Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

316 The Reactions Of The Girls, My Husband Is Awesome, His Scarf Was Broken Again, Passionate Netize

Liu Shishi, who was sitting on the bed, looked a little calm. It's actually quite exciting.

"Hey, boss, where are you going?"

"I'm going back to my house!" Liu Shishi changed her clothes and ran to Qin Nuo's house.

I plan to treat Qin Nuo tonight.

My husband is awesome.

"Then wait for me, I'll poison your shoes with you!"

"What the hell, just stay here!" Liu Shishi opened the door.

"Don't follow me!"

After saying that, he closed the door, took his car keys, returned his cell phone, and left.


Xiao Zhao felt very unhappy when he saw Liu Shi-Shi leaving.

Why don't you take me with you?

Fortunately, I was prepared.

Soon Xiao Zhao reported something out of the box - a very large telescope.

And infrared.

Even in the dark night, it is still clearly visible.

Hehe, when it comes to eating melons, I, Zhao Shengnan, am the most professional.

On the other side, Yang Mi's bedroom.

"Sister Mi, I'm going to kill you!"

Reba couldn't help it when he saw that Inception exceeded one billion.

If only Yang Mi hadn't snatched her role.

Then she can become a billion-dollar box office heroine.

If you convert it, that is 7 billion yuan.

Which domestic actress can reach 7 billion now?

If Detective Tang II is not released, neither will Liu.

Although Reba was very happy for Qin Nuo, she was even more angry.

Yang Mi took her best chance.

"Yang Mi, please pay me back seven billion!"

Reba pounced directly.

"Hey, Reba, you are sick. Where did you get the seven billion, Ban!"


Reba sat on Yang Mi and gritted his teeth while watching Yang Mi.

"Sister Mi, either you die or I die today, let's see if I don't crush your two babies to pieces!"


Yang Mi was so angry, why is Xiao Nizi doing this now.

During the road show, this stupid girl like Naza did this.

It haunts her every time she goes to bed.

Now Reba has learned it too.

But Reba is different from Nazar, this girl is also rich in nutrients.

"let me go!"

"I won't let you go. Sister Mi, you must have eaten it secretly, right? It's getting bigger again!"

Reba felt that this must be Qin Nuo’s contribution.

Qin Nuo’s favorite saying is that he has been playing since childhood…

"Damn it, Reba, just wait for me!"

Yang Mi reached out and pinched Reba's vital part.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"If you dare to pinch me, Reba, I will beat you to death today!"

"Come on, I don't want to live anyway, Sister Mi, let's hurt each other!"

Of course, our fairy sister is indispensable.

This girl is already dancing on the bed, which is so happy.

The fairy sister in private is different from the one on camera.

Just being silly.

Even in her previous life, Liu Yifei herself said that she was not a goddess.

Just a female loser.

Qin Nuo thinks it makes sense.

Which goddess can wear one piece of clothing for ten years?

I'm afraid it's just Liu Yifei.

Li Qing and Song Yi also opened their mouths, looking at the numbers in disbelief.

The global box office of Inception has exceeded one billion US dollars.

Seven billion yuan!

And the director is Qin Nuo.

It was Qin Nuo who they knew and often bullied them.

Even a little dazed.

It doesn't feel real.

When they get along with Qin Nuo, they are more like friends, although there is a little ambiguity.

But she's really not a confidante.

Qin Nuo probably just wants to try the newly launched seafood.

The two women looked at each other. If Qin Nuo stood in front of them now, he might be a little weak.

The world's truly top director.

Can we still be friends in the future?

"My husband is the world's top director!"

"My husband is the world's top director!"

"La la la la!"

Liu Yifei had already started singing happily, but now the two women couldn't stand it anymore.

"Sissi, I don't deny that Qin Nuo is your husband, but it's hard to tell how many wives he has..."

Li Qing stabbed him.

Suddenly Liu Yifei stopped.

But this is not over yet. Song Yi and Li Qing have learned a lot after getting along for a long time.

"Sissi, don't be too happy. Look who is the heroine of this dream inception?"


Xiao Nizi glared at the two women fiercely.

You two really have no eyes for such a happy moment.

Why are you saying this?

Especially Song Yi, you also learned badly.

Liu Yifei also knew that Qin Nuo, Yang Mi, Liu Shishi and others were unclear.

There were even Nazha Tangyanreba and others.

Although Qin Nuo hid it very well, he also had no shortage of public rations.

But Liu Yifei always felt something was wrong, she must have eaten it secretly.

