Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

309 Mad Director, Pulls The President Of The United States Into The Water, Goes To The United States

If this guy dares to kill people, he must have a criminal record. He can create a criminal record even if he doesn't have a criminal record.

When the time comes, Qin Nuo will come out to be a good person.

Bear medical expenses.

Maybe you can even gain some fame.

In the end, it was just like what Yang Mi said.

Maybe you can even make a fortune from death.

Although Qin Nuo doesn't want to make this money.

But don’t give it up for free!

He has put in so much effort and deserves to earn a little.

A smile appeared on Qin Nuo's lips, and it turned out to be clear to all bystanders.

Yang Mi is not a very smart woman, but she is as cunning as a fox.

"Yangmi Santong, from now on I will ask you to manage Jiahang~!"

When Yang Mi on the other end of the phone heard this, her eyes lit up.

"Are you serious?"


"Okay, tell me before you go through, I'll wait for you!"

Qin Nuo heard Yang Mi's words and said disdainfully.

"What a little money addict!"

"Fuck you, go to bed first, goodbye husband~"


After Qin Nuo hung up the phone, he simulated it in his mind.

What to do.

These guys like the Americans are pretty easy to fool, so we need to stabilize them first.

Anyway, the lunatic is not dead.

It shows that this guy is not affected by dream stealing at all.

He was originally a psychopath.

Then find Fox to drag the gun association down.

It even angered Qin Nuo, who even dared to drag down the president of the United States.

Turn the shooting into a social or even political issue.

Anyway, it’s not like there are no gun-banning demonstrations in the United States.

The worst thing is that Qin Nuo also yells a few words.

Of course doing this will make the top management of the United States hate him, but so what.

As long as Qin Nuo can make money, there will be capitalists who want to support him.

The worst result is that those Americans will drive him away.

This is nothing to Qin Nuo.

But if it succeeds.

Then the character of Qin Nuo is really established.

Crazy director!!

Are you afraid?

If I want to die, I will pull you to die together.

At worst, we'll all go to hell together.

As the saying goes, if you are too aggressive, you will be afraid of being stunned, and if you are stunned, you will be afraid of losing your life.

This saying is not only common in China.

It's the same all over the world.

If something like this happens again in the future, those guys will think twice about it.

Otherwise forget it.

Qin Nuo is not easy to mess with.

Thinking of this, Qin Nuo whistled happily.

"Damn American guy, I originally planned to destroy all of Girls' Generation tonight!"

"never mind!"

"Go back to your country and ride the Ocean Horse..."

Early the next morning, Qin Nuo arrived at Modu Airport alone.

The plane flew across the sky.

At four o'clock in the afternoon US time, Qin Nuo arrived at Los Angeles International Airport.

The Los Angeles International Airport in the United States is already crowded with reporters and demonstrators.

They are all waiting.

Waiting for Qin Nuo to appear.

Of course, there are also fans of Qin Nuo, who also organized many parades.

Confronting demonstrators.

It can be said that the two sides are in the same situation.

Los Angeles International Airport also mobilized urgently, and even a lot of local police came.

They were worried that the arrival of Qin Nuo would change the delicate atmosphere.

These thousands of people gathered together.

If you really make a fuss, the airport will be smashed by you.

Americans are much crazier than those in Japan and South Korea.

"Hey, Corey, look at the back. It's big news this time. We need to eat well!"

A bearded reporter said excitedly.

As reporters, they wish this would happen every day.

Things get worse.

The happier the reporter.

Even they don't care what happens to Qin Nuo.

Is it a perfect solution or falls into the abyss.

Their current goal is to cause trouble.

Corey glanced behind him.

Thousands of fans of Qin Nuo were quarreling with the demonstrators.

Both sides held signs.

Everyone looked excited, and there was a strong tendency to start a fight if they disagreed.

I feel a little guilty.

"George, we should be careful, although news is very important."

"But if they really get into a fight, why don't we stay away? You know some guys have no brains."

"It doesn't matter who you are when we fight!"

"Don't worry, look what I'm wearing." George opened his coat.

"Shit, you're wearing a lightweight body armor!!"

"Hehe, I've been prepared!"


"Stop chatting, Qin Nuo is out!"

George and Corey didn't care about anything else and hurriedly pushed forward.

The reporters behind him did the same and hurriedly squeezed into the airport hall.

With hundreds of reporters, airport security is difficult.

Even dozens of sweaters couldn't stop it.

Call for support immediately.

But the police behind them couldn't move, they had to restrain these two groups of people.

Qin Nuo fans are still confronting the demonstrators.

