Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

285 Helped Qin Nuo Win The Oscar, And The Box Office Is Released On The First Day! ! Everyone Fainte

Her family has no shortage of yachts. The Fox family has a dedicated marina on the east coast.

Not only yachts, but also cruise ships.

If Qin Nuo likes it!

It's totally okay to give him one. There are more than ten yachts over there.

Qin Nuo has whatever genre she likes.

But the key is, does Qin Nuo like this thing?

"This question is not difficult. There are many more yachts than Merck!"

“It’s really a gift!!!”

Mike and the two were stunned and swallowed.

I envy Qin Nuo in my heart.

It turns out that talent can really make you eat, and your mouth will be full of oil when you eat!

"But the key is, does Qin Nuo like this thing?"

Deng Wendi has no interest in big toys like yachts.

"You can rest assured about this lady" Kevin had a smile on his face.

"Qin Nuo is a man. As long as you are a man, you will naturally be interested in things like yachts."

"It will be more convenient to invite beautiful women to parties in the future, right?"

"Okay, then give him one as a gift!"

Deng Wendi gave away a yacht with a wave of his hand, just like giving away a toy car.

The expression on his face didn't change at all.

McBella looked a little jealous.

Very meow.

I may never be able to afford this thing in my working life.

You don’t need to buy Qin Nuo, someone will give it to you...

"Humph, Qin, I've done so many bad things for you, I must be the first to get on this yacht!"

Bella thought to herself.

"Is there anything else? You are the real elites of Fox, you won't just do this!"

"There is one more." Mike looked at Deng Wendi.

"Don't give me anything again!"

Deng Wendi glanced at Mike, this guy was averagely creative.

But I learn things very quickly.

She didn't forget the last meeting.

"Madam, you misunderstood!"

"Say it!"

"The Oscars will start in two months!"

Hearing this, Deng Wendi and Kevin's eyes lit up. 790 Oscars!


How could you forget such an important thing?

A smile appeared on Mike's face.

"Qin Nuo's Interstellar will definitely compete for the Best Foreign Language Award, although it is also one of the favorites!"

"But the competition is still fierce, and we can help him win!"

Deng Wendi and Kevin nodded.

It's true, Interstellar is one of the hits.

But who says you’ll definitely get it if it’s popular?

Are you kidding me? The Oscars are much more arrogant than the Golden Horse Awards and the Academy Awards.

The college is full of old men.

Do you expect them to watch all the more than 100 foreign language films?


They often play games when selecting films, putting several films on the roulette wheel.

Then take out the darts and choose whoever you hit.

This is no joke.

Many members of the academy do this. It is not an exaggeration to say that they vote with their feet.

If you are not convinced?

So what if you don’t accept it.

Oscar doesn't care about you at all.

This reflects the importance of public relations.

When the Oscars are held every year, it is when major public relations companies make money.

They invite a lot of Oscar judges to the party.

Not only do they send beauties and gifts, but they also meet all the needs of these old men.

The purpose is to get the tickets in their hands.

Among them, none were more ruthless than Harvey and Weinstein.

I believe this guy is familiar to many people.

Relying on public relations, she won many Oscars for Best Actress!

It goes without saying what these women gave Harvey privately.

It’s not just your body that’s being sacrificed!

That's just a small part.

So now the Oscars are more of an award than a public relations feast! (chdb)

Deng Wendi nodded with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Mike, I seemed to underestimate you before. This is really good advice!"

Hearing this, Mike was very excited.

It seems that today’s year-end bonus has been settled.

"Mike's method is really good. Anyway, Fox also has a film and will do public relations. When the time comes, Interstellar will be included!"

"With the quality of this movie, I think the chance is at least 70%!"

"No, give those vampires more money!" Deng Wendi looked at the two of them.

"I want this probability to be at least ninety percent!"

"Don't worry, madam, just leave this matter to me!"

Bella next to her was listening to the conversation of the three people, and she didn't know how to tell Qin Nuo.

This is too good.

Fox treats Qin Nuo better than his biological father.

It was a gift of a yacht and a prize for Qin Nuo.

Bella thought about it, and it seemed that Qin Nuo didn't need to change partners.

Fox is too sincere in his fakeness...

On the other side, Qin Nuo didn't know that Fox was planning to make friends with him.

The whole crew is together.

Although it was already early in the morning, no one had any rest, and the boss was staring.

"Director Qin, are you out yet?"

"Yes, Director Qin, haven't you come out yet?"


"Why are you panicking? It's not like you don't know how slow these foreigners are!

"We'll talk about it later!"

I refreshed it several times in a row, but the website still has not been updated.

The first day box office will be out soon.

