Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

271 Nazar's Unique Skill, Qin Nuo Almost Fell. Has Yang Mi Forgiven Naza?

I made her so miserable, Yang Mi wouldn't kill me...

Look at this girl's small breasts shaking.

Qin Nuo also rolled his eyes, now he knew he was afraid.

What did you do early?

After this girl succeeded in her prank last time, she smiled quite happily.

I also called Qin Nuo and asked to see photos of Yang Dian’s yellow-faced woman.

If I had known this, why would I do it in the first place?

"This~that, it's been so long, Yang Mi must have forgotten~"

Xiao Nizi looked at Qin Nuo expectantly.

"After all, I forgot..."

Qin Nuo "………………"

"I don't know about this, but Yang Mi called me yesterday and said she hadn't seen her best friend Nazar for a long time.

"I miss you so much!"

As soon as these words came out, the light in Xiao Nizi's eyes disappeared instantly.

Helpless, pitiful, looking like a pitiful kitten.

Nazha knew that she couldn't play Yang Mi at all.

I was dealt with quite a lot when I was on the set before.

If Qin Nuo hadn't given her some advice, whether she would have been able to complete the project would have been a question...

"Qin Nuo, it's all your fault." Nazha's eyes turned red.

"Who asked you to encourage me to give Yang Mi a big one? This time I'm done."

"I teased her like that, but this time she won't kill me!"

"You still blame me?" Qin Nuo was speechless.

"Who knew you could play such a big role and almost bring disaster to me!"

Naza was very scared. She still remembered Yang Mi, and maybe he was already preparing to deal with her now.

No, no, I can't sit still and wait for death.

I have to think of something.

Suddenly Nazar looked at Qin Nuo and his eyes lit up.

How silly!

You can find Qin Nuo.

No matter how awesome Yang Mi is, she dare not disobey Qin Nuo.

Others don't know the relationship between Yang Mi and Qin Nuo, but she knows it very well.

When she was on the set, she once saw Yang Mi coming out of Qin Nuo's room, holding on to the wall.

A face of satisfaction 180.

"Brother Nuo, please help me." He looked at Qin Nuo expectantly.

"Yang Mi listens to you. If you ask her to pout, she will do it. If you ask her to lie down, she will lie down!"

"As long as you help, she will definitely forgive me!"

Qin Nuo

I can't understand what you, girl, are saying.

What are you lying on your stomach with your nose pouted?

"She won't listen to me."

"Liar, I heard it in the living room last time! She is very obedient."


"...can that be the same?"

"Anyway, you can take care of yourself!"

Qin Nuo doesn't want to care about this matter. Just let them solve the problems between women themselves.

It doesn't matter if a man interferes.

Before, the Three Beauties of Immortal Sword united to deal with Liu Yifei, but Qin Nuo didn't interfere.

Learn from other people’s fairy sisters.

That's called domineering.

Even if she was pinned to the ground and called sister.

They didn't give in either.

I heard that they are now thinking about how to deal with these three women.

This is the real boss.

The last time I intervened, it was just to save face for you, little girl.

It's absolutely impossible to come back.

While Qin Nuo was preparing to watch the show on the side.

Nazar used his unique skills.

"Hi!!!! Xiao Nizi, what are you doing?"

Qin Nuo looked up and looked down.

"Brother Nuo, please help me"

After saying that, he bowed his head again.

"No way!"

"What about this!"

Suddenly Qin Nuo felt like he had entered another world.

"I'll think about it~!"

"Brother Nuo, think slowly, I'm busy first."

On December 20th, the entire Inception crew gathered together.

Everyone has a smile on their face.

Especially Deng Chao and Yan Kuan were laughing very happily.

Deng Chao never expected that one day the movie he starred in would have its premiere in Hollywood.

When he learned the news, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep all day long.

Speaking of Inception, he was the second leading actor.

The acting is second only to Qin Nuo, and the character design is also outstanding.

You can definitely make a big deal this time!

"Qin Nuo, don't say anything anymore. I won't charge you for any of your movies from now on!"

"This is not okay!"

The two hugged.

"It was an accident last time, so I still have to give you money. If Brother Chao becomes popular, just give me a discount!"

"Okay, you have the final say!"

Deng Chao really didn't think it mattered. If Qin Nuo was willing, he could support him no matter what.

But Qin Nuo didn't want to.

Remuneration and free prostitution are two different concepts.

It is the prerogative of great directors to hold down pay, and even if others know about it, they think it is normal.

I even envy those who are suppressed.

But if you have sex for free, once or twice is fine.

If it spreads too many times, it will have a bad impact.

So no matter how small the actor is, Qin Nuo will give him a small salary.

It's also important to have a good reputation in the industry.

"Director Qin, thank you for giving me this opportunity, thank you!"

Yan Yikuan looked at Qin Nuo with eyes full of gratitude.