As long as they dare to leave, this group of people will definitely fight.

There are more than 3,000 people on both sides. If a riot breaks out.

But it was much more serious than the previous shooting at the Inception Cinema.

Soon Qin Nuo was alone, carrying a small suitcase in his hand.

He walked out of the lobby under the guidance of airport security and Fox staff.

The reporters all looked at Qin Nuo, and their expressions suddenly became strange.

Qin Nuo couldn't even see a trace of nervousness, loss, or fear on his face.

There was a calm look on his face.

It was as if nothing had happened.

This made the reporters furious.

We made such a big noise, and even the whole world became aware of it.

I have been busy for two days and two nights, except to make money.

What they were most looking forward to was seeing Qin Nuo's panicked expression.

But what's going on with this guy?

You have no expression at all, you make us look like fools.


Soon some reporters couldn't help it.

"Qin, I want to ask why you look like this after such a big thing happened."

"That's right, Qin, shouldn't you feel a little sorry for the dead American people?"

For a time, reporters paid tribute.

If Qin Nuo doesn't answer this question well, they will definitely label Qin Nuo as cold-blooded and ruthless in tomorrow's newspaper!

Just as Qin Nuo was about to speak, Fox staff pulled him.

There is no need to answer this question.

Qin Nuo waved his hand, then picked up the microphone and spoke to the bearded man in front of him.

"May I have your name!"


"Do you know what I'm going to do now?"

"How do I know this?"

"It's very simple. I am going to donate five million US dollars to provide for the recovery of the injured and the minimum living allowance for those who are unable to work due to the injury."

"I ask you, since you are so excited, what have you done for the people who died this time."

"Did you donate a penny?" Qin Nuo looked at him with sharp eyes.


"You didn't! You are just here to make noises, lest the world is not in chaos. You don't really care about the injured people at all."

"You're just trying to get their heat!"

"The people who consume them and really care about them are now in hospitals and charities!"

"Instead of questioning me here!"

Qin Nuo's words immediately confused George.

The reporter behind also shrank and looked at Qin Nuo with a somewhat different look.

This Oriental is very aggressive.

Although they are consuming those victims.

But that can never be said on the surface.

What is a reporter? True interviews, true reports, and speaking out for the people.

These are their bounden duties, and they usually treat these words as bullshit.

I will speak for anyone who gives me money.

But this must not be the case in terms of face, they have to flaunt themselves.

Even though I am trash, on the surface I am a good person.

Even the demonstrators behind were confused, but it was Qin Nuo fans who were chanting.

But Qin Nuo did not let this reporter go.

Because he saw that this guy was from New Jersey.

The reporters here really went out of their way to smear him.

"..."I will complain to the Journalists Association tomorrow. All your actions violate what a noble journalist should do!"

"I would advise the Journalists Association to revoke your press card!"

When George heard this, his whole body trembled.

He's finished.

If Qin Nuo really files a complaint, the people from the Journalists Association will, for the sake of their own reputation,

He would definitely throw George away as an abandoned son without hesitation.

This will even win some applause.

Kill two birds with one stone.


"Don't tell me, think about how you do it yourself"

George collapsed to the ground.

He regretted it, he regretted why he had to hit the muzzle of the gun.

Qin Nuo is obviously trying to scare the monkeys.

However, there are not many journalists who do not have the heart of the Holy Mother.

"Qin, I am (Zhao's) reporter from the American Morning News. This is my press card. I just came back from New Jersey yesterday."

"Everything was truly recorded there, and I also donated one month's salary to charity."

"I want to ask you, as a director, your movie led to a tragedy in which more than 20 people were killed!"

"Should you be responsible for this? Inception hasn't been released yet. Don't you want to cause more tragedies?"

Qin Nuo looked at the eldest female reporter with wide-eyed eyes.

He knew what kind of person this woman was without even looking at her.

Like many other saints in the country.

No matter what happens, you must pretend to be compassionate.

Let him go, he is just a child and it is not good for his mental health

Let her go, she is just a female student, what if she becomes a girl?

Let her go, he's not sensible yet.

As long as it doesn't happen to them, they will advise others to be generous.

To be honest, he hates this kind of Holy Mother more than selfish people.

In troubled times, it is absolutely right to kill the Holy Mother first.

"I will explain this to the whole world tomorrow on Fox TV. Are you satisfied with the result?"

Qin Nuo looked at this holy bitch.

"Then I'm all ears!"


ps: Three updates, there will be one update after that, and the four updates are guaranteed to be completed.

Next, leave it to the brothers, six tickets, four more to go!

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