Everyone on the crew was very nervous, and of course excited.

The box office at Zero Point in the United States is good, and the reviews online are also very good.

They believe it will do well at the box office in other regions as well.

This is no problem.

Generally speaking, movies that have a good response in the United States generally have a very good response in Western countries.

But if the response in the United States is not good.

Sorry, basically it’s not that good all over the world.

Although the American guy is not that good, he is still very good at reviewing movies.

"Brother Teng, don't squeeze me, don't squeeze me!"

Yan Yikuan felt that Shen Teng was riding on him.

"You let me, let me, I'm short-sighted and can't see!"

"I won't let you!"

Yan Kuan rolled his eyes and dreamed.

I managed to grab the seat, why should I let it go to you?

Miura on the other hand was a little more reserved, but his eyes were full of expectation.

Although he has a good reputation in Sakura Country, he has never left this country.

This time Inception is a good opportunity.

Saito has a lot of roles as a character.

Qin Nuo was too lazy to care about the group of people behind him, and was very excited.

If Interstellar is his famous battle, then Inception is his foundational battle.

If this battle is fought well, then the road ahead will be much easier.

At least he has the right to choose his partners.

It doesn’t have to be with Fox.

Of course it's not that Fox cheated him, it's just Qin Nuo's character.

I like to leave myself a way out.

After taking a look at the time, Qin Nuo refreshed the web page again.

The website refreshes in the next second.


Hearing this, a group of people became excited and kept pushing forward.

He squeezed Yang Mi directly into Qin Nuo's arms.

"Xiao Nizi, you are crazy!" Yang Mi was furious, don't think I don't know it's you!

"Hey, don't worry so much, Sister Mi, just look at the data!"

Hearing this, Yang Ning quickly looked at the screen.

Same for everyone.

[Inception, the first day in the United States was 26 million, ranking first at the box office in a single day]

[Journey to the Center of the Earth, the first day box office in the United States was 24.3 million, ranking second in the single-day box office]

[Hotel Transylvania, the first-day box office in the United States was 20 million, ranking third in the single-day box office!]


"Wow, 26 million! Director Qin, you are rich!"

Shen Teng rode on Yan Yikuan's neck, extremely excited.

Yan Yikuan down there originally wanted to give Shen Teng such a spindle, but he saw this data.

I was so excited.

He directly picked up Shen Teng with his backhand.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there are overseas box offices!" Miura was also very excited.

But this is not the end, it is only the beginning.

The global box office should also be counted.

"Yes, yes, Director Qin, let's see if Fox has calculated the box office statistics of other places!"

"Yes, Director Qin, take a look!"

Everyone suppressed the excitement in their hearts and said one after another.

"Wait me a moment!"

Qin Nuo quickly opened Fox's website.

After inputting, the box office statistics will be available soon.

[Interstellar’s ​​overseas box office on its first day was 24 million!]

Seeing this result, the entire hotel room burst into cheers.

Although the box office is a little less than in the United States.

But this is not surprising.

Although Fox can achieve global release, there are some places where the promotion is not done well.

The main propaganda position is still in the United States.

But after this time, we will definitely increase our propaganda to other countries.

It will not be impossible to overtake by then!

"Brother Chao, what is the total of 24 million plus 26 million, please tell me!!!"

Shen Teng looked at Deng Chao and said excitedly.

"What the hell, can't you even count this? A total of 50 million!!!!"

"Hey, Shen Teng, what's wrong with you!"

Deng Chao quickly supported Shen Teng, isn't this guy?

Why did it fall all of a sudden?

"No, I'm just too excited, fifty million!"

"It's still in U.S. dollars, that's more than 300 million yuan! I'm so awesome!"

Shen Teng was so happy that he almost fainted.

Entering the film industry for the first time.

His movie directly surpassed 99% of actors.

Am I the chosen one?

Deng Chao “…………

Others were naturally very excited, and even Miura, who had always been very calm, couldn't help but scream.

An Inception can catch up with all the movies he acted in his childhood.

It turns out that success does not need to rely on accumulation.

One movie is enough!

"Qin Nuo, you are so awesome!"

Yang Mi sat on Qin Nuo's lap, her eyes as charming as silk.

Qin Nuo bets that this bitch must be excited.

"Yes, Brother Nuo, fifty million!" Nazha was extremely excited.

"Okay, okay, don't get excited, fat man!" Qin Nuo was naturally very happy.

But it's not that time yet.

There is still part of the box office that has not been counted.

"Fat man, haven't the domestic box office numbers for the first day been released yet?"

"I'm calling to ask, wait a minute!"

p.s. Ten monthly tickets plus one update, brothers, rise up on Sunday!!!

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