Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

The Big Guys In The 261 Circle Are Also Confused, Yang Mi And Reba Are Jealous, The Trip Is Over, Qi

Will the premiere be in Hollywood?

Seriously, this is the first time. No Chinese film has ever received such treatment.

"Don't ask me, I just heard it from hearsay, you go ask Qin Nuo!"

"He must know!"

After hearing this, many netizens opened private messages on Qin Nuo's scarf and asked Qin Nuo.

"Director Qin, is your movie going to premiere in the United States?"

"Director Qin, stop playing around and come back quickly. Lu Chuan has almost made all the theater chains in China mad!"

"Qin Gou, talk~!'

"Is Inception really going to premiere in the United States?"

Originally it was just a hearsay.

But about Qin Nuo, it's his new movie.

Soon the news became a hot topic among netizens.

[Qin Nuo’s new film Inception is suspected of having a grand premiere in the United States!]

As soon as netizens who wore scarves saw this news, they immediately became uneasy.

This is a joke.

Is Inception a Hollywood movie?

How is it possible to hold a premiere in the United States?

Where did Qin Nuo get so much energy?

Of course, many people scolded Qin Nuo for licking a foreigner.

However, these people were soon scolded by other netizens.

Others don't know it clearly, but netizens can still understand Qin Nuo.

This guy was at the Golden Horse Awards last time, but he didn't give the organizers any face.

It has become a benchmark for mainland artists.

Such a person would lick someone else's American guy?

You won’t even go to other people’s homes.

This matter soon attracted the attention of the entertainment industry bosses.

To be honest, they were also confused as to what kind of rumors this was.

We investors don’t know how such a big thing happened.

"Has the call been connected?" Wang Zhongjun looked at Wang Zhonglei.

Wang Zhonglei put down his cell phone.

"No, this guy has turned off his phone for several days!"

"Isn't this guy kidnapped?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Qintian Entertainment said Qin Nuo is going on a trip!"

"Last time I heard that people from Xiangjiang saw Qin Nuo and Liu Shishi there!"

.....This guy is traveling with his beauty and doesn’t even answer the phone. It’s so damn cool.”

Wang Zhonglei was very unhappy.

We are so nervous here that you are traveling with other people's little girls.

It’s strange to have a balance in your heart.


"I know a hammer, you ask me Wu Kebo?" Wang Zhonglei shouted into the phone.

"Labour and management haven't settled the accounts with you for what happened last time."

"Next time you spy on me, I'll kill you!"

Just after hanging up the phone, Wang Changtian called again.

"Why are you all asking me? I don't know. You don't know how to contact Qin Nuo yourself!"

"Fuck you, Wang Changtian, if you dare to scold me again, be careful, I won't be polite!"


Wang Zhonglei hung up the phone, feeling even more angry.

These guys think of themselves when they have something to do, and throw it aside when they have nothing to do.

Especially Wu Kebo.

That guy reacted so quickly, and he got the most investment.

Wang Zhongjun on the other side didn't care about these little things.

After thinking for a while he said.

"Don't worry, this shouldn't be groundless."

"Qin Nuo should be back soon, let's just wait.

"But public opinion, many people on the Internet say that Qin Nuo worships foreigners and favors foreigners!"

When Wang Zhongjun heard this, he was very disdainful.

This must have been caused by some jealous people in the circle.

Or it was just those people on the Internet.

Qin Nuo is the leader in their circle.

It's normal to hit him casually!

"Find someone to clean up, they are all jealous guys, don't pay attention!"

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

Qin Nuo's phone number is about to be buzzed with calls. Big bosses in the industry are looking for him.

Wu Kebo, Yu Dong, Tian Changtian and others are all looking for him.

The same goes for your own company.

It was a trip that I just left without telling Sister Hong.

Now on the hot search, Sister Hong receives dozens of calls every day.

They were all asking about this.

Some celebrities are going crazy, and Sister Hong wants a spot.

If only I could walk on the red carpet in Hollywood.

That's under the eyes of the world.

But Sister Hong was also confused,

She didn't know if this was true.

Qin Nuo didn’t explain!

What kind of boss is this?

If you entrust the company to me, you must explain everything clearly.

"Did you get through? Did you get through?"


Reba was also looking at Yang Mi anxiously.

"Let's get over this, Qin Nuo is really hateful, he should have elope with Liu Shishi.

Yang Mi was very angry.

It's not just a matter of Qi Net.

I am even more angry with Qin Nuo for his partiality.

Everyone is your woman, so why is Qu Liu Shishi traveling alone?

Is it because she is living well?


Isn’t this pair of treasures as good as this Xiaolongbao?


"That's right, Brother Nuo is partial, why don't you take me on a trip!

Reba pouted, feeling very unhappy.

When the two of them are together, Reba agrees to Qin Nuo's strange requests.

As a result, if this hot search hadn't exploded.

She didn't know yet that Qin Nuo took Liu Shishi out to play.

I felt very uncomfortable.

"Take the hell out of you, take me!"

