Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

In The Battle For 268 Spots, Qin Nuo Became The Biggest Favorite In The Industry. Another Overwhelmi

But there are also many people saying sarcastic things.

"Isn't it just to go to the Hollywood movie theater? As for this?"

"Maybe I'll go out on the street. I'll see how happy you are when you come out in a month.

"What annoys you the most is that it's not showing in theaters, right?"

"Aren't you afraid that your face will be swollen after the movie is released?"

"What the person above said is right, maybe Qin Nuo will come back in despair!

Hearing this, Qin Nuo's fans laughed.

"You trolls are shady, aren't you?"

"Yes, this is a happy thing no matter how you say it, your heart is so dark?"

"Don't tell them, these guys have bad minds."

"Do you think people in the 21st century are idiots? If they haven't seen the movie, they will hold a premiere for Qin Nuo?"

"The people upstairs are right, ignore them, they are a bunch of jealous people, if you really meet them in real life"

"Don't dare to fart"

"what are you saying?"

"Tell me what's wrong with you. If you have a temper, tell me your home address!"

Although there are a small number of people who can't stand Qin Nuo.

But this does not affect the influence of this scarf in any way.

It hit the headlines in less than two hours.

Big bosses in the entertainment industry have also taken action.

As investors, they "527" can also go to the premiere, although they are indeed big shots in the domestic entertainment industry.

But in Hollywood, there is basically no fame at all.

They are all people.

Even big shots can't help but show off sometimes.

"Zhong Lei," Wang Zhongjun looked at him.

"I plan to take two days off during Christmas, so you can help me keep an eye on the company..."

When Wang Zhonglei heard this, his face turned dark.

Take two days off.

You think I'm stupid, you go to Hollywood to play with horses and show off.

I work hard in the company alone.


And it was me who contacted Qin Nuo for this investment.

You are a ready-made person.

"Brother, I don't want it, I want to go to Hollywood!"

"Zhong Lei, what are you thinking about?" Wang Zhongjun was unhappy.

"I'm going to work, not to play!"

"No matter what you say, I will go. This investment was made by me." Wang Zhonglei looked at him.

"You can't eat it ready-made!"


Wang Zhongjun instantly felt that he was a bit annoying for such a younger brother.

"Okay, okay, let's do it together!"

"What about the company?"

"Will it fail if I'm not there for one day?"

"Boss, take me there, take me there!"

Tang Yan was stuck in Wu Kebo's office.

The young lady is feeling very sad recently. She hasn’t been with Qin Nuo for a long time.

This guy didn't call. He must have forgotten me.


Tang Yan doesn't think it's possible and must ask Qin Nuo.

I am naturally beautiful, both sweet and cute.

She also has a pair of long legs, can she still be inferior to those bitches?

"Okay, okay, stop quarreling with me and I'll take you there!"

Wu Kebo was also annoyed.

Originally, he planned to take his Xiaomi with him.

But Tang Yan rushed back immediately after hearing the news.

As the first sister of the company.

Wu Kebo hesitated and chose Tang Yan.

Give Nizi a little more chance.

Isn’t it said that when a woman pursues a man, there is a layer of veil between her?

Why haven't I heard how you and Qin Nuo are doing?

Come on.

Look at those people, they all look like blockbuster girls.

Look at you again, there has been no movement since you embroidered the spring knife...

This is just a small microcosm of the entertainment industry.

Many people who were eligible to go were annoyed.

That's Hollywood.

Although it sounds a bit shocking.

But it is undeniable that

In this era, Hollywood is still a place that Chinese filmmakers yearn for.

Is the center of world cinema

The Oscars are also the world's highest film awards.

So everyone in the circle who has some connections is asking about it.

I want to take a walk on the Holley House carpet.

Ordinary actors can only look for actors in Inception to see if they can get some opportunities.

But the chances are very small.

After all, everyone will bring their closest people with them.

For example, Deng Chao must only bring his own wife.

The same goes for Shen Teng.

So many people have set their sights on Qin Nuo.

As a director, he is also the main creator of this film.

There will definitely be many places left for him in the 21st century.


"It's okay, Imperial Master, but only two. More will be fine."

"Thank you Qin Nuo, I will remember this favor," Zhang Yimou said excitedly.

Qin Nuo is very strange, Zhang Yimou is the national teacher.

He is also the leading director in China.

There's no need to be so excited about a spot.

"Lao Mouzi, isn't it just a premiere? What a favor!"

"That's a Hollywood house!"

“So what about Hollywood?”

..." Zhang Yimou on the other end of the phone fell silent. He spoke after a while.

"Perhaps it's the obsession of our generation. In our day, Hollywood was the holy land of movies!"

"All right!"

Qin Nuo hung up the phone. Anyway, he thought it was nothing.

Holy land? Holy land is a hammer.

