Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

327 Praise From The King Of The World, The Widowed Sister Is Jealous, How About I Help You Open A Ro

Sister Hong did some research and found out that the location of Star Cinema is actually pretty good.

Some locations are pretty good.

And it is in line with Qin Nuo's requirements, low-key development, rural areas surrounding the city.

Just develop all the way from west to east.

Qin Nuo is also very satisfied, because he knows that the development of Chengdu will get better and better in the future.

It can be said that it is different every day.

In less than ten years, it has become a new first-tier city in China.

Buy a cinema here and make sure you make money!

"Director Qin is short of money?" Deng Wendi's eyes lit up.

"Who is not short of money!"

"Then hurry up and make a new movie! How about coming to Hollywood this time!"

Qin Nuo

He glanced at the woman.

Qin Nuo thought this woman would say since you are short of money.

Then I’ll lend you tens of millions of dollars!!!

Unexpectedly, this woman asked him to continue making movies.

Be a cow and a horse!

Damn, that’s too much!

"Actually, I'm not that short of money!"

When Deng Wendi heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

It would be strange if there is no shortage of money.

Although she didn't know much about the inside of Qin Nuo's "557" company, she knew that Qin Nuo was also a restless person.

It seems that I recently acquired another video website.

I owe a lot of money.

And there are other moves too.

Deng Wendi believes that Qin Nuo will be unable to bear it sooner or later. If you don’t make movies, how will you get the money to develop the company?

I'm not in a hurry, I'll take my time.

Qin Nuo also guessed what Deng Wendi was thinking, and left after chatting for a few words.

This woman is a bit evil and wants to trick her into going to Hollywood.


Looking at Qin Nuo's back, Deng Wenxiang smiled.

"Kevin, it seems like we will be able to make money again in the near future. This guy Qin won't be able to stay idle!"

Kevin is happy too.

"That's right, ma'am, Qin Nuo's company has made a lot of moves in the past year, and its cash flow should be no problem, but it still needs money to develop!"

"Why don't we use the money from Dream Stealing?"

Deng Wendi thought for a moment and then shook his head.

"It's not necessary. Just give it to him when the theater chain's money comes over. We are friends and can use inducements, but coercion is not good!"

“Qin Nuo, this guy is soft-spoken but not tough-minded!”

"The lady is right!"

On the other side, Qin Nuo was grabbed by someone before he could even take two steps.


"Qin, tell me, am I your best friend in the United States?" Steven was very angry.

"Talk to this shameless guy!"

Qin Nuo looked up.

Only then did he realize that there was an inconspicuous man wearing a hat next to Steven.

Then his pupils widened.


Qin Nuo was surprised that the truck driver came to his celebration party.

Steven asked him for an invitation letter before, and Qin Nuo thought this guy wanted to bring his wife.

I didn’t expect it to be Cameron!

"Just call me Cameron!" The truck driver stretched out his hand with a gentle smile on his face.

"Qin, nice to meet you. Inception is the best movie I've seen in the past few years!"

Qin Nuo also stretched out his hand, and the two held each other tightly.

"Thank you, sir. I also like your movies very much. Both Titanic and Avatar are epoch-making movies!"

"Oh really?" Cameron asked with a smile.

"Of course" Qin Nuo immediately praised.

“Titanic truly brought Hollywood movies to every corner of the world.

"He broke all national barriers regarding culture and customs!"

"Avatar allowed the world to see the true charm of 3D movies. From then on, the world of movies ushered in the 3D era of special effects!"

"Can't this be called an epoch-making movie?"

Hearing this, the truck driver was very happy.

Not just because Qin Nuo is a top director in the world.

Especially because Qin Nuo summarized it very well.

An epoch-making movie, he likes this title.

"Qin, I think I shouldn't have refused the invitation to the Cannes Film Festival. Otherwise, we should have become friends long ago!"

"It's not too late! Right, Cameron!"

Qin Nuo looked at him.

