Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

305 Disney And Sony Began To Fight, And Gun Murders Broke Out. Qin Nuo Wants To Kill Someone!

"Let's solve it ourselves first, and don't let Qin get involved first!"



Although Fox has tried its best to make up for it, these American reporters are not too big a deal to watch the excitement!

One after another they raised fire.

Of course, Disney and Sony are also behind this.


They have resigned themselves to their fate.

This Christmas, they were unlucky and met Qin Nuo, a lunatic.

Journey to the Center of the Earth and Hotel Transylvania were not bad at the box office.

But it's not great either.

If it weren't for Inception, I would indeed be able to make a lot more money.

But I have used the same method before when I encountered it.

It's useless, so you have to accept your fate.

But who would have thought that justice would come from heaven...

A psycho was so obsessed with watching Inception that he shot and killed more than twenty people in the theater.

This is no small matter.

It’s normal for a movie to be taken off the shelves if things go wrong.

So both sides began to move one after another and kept raising fire.

They didn't want to kill Qin Nuo either.

This has happened in history.

The director that time just apologized and took a year off.

They also know that they can't kill Qin Nuo, but they can still kill Inception.

The purpose is very simple: to take Inception off the shelves.

This way they can divide up the remaining slices.

Both sides were having a lot of fun.

Fox was just sewn on.

Disney and Sony quickly tore away the fig leaf.

Deng Wendi saw this situation.

I almost couldn't help but pick up a knife and chop Robert and Sony's CEO!

On the other side, Qin Nuo doesn’t know yet.

When I woke up in the morning with a smile on my face, I glanced at the two pools of blood on the bed.

A smile appeared on his lips.

I came to the living room, drinking coffee and thinking about where to go to play 440 today.

Although the broken place of Hanguo is indeed a bit small.

Not much fun either.

But the young lady is still pretty good.

Yoona and Taeyeon are both well-behaved, and they still practice dance regularly.

Women who learn to dance know it all.

Not only is endurance good, but flexibility is also excellent.

Plus I drank wine last night.

Pain reduced by eighty percent.

You can play crazier.

After a while, Jessica and Yoona got up and looked at Qin Nuo on the sofa.

The two women walked over.

"You guys are up!"

Qin Nuo waved, and the two women cooperated very well.

Nestled in Qin Nuo’s arms,

With a satisfied smile on his face.

"Oppa, what a good day yesterday!" Lin Yoona kissed Qin Nuo on the cheek.

I remember stacking Arhats last night.

Still a little shy.

I didn't know what happened at the time.

I just listened to Qin Nuo’s nonsense.

Looking back now, I don’t know how to face Sister Soo-yeon and Sister Taeyeon.

Qin Nuo pinched Yoona's face and said with a smile.

"Don't you like it very much? You keep clamoring to be at the top!"

Hearing this, Lin Yuner's face turned red to tears.

"That's because I drank too much. Anyway, Oppa, you are so good!"

Jessica on the side didn't say anything, she just hugged Qin Nuo quietly.

She also remembered what happened yesterday.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Qin Nuo likes it.

It would be no problem to stack the nine of them from Girls' Generation together.

Holding Qin Nuo, she felt as if she had someone to rely on.

She didn't think about getting into a position or anything.

This is not realistic either.

I just want Qin Nuo to protect them.

When they get older, Qin Nuo is not interested.

It can be separated.

By then she would also be free from the company.

"(chee) Oppa, I think you just want to get all of us girls into bed!"

“Really good or bad!”

Lin Yuner puffed her lips and said.

"Is that okay?" Qin Nuo thought about it for a moment, and realized that the next few members were actually quite good-looking.

Some are quite cute.

Anyway, a sheep is being driven, and a group of sheep is being herded.

They happen to be sisters.

Being together often makes him feel better.

"They should all be impatient!"

Lin Yuner knew that besides Yuanzhu, Cui Xiuying and others were very envious of the three of them.

"Oppa, if you are willing, I can tell you!"

Jessica said with a serious look.

"Actually, their experiences were similar to those of the three of us!"

"talk later!"

Qin Nuo hugged the two women and asked.

"Where's Taeyeon?"

"Are you still asking us?" Lin Yoona looked at Qin Nuo.

"You almost cried yesterday when you bullied me, and now you're still lying down~"

Qin Nuo suddenly remembered that he seemed to have played something fancy yesterday.

Kim Taeyeon is very considerate and the first to contribute.

The result was almost cramping.

I'm afraid I have to take a day off.

The two women didn't dare to do it after seeing it.

"Then take more care of her later!"

"Don't worry, we are good sisters!"

"Yes, sister Taeyeon is usually very nice to us.

The two women said in unison.

If it were before, Japanese women might still have some conflicts.

Women are like this.

The three of them are the most popular among Girls' Generation.

There will definitely be a lot of competition.

A very small question, like who should stand in the C position during the dance.

