Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

332 Ur Was Excited, Warner's Board Of Directors Was In Turmoil, And The Directors Were Shocked,

If this thing goes public, it will definitely be favored by many investment banks.

Moreover, special effects companies have high professional barriers.

If you really want to become a leader, you will just make money while lying down.

Those investment banks are not stupid.

After finishing the company's affairs, Qin Nuo was just about to take a rest.

The little secretary came in.

"Boss, Director Wu is here!"

"Let him in"

Soon Urzai walked in, with a chubby figure and a very cheerful look.

There is still a small beard on his chin.

They are still following the fashion route...

The way Qin Nuo and Wu Erzhi cooperate is different from that of Sun Wen.

Ur deleted a studio and hung it under Qintian Entertainment.

Qintian Entertainment has 40% of the shares, and Wuerzhen has 60%.

A more accurate description would be a partnership.

"Director Qin, do you have plans for the series of movies you mentioned?"

Wu Erzhen looked at Qin Nuo, very excited.

I am always impatient, and it took so long since the last Golden Rooster Award.

He couldn't help it anymore.

"Of course, this!"

Qin Nuo directly threw out a book.

Urchin was a little confused, so he picked it up and took a look.

"Ghost blows out the lamp! Novel!"

"You take a look first!"


Wu Erqian originally thought that Qin Nuo was a bit perfunctory, so he watched it for half an hour.

His eyes lit up.

He felt that this ghost blowing lamp was tailor-made for him. 27 He is very good at making fantasy movies.

Ghost Blowing Light is exactly the type he likes, and the story line is very clear. Each volume is almost an independent story.

It's perfect for making movies.

"Director Qin, I like this story very much!"

Qin Nuo smiled secretly.

Can you not like it? This is what you became famous for in your previous life.

A Quest for the Dragon cost 1.6 billion yuan!!!

He became one of the top directors in the country.

"As long as you like it, I've adapted the first story for you and the script will be given to you in a few days!"

"You can just follow this style for future stories~!"

"no problem!"

Urchan is very satisfied with the operation of Qin Nuo.

As long as Qin Nuo sets the first story style.

The rest of the story can be copied directly.

Although the story of each volume is different.

But as long as the style continues, the audience will pay.

Maybe this could become a huge movie series.

It is not impossible for the total box office to exceed 10 billion.

Qin Nuo looked at Wu'er's anxious look and said with a smile.

"Then you go back, I know you can't help but read it, go back and study this book carefully!"

"Okay Director Qin, I'll leave first!"

After finishing speaking, Urchin disappeared quickly holding the book.

He planned to go back and read the novel ten or eight times.

Urchin had a hunch that this thing might change his destiny!

the other side.

Qin Nuo actually lived a leisurely life.

But Warner's board of directors was so busy that they all had a falling out!

Originally, these directors were scattered around the world.

As a result, the CEO of Warner called me over.

Several board meetings were held in a row.

Originally, everyone was very dissatisfied.

But when they heard that the DC project was going to be launched, they couldn't help it and came to the company one after another.

David proposed to let Qin Nuo redesign a movie for DC.

Let Qin Nuo be the key to this gold mine.

Just this issue alone.

The board of directors discussed it for several days.

Some are worried, some are supportive, some are opposed, and some are silent.

It was quite noisy.

However, after several days of discussion, an agreement was reached.

The Dc restart can be handed over to Qin Nuo, and they can accept David's proposal of sharing.

Twenty percent of the global box office share will not only go to Qin Nuo's director fee but also the script.

Everyone also knows Qin Nuo’s talent,

If successful, there will definitely be no loss compared to trading.

And they really can't find anyone more suitable than Qin Nuo.

Qin Nuo's film Interstellar and Inception are enough to prove his talent.

But then David proposed peripheral sharing.

This was met with firm opposition from all directors.

"David, I don't know how you communicated with Qin." Carter looked at David.

very angry.

"Don't you know that the surrounding area is a restricted area for film companies?"

Hearing this, many directors in the conference room nodded.

