Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

283 Us Box Office At 0:11 Million! Qin Nuo’S New Record! Due To The Spontaneous Enthusiasm Of Netize

"Qin, it seems we want to get together!"

"Yes, I believe Fox will be the biggest winner this time!"

Qin Nuo also congratulated.

"By the way, I will return to China in two days!"

"No road show?"

"Ma'am, it's no longer needed, Inception needs a bit of mystery!

"Roadshows would destroy the mystery!"

Deng Wendi"

She felt Qin Nuo was lying to her, but she had no proof.

If this kid wants to be lazy, just say so~

Don't tell me that Qin Nuo really just wants to be lazy. Fox's promotion is enough.

He should take a good rest after being busy for so long.

And there are a lot of things going on in the country.

Video websites are already developing, as well as entertainment companies, and there are a lot of things going on.

If he didn't go back and take a look, Qin Nuo was worried that he wouldn't be able to find the company's door.

"Look at you~"

Deng Wendi thought it didn't matter. As long as Qin Nuo didn't run away, it didn't matter if he went back to rest.

Anyway, the response to Inception is good now, and it won’t have much impact if it doesn’t have a road show.

After the two exchanged words, Qin Nuo chatted with others.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock that the reception slowly ended.

The night was hazy.

"Qin, don't come!"

Meghan looked at Qin Nuo as if she were looking at a devil.

There was actually a trace of fear in his eyes. ,

"Mei"973"Gen, didn't you say you want me to die? Continue!"

"No, I was wrong! Oh you!"


A trace of tears flashed across the corners of helpless Megan's eyes!

At nine o'clock in the morning, Qin Nuo was still asleep.

Suddenly I felt a little itchy on my face.

Open your eyes and take a look.

It turned out to be Megan licking.

"What are you doing?"

"I want you to wake up!" Megan looked at Qin Nuo with a happy face.

There are no clothes on her body, and she looks like a mermaid.

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

The Easterners are indeed different from Westerners.

Let’s leave aside the combat effectiveness for now.

But their resilience is indeed much stronger than that of Easterners.

If Qin Nuo remembers correctly, Meghan had fallen asleep yesterday.

Today I saw it was still full of life.

Just one night.

It's so powerful.

No wonder foreigners can carry their babies home the same day they give birth.

This physique cannot be compared, really cannot be compared!

Qin Nuo holds the ocean horse in his arms.


"Have you recovered?"

Hearing this, even Meghan was a little embarrassed.

"Qin, you went too far yesterday. Even if you didn't agree, you still came!"

"Don't you women always have to listen to what you say in reverse?"

"If you don't like it, you just like it. If you don't want to eat it, you just want to eat it. Then I don't want it. Just give me a little more energy!"


The two chatted for a while. After Qin Nuo washed up, he came to the restaurant upstairs.

As soon as I came in, I heard applause.

The guest group from Hua Guo looked at Qin Nuo with excitement on his face.

It took a while before he stopped.

"Why are you so happy!" Qin Nuo asked strangely.

Fatty Zhou quickly came to Qin Nuo, his face full of excitement.

"Qin Nuo's zero-point box office has just come out in the United States and Canada!"


"A total of eleven million dollars~!"

Qin Nuo also became excited when he heard this.

11 million, and the box office on the first day was at least more than 20 million.

According to the urine here in the United States, as long as the follow-up to Inception does not collapse.

At least 200 million US dollars in box office!!!

The United States and Canada alone have already met Deng Wendi’s minimum requirements.


Because of the time difference, there is no way to collect global statistics, but the response in the United States has been good.

That's basically the same all over the world.

Not to mention the country of Hua, that is Qin Nuo’s base camp.

The box office will definitely not be low!

Everyone looked at Qin Nuo with admiration. This time Qin Nuo really succeeded.

The ratings of Inception are also very high on rating websites here in the United States.

At 9.3 points.

Although it will definitely fall off later.

But it will never be lower than eight points!

This is a very high-rated, average science fiction film.

It’s simply unattainable!

“How has Journey to the Center of the Earth and Hotel Transylvania been received?”

Qin Nuo has not forgotten these two direct competitors. The two-step movie also premiered last night.

And they are all big companies like Hollywood, and their film schedules are similar.

"Journey to the Center of the Earth is over nine million."

“Hotel Transylvania is eight million!”

"Both movies are not bad, but the reviews are average!"

Qin Nuo touched his chin, Journey to the Center of the Earth 2 is the sequel.

As a sequel, it is normal for the box office to be higher at the beginning.

But even the zero-point box office didn't surpass him.

After that there is no need to worry.

"Then I'll treat you to lunch today, so you're welcome!"

Wang Zhonglei and everyone applauded again.

The farther Qin Nuo goes, the happier they are.

If nothing else, at least their actors can stand out in front of the world with Qin Nuo.

Moreover, Qin Nuo can also make Hollywood pay more attention to China.

