Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

273 Little Spy Plays A Huge Role In Gaining Insight Into Fox's Conspiracy And Hollywood's

It’s just that people know how to behave.

"By the way, Yang Mi, what do you want to do?"

"Xiao Nizi didn't do it on purpose last time, don't play too crazy!"

Qin Nuo was also worried that this woman Yang Mi would be too harsh and damage the nugget.

It's okay if I don't talk about it, but when I mention it.

Yang Mi's eyes suddenly narrowed, and she opened the big hands on her body.

Looking at Qin Nuo, his eyes were full of hostility.

"Husband, I haven't settled the score with you yet!"

"Did you come up with that idea for your little lover last time?"

Yang Mi leaned over and sat on Qin Nuo.

"Say it!"

"......not me!"

Qin Nuo is not stupid. If he admits this, it will not be the end of the world.

Even if I beat him to death, he wouldn't admit it.



"I trust you, you hammer!"

Yang Mi didn’t believe Qin Nuo’s lies.

Can a stupid woman like that come up with such an idea?

If I had thought of it, I wouldn't have been treated so badly.

"Forget it last time, if you dare to interfere this time, I will play with you!"

Qin Nuo

He knew this was the case.

How could this woman Yang Mi let Naza go so easily?

"Don't get involved, don't get involved, in matters between women."

"I have always remained neutral!"

Qin Nuo raised his hand and promised.

"Husband, "310" you are so kind." After hearing this, Yang Mi smiled again on her face.

"Come and play with your baby!"

Qin Nuo smiled, his fingers a little stiff.

There won't be any poison on this baby.

At this moment, Qin Nuo's cell phone rang.

"Wait a moment"

Qin Nuo picked up the phone and saw that it was spy number two.

I thought to myself.

Bella is such a horny woman, she was played so badly last time.

Dare to call.

Hang up the phone directly, Yang Mi has already sent an invitation.

Qin Nuo plans to have some fun today.

"Who is it?"

"Nothing, just work."

"continue or not?"


Yang Mi slowly leaned down, with a charming expression on her face.

Qin Nuo was ready to enjoy it when his cell phone rang again.

Pick it up and take a look.

"Honey, it's business!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Nuo suddenly became serious and stood up.


Yang Mi was knocked to the ground by Qin Nuo without noticing.

Luckily there was carpet underneath.

Otherwise, Damimi's delicate body cannot withstand such a fall.

"What are you doing? It hurts!"

"I'm sorry, Mimi!"

Qin Nuo quickly helped Yang Mi up with an apology on her face.

Yang Mi was just about to scold her when she saw the seriousness on Qin Nuo's face.

She was smart enough to realize that things might not be simple.

Qin Nuo rarely has such a serious expression.

"Did something bad happen?"

"Not really, I don't know yet!" Qin Nuo frowned slightly.

Although Bella, this woman likes to joke.

But I would never joke about this kind of thing.

So it must be some little trick being played by Fox.

"Forget it tonight, I want to meet someone!"


Yang Mi kissed Qin Nuo on the face and said.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will be with you!"


After Yang Mi left, Qin Nuo picked up a cigarette and started smoking.

He sent Bella his hotel location and room number.

Then he sat on the sofa and waited.

"What does Deng Wendi want to do?"

Qin Nuo can't figure it out. Now he and Fox are in the honeymoon period.

The cooperation between the two parties is very good, and even Qin Nuo wants to continue to cooperate.

As long as Deng Wendi is willing.

But this woman actually wants to play tricks behind her back. What does she want to do?

Could it be that he wants to cooperate with theater chains and steal my money?

Qin Nuo thinks it is possible.

The box office of Inception this time abroad is at least several hundred million.

If we can cooperate, we can earn at least tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

Hundreds of millions of dollars.

Qin Nuo was moved.

"Hmph, Deng Wendi, if you really dare to do this, the worst we can do is break up!"

Qin Nuo is not a good-tempered person.

If that were the case, he would dare to fall out with Deng Wendi now.

At worst, I can go back to my country to make money. My country is also developing rapidly.

The film industry has great potential!

After being mentally prepared.

Qin Nuo relaxed. He could accept the worst outcome, and the rest didn't matter.

Waited for about half an hour.

Doorbell rang.

open the door.

Bella in uniform appeared in front of Qin Nuo.

The black hip-hugging skirt perfectly outlines Yangma's figure.

This woman must have run over just after getting off work.

But Qin Nuo has no time to pay attention to this.

He closed the door, looked at Bella and said.

"What does Deng Wendi want to do?"

Bella took off her sunglasses and smiled on her face. Jokingly.

"Qin, you ask this as soon as we meet?"

"Am I just a little spy in your heart?"

Bella put her hands on Qin Nuo's neck with a very hurt expression.

"Of course not, you are my little sweetheart"

Qin Nuo said with a smile.

Put your hands on the woman's hips.

Give it a hard push.

The two stick together.

