Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

302 Fans Posted Their Signatures One After Another, Netizens Were Envious And Jealous, The Box Offic

"Director Qin, I am your fan!"

"Director Qin is so handsome!"

"Hey, Oppa, please let me go up. I will never hurt Director Qin!"

"I just want to hug him!"

A young lady from Hanguo at the bottom looked at the burly security guard in front of her and discussed.

"Let me go up there and I can go on a date with you!"

The security guard glanced at the woman.

It's quite beautiful and a bit heartwarming.

But he still shook his head.

Work is more important than being a woman.

Many young ladies next to me learned in a certain way.

They bribed the security guards around them one after another.

Not far away, Cui Zaiying and two assistants saw him.

Don’t even know what to say?

I can only sigh that the popularity of Qin Nuo is really too high.

"Thank you for your support. I'm glad that the audience in Hanguo likes Inception!"

"Director Qin, do you like the Kingdom of Han?"

"I like it very much. It's my first time here too. Many fans came to pick me up at the airport!"

"I like how enthusiastic you are!"

"Can Director Qin come to Han to make a movie next time? We support you!"

"I will definitely consider it seriously when I go back, and maybe even look for actors from Han Kingdom!"

Hearing this, the audience in Han State below got excited again and said "807".

Although Qin Nuo said so.

But it was just polite words.

He didn't even think about his next movie.

Choose shit.

By fooling this group of fans, you can also establish your own personality.

"Do you want to sign autographs? If possible, please invite a team!"

"People are so chaotic!"

Upon hearing this.

In an instant, everyone lined up like elementary school students.

If I can get Qin Nuo's autograph, I can brag about it with my friends for a long time when I go back.

“Swish, swish, swish!

Soon Qin Nuo signed a lot of contracts.

"Director Qin, please sign here. I heard this is Director Qin's exclusive signature place!"

A beautiful young lady from Hanguo lifted up her shoulder strap.

Qin Nuo looked shy.


After finishing writing, the young lady was very happy.

"Director Qin, I will keep these clothes forever!"

"As long as you like it!"

The young ladies from Hanguo in the back also learned in style.

As long as you are confident in your body.

They also exposed their shoulder straps and asked Qin Nuo to sign on them.

There was even a broad-minded young lady who took advantage of Qin Nuo’s signing.

He pressed him down directly.

In an instant, Qin Nuo was surrounded by a burst of milky fragrance.

The surrounding audience also cheered.

Cui Zaiying rushed out after seeing it, and the security guard on the side also quickly pulled the woman away.

"It's okay, it's okay, let her go!"

"Director Qin, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, don't do this next time. If it happens all over again, I really can't stand it!"

The surrounding audience laughed after hearing this.

Later, when Qin Nuo was signing, the security guard on the side had to be extra careful.

If this happened again, his job would be gone.

Been struggling for two hours.

Qin Nuo just signed all the hundreds of people.

He also admired the people behind him for being able to do it for so long.

"Okay, everyone, thank you again to the Hanguo audience for your support!"

"Director Qin, we will always support you."

"Yes, Director Qin, you are the pride of East Asia!"

I have to say that Qin Nuo signed autographs for two hours straight. This dedication really moved everyone.

And he had a smile on his face the whole time.

This character is finally established.

Finally, Qin Nuo took a group photo with everyone, and that was the end.

The audience was still a little reluctant to leave.

After watching Qin Nuo disappear, he left.

"Director Qin, do you want to put some ice on your hand?"

Cui Zaiying originally thought that Qin Nuo just wanted to sign a few names.

Unexpectedly, every audience member was taken care of.

He even refused to accept some of the theater staff.

"It's okay, let's go back!"

Qin Nuo is not that pretentious either.

Originally there was only one road show, so it would be nice to be serious and leave a good impression.

The audience in Hanguo was very enthusiastic.

It can also increase his box office to some extent.


Soon Cui Zaiying sent Qin Nuo back to the hotel.

The two assistants talked to Qin Nuo and went shopping.

Qin Nuo didn't care and brought two girls with him this time.

Just relaxing.

"President Cui, please excuse me!"

Qin Nuo glanced at the backs of the two women.

Cui Zaiying is also a smart person and instantly understood what Qin Nuo meant.

"Don't worry, Director Qin, I will arrange for someone to follow the two ladies."

"I promise there won't be any accidents" and all their expenses will be borne by SM!

“It’s no longer necessary.”

"It's okay, Director Qin is so dedicated, just a small gift.

"Please don't refuse, Director Qin!"

Cui Zaiying said seriously.

"Okay, thank you." Qin Nuo didn't say much.

It doesn’t cost much anyway.

"Hey, Director Qin, wait a minute!"

"Here is the list of artists from our company. If Director Qin wants to visit Han Kingdom soon, they can act as his guide!"

Qin Nuo took the tablet.

