Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

263 A Group Of Theater Chain Tycoons Gathered At The Hollywood Hall. An Uninvited Guest, Someone Fro

The next day Qin Nuo took Xiao Nizi around Hollywood.

The movie screening won't be held until tomorrow.

There's nothing we can do about it. Deng Wendi invited a lot of people, not just from the United States.

All five gay friends in the United States are invited, so it takes a long time.

Qin Nuo doesn’t mind either.

Reba is definitely a perfect girlfriend.

Sweet and sweet, Qin Nuo didn't feel anything yet, and the day passed in laughter.

Meanwhile, Hollywood has no secrets.

The news that Fox was going to hold a viewing party for Qin Nuo's new film quickly spread throughout Hollywood.

All major companies are very vigilant, Qin Nuo is not a casual person.

The film Interstellar at the beginning of the year directly opened the door to the United States and the world for him.

Even Prometheus, which Disney invested 60 million US dollars in, suffered in his hands.

I'm afraid a bad wolf is coming during the Christmas period this time.

Holley House.

Warner Bros. Tower.

"Young man, you're shooting really fast. It's only been less than a year!"

CEO David looked at the messages on his phone with a smile on his face.

"The film is actually finished?"

"That's not surprising, David!" Sarnoff brought him a cup of coffee.

"China doesn't have as many associations as our Haolaiwu. They can even shoot for one or two hours a day!"

"If any director in Hollywood dares to do this, he will be taken to court tomorrow!"

"That's true!"

The film industry here at Hollywood is indeed developed, but the working hours are also very convenient.

A maximum of eight hours of shooting a day.

If there are too many.

The actors would not agree, and neither would the staff behind the scenes.

Unless you can give them a satisfactory number.

This number may be several times the normal salary.

If this is the case, investors will not be willing.

So in terms of efficiency, Holawood is indeed not as good as Qin Nuo.

"David, it's not us who should be worried, Sony and Disney should be the ones to worry about. Journey to the Center of the Earth 2 and Hotel Transylvania are also scheduled for Christmas!"

"That's true!"

David laughed when he heard this, today is Christmas.

Warner doesn’t have any big movies coming out.

Just some short films.

The impact is very small or almost none.

After all, this type of small film has a specific audience.

However, no matter how well other blockbusters sell, they will not be affected.

"Sanov, do you think Qin Nuo can beat those two films this time around?"

“I suffered a loss last time around the world!”

Sanoff thought for a while but did not give an answer.

If it were another director, it would definitely not work.

After all, these two movies are also Hollywood blockbusters.

The global box office was at least 200 million when it was released.

Where else besides Hollywood can sell so many movies?

absolutely not.

But Qin Nuo is different. The audience is looking forward to him and his movies.

As long as it can maintain the same level as Interstellar at the beginning of the year.

Disney and Sony are afraid they will suffer a big loss.

"David, how about we go to Forks tomorrow?"

When David heard this, his eyes lit up.

Although Hollywood's eight major companies rarely attend other companies' movie viewing parties.

But if you really want to go, if there is no competition.

They won't refuse either.

As long as there is no conflict of interest, everyone is good friends.

Seeing that David was a little moved, Sarnov continued.

"If the film is good, we can take the opportunity to contact Qin Nuo first!"

"Hmph, compared to the 21st century, Warner Bros. is the real local snake!"

Sarnoff was right.

The parent company of Warner Bros. is Warner Times!

It has numerous companies, especially in the media sector.

Even more influential than Fox.

Time magazine is theirs.

Every time the President of the United States is running for election, he must establish good relations with others.

A real media giant!

"Okay, let's go take a look tomorrow. I'm very curious about this little guy!"

"Then I'll make arrangements!"

The vertical sun, early morning.

"Xiao Nizi, there's no need to put on makeup. We're going to a movie party, not a red carpet! No one knows you!"

"Just wait a little longer, Brother Nuo, it'll be just a moment, it'll be over!"

Last night, Qin Nuo said that he would take Reba to attend the movie viewing party.

This girl was so excited.

Get up early in the morning, pick out clothes and put on makeup.

Qin Nuo woke up for the first time and saw Reba sitting on a stool putting on makeup.

After sleeping for another hour and washing up.

This girl is still changing...

He was also drunk.

If I had known that this woman was so ugly, I wouldn't have taken her there.

"I'm giving you five minutes. If it's not done yet, I'll go by myself!"

"Wait for me, wait for me, okay, okay!"

an hour later,

The two came to Fox downstairs.

