Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

289 Yang Mi Wants To Cry! After Returning To China, Qin Nuo Became So Popular That The Golden Horse

Yang Mi hammered her head, even though she drank a lot yesterday.

But Yi Xiyi still has some impression.

Now that I think about it, my face turns red.

Qin Nuo actually succeeded.

"Don't tell anyone about this, it's embarrassing!"

Nazha smiled like a little fox when he heard this.

"Sister Mi, yours is so big. Yesterday..."

"And you said that!!!!"

Yang Mi was so embarrassed that she never wanted to mention what happened yesterday.

"Hey Xiaonizi, what are you doing?"

“So comfortable!”

Nazar exclaimed.

"Let me go, don't you?"

"Touch me again. Touch me!" Nazar pounced on her.

"Get out! You are a gangster!"

Nazar didn't mind either.

"Yes, Sister Mi, your figure is really great!"

Yang Mi…………

She suddenly missed Reba a little bit.

There seems to be something wrong with this girl!

"Go away!"

"don't want!"

In the afternoon Qin Nuo and his party returned to the hotel.

Everyone is packing their things. Their flight will take off at ten o'clock in the evening.

It just so happens that I can sleep on the plane.

But before leaving, Qin Nuo also took a look at the things on the Internet, and suddenly he felt bad.

Very meow.

How boring you people are!

We have to start a group across the Pacific Ocean.

And the fight was intense.

Those troll netizens didn’t even think about it, why did he come to Hollywood?

Crazy, China’s film market is booming.

It will surpass the United States in a few years.

Isn't it more comfortable in your own home than in Hollywood?

Qin Nuo is the number one movie maker in China, and he can do whatever he wants.

Give up the foundation of China and come to the United States to become a younger brother?

Are you crazy or am I crazy.

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for Qin Nuo to be deeply involved in Hollywood.

This is just one stop on his journey.

When he returned to China, he could make money just by relying on his reputation outside.

Qin Nuo can also have a hand in the future Hollywood blockbusters entering China.

Hollywood collects his issuance fees.

He can also collect the distribution fees for Laiwu movies in China.

Distribution is the real way to make a profit without losing money.

"Hey, Bella!"

"Honey, are you leaving?"

"Yeah" Qin Nuo asked, holding the phone.

"Deng Wendi took the wrong medicine today. He gave me a yacht and helped me win a prize."

"Do you Fox want to touch my waist?"

"My dear, how is it possible? People are interested in your talent," Bella said with a smile.

"what exactly is it!"

Bella then told Qin Nuo about the matter, and dozens of companies outside had taken a fancy to him;

He is getting ready to poach people.

Fox was worried that he would run away, so he wanted to make friends with Qin Nuo.

It was Kevin and Mike who proposed the yacht and the Oscar.

Qin Nuo also rolled his eyes after hearing this.

This Deng Wendi must be too cautious. He really didn't think much about breaking up with Fox.

Even if the conditions offered by outsiders are slightly better, they are not willing to do so.

Doing business has always been about doing things well, not raw.

This thing was picked up for free.

"They made a mistake, I didn't want to leave.||!

"It's not for nothing, it's tens of millions, that yacht!"


"Bella, go back and pick out a house for me in the shakeout machine!"

"Are you going to give me a house? Qin?" Bella said jokingly.

"Whatever you think, just stay hidden."

"How about Beverly Hills?"

Qin Nuo

"I asked you to hide a little bit and don't let others know. Will you buy me a house in Beverly Hills?" "Just get a better apartment!"

"Okay, then it will be around my house!"

"up to you!"

After saying that, Qin Nuo hung up.

Bella is not a bad little spy.

And very positive

Qin Nuo felt that this woman seemed to enjoy the feeling of being a spy.

Very exciting!

After that, Qin Nuo said goodbye to Megan again,

The two of them are still rumored to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Oh Qin, are you leaving?" Megan was a little disappointed!

"We have three hours to get on the plane!" Qin Nuo looked at the time.

"Would you like to spend the next hour with me?"

Megan put her hands on Qin Nuo’s shoulders.

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Yinyan!"

Qin Nuo directly picked up the woman, and Megan's legs were wrapped around Qin Nuo's waist.

After a while, a rumbling sound came from the room!

At ten o'clock in the evening, a plane flew across the sky over Los Angeles.

Qin Nuo finally left after staying in the United States for half a month.

Deng Wendi, Kevin and others were actually hoping that Qin Nuo could leave early.

It's too dangerous in Hollywood. There are too many wolves here.

It’s good to go to China.

As long as someone from Hollywood House goes to China, they will get the news immediately.

But if Qin Nuo is in Hollywood.

Don't look at it right under your nose

But they can't help it yet.

at the same time.

Although Qin Nuo is not in the company, the lights of Qin Tian Company are brightly lit.

When Inception is released, they have too much to do.

"Sister Hong, Sakura Country has sent a formal invitation to the boss, inviting him to Tokyo!"

"What are you going for?"

"Let Director Qin go on the road show, it won't take long, it will only take one day!"

"I understand, I will tell the boss when he comes back."

