Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

300 Yang Mi: Nazha, Get Out Of Here, The Prey Delivered To Your Door, The Special Dish Of Han Kingdo

Yang Mi still knows Qin Nuo.

This guy doesn't like foreigners very much, especially sticks and little devils.

It's okay to play with, but it's absolutely impossible to bring it back.

She is much more mature than Naza.

It doesn’t matter if you have fun.

Men, what else can you think about besides that?

As long as it rains, just run home...

"Sister Mi, aren't you worried?"

"I'm worried about Hammer, go ahead and don't bother me!"

Yang Mi is busy, her plan with Qin Nuo is about to begin.

The shares held by the two of them will exceed 50%, and they will wait until the stock bank contacts them.

You can start the plan.

When the time comes, Zeng Jia and her former assistant will be driven away in one fell swoop.

If the capital side is wise, they can make some money by keeping it.

If you don't know the truth, drive away together.

Being so busy, there is no time to worry about what kind of woman Qin Nuo is looking for.

Just don't get sick.

"Hey, Xiaonizi, what are you doing?"

Yang Mi looked at the little hands on her body.

"Sister Mi, it's really comfortable." Nazha sat behind Yang Mi.

Holding Yang Mi in her arms, her face was full of cunning.

"No wonder Qin Nuo put things in here last time!"

Yang Mi..."

"Let go, or I'll beat you up!"

"Hold on, it feels so comfortable. Sister Mi and Brother Nuo are not around, so I can help you!"

"Get out of my way, who wants your help?"

"Come on, come on!"

"Hey, don't kiss me, don't mess around!"

Yang Mi was held down by Naza and felt very regretful.

Why should I reconcile with this girl? There is something wrong with Nazha.

If I had known, Yang Mi should not have used this method.

It's better now. After getting to know each other, this girl is getting more and more over the top.

"Sister Mi, let's sleep together tonight!"

"Nazha, get out of here, or I'll put the essential oil into your body lotion!"

"Sister Mi, are you having such a good time?"

Yang Mi

On the other hand, Qin Nuo couldn’t stop laughing after watching 913.

He didn't expect that this could cause a quarrel. You are really bored.

"Okay, you guys go to bed early, it's time for me to go back!"

Qin Nuo stood up.

"Boss, don't leave, just sleep here with us!"

Seeing Qin Nuo about to leave, Chen Duling stopped him.

The little face is full of charm.

Qin Nuo glanced at Chen Duling and then at Bai Lu.

This girl has lowered her head to her chest.

The little face is blushing.

"You two together?"

"Boss, you are so greedy, I can do it!"

Qin Nuo hugged Xiao Nizi and thought about it before letting it go.

The woman Bai Lu is not developed enough.

Not interesting.

Let’s wait for further development.

"Next time, look, you scared the little secretary!" Qin Nuo pinched Chen Duling's face.

"And I'm a little tired today, let's talk next time!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo patted this girl's butt.

Turned around and left the room!

After Qin Nuo left, Chen Duling was unhappy that today's opportunity was so good.

Bai Lu unexpectedly slipped up at the critical moment.

"Bai Lu, what's the matter with you?"

"Du Ling is so embarrassed!" Bai Lu looked ashamed.

If it were Qin Nuo and her, Bai Lu would really have no problem with it.

Even very cooperative.

Last time Qin Nuo asked her to do whatever she was told, but she was obedient.

But if there is someone, she really can't pass this test.

"I'm impressed with you!" Chen Duling slapped his forehead.

"Didn't you already have an affair with your boss last time?"

"What's there to be embarrassed about?"

Bai Lu didn't speak, and muttered something in her heart.

Can that be the same?

No one else is here.

"Forget it, let's sleep together tonight!~"

"Cultivation and cultivation first! Once you are familiar with it, it will be fine!"

white dew

On the other side, Qin Nuo finished washing.

Getting ready for bed.

There's still business tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, just after taking a shower, there was a knock on the door.

"Did Chen Duling convince Bai Lu that little quail?"

Qin Nuo smiled.

If that's the case, Qin Nuo doesn't mind.

Bai Lu looked like this and couldn't help but want to bully her.

But when he opened the door, Qin Nuo was stunned.

Standing outside was a woman wearing sunglasses and wrapped up tightly.

"Who are you?"

"Director Qin, I am Jessica!" Jessica looked at Qin Nuo.

"Oh, what's the matter? Miyan!"

Jessica looked at the corridors on both sides and begged.

"Director Qin, can you let me go in and talk?"

Qin Nuo frowned and thought to himself.

Doesn't this woman want to dance like a fairy?

But it doesn't seem to be possible, even if it's a fairy dance.

Don't dare to jump on him.

It is no exaggeration to say that a woman of his average status cannot really jump.

"Okay, come in!"

Jessica Jung bowed deeply towards Qin Nuo.

His face was full of gratitude.

