Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

322 Liu Yifei Made A Bold Statement On Stage! Happy Headlines, The Mystery Of The Fairy Sister And T

After a while, Qin Nuo came to the stage.

The expression is serious.

He didn't even say hello to the audience.

I read it according to the card in my hand.

"The nominees for the Best Actress in this Golden Rooster Award include Yao Cheng, Ma Yili, Bai Baihe, Jiang Wenli, Liu Yifei..."

Then the envelope was opened, and the last trace of Qin Nuo was burned.

Looking in the direction of Liu Yifei, he said.

"Congratulations to Miss Liu Yifei, your performance in Interstellar is wonderful!"

Soon some famous scenes of Liu Yifei appeared on the screen later.

The fairy sister with short hair is very beautiful.

Especially in the last scene, Liu Yifei is alone in a different world, surrounded by desolation.

Look up at the sky.

His eyes slowly turned from disappointed to excited.

I can't say his acting skills are great, but at least he's qualified.

Liu Yifei jumped up immediately when she heard her name.

Then he ran to the stage excitedly.

Holding up a skirt and wearing high heels.

Qin Nuo couldn't help but admire him.

You are so awesome, you can run so fast wearing this thing.

When he came to the stage, Qin Nuo stretched out his hand to shake Liu Yifei's hand.

Unexpectedly, this girl went against common sense and fell directly into Qin Nuo's arms.

The guests at the scene watched this scene and the "510" were also booing.


People applauded one after another, especially some of the male guests, who were quite excited.

The fairy sister boldly expressed her love.

Director Qin is so happy.

However, some people were so popular that they almost threw their high heels on the stage.

Shameless slut!

Give back to the fairy sister, the fairy has a hammer!

Qin Nuo is still a little embarrassed,

However, Liu Yifei took advantage of the hug and whispered in Qin Nuo's ear.

"Thank you for everything you have done for me, Qin Nuo, if you really want it, I can give it to you in the future!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo felt that it was not a big loss.

And an unexpected bonus!

Liu Yifei has a very beautiful flower on her body...

The hug lasted for a while, and he took the trophy from Qin Nuo.

Liu Yifei said with a blushing face.

"I am very happy to receive this award. I have many people to thank..."

"Finally, the person I want to thank the most is Qin Nuo. He is really a very good director."

"I hope everyone can always support him, thank you!"

Soon there was applause again.

Some of the guests were envious and some were jealous of Liu Yifei's ability to win the Best Actress Award.

But no one complained.

There is no way, this is what Qin Nuo got in exchange for the best actor.

If you really want to talk about it, this movie king is more valuable than the movie queen.

It’s no secret that equal work is paid differently in the entertainment industry.

If you are not convinced, you can also find someone like Qin Nuo.

Then ask him to change you to a movie queen.

As long as the acting is passable, we don't have any objections.

If not, then just hold it in.

After more than ten minutes, Xiao Nizi was still very excited

"Qin Nuo, tell me where to put this trophy." Liu Yifei was very excited.

“Whether it’s in the studio or at home!”


"Come up with your idea, this is the grand prize, Best Actress!" Xiao Nizi was a little dissatisfied.

"Grand prize, is this what you mean?"

Qin Nuo took out the Best Film Award.

A few minutes ago Interstellar won Best Picture again.

It would hardly be a surprise if this year's Best Picture doesn't go to Qin Nuo.

Then the fate of the Golden Rooster Award is similar to that of the Golden Horse Award.

Netizens can complain that the organizer is autistic, and even the higher-ups will ask questions.

Some comrades seem to be doing things that are not conducive to unity...

"I still have the Palm Tree Award at home, Best Director, which one are you talking about~"

Liu Yifei"

"Asshole, I won't talk to you anymore!"

Xiao Nizi feels like talking to Qin Nuo about this.

It's like a person with a monthly salary of five thousand and a person with a monthly salary of one million

Talk about which car to buy and which house to buy.

It's so infuriating.

"Go back and find my two best friends and ask them to give me some advice! Don't ask Qin Nuo!"

As the final best director was won by Lao Mouzi.

This year’s Golden Rooster Awards has come to a successful conclusion.

Among them, Qin Nuo’s Interstellar became the biggest winner.

A total of twelve awards were won.

These include best film, best actress, best supporting actor and actress, best screenplay and other awards.

Not to mention the small prizes.

Anyway, when Qin Nuo left, he asked the organizer to get a bag.

The Didi Dangdang inside is full of trophies.

When people get the prize, they want to donate it.

Qin Nuo is packed directly in sacks

As soon as he arrived outside, Qin Nuo was blocked by a group of reporters.

They also received the news that Qin Nuo became the biggest winner of this Golden Rooster Award.