The thinking is also very simple.

Since Hua can produce a Qin Nuo.

Then naturally the next one can come out.

After that, the reputation of Chinese films in the world will reach a higher level.

It is equivalent to Qin Nuo making the cake bigger by himself.

Qin Nuo takes the big head.

They can also share more.

In the afternoon, Qin Nuo sent Wang Zhonglei and others away.

"Okay, I promise I won't leave you behind, okay?"

Qin Nuo looked at Sha Baitian in his arms and said.

"Are you serious?" Tang Yan didn't believe it. He was worried that Qin Nuo would lie to her again.

"Why should I lie to you? With your little appearance?" Qin Nuo pinched Tang Yin's chin.

"It's sweet and royal, the legs are still long, and it can be used for nothing, no fool would want it!"

"Although the bear is a little small, he can play with it from childhood to adulthood!"

After Tang Yan heard this, his cheeks turned slightly red.

"Qin Nuo, bastard!"

"Okay, it's time to go, just come find me when you have time!"

Qin Nuo waved Shabaitian away.

Sha Baitian, who got on the plane on the other side, looked down and felt a little discouraged.

Why do you two little ones grow up so slowly?

I feed you papaya every day and give you a massage at night.

Just not long.


the other side.

Although Qin Nuo has no road show.

But the gringos who have watched the movie are crazy about Amway with their friends online.

“One of the biggest surprises of Christmas today is Inception! It’s so exciting!”

As soon as the tweet was posted, it quickly aroused widespread recognition among netizens.

"The poster is right. It's the first time I've seen a science fiction film with such a wonderful setting. It made me doubt my life. Qin is a genius!"

“I really like the dream-within-a-dream design”

"Every layer is more exciting than the next. I don’t know how Qin came up with it. He is a genius!"

"I prefer the special effects inside. They are very real. Qin is definitely a master of details."

"Have you seen the scene of the city turning upside down? Even the texture of the walls of the buildings above is vaguely visible!"

“It’s so shocking!”

"No, I have to watch it again. I didn't sleep last night! Has the protagonist returned to reality?"

"It's a pity, but after my research, there should be no such thing!"

"That last scene is just the protagonist's fantasy!"

"Have seen it, I agree with what you said above. The movie has long said that the Lost Realm is immeasurable and cannot be calculated...

"The protagonist has been in the Lost Realm for decades, how can he possibly go back!"

"Yes, the top is still spinning at the end, which means the protagonist is indeed in a dream!"

After seeing this, some people quickly became upset.

They feel that the protagonist has gone back, and the reason is very simple.

The child the protagonist saw in the dream did not face him once, but at the end.

The protagonist saw the faces of the two children.

This shows that the protagonist has returned to reality.

"Impossible, that's definitely reality. Haven't you noticed that the protagonist's child has grown up?"

"What you said above is right. The child's scenes were shown five times in the movie, but only the last one showed a full face."

"Doesn't this explain the problem?"

"I also think, have you noticed that in the dream, the protagonist is wearing a ring on his ring finger?"

"But in reality, there is no ring on the ring finger, and at the end of the movie, the protagonist does not have a ring on his hand!"

"This shows that the protagonist has returned to reality!"

However, this does not convince those who believe that the protagonist has not returned to reality.

"I agree with your observations, but showing a positive face means returning to reality!"

"It's very far-fetched. This can only mean that the protagonist has let go of the past, but it does not mean that he has returned to reality!"

"I agree, and there is a ring. I think you didn't watch the movie seriously."

"Not all dreams have the protagonist wearing a ring."

“In the wedding anniversary scene, Qin Nuo didn’t have it on her hand!”

"This cannot be used as a basis for judgment at all!"

"That's right, and the movie has already explained the conversation between the Dream Maker and the Sentinel when they returned to the shore!"

*0.7 The protagonist played by Qin Nuo and Saito have drowned, how could they not return to reality!"

People who had seen the movie quickly divided into two camps and started arguing with each other.

I have to say that the American audience is similar to the domestic audience.

It started out as an argument, but soon it became a quarrel.

One party thinks that the other party is mentally retarded, and the other party thinks that the other party is also severely delusional.

Anyway, no one can convince the other.

But the heat is high.

Thanks to the spontaneous efforts of many netizens.

Inception also successfully broke out of the circle.

The onlookers were curious about what these idiots were fighting about, and they were quickly attracted to it.

However, some businessmen with good minds and souls began to find it profitable.

People are looking for people to make the tops in the play.

Then sell it on eBay.

Not to mention the sales are particularly good.

A top costs more than 20 US dollars, and many people buy it.

Of course they would soon be caught by Fox.

Finally, obediently hand over a large portion of the profits~!

The laws of the United States are no joke.

ps: The second chapter has been added, which is more than 20,000 words.

Brothers, stand up!

That's when we got there, keep going, ten monthly tickets plus more!!!

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