Maybe not even one.

"Hmph, I'm going to get rid of all those vixens sooner or later!"

Liu Yifei looked at the two women. My little fists were clenched.

The little face is full of ferociousness~

"Qin Nuo is mine!"



Li Qing and Song Yi secretly emptied their stomachs in their hearts.

Do you still have the nerve to call others vixens?

You, Liu Yifei, are the biggest vixen, okay?

There are rumors outside that Qin Nuo is obsessed with Liu Yifei.

The heroine of both Tang Detective is Liu Yifei, and there is also the 300 million blockbuster Interstellar.

This time Inception, if Liu Yifei hadn't been free [if I didn't leave, the heroine would be you again...

Some people even doubted whether Liu Yifei had lowered her head to Qin Nuo.

It’s really nice to this girl.

Is cultivating immortality really so comfortable?

It can't be some kind of obvious weapon...

But thinking of the previous plan, Liu Yifei laughed again.

"Also, have you forgotten your previous plan? As long as Qin Nuo comes to the door, he will never be able to escape!"

"I'm ready~"

Liu Yifei imagined Qin Nuo's helpless expression afterwards, and felt very happy.

"Do you think Qin Nuo and I will have a Western-style wedding or a Chinese-style wedding?"


The two women looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

There is a bit of embarrassment on his face, I'm afraid your wedding is not that simple...

But that’s not our fault, right?

Last time I was blocked in the room by Qin Nuo, if I didn’t say anything.

His seafood has long been ruined by Qin Nuo.

We are also helpless.

Sissi, you must forgive us.

"What's wrong, you guys!"

Liu Shishi looked at the two women with strange expressions.

"Nothing, nothing!"

"Yes, it's nothing. We are thinking that if Sissi gets married, she will definitely ask us to be the bridesmaids!"

……Please give me flowers…………

"That's for sure!" Liu Yifei patted her chest.

"You are my best friends!"


Li Qing"

On the other side, the scarf has exploded.

Although it is already one o'clock in the morning.

But Inception has a global box office.

The billion-dollar scarf became a hot search within ten minutes of its release.

It hit the headlines in less than half an hour.

The number of onlookers continues to increase, and it has even occupied the entire headline.

[Inception’s box office exceeded one billion US dollars, everyone is celebrating]

[Newly promoted to the top director of the Billion Club, the youngest Qin Nuo in history!]

[Starting from Exploding Drummer, Director Qin created a miracle in three years!]

【The only world-class director from China, Qin Nuo!!】

At least 20 of the top 50 hot searches are related to Qin Nuo.

There has been a storm online

The scarf is struggling to hold up.

They had expected that Qin Nuo would break the record today, so they worked overtime.

A few servers have even been added.

But they still underestimated Qin Nuo's power.

In other words, they underestimated the admiration of netizens for the billionaire director.

From the announcement, the scarf struggled to hold on for an hour.

But as the number of people increases, more and more people come.

Eventually the server was overwhelmed.

On strike.

The old man with the scarf was chatting happily, but he didn't expect it to pop up the next second.

"Fuck you, you garbage scarf, eat shit!"

"It's like this again. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that today is probably going to break the record."

"Can't you tell by your scarves? Damn it, don't you have a few more servers?"


Netizens cursed angrily.

Everyone has moved to other platforms, Hupu, Tieba, forums...

After everyone complained about the scarf together, they then talked about Qin Nuo.

Just shout "Qin Nuo Niubi" on that website, and people will soon echo it.

Then everyone can chat.

"Qin Nuo is really lucky this time. If there had been no shooting, it would not have been possible to break the one billion mark!"

"Wealth is gained through danger. Didn't you mention that Inception was almost taken off the shelves before?"


"That's right. It's not too much to say that Qin Nuo is the world's top director now."

"Not too much, not too much at all. You can even play it for a while."

"I agree, I won't scold Qin Nuo today, it's time to brag about it!"

"I said the Light of China is fine, right?"

"No problem, Qin Nuo can also bear this title!"

Netizens below also had no objections.

Qin Nuo has made such a great contribution to Chinese films.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the light of China.

If Qin Nuo can continue to be so successful, in a few years, it will be the same as the giant panda.

It is also possible to become a business card of China.

He is truly one of the world's top directors.

It has increased China's reputation in the world a lot.

ps: The fourth update has arrived, unfortunately only three monthly passes

No more updates today?

What I wrote is quite smooth and I could use more meaning. .

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