Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

295 The Two Women Were Punished And Forced To Reveal Liu Yifei's Evil Plan! The Journey To Han


"Tell me, what's going on? You two are addicted to voyeurism recently?"

Qin Nuo asked as he looked at the two women.

Li Qing and Song Yi looked at me and I looked at you, but neither spoke.

"Don't say anything, okay!" Qin Nuo stood up and came to the two women.

"I think I said last time, if you do this again, take off your pants!

After finishing speaking, he pulled Li Qing into his arms.

Li Qing was frightened.

She is still a young girl, if Qin Nuo takes off her pants and beats her up.

What if this guy can't help it.

When the time came to trap her, Li Qing didn't even want to resist.

Qin Nuo took a look and found that Li Qing was wearing a pair of black jeans today.

The butt is quite perky.

"Director Qin, say goodbye!"

Li Qing looked at Qin Nuo pitifully.

"We just want to help you, we are worried that Sister Yuanyuan has someone else!"


Song Yi also said quickly.

"We're worried about someone cuckolding you!"

Qin Nuo”

Hearing this, he rolled his eyes in his mind.

You two have so much to worry about.


Qin Nuo can only wear it for others in this life.

"Song Yi, come here too!"

Qin Nuo waved, and Song Yi followed suit and came to Qin Nuo's side.

After that, Qin Nuo also hugged Song Yi into his arms.

Feeling the youthful atmosphere of the two women.

really not bad.

The bodies are extremely soft, one is pure and the other is cute.

The two women felt Qin Nuo's hands roaming around their bodies.

Somewhat scared.

But he didn’t dare to resist.

He lowered his head timidly.

After a while, Song Yi couldn't bear it anymore.

"Director Qin, stop touching it! It's so itchy!"

Song Yi grabbed Qin Nuo's hand, her eyes were full of begging, she really couldn't go any further.

Li Qing is also the same.

"Director Qin, isn't it okay that we were wrong?"

"If it doesn't work, you can find Song Yi."

"She said last time that if you had sex with her, her legs would be weak and she wouldn't run away!"

Song Yi's eyes widened. She didn't expect that her dearest sister would betray her.

Think back to the last time you saw something.


"Director Qin, you look for Qinqin, I tell you, she is weak and can make a horse!"

"I can also dance!"

"You!" Li Qing was also anxious.

"Director Qin, you are looking for Tiezi, she is so sexy, her butt is very perky!"

"Director Qin, look for Qinqin. She has very long legs, which is great for playing with!"

"Look for her..."

"You are looking for her..."

The two women soon started arguing.

"Okay!" Qin Nuo patted the two women's buttocks.

"What's the fuss about? It's okay if we come together!"

Qin Nuo sat on the sofa and looked at the two women.

You two are good sisters, I think they fit together!

"..." Song Yi and Li Tingting were frightened when they heard this.

The two women actually took a bath together and slept together.

But if they are together, then they can be regarded as three sisters.

"Director Qin, many people have violated the law!"

"You two are going to sue me!"

The two women looked at each other, shook their heads, and said nothing.

Even if Qin Nuo really got the two women together, he would not sue.

"What is Liu Yifei doing recently?"

"Director Qin, do you want us to betray Qian Qian?"

"Director Qin, no, Sissy is very good to us!"

As soon as the two of them spoke, Qin Nuo carried the two girls and was about to go to the bedroom.

"No, no, no, I say!"

"That's right, Director Qin, let's talk!"

If this goes in, Qin Nuo may really have to hold on to the wall to get out.

"Say it!"

Qin Nuo recently felt that Liu Yifei was not normal.

She invited him to her house several times.

And this woman is also very active.

Qin Nuo was worried about what conspiracy this guy was brewing.

As Liu Yifei's best friends, these two little girls must know.

"Sissi seems to have said she wants to give you a baby!"

"Have a baby?" Qin Nuo's eyes widened.

"And she wants to steal the leading lady in your next movie."

Qin Nuo was not surprised to hear this.

"Then why did she invite me to her house three times and four times?"

Hearing this, the two women looked at each other, this involved a lot.

They dare not say.

Qin Nuo understood when he saw the two women hesitating to speak.

Something is really going on.

Li Qing suddenly felt an extra hand on his butt.

"Qinqin, please keep your voice down for a while, so that the next door doesn't hear you!"

"Farewell, Director Qin, I really can't say anything!" Li Shuo begged.

At the same time, Qin Nuo held Song Yi in his arms again.

"I like your little mouth, give it a good kiss later!"

"Director Qin, what are you going to put in my mouth?"

"What do you think?"

Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the door, the two women couldn't help it.

After entering, they believed that Qin Nuo would not joke.

Their seafood Qin Nuo is a must-try.

Seeing Qin Nuo open the door, the two women's psychological defense finally collapsed.

"Director Qin, I said, don't play with me, I'm afraid of pain!"

"Director Qin, it's really hard to fit in, I'll tell you the same!"

When Qin Nuo heard this, a smile appeared on his lips.

He knew that these two little girls couldn't help it.