"Sister Hong, the distribution company in Han Kingdom has also sent an invitation, asking Director Qin to go to Han Kingdom."

"Their Blue Dragon Award will be held soon, and I would like to ask Director Qin to be a special guest!"

"Blue Dragon Award, what is that?" Chen Duling asked in confusion.

"Eat, eat, eat, just know how to eat!" Sister Hong slapped Chen Duling on the forehead.

"Without knowledge and skills, you don't know the Blue Dragon Award [the Blue Dragon Award in Han Dynasty is equivalent to the Aosta in the United States]"

“It’s the highest award!”

Sister Hong was completely speechless about Chen Duling, her niece.

Qin Nuo is not here, so this girl just lies down.

Just leave everything to Bai Lu.

After eating all day, sleep and eat when you wake up.

Just like that, I still want to take Qin Nuo home.

Get a hammer.


"Don't act like a baby, I tell you, if you do this again, I will tell Qin Nuo to let you debut!"

When Chen Duling heard this, he admitted his mistake.

"Cousin, I was wrong!"

"Why don't you hurry up and help Bai Lu, one day at a time!"

"Yes, yes, I'll go right away, right away!"

Chen Duling disappeared in a flash.

Chen Duling is also considered the veteran of the company and has a high status.

Normally in the company, except for her cousin, no one else would dare to offend her.

Xiao Nizi didn't use her power to bully others, she was just a little lazy.

Now it has been crippled by Qin Nuo...

"Okay, I understand, I will tell the boss later!"

"By the way, Sister Hong also sent invitations to the boss for the Golden Rooster Award and the Golden Horse Award, as well as Director Zhou!"

Sister Hong was shocked when she heard this. Golden Horse Award?

What the hell?

"Are you sure it's the Golden Horse Award? Our boss almost killed the Golden Horse Award last year!!!"

The little girl also found it very interesting.

"That's right, it's the Golden Horse Awards. Their organizer personally called me!"

"Interstellar has been shortlisted for a total of fifteen awards, including Best Director, Best Film, Best Actor, Best Actress..."

“Almost all the awards have been shortlisted!”

"And the organizer also hinted that if Director Qin goes, he can win at least two grand prizes.

"Sister Hong"

She really didn't know what to say. She was really anxious about the Golden Horse Award.

"I know this too. I'll tell the boss later and let him decide!"

After the little girl left, Sister Hong shook her head.

She felt that Qin Nuo would not go.

Are you kidding? I was slapped in the face last year, but I still go today.

Get a hammer.

Isn’t it good to have your own Golden Rooster Award?

Kill the Golden Horse Awards, Qin Nuo is so popular in the mainland, maybe he can become the chairman of the Golden Horse Awards jury in the future.

Why are you going to lick the Golden Horse Award?

You're sick, aren't you?

At nine o'clock in the morning, Qin Nuo and his party came out of the airport.

This time they made a temporary decision, so reporters didn't know.

After arriving in the magic city

Qin Nuo asked Fatty Zhou to take the others to the road show first.

If you don’t run abroad, you still have to run around at home.

He has come home!

Not long after, two little girls came running over.

"Boss, Sister Hong is bullying me!"

As soon as Chen Duling saw Qin Nuo, she complained, saying that Sister Hong bullied her.

Hit her head every day.

They were all stunned.

Bai Lu rolled her eyes while listening.

Your ability to confuse right and wrong is quite powerful.

In the past, Bai Lu thought it would be good to hang out with Chen Duling.

Now she wonders if she should find another eldest sister.

This woman Chen Duling is too lazy.

The fate of a lifelong assistant...

"Okay, okay, come down!"

Qin Nuo also knows this girl’s temperament.

He must have been caught slacking off because of Sister Hong.

If I don’t deal with you, I will deal with you!

"Bai Lu, how much was the domestic box office yesterday?"

"The boss (Wang Li's) business has exceeded 100 million, and the box office yesterday was 105 million!"

Qin Nuo nodded, it seemed that the scolding battle yesterday had a good effect.

It drove a lot of box office sales.

The same goes for the United States.

Qin Nuo got the news when he got off the plane.

The US box office on the second day was US$28 million.

Other overseas box office revenue is also around 25 million.

Although the box office in the United States and other places overseas will not last long.

But it is enough to last for more than ten days.

"Boss, did the top finally stop? Did it stop?"

Chen Duling looked at Qin Nuo with eyes full of curiosity.

Bai Lu on the side also looked at Qin Nuo after hearing this.

The two of them had been discussing it since they watched the premiere the day before yesterday.

But there is no stick.

Qin Nuo is the director and he definitely knows it.

"It depends on you. It's an open ending. It all depends on your own opinion."

There are no less than twenty people asking Qin Nuo this question.

This is the answer given by Qin Nuo.

"Boss, you are so treacherous!"

"stand up!"

Qin Nuo pinched this girl's buttocks.

A little bigger.

Chen Duling was probably a lot more lazy during his absence.

"Du Ling, help me clean at home!"

"Bai Lu, come with me to the potato company!"

ps: Added chapter 2, continue, brothers.

Where did we end up?

The author can still make money!

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