When you open it, you will see that it is full of beautiful photos. Click on one.

There are even private photos inside!

Ahem, I have to say that the cameramen of SM Company are really good.

What a beautiful shot...

So thoughtful.

Qin Nuo looked at Cui Zaiying, and Cui Zaiying also showed a smile that every man understands.

Now Qin Nuo understood that he was being asked to choose a concubine!

As long as you like it, you can take it back to the hotel.

"President Cui, you are so considerate!"

"Yes, Hui Qiao is free recently. If Director Qin is interested, he can also find her.

Although they are all from their own company.

However, Cui Zaiying still mentioned Song Hye Kyo.

After all, it can be regarded as one of the company's cards.

"I see!"

Qin Nuo takes the tablet and heads away!

On the other side, Cui Zaiying returned to the company.

"Has Director Qin accepted it?"


Hearing this, Jin Zaizhu smiled on his face.

They had also investigated who Qin Nuo was before.

Needless to say, he is talented, but he is also a romantic person.

As partners, they naturally have to do what they like.

Of course, Jin Zaizhu didn't want to blackmail Qin Nuo, and he didn't dare.

I just want to have a relationship with Qin Nuo.

You can expand your company's influence.

Qin Nuo's movies are very profitable.

Another point is the Hua Kingdom behind Qin Nuo.

If sm company wants to enter China, it also needs to find a strong partner.

Qintian Entertainment is very good.

"No matter who Director Qin chooses, from now on this woman will be directly classified as Qin Nuo's sidekick."

"Pay attention to those messy things!"

"I understand, President!"

At the same time, news of the Qin Nuo road show also spread quickly.

Sm originally planned to hire some navy troops, but he didn't expect that they would be used at all.

Audiences who got signatures posted their signatures online.

"Today is my luckiest day this year. I didn't expect to meet Director Qin in the theater!"

"Show off your signature, Director Qin, I love you!"

"Me too, Director Qin is so gentle and I like him so much!"

"Yes, yes, he is very polite and handsome. He signed autographs for everyone in the audience!"

"When we got to the back, I saw that Director Qin's hands were shaking. He didn't even finish the show yet, so he forced himself to sign in for all the audience!"

"I like Director Qin very much, not only because of his talent"

"There is also character and dedication. Fortunately, I also got Director Qin's signature!"

"I will treasure it!"

After a group of netizens in Hanguo saw the online signature.

That's called envy, jealousy, and hatred.

If one or two can still cheat,

But these dozens or hundreds are definitely not wrong,

Qin Nuo really has a road show.

And he also signed everyone's name.

"Which theater! Which theater? I want to go too, Xiba!"

"Xiba, I didn't hear that Director Qin is going to have a road show. I cried to death. If I had known, I would have gone to the movies today!"

"Damn it, you guys actually got it. Can you give it to me? I'll pay you a hundred dollars!"

"Xiba, just dream, one hundred dollars, Director Qin's autograph!"

"I'll pay you $1,000 for the one upstairs!"

"This... I have something to do and I have to leave first, so don't message me privately!"

Fans feel that they cannot withstand the temptation and are reluctant to sign autographs.

Just come and see it out of sight!

Qin Nuo also didn't expect that he was just a little more dedicated.

In the following days, Hanguo's box office exploded.

Everyone rushed to the theater one after another, just in case they were lucky enough to meet him.

I can play it to my friends for a long time when I go back.

Especially the theater Qin Nuo went to today, they made a lot of money.

It's basically full every day.

They all come to Qin Nuo.

The cinema owner smiled broadly, thinking that he would have to spend a huge sum of money next time.

We also want to grab a spot for Qin Nuo to come to Hanguo 0.6 roadshow!

On the other side, Qin Nuo didn't know this.

I rested for a while in the hotel in the afternoon, smoking a cigarette while choosing my concubine.

I have to say that sm company is really considerate.

The tablet given to Qin Nuo has a lot of content on it, not just photos.

There is also all the information about the artist, including height, weight, and even body measurements.

There is also a self-introduction video at the back.

This detail is more professional than other high-end clubs...

"Mei Qiao actually has a C, she has such a good figure!"

Qin Nuo looked at the interesting information with a smile on his face.

"I didn't realize that Yoona is so talented, she is also C, she is developing well!"

After watching it for half an hour, Qin Nuo was a little tired.

After much thought, I chose the three girls' generation who were standing in front yesterday.

Kim Taeyeon, Jessica Jung and Im Yoona.

He put down the tablet, hesitated again, and took Song Hye Kyo with him.

Although Qin Nuo has a general feeling for Qiao Mei.

But it also gives Cui Zaiying some face.

ps: ps: The first update, guaranteed to be the fourth update today!

Ten monthly tickets will add updates, and the same goes for rewards.

The brothers got excited, it took less than two months to reach one million words.

How about killing those bullshit writers together??.

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