Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

320 Qin Nuo Is Poaching People At The Golden Rooster Awards! People In The Industry Are Shocked, Qin

"You can't say that. You can't see any movies that have exceeded one billion!"

"Yes, Director Qin! You are still the best!" Urchan agreed.

"Happy, it will be there soon. Maybe there will be quite a few this year!"

During the Spring Festival, Star Master is also here,

Chapter Conquering Demons If Qin Nuo remembers correctly, he had 1.2 billion in his previous life.

Although it is one year earlier than in the previous life, Qin Nuo thinks that one billion is still no problem.

More on that later.

Tai Ji, Monster Hunting, and Wu Er's Hua Pi 2, The Secret of the Dragon.

Just more.

By the way, I guess I won’t be able to film Dragon Searching Ur-Deli.

Qin Nuo has already spent a huge amount of money to buy the copyrights of Tomb Raiders Notes and Gun Blowing Lantern.

IP adaptations are not popular yet, and Qin Nuo seems to have cost a lot.

But if you put it in the future, this money will really be nothing.

"Hey, Wu'erzhan, do you want to come to my company?"

Qin Nuo doesn't have time to make movies about tomb robbers and ghosts blowing out lanterns.

But Wuerl has it, and he's very good at this kind of fantasy movie.

I'm not too old yet, so I can develop into industrial films in the future.

To be honest, Qin Nuo, who is the best at industrial films in China, feels like there are only two people.

One is Wu Erqi and the other is Xiao Guo.

The Wandering Earth was considered the pinnacle of industrial movies in its previous life!

Hearing this, Lao Mouzi and Wu Erzhen were both dumbfounded.

Looked around.


This is the award ceremony, Qin Nuo, why are you here poaching people?

Wu Erzhen was stunned for a moment, feeling a little dissatisfied.

The world's top directors are poaching people online.

What should I do? Wait online. It's very urgent.

"Qin Nuo, are you kidding me? I'm not even among the top three directors of Qin Tian Entertainment!"

Not to mention that if someone else comes, Ur will ignore him.

Although he is not as powerful as Qin Nuo.

But he is not weak among the Mesozoic directors in China.

The last painted skin cost several hundred million307.

There are not too many companies that have extended an olive branch to him, including Chengtian, Huayi and Xiaoma.

Even the three major gangsters invited him, and the prices they offered were not low.

But Urchin didn't agree. He was not stupid.

Joining the three major Internet hooligans now means going against the entire entertainment industry.

I heard they were miserable during filming.

The props were burned several times and the actors ran away many times...

"Come here, I have something good for you!" Qin Nuo looked at him.

"Fatty Zhou is very busy. The sequel to Xiu Chun Dao and the sequel to Tang Detective will take him several years to film!"

"Director Sun won't be making movies in the short term. He focuses on TV series. I have a series of movies that are very good. I'm optimistic about you!"

After hearing this, Wu Erqian was sure that Qin Nuo was not joking.

Come on!

"Seriously?" Wu Erzhen looked at Qin Nuo.


"Then I'll do it!"

"Okay, come to the company with me tomorrow!"

"no problem!"

Zhang Yimou on the side was dumbfounded.

What the hell?

Although Wuerzhen is not a great director.

But he can also be regarded as a Mesozoic director with great potential.

People of this level can join any company.

That would require a huge welcome ceremony.

Salary, signing for these can at least negotiate a rent.

How long have you been talking?

Not for five minutes….

That's it.

Are you joking?

Feng Xiaogang on the side couldn't stand it anymore and said

"Wurzhan, be careful." Feng Xiaogang glanced at Qin Nuo.

'" This guy Qin Nuo is extremely treacherous and shameless. Even if he is being sold, he will count the money for him!"

Qin Nuo was unhappy when he heard this.

He coughed twice and said.

"Xiao Gang!"

"This is how you behave when talking to a billionaire director!"

“Be careful, I’ll kill you when I become the president of the Chinese Directors Association!”

Feng Xiaogang was furious when he heard this.


Labor is twenty years older than you and you call me Xiaogang!

"Qin Nuo, don't be a villain!"

"I made a billion dollars at the box office!"

"You don't respect your seniors!"

"I made a billion dollars at the box office!"

"The box office is just a number, it depends on the awards!"

"My vote... Well, Interstellar has been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

"With Fox's help, I have a 90% chance of getting it!"

Feng Xiaogang..."

He really wanted to jump up and give Qin Nuo a spindle, this guy was so abominable.

But when he heard about Oscar, Feng Xiaogang didn't believe it.

"Qin Nuo, are you kidding? Ninety percent, how is that possible!"

"Xiao Gang, you don't know how popular I am in Hollywood."

Qin Nuo played with her nails.

I glanced at this guy.

"Now Fox, Warner, and Universal are calling me every day and inviting me to dinner!"

"A Best Foreign Language Film Award is nothing, they won't fight for it, they just help me, it's free of charge!"

"Am I right!"

The people around were stunned when they heard it.

Lao Mouzi, Wu Erzhi, and several leaders of the Ministry of Culture in the front row didn't know either.