Close the door.

Qin Nuo sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette,

Jessica sat aside.

The back is very straight.

Although she was wearing a lot of clothes, she could still vaguely see her beautiful figure.

"Miss Xiuyan, what's the matter with you?"

Jessica looked at Qin Nuo.

At the reception, she heard that it was not just them.

Song Hye Kyo and many other artists want to serve as Qin Nuo's tour guide.

Their chances are really slim.

In order to catch Qin Nuo, Jessica had to make dangerous moves.

After going back, I quickly prepared and went to the hotel in Qin Nuo.

Fortunately, I didn't meet anyone along the way.

And Qin Nuo also gave her a chance.

She was very excited.

"Director Qin, do you know about Hanguo's entertainment industry?"

"It's okay!" Qin Nuo said casually.

Hanguo star Qin Nuo is quite familiar to many people.

"Director Qin, what I mean is, do you understand the darkness in Hanguo's entertainment industry?"

"What do you mean!"

Jessica stood up and knelt in front of Qin Nuo, holding Qin Nuo's hand.

His eyes were full of begging.

"Director Qin, do you know? To put it bluntly, we girl groups are all playthings raised by the company."

"After the utilization value is squeezed out, we will be sent to escorts!"

"Many seniors couldn't bear the humiliation and committed suicide!"

Qin Nuo frowned and looked at Jessica underneath him.

He had indeed heard of this, and there was even a movie about it.

But he always thought they were in the minority.

"Won't you resist?"

"Director Qin, it's useless. The Han Kingdom is different from the Hua Kingdom! We have a contract and there's nothing we can do!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo felt sympathy but not sympathy.

This is the path you choose.

No one is forcing you to choose.

"I'm sorry, miss, there's nothing I can do!"

"Director Qin, you can do it"

Jessica stood up and took off her windbreaker.

Qin Nuo was surprised. This woman was actually wearing a tight black skirt.

Outline a beautiful figure.

Very well proportioned.

Snow-white calves are exposed below.

It’s like watching some dress-up show!

His whole person changed instantly.

"Director Qin, do I look good?" Jessica looked at Qin Nuo with a charming look on her face.

Qin Nuo nodded,

"very nice!"

The woman knelt on the ground and slowly moved towards Qin Nuo.

Shui Lingling eyes looked at Qin Nuo.

"Director Qin, you can help us. As long as you ask, the company only cares about you."

"Even if we have no use value, we will be free!"

"In return, Director Qin!" Jessica licked Qin Nuo's fingers.

Then he said.

"I'll do anything for you!"

"If you are willing, any of our nine sisters can do it!"

Qin Nuo laughed when he heard this.

Reaching out to pinch the woman's chin, Jessica tried her best to raise her head.

"Are you serious? I don't think I have such a great reputation?"

"Director Qin, really, absolutely you can!"

Qin Nuo thought about it and realized that he is too big.

Moreover, this woman is quite sincere and will kneel down when asked.

Would you like to help?

"The nine of you can come together!"


Jung Soo

She didn't expect Qin Nuo to ask such a question.


We are not afraid, but Director Qin, can you do it?

"Director Qin, it should be okay!"

"Haha, I'm just kidding!"

"Well, I won't express any opinions, but what do you do?"

"As long as it's not too much, I don't care!"

Qin Nuo is not stupid, he will not make any promises if he is willing.

Then try the special dishes from Hanguo.

If it doesn't work, forget it. ,

"Okay! It's absolutely okay!"

Although Qin Nuo made no promises, this is enough.

As long as they have a relationship with Qin Nuo, most people will never dare to touch them.

Qin Nuo may think it doesn't matter.

But in the eyes of others, it is different.

Even if Qin Nuo doesn't say it, smart people will think it's a signal!

"Director Qin, let me help you!"

Jessica Cheng slowly moved closer.

He raised his head and glanced at Qin Nuo, then slowly lowered his head and got busy after a while.

Qin Nuo closed her eyes and enjoyed it while smoking.

An hour later.

The two were lying on the bed, Jessica lying in Qin Nuo's arms.

Although his eyes were a little tired, they were still bright.

She succeeded.

You no longer have to worry about people outside.

The company won't do anything.

If I really can’t dance anymore, I won’t be able to sing either.

For the sake of Qin Nuo, the contract will be terminated peacefully.

I was very happy.

He raised his head and glanced at Qin Nuo, feeling very satisfied.

Think back to the experience you just had.

Jessica feels that even if Qin Nuo doesn't make any promises, she still thinks it's worth it.

It was a wonderful experience.

"Director Qin, do you want more?" Zheng Xiuyan looked at Qin Nuo and said cleverly

"If I don't need it anymore, I want to go back to the dormitory..."

ps: More updates, thank you Wu Yanzhu for urging me to update, there are only four votes left.

Come on everyone!

Thank you la la la!!.

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