But having said that, Qin Nuo was really a little excited.

There is still a little bit of expectation in my heart.

The two girls are not bad in appearance, it would be fun to put them together.

"Say it!"

"Sissi wants to trick you into going to her house."

"Then design it so that her mother will find it~"



"Why did she do this?" Qin Nuo was a little strange.

"Director Qin, you are stupid. You were bullying other women at other people's homes and your mother found out."

"How could you leave so easily if you didn't pay anything?"

"Sissi said that after you were caught, she tricked you into saying you were engaged, and then pretended to be pregnant!"

"Then continue to trick you into getting a marriage certificate!"

"This way you really can't run away!"

Qin Nuo”

"Are you kidding me that I would be so stupid?"

Qin Nuo felt that it was impossible for him to fall into the trap.

At worst, just pat your butt and walk away.

"Director Qin, it's not that simple. Don't you really like it?"

"Yes, as long as the first step is successful, you get engaged, and you have children after that, don't you want to give Sissy a family?"

"One link after another, if you ask Director Qin and you still have a conscience, it's impossible to refuse!"

The two women actually felt that this method had a high success rate.

Don't look at what Qin Nuo is saying now, so categorically.

But if you don't know the inside story, you will be caught.

Liu Yifei was pretending, the first step was successful, and everything went smoothly after that.

The same goes for people.

Generally, people who fall into the abyss go down step by step.

No one can jump in all at once.

It's like boiling a frog in warm water.

When you feel that the water temperature can no longer be tolerated.

You have long since become a turtle in a urn!

This is a good idea that the three women came up with after working together for a long time.

Hearing what the two women said, Qin Nuo frowned, not to mention it was still possible.

Qin Nuo must have a good impression of Liu Yifei.

If you really have children, getting married is not impossible.

Qin Nuo also didn't expect that this woman Liu Yifei would give her a big one without saying anything.

But with her brain, she definitely couldn't figure it out.

The contribution of these two women is not small.

"Hey, Director Qin, we've already said it, why are you dragging us in?"

"Yes, Director Qin, we have all told you, don't touch me, I'm afraid of pain!"

Qin Nuo held a little girl with one hand and had a bad expression on his face. ,

"That stupid girl Sissi definitely couldn't come up with this idea. It must have been the idea between you two, right?"

"I almost overturned my car, if I don't give you a good punishment today!"

Soon the screams of the two women came from the bedroom.

It really makes those who hear it sad and those who listen to it cry.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Nuo looked at the two women on the bed, covering their buttocks.

"I'll let you go today. If anything happens to Sissi in the future, let me know as soon as possible!"

"Did you hear that?"

"heard it!"

"If you don't tell me, next time I won't be spanked, but I'll eat seafood!"


Li Qing:

Qin Nuo finally slapped the two women on the buttocks and walked away.

This time it was not in vain.

I didn't expect to know such a secret.

He originally planned to come back from Han Kingdom to have fun with Liu Yifei.

Now that I think about it, I might as well forget it.

This woman wants to trick him into getting married, but that won't work.

The fairy sister is quite bad, let’s dry it out before talking about it!

After Qin Nuo left, the two women still didn't get up.

"Qinqin, we have become little spies!"

Let’s make it happen, I feel like I can’t run away, Tie Zi!”

Li Qing also saw it.

Qin Nuo was very interested in them. She saw desire in Qin Nuo's eyes when they were fighting just now.

At that time, she thought Qin Nuo would not be able to bear it.

Unexpectedly, I could hold back.

"Qinqin, what do you mean?"

"Tie Zi, I feel that one day Qin Nuo will be put together by the two of us, and this day is not far away!"

"Ah! This..."

the other side.

"Hey, dear, what are you doing?"

Da Meiyuan was hugged by Qin Nuo.

"hurry up"

"So urgent!"

Da Meiyuan didn’t know why Qin Nuo seemed particularly excited.

What are you going for?

Qin Nuo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I almost couldn't hold it back just now, these two little girls are not bad looking.

Fortunately, Da Meiyuan is here.

Otherwise, I’m afraid I’ll have to drink new tea today!

Qin Nuo left early the next day.

By the way, I asked for a leave for Gao Yuanyuan.

My eldest sister accidentally injured her foot yesterday.

It takes a whole day to go out to the fields.

At ten o'clock in the morning, a flight flew across the sky over the capital.

Qin Nuo's journey to Han Kingdom began.

the other side

At Seoul Airport, President Kim of SM Entertainment is already waiting at the airport.

The eyes are solemn!

For the release of Inception this time, Qin Nuo was handed over to SM Company.

You can at least make a lot of money through this company.

In addition, Qin Nuo is the top director in Asia.

Even very influential in the entire world.

Han Guo originally had some interest in the West, and Qin Nuo had deep connections in the United States.

So Jin Zaizhu didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

The eyes of the whole world are looking at Han Guo.

You have to perform well!

ps: More updates are coming, thanks to Wu Yanzhu for the reward.

Don't be stunned, everyone, keep voting.

The plot in Han Kingdom will definitely be fun!

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