Hearing this, Cameron smiled.

"That's right, it's not too late now!"

Steven on the side looked at the lively conversation and felt unhappy.

I don’t know why, but Steven feels like he’s been robbed of something.

It's like seeing your best playmate as a child playing happily with others.


I am your best friend!

"Qin, don't listen to this old boy. Cameron has been making movies for several years, and he almost forced Fox executives to sell their butts!"

"But don't learn it!"

Qin Nuo looked at the expression on Steven's face and smiled.

He was smart enough to guess Steven's little thoughts right away.

I thought to myself.

It’s true that the older a person gets, the more like a child he becomes.

"Steven, my friend, thank you for helping me when Dream Stealing was at its most dangerous!"

Qin Nuo opened his hands towards Steven.

The two hugged.

Only then did a smile appear on Steven's face.

"Cameron, did you see that, I told you that Qin Nuo is my best friend!"

While hugging, Steven also showed off to Cameron.

Just like a little kid.

Cameron pouted.

After chatting for a while, Qin Nuo and Cameron exchanged contact information and Su Nuo left.

I have to say that Qin Nuo’s social skills are really good.

Finally, Cameron also invited Qin Nuo to visit his home next time he goes to the United States.

The two of them can talk about movies together.

Qin Nuo naturally did not refuse.

Soon Qin Nuo was moving among the crowd.

Chatted with guests from all over the world...

The humorous characters made everyone feel very comfortable, and many Yangma even kept ogling Qin Nuo.

If Qin Nuo is willing.

We should be able to ride quite a few ponies tonight.

But Qin Nuo is a decent person.

Naturally, he would not hand over his thousands of descendants so easily.

"Taylor Swift is so beautiful! Congratulations on the album's sales!"

After entertaining many guests, Qin Nuo watched Taylor chatting with his widowed sister.

He slowly walked over and said with a smile.

"Qin, you are the same, you are still as handsome as ever!"

"I'm far from it. I heard that last time you were in Atlanta, many fans fainted with excitement while watching your concert."

"You are now the leading lady of country music. I can't compare to you!"

Taylor smiled happily when he heard this.

Ocean horses are different from women here in Asia.

He has a more outgoing personality, and so does Taylor.

When you smile, you don't care about your image at all.

The boss with his mouth open.

Qin Nuo is always thinking about stuffing something into it.

"Qin, have you always spoken so nicely?" Taylor looked at Qin Nuo and asked curiously.


"But I don't know why, I have a bad habit!"

Qin Nuo looked at Taylor with a wicked smile on his face

"When I see a beautiful girl, I can't help but talk too much. Taylor is so sorry!"

Taylor didn't seem to mind at all, looking at Qin Nuo with a somewhat different look.


As if thinking about something.

In fact, it seems that it is not wrong to find a Chinese boyfriend, Qin is funny and humorous.

It must be fun to get along with.

And Chinese men are very family-oriented.

The two chatted happily, but Scarlett on the other side was unhappy again.

"Hey, I'm talking about you two."

1.4 Scarlett looked contemptuous.

"How about I book a room for you? I think you will have more fun talking in bed!"

"Scarlett, you won't be jealous anymore," Taylor said narrowly.

As he spoke, he still held Qin Nuo's arm.

"Qin and I are soul-matched. Isn't it normal for us to have a happy chat?"

"It's a damn good fit. Taylor, don't force me to reveal your dark history. You've had a lot of boyfriends since you debuted!"

Scarlett looked at Qin Nuo and smiled.

"Qin, even though Taylor is young, he has experienced hundreds of battles..."

"Maybe I can be your teacher later!"


ps Crimes other than war!

The keyboard is broken. I endured this broken keyboard to code this chapter.

I originally planned to enter a new plot today. I have been thinking about it for a long time. I guarantee it will be exciting.

I didn't expect this bad thing to happen.

It may not be available today, but if it is available, it will be in the afternoon and evening. When the keyboard arrives, it will be updated immediately.

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