The third master is responsible for this matter.

It hasn't been reported yet.

There are also Liu Yifei, Zhang Ziyi, Huang Xiaoming, Fan Pang, Li Binbin and others behind.

All looked towards Qin Nuo.

Only our director is a bit autistic and wants to refute.

Unexpectedly, the previous leader spoke.

"Xiao Gang, Xiao Qin is still young. You are a senior and please let me do this. Stop arguing!"

Look at Qin Nuo again

"Xiao Qin is good, try to win the foreign language film award!"

"Okay, Uncle Li, I will do my best to win glory for the country!"

"Well, I feel good about it!"

The leader turned his head.

Feng Xiaogang's face turned purple with anger.

His neck was red from holding back.

Cursing in my heart!

Leader, are you blind?

I didn’t see that it was Qin Nuo who was bullying me. He almost said I was autistic.

You still want me to let him!!!?

If I let him go any longer, he would almost sit on my head and shit!!!

Even if it is partiality, it cannot be so partial.

Co-author Qin Nuo is your biological son, I am not even a godson!!

Damn, hate!!!!

Qin Nuo also blinked at Feng Xiaogang.

As if to say, you continue!

Feng Xiaogang thought so, but if he said anything else, he would not give the leader face.

He glared at Qin Nuo, turned his head and ignored this guy.

The place where Qin Nuo appears in the future.

He was determined not to go.

"Director Wu, come to my company tomorrow and I'll treat you to a drink!"


Huang Xiaoming, Fan Pang and others behind him also quickly looked at Qin Nuo.

"Director Qin, is it true?"

"Yes, Director Qin can really win an Oscar!"

Everyone's eyes were shining.

"Oh, I was joking, I was just having fun with Director Feng!"

"No more chatting, the awards have begun!"

Huang Xiaoming "..


After hearing Qin Nuo's words, they felt as if ten thousand grass and mud horses were floating through their hearts...


You think we are stupid, and the leaders are listening in front of us. How can you make a joke?

See if we believe it or not!

At the same time, several people are also a little careful, since Qin Nuo can collect Urde.

Then why don't you collect them all together?

Indeed, we now have our own studio.

But you take the shares!

I'll give it to you for free without asking for money.

Several people planned to give Qin Nuo shares to Qin Nuo.

On the other side, Qin Nuo was in a good mood and sent Urdel to the company.

Qintian Entertainment's strength can be greatly enhanced.

He looked to one side, Lao Mouzi.

I want this guy too.

Now the relationship between Lao Mouzi and Zhang Weiping is not so good.

Lao Mouzi didn't make any movies this year.

Qin Nuo feels that it won't be long before he can bring Lao Mouzi over.

At that time, there will be four top Chinese directors under my company.

Adding himself.

Five directors.

Integrated together, if Qintian Entertainment sneeze.

The entire entertainment industry will be shaken.

This Golden Rooster Award is really not in vain.

Qin Nuo was still smiling, and soon it was his turn.

"The films shortlisted for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Screenplay include Those Flowers, Xiuchundao, The Thirteen Hairpins, Interstellar..."

“The movie that won the award for Best Screenplay was Interstellar!”

The spotlight suddenly shined on Qin Nuo.

More than 2,000 people in the audience applauded and looked at the handsome man in front.

His eyes were full of reverence.

It was basically no surprise that Interstellar won the Best Screenplay award.

Leaving aside the fact that the script is good,

The most important thing is that Interstellar opened the door to domestic science fiction films.

Giving Qin Nuo the best screenplay is also to inspire the screenwriters and give everyone a signal.

Recently, the country and organizers have been vigorously supporting science fiction films.

Qin Nuo stood up and came to the stage.

Received the trophy from singer Cheng Kai.

"Qin Nuo, I look forward to you creating better scripts!"

"Definitely, thank you, Director Chen!"

Qin Nuo picked up the trophy and looked at the guests present, with the corners of his mouth raised.

"I said when Interstellar premiered, the gringos said there were no science fiction films in China."

"This time I slapped them hard in the face. I hope many screenwriters can create more and better science fiction scripts!"

"I believe that China's screenwriters are no worse than any other country!"


After finishing speaking, Qin Nuohu stepped down.

The audience burst into applause again.

The leaders in the front row looked at Qin Nuo with great satisfaction.

After Qin Nuo won the award, he didn't thank anyone.

I am still concerned about the development of China’s film industry.

This awareness is definitely the first in the entertainment industry.

It is indeed the pride of our Chinese entertainment industry.

The same goes for other viewers. To put it bluntly, Qin Nuo can come to participate in the Golden Rooster Awards.

It’s not that the Golden Rooster Award gives Qin Nuo face, but that Qin Nuo gives the Golden Rooster Award face.

The awards continue.

After an hour, everyone looked at Bai Qin Nuo differently.

Qin Nuo saw a pile of trophies in front of him.

sp: second update

Asking for flowers! Asking for evaluation votes! Asking for rewards! Asking for monthly tickets! Asking for reminder votes! Asking for custom orders!

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