More than ten years later, political correctness brought down Hollywood.

The mermaids turned into little black fish...

But it grossed him out

If not for making a little more money.

Qin Nuo feels that the Great Hall of the People is actually the perfect premiere venue in his mind.


After Zhang Yimou, many friends in the industry asked Qin Nuo for a spot.

As long as they have a good relationship, Qin Nuo will give it to them.

"Thank you, my mighty little tiger!"

"Sister Binbin, don't do this." Qin Nuo felt goosebumps listening to Li Binbin act coquettishly.

"She's the Royal Sister, why are you so cute?"

Humph, Qin Nuo, you are really meaningless and don’t understand any sentiment.”

"Really? Make an appointment tonight?"


"What a hammer, it's dead!"


Qin Nuo looked at the phone and smiled happily. Big sister is still very funny.

If you have a chance, open a package for her

Seeing that it was almost time, Qin Nuo was ready to go to bed.

Unexpectedly, an unexpected person called him.

"Director Feng! It's been such a long time since we last met. What can you do with me?"

Feng Xiaogang on the other end of the phone couldn't help but get angry when he heard Qin Nuo's arrogant tone.

But he endured it for the sake of quota.

Zhang Yimou said something that was actually quite right, in their time.

Hollywood is a mecca for movies.

Feng Xiaogang also hesitated for a long time before calling Qin Nuo.

"Qin Nuo, give me two places!"

"Ah, what quota?"

... Qin Nuo! Don’t act stupid!”

Qin Nuo smiled happily and continued to ask.

"Director Feng, you must make it clear what the quota is, otherwise how would I know?"

When Feng Xiaogang heard this, he was very angry, but he was already embarrassed and didn't care anymore...

"Give me two of your seats at the Hollywood premiere of Inception!"

"Oh, I almost forgot"

"Yes, my movie is premiering in Hollywood, director Feng!"

"Won't you congratulate me?"

"Fuck you Qin Nuo, you are awesome and arrogant, don't let me go!"

"I will just stay at home and watch you build a tall building and entertain guests..."

“In the end, I watched the building collapse!!”

"Asshole, hang up!"

Feng Xiaogang threw the phone aside, his old face turned red.

This kid Qin Nuo is so hateful.

You even showed off to me that the labor and management no longer go to the head office.


I don't believe that your movie can be shot perfectly, even if it has a little bit of a flaw.

Then I will scold you on my scarf!


Qin Nuo looked at the phone and smiled happily. He didn't know why he was so satisfied when he heard Feng Xiaogang's angry voice.

There is a sense of revenge.

However, places must still be allocated.

After flipping through Weixin, he sent a message to Chen Fan.

"Xiaogang, Qin Nuo invited us to watch the premiere together." Chen Fan walked into the study.

Why can't I hide it?

"What the hell?"

Feng Xiaogang is still angry with Qin Nuo.

This guy is super hateful.

"He sent me a message and asked me if I wanted to go. He could give me two places."

"Xiao Gang, aren't you going? Then I'll go with my sister!"

"Who said I won't go? I will!"

"Okay, I'll reply to Qin Nuo!"

Feng Xiaogang finally felt a lot happier, even though Qin Nuo was a bit hateful.

But at least I still have some conscience.

Look back if the movie is not well made.

I will also give you face and show mercy.

But suddenly Feng Xiaogang felt something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, Nipo, how can you have the prestige of Qin Nuo!"

"It was added during the last Golden Rooster Awards. You went to the toilet." Chen Fan was very surprised.

“I had a pretty good chat with Qin Nuo, so I added him casually.”

Feng Xiaogang""

"No, delete him immediately.

"5.8 is crazy, you, Xiaogang!"

"This guy is not a good person, I'm serious."

"If you're sick, forget it if you don't go. I'll go find my sister!"

Qin Nuo didn't know that just because of a little thing, Gang Xiaogang slept on the sofa at home for a whole week.

After two days, the popularity of the premiere slowly subsided.

But the promotion continues, and there are less than twenty days until Christmas.

Qin Nuo and its partners have already started publicity.

It’s almost the same as last time Interstellar.

But this time you don’t have to do it yourself, Huayi Orange Sky Light and the others can just help.

On the subway, in the elevator, and on the bus.

As long as there are people.

Wang Zhonglei and Wu Kebo both advertised.

For a moment, the audience feels very familiar

It was as if he had traveled through time.

Isn’t this similar to when Interstellar was launched on New Year’s Day?

Overwhelming advertising.

Even if you are hiding in the toilet, maybe the magazines you use for entertainment have Inception covers.

If you don't look at it three or five times when you go out, it means you don't have eyes.

ps: There are four guaranteed updates, and you can get additional updates with monthly tickets and rewards.

Brothers, stand up.

There are almost 300,000 words this month, and the author’s character guarantees it.

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