Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

318 Golden Rooster Award! Qin Nuo Became The Focus Of Everyone's Attention As Soon As He Arrive

The floor is not dry yet...

"I told you I couldn't help it anymore, but you still come! I'll beat you to death!"

Liu Yifei now wants to die with Qin Nuo.

All her pride was torn to pieces by Qin Nuo ten minutes ago.

It's so embarrassing.

"How could I know this?"

"Fuck your sister, I don't believe you can't see it!"

Liu Yifei didn't believe it at all. She thought Qin Nuo was trying to play a prank.

"Okay, okay, what does this mean? It's not like it hasn't happened to you before!"

"Besides, I haven't seen anything about you, it's okay!"

"Can that be the same?"

The fairy sister is extremely shy.

It took me more than ten minutes to argue with Qin Nuo before she finally gave up.

I thought to myself.

Why don't you bring your uniform next time?

It's better to hold on to the wall and walk with such a big face...

On the afternoon of the same day, the Interstellar crew gathered together again.

In the hotel room.

Everyone is dressed like a human or a dog.

Chen Kun, Zhang Yixian, Wang Zhiwen, Zhang Ziyi, Wang Lin, Liu Shi

Qin Nuo also came to the room.

Originally, everyone was still discussing it.

This time Interstellar was shortlisted for a total of fifteen awards.

Including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Supporting Actor...

Waiting for a series of big prizes.

If you don't think it's a bit excessive.

In fact, there are almost all awards in the Golden Rooster Awards.

Interstellar is all eligible.

Even in terms of significance, Interstellar is no worse than Inception for China.

the reason is simple.

Because he pioneered Chinese science fiction movies.

Now many companies are planning to make science fiction films.

Another 27 is that he interrupted Hollywood's dominance of Chinese movies.

Ever since Hollywood blockbusters entered China.

Domestic box office records are all held by Hollywood blockbusters!

Interstellar ended that.

So it deserves all the glory.

But the organizers have other people’s interests in mind.

Many awards were still canceled, leaving only fifteen for Interstellar.

The discussion was lively.

Suddenly Qin Nuo came in.

Suddenly the room was quiet.

It was like a mute button was suddenly put on, whether it was the actors, the makeup artists on the side, or the staff behind the scenes.

The whole living room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

And everyone turned to look at Qin Nuo.

When Qin Nuo saw this, he was stunned for a moment and quickly looked at his crotch.

Don't come here in a hurry, just take a walk.

He looked up at the crowd and said strangely

"Hey, you must be sick, why are you looking at me like that!"

"It made me think the zipper was unzipped!"

Hearing this, everyone laughed.

There is no way, Qin Nuo's aura is too strong now.

The great director of the billion box office club

This is so scary.

Fortunately for Liu Yifei, Liu Shishi and others, Jian had negative distance contact with Qin Nuo.

They are immune to quite a bit.

But Chen Kun, Zhang Yixian and others are different...

I haven’t seen Qin Nuo for a while.

Now when I meet him, he is no longer the same Qin Nuo as before.

It's like a commoner meeting the county magistrate in ancient times.

Surprise is inevitable.

But it seems Qin Nuo is still as easy-going as before.

Everyone was relieved.

Otherwise, I would be a little nervous when speaking!

Wang Lin said with a smile.

"It's not that you, Director Qin, are too powerful, right? With a billion dollars, only two or three people in this world have done it!"

"Yes, Director Qin, when you came in just now, I seemed to see the sun!" Zhang Xian rubbed his eyes.

"The halo around me is so dazzling!"

"Yishan is right!" Chen Kun looked at Qin Nuo and said with a smile.

"We are a bit blind. We really can't believe that the world's top director is standing next to us!"

"Yes, yes, I actually had dinner with the world's top director. I can brag about it for the rest of my life!"

"Same, Director Qin, can you give me a few autographs? Your fame has increased so much recently."

"One of your signatures can be sold for thousands!"

"Then I want a few too"

"Then I want a few too!"

"Give me two, too. You have money, and I only earn a dead salary. Two signatures are worth as much as one month's salary of mine!"

Qin Nuo looked at these guys.

Rolled his eyes.


Signed with a hammer, you must be sick.

You are truly worthy of being the professional actors I selected. Your acting skills are so good.

I almost believed it.

"Director Qin, do you want to make an appointment?" Zhang Ziyi walked up to Qin Nuo with cat steps.

It seems like a joke, but it's actually serious.

Qin Nuo glanced at the woman, still feeling the same.

Pinru, you are so cool!

"Sister, we don't want to date!"

"My sister is rich."

Zhang Ziyi was very excited when she saw Qin Nuo. She had known that Qin Nuo could fight so well.

Not to mention bleeding from playing, it would be fine even if you end up in the hospital.

My dear Director Qin, have you forgotten your velvet ball?

"Go aside!"

"Director Qin, you are so cruel!" Zhang Ziyi said with an aggrieved look.

