Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

291 Funny Scene, Go To Hanguo To Play With The Girl Group! Get Out Of The Golden Horse Awards!

"You are hungry?"

"No...I mean go back to my apartment~"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo finally reacted.

This is an invitation to eat seafood!

Qin Nuo glanced at Xiao Nizi, if he remembered correctly~.

Bailu seems to be a new tea.

Qin Nuo saw it last time in the office -.

"you sure!"

Bai Lu didn't speak, just nodded with a blushing face.

Doing the math, it seems that Qin Nuo and Bai Lu have known each other for more than a year, so it's time.

"Okay, then sit tight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Nuo turned around and sped towards Xiao Nizi's apartment.

the other side.

After Chen Duling was dead, he left two tigers to clean up Qin Nuo's house.

I looked at the sky outside and saw that it was getting dark.

"Boss, why haven't they come back yet? Are there a lot of things going on at Tudou?"

Xiao Nizi pursed her lips.

Simply lie on the sofa and rest for a while, waiting for the two of them to come back and go out to eat together.

at the same time. In the apartment.

"Boss, it hurts!"

"It won't hurt in a while!"

Qin Nuo hugged Bai Lu and lowered her head to take Xiao Nizi's mouth.

Another hour passed.

Chen Duling was awakened by the whistle outside, and woke up from his sleep in a daze.

My mind was still a little unclear, so I glanced at the time.

It's already eight o'clock.

Qin Nuo and Bai Lu have been away for more than five hours.

Now Chen Duling finally couldn't help it anymore and started to call Bai Lu.

"What are you doing, boss? Why haven't you come back yet?"

Xiao Nizi said irritably.

the other side.

"Old, boss, my mobile phone rang!"

"Don't worry, be taller, here we come!"

"Yes, boss!"

After making two calls in a row, no one answered, and Chen Du was very angry.

"What are these two people doing?"

"Why do we have to talk about it for so long?"

After waiting for a while, there was still no response, so I simply ordered a takeaway for myself.

An hour later, Chen Duling took the meal and called the two of them again.

the other side.

Bai Lu's cell phone kept vibrating on the coffee table.

But there was no one in the living room.

But there was smoke curling up in the bathroom!

"That's it, take your time!"

Qin Nuo lay in the bathtub and touched Bai Lu's little head!

"What's going on?"

Chen Duling looked at the phone and was furious.

"Forget it if you don't accept it, I'll eat it myself!"

After cleaning all afternoon, Xiao Nizi's stomach had already growled.

Eating for about an hour.

Xiaonizi called Qin Nuo again midway, but still no one answered.

"Boss, your phone is ringing!"

Bai Lu turned to look at Qin Nuo.

"You want me to pick it up now?"

Bai Lu looked down and his face turned red with embarrassment.

He quickly turned his head away.

The next morning.

"Do you really want to go to the company?"

Qin Nuo looked at Bai Lu and asked.

"It's okay, boss, it won't hurt if I sit down!"

Qin Nuo still looked a little worried, but Bai Lu insisted.

He still let Xiao Nizi get in the car.

Arriving at the company soon.

Xiao Nizi endured the pain and followed Qin Nuo to the office.

Finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the parking lot is not far from the elevator, otherwise she would have to hold on to the wall...

The two of them had just entered the office.

I felt a deep resentment.

"Boss, Bai Lu, where were you yesterday?"

The two of them looked at Chen Duling, who looked haggard, with two big dark circles on his face. Very strange.

"What are you doing?"

"I've been waiting for you all night, but you haven't come back yet!"

Qin Nuo “…………

white dew

"I didn't go anywhere. I had some drinks with Wang Wei last night and found a hotel nearby to rest for the night!"


Bai Lu nodded quickly.

That's right.

The two of them seemed to be having too much fun yesterday and didn't pay any attention to Chen Duling's phone call.

"Then why don't you answer the phone! Bai Lu"

"this and that…..."

Only then did Chen Duling realize that Bai Lu was not wearing work clothes today.

Instead, she changed into a white skirt.

She was very surprised that Bai Lu was not wearing this when she left yesterday.

He looked at Bai Lu's face again. Although his face was a little haggard, his eyes were very bright.

And the skin on the face is also quite rosy

Suddenly Chen Duling thought of something!!

"Bai Lu, you and the boss..."

Chen Duling pointed at Bai Lu, her face full of shock.

She is someone who has been here before, even though she didn't see it at first.

But it’s too obvious if you look closely.




And this weird posture!

The two of them must have found a place to eat seafood yesterday!!

No wonder you didn't answer my call.

You two are busy...

"Sister Du Ling, please stop talking." Bai Xu rushed over and covered Chen Duling's mouth.

The little face is delicate and delicate.

It didn't matter when I did it, but Bai Lu was very shy if she said it.



Bai Lu nodded.

"Tell me quickly!"

After saying that, he pulled Bai Lu to the sofa aside.

"Hey, Du Ling, be careful!"

"I know, boss, you are too much, you have to call me no matter what!"

Qin Nuo shook his head.

Too lazy to care.

I thought to myself.

Why do I need to call you so you can watch the live broadcast?


I just hid it from you on purpose.