Since knowing that Yan Yikuan starred in Inception, many productions in the industry have approached him.

Later I heard that the movie would premiere in the United States.

More people came.

People in the industry are not stupid either. Will Stealing Dreams hit the streets?


It's just very unlikely.

In this case, several actors in it will definitely become popular.

As a supporting actor with a lot of roles, Yan Yikuan has no problem with his appearance in all aspects.

The possibility of catching fire is high.

If they could catch Yan Yikuan early, they could absorb the popularity of Inception.

Make your movies and TV series popular.

And if Yan Yikuan can seize this opportunity.

It is not impossible to become popular again.

There's even a good chance.

Qin Nuo and Deng Chao were chatting with a few people, but it was much better to see on the other side.

Yang Mi looked at Naza and licked her sexy lips. Walked over with cat steps.

Nazha originally had a trace of luck in his heart.

Maybe Brother Nuo was lying to me yesterday.

But she watched Yang Mi walking towards her step by step.

The last trace of luck in my heart disappeared, and I kept retreating and retreating.

Finally retreated to the corner.

It looked like there was no way out.

A smile uglier than crying appeared on Xiao Nizi's face.

"Mi~Sister Mi, long time no see!"

"Yeah, long time no see" Yang Ning had a bright smile on her face.

"I haven't seen you for a few months, but you miss me so much!"

"Come on, let's talk about old times together, sisters. How about we sleep together at night?"


sleep together?

What a joke.

Nazha felt that he still dared to sleep in the same bed with Yang Mi at night.

This woman might dare to tie her up, hang her in the air and whip her.

"What's wrong, Nazar, we slept together before when we were on the set?"

"Did you forget it?"

Yang Mi still had the same smile, as if what happened before had never happened.

But the more Yang Mi acted like this, the more she laughed.

Nazha was even more frightened, she had heard the story about a knife hidden in a smile.

"Sister Mi, don't do this, I'm scared!"

"How about you beat me up?" Nazha looked at Yang Mi.

"If you give me a good beating, we'll be settled!"

"Nazar, why can't I understand what you are saying?"

Yang Mi looked confused.

Nazar looked a little confused.

Isn't Yang Mi really angry?

“Last time’s turmeric powder~”

"You said this, it's okay, we are settled."

Yang Mi waved her hand.

"And did you know? Turmeric powder also has the effect of rejuvenating the skin. I have to thank you!"


"If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself at home!"

"Forget it then."

Naza is not stupid.

Even if it really has the effect of rejuvenating the skin, she doesn't use it.

I couldn't see anyone for several days, just like a yellow-faced woman, a delicate pig girl.

She didn't want to die.

"After I went back, I thought about it and realized that what I did before was also excessive."

"So we are reconciled, how about we remain good sisters from now on!"

Yang Mi looked at Naza with a sincere face.

The eyes are clear without any impurities.

Very convincing


Naza really didn't expect that things could develop like this.

It was so simple. She was already prepared to be punished severely by Yang Mi.

But it's okay...

"Thank you, Sister Lei"

"Need not!"

"Let's go, don't delay, let's get in the car and go to the airport!"

"no problem"

"Go to the United States!

When we arrived at the airport, Qin Nuo directly booked a first-class cabin this time, and the group was very satisfied.

Qin Nuo was finally generous for once.

Twenty minutes later, a plane pierced the sky and headed towards the other side of the ocean.

"Brother Nuo!"

"Why are you so happy?"

Qin Nuo looked at Naza and was very surprised. Did this girl take the wrong medicine today?

She was crying when she came, fearing that Yang Mi would settle the score with her.

So happy now.

Could it be that Yang Mi was too harsh?


"Hey, Brother Nuo, guess what, Sister Mi forgives me!"

Nazha's face was full of surprise.

"She said that what she did before was a bit too much, so we are reconciled. From now on, she and I will be good sisters!"

"Sister Mi is really nice!"

"...Ah! You believe it"

Qin Nuo opened his mouth wide.

"Why don't you believe it? Sister Mi is very sincere. I can see that she didn't lie to me!"

Qin Nuo

He turned his head and glanced at Yang Mi not far away, and Yang Ning happened to be looking at him at this time.

A smile appeared on his face.

Very sincere!

Very brilliant!

After seeing

Qin Nuo immediately turned his head away.

Why does this smile look a bit like looking in a mirror?

Qin Nuo always smiles like this when he feels like he's not trying to trick anyone.

Very meow.

It was actually learned by Yang Mi.

"Brother Nuo, Sister Mi is so good, I want to join her!"

"What do you think about going to Jiahang after my contract ends? It's not good at all in Tangren.

"Sister Shishi spanked me last time, as well as Cai Yinong. This woman is so disgusting!"

ps: The fourth update has arrived.

Brothers, why don’t you have tickets? There are four tickets for the group...

There are still six cards left, don’t worry, you can also code in Internet cafes, so get excited!

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