"Yang Mi, I haven't settled the score with you yet." Reba looked at Da Mi Mi with her waist and was very angry.

"Qin Nuo told me that it was you who stole my role."

"Otherwise, I will definitely play the dream maker Zou!"

"You bastard!"

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment when she heard this.

Then he stood up slowly and looked at Reba with cold eyes.

These little girls are really brave now.

Last time, Nazar put turmeric powder in her cosmetics.

She was allowed to stay in the hotel for four or five days before she dared to see anyone.

Now the little girl Reba is getting bolder.

How dare you call me by my name and even want to settle a score with me!!

Do you really think that I, Yang Mi, am here on the first day?

Good temper!

Reba looked a little frightened when she looked at Yang Mi, and slowly backed away.

He also said in his mouth.

"Hey, Yang Mi, what do you want to do?"

"What I said was the truth. Brother Nuo told me that Jiahang can only choose one!"

"If it weren't for you, he would still like to act (chcj) with me!"

Yang Mi didn't answer, but slowly walked towards Reba.

The aura on his body began to explode, his eyes were narrowed, and his expression was cold.

Xiao Nizi finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Yang Mi’s eyes were so scary.

Xiao Nizi's journey has been smooth sailing, and she has never seen such a scene before.

"Ah, I suddenly remembered that I have a commercial performance, I have to leave first!"

Reba turned around and ran away.

However, she was grabbed by Yang Mi.

"Xiao Nizi, if you want to run away, let's see how I deal with you today!"

"Hey, Yang Mi, don't force me to do it, I'm not afraid of you!"

"Come on little girl!"

Reba did fight back, but was quickly suppressed by Yang Mi.

Xiao Nizi's bastard boxing set was broken by Yang Mi's sweeping kick.

Finally he was pressed on the sofa.

Slap after slap on the buttocks.

"Yang Mi, let me go!"

"How dare you call me by my name, Xiaonizi, if it weren't for me, you would be able to do so well!"

"Then I have good taste, what does it have to do with you!"

"You dare to talk back, I will tear your mouth apart today!"

A few minutes passed.

"Oh, sister Mi, I was wrong, don't spank me, your butt hurts!"

"Isn't that just right? Qin Nuo likes to have a raised butt. Let me help you!"


"Don't you dare talk back to me in the future!"

"I don't dare anymore!"


"I can't even call anyone!"

"Sister Mi, I don't dare anymore!"


Do you still dare to compete with me for roles in the future?"

"No more, no more, it hurts, Sister Mi!"


"Remember this lesson well!"

"If I, Yang Mi, are here for a day, don't even think about turning over and becoming the master!


Reba's assistant outside heard the voice and shook his head.

Didn't even go in to help.

She didn't know why Reba was so brave recently.

How dare you provoke Yang Mi.

I really thought that if you fell in love with Qin Nuo, Sister Mi would not deal with you.

Xiao Nizi, you are young!

After playing in Australia for more than ten days with Liu Shishi, the two finally returned to the Magic City.

"Qin Nuo, this month has been the happiest time for me." Liu Shishi looked at Qin Nuo.

"I will remember it for the rest of my life!"

"Me too, I miss the day before yesterday when we were on the beach, it was so comfortable!"

Hearing this, Liu Shishi's face suddenly turned red.

Jiao said angrily.

"Asshole, who said this?"

A few days ago, the two came to an uninhabited island in Australia.

They were the only two people within a few kilometers.

Upon seeing this, Qin Nuo came directly behind her.

Liu Shishi was so nervous that she almost died. This was the real day...

"Asshole, I'm leaving!"

Liu Shishi glared at Qin Nuo and went to Tangren.

After playing outside for more than a month, she has a lot of work backlog.

I will be busy next time.

Qin Nuo stretched and looked at the time.

"Go to the company. I haven't been back for so long. Don't look back. Sister Hong emptied my company for me!"

"Boss, you're back!"

"Boss, you're back!"

Back to the company, many people greeted me along the way.

Of course he greeted me with a smile.

"Xiao Li is getting older again, not bad, not bad."

"Xiao Zhou, why didn't I realize your legs were so long before?"

"The boss is annoying!"

"Hey, boss, do you want to touch me?"


"Sister Hong, the boss is back"

As soon as Qin Nuo arrived at the company, Sister Hong's assistant reported to her immediately.

"came back!"

Sister Hong's face was full of surprise.

Get up and run downstairs quickly.

When I saw the scene in front of me, my face instantly turned dark.

Qin Nuo was surrounded by a group of beautiful people.

They are all administrative ladies from the company.

Qin Nuo’s company can’t be said to be prosperous and prosperous.

Speaking of which, there are actually more male employees.

However, they are not in the company all year round.

When I'm not filming in other places, I'm on vacation at home.

Therefore, there are many more female employees staying on duty in the company.

Moreover, Sister Hong is a senior member of the Appearance Association.

The administrative ladies I found are pretty good.

This is a bargain Qin Nuo.

ps: Added chapter 2

Keep going, brothers.

It's still early, so I should still be able to code one!!!

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