Don't look at it, it's just a small positioning issue.

There is a lot of knowledge here.

There's a lot involved.

But after what happened yesterday, the three women can be considered to be in the same boat.

Don't worry about minor conflicts.

The three girls planned to hold Qin Nuo's big head together.

Not to mention eating well and drinking spicy food, at least I can live happily in the future.

Don't worry about being roped in as an escort.

This is already a rare thing for Hanguo actresses.

The three of them chatted for a while.

Kim Taeyeon finally came out of the room.

His face looks a little bad.

But when he looked at Qin Nuo, he was still very respectful.

"Director Qin, I'm sorry last night, I...

"It's okay!" Qin Nuo suddenly admired entertainment companies like SM.

He can actually train other girls so well.

It's obviously Qin Nuo's fault.

Kim Taeyeon also apologized.

"Are you feeling better?"

"It's no problem anymore!"

"That's good!"

The three girls ate something, changed their clothes and prepared to say goodbye.

"Oppa, if you have time tomorrow, you can come to our dormitory to play. Xiuying and the others also like you very much!"

Kim Taeyeon also has a good heart.

Although there are often some conflicts among girl groups.

But Girls' Generation is still harmonious.

Since Qin Nuo wants three of them, why not take the others with him.

In this case, both sisters can bid farewell to their tragic fate.

"What are you going for?"

"You can do whatever you want?" Kim Taeyeon looked at Qin Nuo with a smile on her face.

"I'm afraid those little ladies have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Tsk tsk!"

Qin Nuo was a little excited when he heard this.

Girls’ Generation is also considered the top girl group in East Asia.

When Qin Nuo saw them in his previous life, he also imagined that he could arrange them into various shapes!

I didn’t expect that I would actually have the opportunity now.

"Okay, I will definitely go when I have time!"


Lin Yuner kissed Qin Nuo on the face and said.

"Then let's wait for Oppa at home!"

Jessica also followed Lin Yoona's example and kissed Qin Nuo on the face.

Then wave goodbye!

Looking at the swaying backs of the three women.

Qin Nuo couldn't help but sigh, Faguo is such a good place.

More to come later.

"How about we try it again in the next movie?"

In the afternoon, Qin Nuo drank afternoon tea with two secretaries.

He was a little tired yesterday and planned to take a good rest today.

If there is a chance tomorrow.

Just go and stay

Let the girls show him their dancing skills.

Also see the charm of the girl group.

"What are you two talking about?" Qin Nuo also looked at the two women a little bored and asked.

"Are we talking about what we can give the boss to eat in the evening?"

Chen Duling glanced at Qin Nuo and said with a frown.

"What to make up for?"

"Boss, you think we don't know?"

The assistant rolled her eyes at Qin Nuo. They saw Qin Nuo when he came back last night.

He actually brought three girls from Han Kingdom with him.

After entering the room, there was the sound of drinking and punching, which was very lively.

No one left until late at night.

Not long after I woke up in the morning, I saw three women walking on the wall.

What happened last night?

Couldn't they have guessed it?

Boss, don’t worry about yourself crying one day.

As the saying goes, when you are young, you don’t know how valuable gold is, but when you are old, you will shed tears when you look at it.

Bai Lu also glanced at Qin Nuo quietly.

Cheeks slightly red.

I thought to myself, the boss is so pretty.

So much so.

And those women are so shameless.

Qin Nuo is also a little embarrassed.

I thought that if I had known that coming to Han Country would be so fun, I shouldn't have brought these two little girls with me.


"Actually, we didn't really do anything, we were just drinking!"

"Boss, keep editing!" Chen Duling looked at Qin Nuo.

"See if we believe it or not!"

Qin Nuo looked at Bai Lu, this girl has always been very good and obedient.

Will definitely help her.

Unexpectedly, even Bai Lu said shyly this time.

"Boss, please pay attention to your health. How about I help you make some chicken soup at night?"

"The ginseng here in Han State is very good and can replenish vitality!"



"What to make up for? I don't need to make up for it, I..."

He really didn't know how to make it up.

I drank wine all night with Yoona and played Ludo all night.

Believe it or not!

Just then someone helped him out.

Qin Nuo heard the phone ring and breathed a sigh of relief.

After taking a look, Sister Hong really saved her life.

"I'll tell you after I answer the phone that your boss is a gentleman!"

Hearing this, both women curled their lips inwardly.


You are afraid that these four words only occupy one word!

Qin Nuo stood up.

"Hey, Sister Hong, what are you doing?"


"Is it a big impact?"

"Okay, I understand." Qin Nuo's face turned serious.

“It hasn’t been taken off the shelves yet”

"The boss can come at any time!"

"I'll go back right away and I'll be at the company tonight!"

"Okay boss!"

Qin Nuo hung up the phone, his eyes filled with anger.

ps: The fourth update has arrived, let’s see what everyone thinks next.

Stand up, brothers!

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