that Xianghua Qiang was chased three blocks away, if he hadn't run so fast.

He had been hacked to death a long time ago...

Wang Jin looked at Xiang Huaqiang and couldn't stop, so he quickly pushed the guy.

Don't brag, okay? We're here for business.

Xiang Huaqiang was still a little unhappy, but he didn't react until he saw Wang Jin's eyes.

I seemed a little excited.

"I'm sorry, Director Qin." Xiang Huaqiang looked at Qin Nuo.

"As people get older, they talk more!"

"It's okay! I just like hearing this!"

"Really? Then I'll..."

"Ahem, someone is coming!"

Wang Jin quickly winked at Xiang Huaqiang again.

Brother, we finally caught Qin Nuo.

Can you please stop blowing it?

Do you really regard the movie as reality?

If you still take bullets, you take a hammer!!

"Yes, open the door, Wang Jin!"

As soon as Qin Nuo opened the door, he smelled a gust of fragrant air and turned his head to take a look.

A pretty woman stood at the door.

"Hello, Director Qin, I am Wen Yongchun!"

"Come in Shanshan!"

Wang Jin smiled happily.

Qin Nuo didn’t pay much attention to the woman she sent to Qin Nuo before.

I went back and studied the Qin Nuo flavor carefully.

I found that Qin Nuo seems to like younger people recently.

So Wang Jin looked around and pulled Wen Yong over.

This woman should be in line with Qin Nuo's taste.

Young, pretty and in good shape.

And she looks like a little woman.

It can arouse men's protective desire!

"What are you standing for? Just sit next to Director Qin!"

"Director Qin's first time in Xiangjiang" Wang Jin looked at her.

"Shanshan, as the host, you must treat me well!"

Wen Yongqian also blushed a little. She had just debuted.

Very unskilled in business.

Timid, a little afraid.

Qin Nuo looked at Fatty Wang and was speechless. How could this fat man think about pimping all day long?

What kind of movie are you making?

"sit down!"

Qin Nuo didn't want to embarrass Xiao Nizi too much, so he smiled and said to her.

"Thank you, Director Qin!"

Wen Yongqian glanced at Qin Nuo gratefully.

Sitting next to Qin Nuo, I felt anxious.

Body stiff.

"Director Qin, Shanshan's acting skills are very good. If you have time, you can try it!"

"Say it again!"

Qin Nuo glanced at Wen Yongshan.

723 Not to mention what a coincidence.

There is a character in Wushuang that suits this woman quite well.

Wen Yongchun blushed so much when he heard this, but he didn't object.

Only then did Xiang Huaqiang think of business.

"Director Qin, I don't know what you think about the movie Wang Jin talked about with you last time!"

"Yeah, brother, it's been a long time, have you finished writing it?"

Qin Nuo touched his chin, thought for a while and said.

"It's already written, but..."

When they heard this, their eyes lit up.

"But what? Tell me, brother."

"But I may not have time to shoot, how about you, Brother Wang, come and shoot! I'll sell you the script later!"

Before, Qin Nuo could be photographed.

But now his plans have changed.

The schedule is a bit tight.

Inception will be released soon, so I really don’t have time.


Wang Jin's eyes lit up and he was very happy.

He believes that his directing skills are not much worse than Qin Nuo.

It’s just that he doesn’t have as good screenwriting skills and fame as Qin Nuo.

Shooting for him can also help Wang Jin gain more.

Xiang Huaqiang didn't object when he heard this.

Wang Jin is considered one of the most outstanding directors in Hong Kong.

Don't watch a lot of bad movies.

But in fact, this fat man just needs to get serious.

The strength is also very strong.

"But Qin Nuo, what about the things we promised before!"

Wang Jin was a little embarrassed.

This script is given, what about the award?

"It's okay, just go back and Brother Hua and Director Wang can help me!"

The two looked at each other.

a little worried.

You know, Qin Nuo's scripts are very popular in the industry.

Someone even offered Qin Nuo 50 million to help write a science fiction film with a share of the box office.

But everyone refused.

Now Qin Nuo actually wants to sell them.

They were a little suspicious, and they were afraid that it would be difficult to help.

ps: The guaranteed four updates have arrived. Please support me. There are only five tickets left, but there are still five tickets left...

By the way, let me mention the plot: I have finished writing the story, and the movie will be released soon. It’s coming!

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