The people around looked at it and laughed out loud.

Only Qin Nuo knew that this woman was serious.

Find an opportunity to bleed her again.

"It's almost done, let's go, Yin family!"

"Okay, Director Qin!"


Soon everyone arrived at the Magic City Grand Theater, which was also the venue for the Golden Rooster Awards.

Qin Nuo just got off the bus.

The eyes of all the actors and celebrities present were attracted by Qin Nuo.

It's like Qin Nuo has a magnet on her body.

"Hey, look, Director Qin is here!"

"Xiao Ai, look, Director Qin!"


"Xiao Gang, Director Qin is here!"

"Come here as soon as you come. Why, do you want me to go over and kneel down for him?" Feng Xiaogang said angrily.

This is the time when Inception’s box office exceeded 1 billion.

Qin Nuo appeared in front of the public for the first time.

Everyone present looked at Qin Nuo with bright eyes.

Some directors are okay.

There was just some respect and admiration in his eyes.

But the actors below are different.

It was simply exciting, and I wanted to rush forward.

Especially the female celebrities in the industry.

Qin Nuo looked at the blatant looks of these female stars.

He can guarantee that as long as they are not married.

Qin Nuo can be put on the bed with just a hook.

Even married ones, ahem...

It’s not impossible!

"Director Qin, it's very stressful to stand in front of you!" Zhang Ziyi joked.

"Then get out!" Liu Yifei was very unhappy with this woman Zhang Ziyi.

She pestered my husband as soon as we met.

Don’t even look at your own seafood, it might be smelly.

"Xiao Nizi, what are you talking about? Your hair wasn't even fully grown when I was acting!"

"Huh, so what, now that I'm all grown up, yours is black!"

Zhang Ziyi..."

She looked at Liu Yifei and couldn't believe it. Didn't she say she was a fairy sister?

Why are you talking so obscenely?

I saw the corners of Zhang Ziyi's mouth twitching.

The fairy sister was very happy.

She realized the title of Fairy Sister.

Apart from sounding good, it has no other use.

Still have to hold it.

I won’t be a fairy sister from now on.

If anyone dares to steal my husband, then I will be the biggest female hooligan in the country.

However, Zhang Ziyi was not a vegetarian and reacted quickly.

"Xiao Nizi, what do you know? Only mature women can serve others. What about you?"

"I see you're like this. You didn't let Director Qin have fun yesterday, right?"


"Hehe, are you still right?"

"Xiao Nizi, you can't do it, come and tell me how Bureau Qin is playing with you!

Liu Yifei was so angry that she said nonsense.

I was in great disgrace yesterday.

"You are so shameless, a thing that can be ridden by thousands of people! 11

"Stop talking." Zhang Ziyi was really angry.


It won’t go away, right?

"Okay you two!"

Qin Nuo took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention and pinched the two women's buttocks hard.

"It hurts, Qin Nuo."

"Director Qin, you can focus on it if you like, I don't mind!"

Liu Yifei "...

"Didn't you see someone coming? It's still noisy!"

He was also drunk. This woman really didn't care about the occasion when she started arguing.

If people hear that you are shameless, I will still be ashamed.

The two women looked forward, and sure enough, two staff members came over.

After glaring at each other.

Quickly change your smile!

This is an awards ceremony, it's an official thing, so it can't be embarrassing.

"Hello, Director Qin, hello two young ladies!"

Qin Nuo nodded and asked.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?"

"It's like this. The organizer wanted to ask Director Qin to set an example. Five minutes later, Director Qin was the first to walk on the carpet.

"Is that okay, Director Qin!"

The staff said respectfully.

"Of course you can!"

"Thank you, Director Qin!"

Soon the two left.

Before Qin Nuo could speak, the two women stared at him.

The first one to walk on the red carpet.

Generally speaking, there are two best times to walk on the red carpet, one is the beginning and the other is the finale.

Qin Nuo is so generous.

It has become a leader.

You should know that Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang and many domestic directors are here this time.

The Golden Rooster Award gave Qin Nuo the best treatment.

"Okay, stop arguing, you two come with me!"

“Qin Nuo thank you!”

"Thank you, Director Qin!"

Saw three people leaving.

Zhang Yixun, who had not walked on the carpet not far away, was a little strange.

Just about to shout.

He was grabbed by Chen Kun.

"Brother Kun, this is about to begin, what is Director Qin doing?"

"You are so ignorant, kid."

"Yes!" Wang Zhiwen also glanced at this guy.

"Director Qin is here to clear the way for us, he should be the first to go!"

"Zhiwen is right, Director Qin has truly become the leader!"

"That's it!" Zhang Xun's eyes widened.

"Director Qin is so awesome!"

ps: Added a second chapter, thank you all for your goals.


While I can still code, I will write more.

After two months of continuous updates, my back is a bit unbearable.

I don’t know how long this explosion will last!

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