"Say it!"

"No! I want you to do what you did to me last time before I tell you!"

Bella licked her lips.

"That time in the office!"

Qin Nuo

If he remembered correctly, the woman almost fainted in Deng Wendi's office last time.

Qin Nuo showed no mercy at all.

"you sure?"

"Of course!" Bella looked at Qin Nuo.

"You conquered me, and I'll tell you, it's really important!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo narrowed his eyes.

Then he slapped the woman hard on the buttocks.

"Then why don't you get down on the ground quickly!"

"Oh ~ this is how it feels."

Instead of being angry, Bella was very happy.

"OK, dear!"

Bella soon knelt on the ground and looked at Qin Nuo.

"Honey, it's your turn!"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes in his heart, this Bella looked quite innocent.

I didn't expect to like this tune.


It seems like a lot of women have the contrast.

Liu Shishi and Liu Yifei also looked gentle and gentle.

But everyone seems to like to bring some of this.

"I am coming!"

An hour later, Qin Nuo patted this girl's face.

"Qin, it's okay, let me go."

Dayangma was already delirious and had no idea what he was saying.

Qin Nuo simply picked her up, went to the bathroom, and cleaned her.

Bella was like a toy throughout the whole process, with her eyes closed and doing whatever Qin Nuo asked her to do.

Go back to bed.

After a while, Bella opened her eyes.

He hugged Qin Nuo.

"Qin, you almost sent me to see God!"

Bella's body trembled again as she recalled what had just happened.

"Don't you want me to do it again like I did to you last time?"

Qin Nuo pinched her chin, and I completed it as promised.

"But you seem to have taken much longer than last time."

Bella cried.

"Qin, you have a problem, you really have a problem, I have never seen a man getting stronger and stronger!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo was also stunned for a moment...

In fact, Bella was not the only one who said this.

She said this when she was traveling with Liu Shishi.

And Reba, Na and Liu Yi said this.

"Is it a side effect of that little pill?"

Qin Nuo said silently.

He also felt that the more he ate that food, the more abnormal his body became.

I'm worried that if I continue to eat it, my little girl won't be able to stand it.

Don't look back. Good things have turned into bad things.

"What side effects!"

, maybe it’s because the weather is in good condition.”

Qin Nuo hugged Dayang Ma and made a decision in his heart.

From now on, I won’t eat that thing if I can’t help it.

"It's your turn, tell me what your idea is."

Bella didn't think too much, and when she saw Qin Nuo asking questions, she answered honestly.

"That's what happened. After you left that day, they discussed..."

Qin Nuo originally thought that Deng Wendi wanted to steal his money.

I didn't expect to spy on him. !

And this method of surveillance is so unique.

Find him a yangma girlfriend.

This is so considerate...

"Dear, you have to pay attention. I didn't listen to everything, so Deng Wendi let me go."

"The names in front are Kelly, Charlize Theron, Gal Gadot, and Megan Fox..."

Bella counted on her fingers and said,

"Wait, you said Megan Fox?"

"Yes, this woman is very beautiful, don't you recognize her?"

"I have been a model for many years. She is the heroine in Transformers 1 and 2. She is very sexy!"

Qin Nuo twitched the corners of his mouth and said.

"When Kevin and I came back just now, we met that woman!"

Qin Nuo thought about it carefully and found that there was no right Jing'er.

"Maybe it wasn't her. I could see that the woman bumped into me accidentally.

“No trace of performance”

Qin Nuo is not stupid,

As a director, I am not too familiar with women's acting skills.

When we met before.

The surprise on Meghan's face was definitely not fake.

If only Meghan's acting skills were so good, Qin Nuo wouldn't be able to tell.

It’s not like he’s still a Hollywood vase after so many years since his debut.

"That's her!" Bella nodded. 0.1

"My dear, you don't know that Fox is very treacherous. Do you know what the best spy is?"

"What a spy!"

"It's very simple, this spy doesn't even know she is a spy!"


When Qin Nuo heard this, he was enlightened!

That’s right!

It's probably this woman, Fox is too scheming.

Qin Nuo was very lucky. If it hadn't been for Bella, he would never have discovered it.

With such a strict plan, even the spies didn't know they were spies.

He can find a hammer.

The Hollywood company's method is indeed not just a boast.

Each and every one of them is as smart as a monkey.

"Are they just afraid that I will defect to Warner Bros.?"

Hearing this, Bella smiled, licked Qin Nuo's cheek, and then kissed him again.

Then he looked at Qin Nuo seriously.

"My dear, you really underestimate yourself."

"If your movie can still be successful, then you will also be a top director in Hollywood~"

"If you don't believe it, count for yourself. Which director can achieve continuous success?"

"Also, they will also investigate your background. If I remember correctly, your movies in China have never failed!"

ps: Four updates are guaranteed, ten monthly tickets will add one update, and rewards for prompting updates will also add additional updates. We will continue today.

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