"Director Qin, are you satisfied with this Golden Rooster Award?"

"Of course I am satisfied. The Golden Rooster Award is indeed the highest award in Greater China. It is fair, just and open!"

The organizer not far away smiled when he heard Qin Nuo's words.

If Director Qin can speak, just speak more.

This sounds so comfortable.


Remember to come next year, Inception is giving you two grand prizes!

Choose which one you like...

Does anyone else have an opinion?

If you have any opinions, please leave them to me!

Forget it if you don’t come...

"Director Qin, are all these trophies? Don't you think it's a little bad to do this?"

one reporter chided.

"There's nothing I can do. There are too many trophies. This is the only way. How about you help me get two!"

Qin Nuo looked helpless


Soon the reporters received another very exciting news!

"Director Qin, did you replace Miss Liu Yifei with the best actor?"

"Director Qin, may I ask why you do this?"

Hearing this, the organizers became anxious. You reporters are so annoying.

But Qin Nuo had already guessed that these guys would ask this question.

The manuscript has been typed.

"You are overthinking this. I just said that the Golden Rooster Awards are fair, just and open!"

"There is absolutely no such thing as a secret operation!"

"Let me ask you, is Interstellar good to watch?"


"How is Miss Liu Yifei's performance in the play?"

“This is okay”

The reporter hesitated for a moment, nodded and said.

To be honest, there is nothing wrong with Liu Yifei's acting in Interstellar.

It's indeed much better than before.

"Isn't that okay? There's no problem with your acting skills, and there's no problem with the movie. Isn't it normal to win the Best Actress Award?"

"I've been separated for three days, so I'll look at you with admiration!" Qin Nuo looked at everyone...

"Besides, what do you mean, after I exchanged the Best Actor for the Best Actor, Mr. Zhang's acting skills are much better than mine. I think it is most suitable for him to win the Best Actor."

"Are you questioning Teacher Zhang's acting skills?"

"This? We don't have it!"

"That's it!" Qin Nuo spread his hands.

The organizer and everyone around heard this.

They all gave Qin Nuo a thumbs up secretly.

Eloquence is really good.

Avoiding the important and taking the easy, diverting attention, and conveniently praised Zhang Guoli.

No wonder your kid is able to get along like a fish in water.

"Okay, let's go now!"

Before the reporters could react, Qin Nuo left quickly.

The same goes for Liu Yifei.

She knew that she was also a little jealous of the actress, so she quickly ran away.

Anyway, I got the award, so I pretended not to hear you.

If you ask me what I think.

Then I can only tell you.

With the trophy in hand, I can sit or lie down to watch it.


Only after the two ran away did a group of reporters react.

They were deceived by Qin Nuo.

"Cao, Qin Nuo is really bad, he got in!"

"Yes, this guy's acting skills are infinitely better than Liu Yifei's!"

"Liu Yifei can win the Best Actress with Interstellar, why can't he win the Best Actor?"

"Treat us like fools!"

The reporters were so angry that they felt as if their IQs were being rubbed against the ground.

Maybe Qin Nuo is mocking them.

Laugh at them as a bunch of retarded people!

"Damn it, Brother Liu, why don't we go back and write him to death? The pen is in our hands anyway, we can write whatever we want!"

"You're right, Qin Nuo has gone too far!"

"I agree, as long as I don't write out all the bad things between you and Liu Yifei!"

"Okay" Brother Liu nodded.

"Qin Nuo, this guy even lied to me this time!"

"Yes, where is Zhang Guoli, let's block him!"

But when the reporters turned their heads, Zhang Guoli was also gone.

They are the real old fritters 1.2.

If Liu Yifei's Best Actor Award was somewhat lucky, he, the Best Actor, was actually very lucky as well.

When cherishing reporters like Qin.

Zhang Guoli ran away early.

He had the same idea as Liu Yifei.

Anyway, I got this trophy.

I just pretended not to hear anything else...

At most, it will only take a few days without going online or going out.

After the interview.

The reporters quickly went back and posted the Qin Nuo story online.

[Interstellar became the biggest winner of the 21st Golden Rooster Awards, winning twelve awards!]

[Qin Nuo shines in the Magic City, and Interstellar Crossing sweeps this year’s Golden Rooster Awards!]

The previous news was relatively serious, but the later news was a little crooked.

[Revelation, the biggest inside story of this year’s Golden Rooster Awards, the mystery of Liu Yifei’s Best Actress!!!]

[A bold move, what kind of magic power does Liu have that makes Qin Nuo behave like this!]

[After the actor changed his role, Qin Nuo loves beauty but not the country!]



ps: The guaranteed four updates will arrive in your account. An hour later, there will be an additional chapter. Thank you book friends for your tips.

Brothers, keep going.

What about the monthly pass?

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