"Ms. Deng!"

"Qin Nuo, I hope you can bring me a huge surprise this time!"

Qin Nuo looked at the woman in front of him and smiled.

"Ma'am, I think what's inside is the best Christmas gift for you!"

"I am looking forward!"

Hand the safe in your hand to the Fox staff.

Deng Wendi introduced Qin Nuo as he walked. ,

"This is Kevin, the director of production at Fox, my good friend!"

Qin Nuo is not stupid, Deng Wendi's meaning is very simple.

This person is one of our own, you can say whatever you want.

"Hello, Wen"

Kevin showed a handsome smile and shook hands with Qin Nuo.

"Odysseus Qin, nice to meet you! I admire your talent!"

"Kevin, let me tell you first, I am a straight man."

"...Haha, you misunderstood, and so did I!"

The two chatted quite happily, and Kevin was a smart man.

A few compliments to each other can quickly bring us closer to each other.

Kevin and Deng Wendi had previously opposed each other.

Afterwards, seeing that the situation was not good, he quickly joined Deng Wendi.

Helped her clear many obstacles.

The grasp of the form is very precise, I have to say that this is the real essence of human nature!

After a few people chatted for a while, major theater companies in the United States came with their own film viewing experts.

"Qin, I hope you can give me a surprise today. I flew here from the west coast.

"Ryan, I will never let you down."


Kevin had just explained to him that the fat man in front of him was the manager of AMG, one of the three major theater chains in the United States.

Very vicious eyes

"Qin, I hope this Inception can be as exciting as Interstellar!"

"Vinson, I believe you will doubt your own life after reading this!"

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

This guy is also the manager of regal, the three major theater chains. This time he brought the company's best movie experts to Fox...

After that, many people came one after another.

Not only the United States but also many theaters in the West sent people to this viewing party.

This is the true heritage of the eight major Hollywood companies.

They are inextricably linked with almost every theater chain in the world.

I can call people here within a day.

Qin Nuo can't do this kind of thing, not even one person can do it.

This is the result of decades of hard work by our company.

This is why people dare to charge 30% or even 40% when doing distribution.

The ultimate distribution capability is unparalleled.

"Haha, my friend Qin, welcome to the United States!"

Qin Nuo looked at the person in front of him. This should be Ace, the manager of CGK Cinemas.

The two hugged.

Suddenly Qin Nuo noticed the two people behind him and frowned.

These two people seemed familiar, as if they had seen them somewhere.

The two of them smiled and nodded at Qin Nuo, who did not expect so much.

"Qin, what are you looking at?"

"Oh, it's nothing Ace! Welcome!"

Qin Nuo didn't see it.

But the smiles on the faces of Kevin and Deng Wendi on the side suddenly froze.

If others don’t recognize it, why don’t they recognize it?

Even if these two people turned into ashes, they could still recognize them from the ashes.

Because their ashes reveal filth.

Deng Wendi leaned against Kevin and winked, and Kevin quickly came to the two of them.

Take it aside.

"David, Sarnoff, if you two are not drinking coffee in the office, why are you here at Fox?"

David didn't say anything, and Sarnoff smiled.

"Kevin, we are friends, why should we reject someone thousands of miles away?"


"Last time our Fox movie was rated R because of your participation, which cost us tens of millions in box office losses!"

Kevin smiled disdainfully.

"Is this the kind of friend who stabs you in the back?"

The American film classification system has been in place for a long time, but this right is not in the hands of others.

It is controlled by several powerful film companies. 5.3

They are the only ones in the so-called film association.

This is another reason why people look to the eight major companies for distribution, so that the movie can be rated lower.

Can get more box office.

Sarnoff was also a little embarrassed.

"This is all in the past, Kevin needs to move on.

"Besides, we don't have any blockbusters released during the Christmas period this time. What you should worry about is Disney and Sony!"

Kevin thought it made sense, and the identities of these two people were not simple.

There's no need to be so tense.

"No trouble!"


"What are those two bastards doing here?"

"She seems to be just a lady here to watch the excitement!"


Deng Wendi didn't believe it because Wei was called the Hollywood Movie Razer.

How could a creature like a venomous snake wander around.

There must be a purpose.

"Be careful, this movie viewing is very important, don't let it be ruined!"

"Don't worry, madam, if they dare to cause trouble, the security guards of the 21st century will teach them a profound lesson!"

Deng Wendi nodded and didn't care.

ps: The second one is the monthly pass. Why don’t I have one?

Brothers, stand up!

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