Qin Nuo made himself a cup of tea and sat on a chair to read the company's documents.

Everything is going in a good direction recently.

Inception is very popular on the Internet and everyone is discussing it.

It has become a phenomenal movie.

Not just at home, but also abroad.

Qin Nuo took a look at the data survey sent by Fox and found that the movie attendance rate actually increased.

And there are many viewers who buy tickets repeatedly.

Look at Qin Nuo and feel happy.

Inception can give him at least several hundred million in profits.

This money can be used to repay the money previously purchased from the investment banking company.

After that, Qin Nuo can plan the next step.

Build your own theater.

His entertainment empire is slowly taking shape step by step.

The layout should be completed within two years.

I watched it for over an hour.

Qin Nuo was about to go to dinner, but Sister Hong rushed in unexpectedly.

"Boss, you are finally back." Sister Hong looked at Qin Nuo and was very excited.

"I have something to talk to you about!"

"Okay, it's exactly noon, I'll treat you to dinner!"

"Where are the two little girls?"

"Leave them alone!"

Qin Nuo took a look and saw that Chen Duling was still asking Bai Lu about what happened yesterday.

I'm full from all the melons.

What to eat!


The two of them came to a nice restaurant downstairs of the company.

Every time Qin Nuo calls Bai Lu to order food, it’s here.

"Hey, Director Qin is here!"

Seeing Qin Nuo, the restaurant owner immediately beamed!

His face was full of respect.

"Excuse me, boss, are there any private rooms available?"

"Yes! Xiao Zhou, why don't you hurry up and clean up the Bauhinia Pavilion!"

"Okay, boss, I'll be there right away!"


"Trouble, boss!"

"It should, it should!"

The restaurant owner smiled so happily.

Qin Nuo often orders their food and brings many diners from around to their restaurant.

The celebrity effect is very significant.

Qin Nuo said that a good restaurant is definitely the best.

Therefore, the business of their store is several times better than that of surrounding restaurants.

It would be strange for the hotel owner not to treat Qin Nuo as an uncle.

The two had just sat down and hadn't chatted for a while.

One dish after another arrived.

The color and fragrance are rich, and it is very appetizing at first sight.

"Boss, it's really an advantage to come to dinner with you. It's only been less than twenty minutes."

Sister Hong said in a narrow voice.

"All the dishes are here, and the portions are generous. You are so proud!"

"I can't even shut your mouth when I eat!"

"Director Qin, just call if you need me!"

"Thank you very much, boss!"

The hotel owner nodded and gently closed the private room door.

While eating, the two started chatting.

"Boss, Inception has been well received in Sakura Country and Han Country. Do you want to take the crew to promote it?"

"Hanguo has sent several invitations over there since I was a kid!"


Qin Nuo nodded slightly when he heard this.

Compared to other countries, Qin Nuo is indeed more popular in Han Kingdom.

This is not difficult to explain.

Cultural identity is part of the reason.

There is also the deep-seated worship of the strong in these two countries.

"Then let's go to Han Kingdom!"

"Why don't you go to Xiaoli?" Sister Hong was very surprised.

A large part of Inception was filmed in Little Days.

It should be said that it is more appropriate to go to Xiaoli.

Qin Nuo smiled and said nothing.

There is no need to explain this kind of thing to Sister Hong.

Qin Nuo is not stupid. There has been a little conflict between Hua Guo and Xiaoli recently.

Although not big, Qin Nuo is such a high-profile place.

Although the superiors won't take care of it, it's still not good.

He is an influential cultural figure.

Naturally, we have to follow the country.

Hua Guo and Han Guo were flirting with each other.

Qin Nuo would naturally choose Han State.

This not only makes the people above feel that Qin Nuo has a general understanding, but also gets a lot of care.

Sister Hong was not standing at such a height, so it was normal for her to be invisible.

"Boss, are you interested in those girl groups in Hanguo?" Sister Hong asked with a smile.

"Talk about something if you have something to say"

Qin Nuo was too lazy to pay attention to this woman.

"Okay, the Golden Horse Awards invite you to attend this year's awards ceremony!"

"Boss, they promise to give you two grand prizes as long as you go!"

Qin Nuo was eating and heard this.

There was a disdainful smile on his lips.

Those people at the Golden Horse Awards absolutely hate Qin Nuo to their core.

Last year Qin Nuo and Feng Xiaogang almost turned the Golden Horse Award, which had been held for decades, into a dead horse award!

I heard that we couldn’t even find a sponsor this year.

Extremely shabby.

The reason why Qin Nuo was invited was not sincere.

But I want to use him to inspire other actors.

As the banner of the Mainland, if Qin Nuo goes to the Golden Horse Awards, there will be no pressure on the directors and actors behind it.

I'll go there too.

In a few years, the Golden Horse Awards will recover a lot.

In a few years, the tragedy of last year will be gone.

Compared with these, giving Qin Nuo a few grand prizes is nothing.

He can guarantee that even if he asks all the grand prizes from the Golden Horse Awards to be given to him.

The organizer will also consider it.

ps: The second one, rise up, brothers.

There are four guaranteed updates today, and additional updates are ready!

Go on!

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