Carter is right.

Twenty percent of the box office share is already the treatment that top Hollywood directors receive.

Even some top directors may not be able to get it.

But they didn't expect it.

Qin Nuo's appetite is so big.

It’s really greedy to ask for peripherals!!!

They wouldn't give this thing to anyone else even if they covered it to death.

Dream on...

David looked at Carter. Despite his plain appearance, rosacea, and even a bit ugly appearance.

But this man has considerable energy within Warner's board of directors.

He is a representative of many people.

He also has a lot of shares in Warner Bros.

"That's right, peripherals are absolutely not allowed!"

"Qin is too greedy, you damn Oriental!"

"The movie hasn't been made yet. I don't even believe that he can make a DC movie well. He is not American!"


The following directors are also objecting.

David had known for a long time that this was the case, and the people on the board of directors.

Incredibly conservative.

"Okay, I know what the directors mean!" David pressed down his hands and asked, looking at everyone.

"Then directors, please give me a name, a director's name, a name that can save our DC universe."

"Now Marvel is pressing harder and harder, and we at DC have suppressed them for decades."

"In the past, those guys were not even qualified to carry our shoes!"

"Now, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America..."

"I heard that they are now preparing to bring all the heroes together, and the Avengers Alliance project has been established!!!"

David slapped the table, his face still angry.

"Tell me, when do you want to wait until their movie is released? Wait until they rob all our market!"

"Are you going to wait until they shit on our DC head before you act?"

"You guys tell me!!! Asshole!"

More than 20 people in the conference room were shocked by David.

I feel very angry that you, a working man, actually yelled at the directors.

And scolding people!


But when I think about David, he has the support of Warner Times.

Everyone was silent.

I don't know what to do.

In fact, it’s not that they really don’t want to develop DC.

But there is no way.

The lessons of failure are still vivid in my mind.

That bloody lesson made them unimaginably conservative towards DC.

Warner has invested in more than ten DC movies before, but only two were profitable.

Everything else is a throwaway.

The last Green Lantern really broke their hearts.

Some people even say that DC is not suitable for making movies at all.

They didn't believe it at first. Even scoffed at it.

But it failed so many times in a row.

They have some faith now...

"David, calm down"

Smith, another more influential director on the board of directors, looked at him.

"You are the CEO of Warner. It is not what a gentleman should do to curse someone from the upper class!"

David glanced at Smith and saw that he was sitting in a chair, his hair was meticulous, and he was also very well-dressed.

He exudes the temperament of an English gentleman.

"Sorry! Mr. Smith" David adjusted his clothes and hairstyle.

"I'm a little excited!"

"I can understand!" Smith nodded and continued.

"I have heard of Qin's name in the UK, and I have watched three of his movies. He is indeed a very talented young man.

"And it is now in the golden period of creation. He will design the script and serve as the chief director."

"I have no objection"

*110 But the peripheral requirements are a bit excessive, can he definitely guarantee the success of the movie?"

"If it can be 100% successful, then I have no problem with it! You can share some of it around!"

After hearing what Smith said,

All the directors present nodded.

In fact, even if Qin Nuo comes to shoot, they have no confidence.

It's also a gamble.

And he's betting on DC's future.

After failing so many times, even if DC has a lot of blood, it cannot withstand such a torment.

Fail three more times or just twice at most.

The audience may completely lose confidence in DC movies.

They have actually made a lot of determination to give Qin Nuo a chance.

Let’s talk from the perspective of a director!

Such a precious opportunity is given to you, and the box office share is also the treatment of top directors.

You still need peripherals.

Isn't that a bit too much?

When David heard this, his eyes lit up and he looked at everyone and said hurriedly.

"Qin Nuo made a suggestion. If he can do it, maybe we can consider it!"

Smith stretched out his hand like a gentleman and said softly.

"Tell me!"

"He said this, he wants us to produce a movie type at Warner..."

David had a good memory and told the 2,300 people present exactly what Qin Nuo said last time!

After he finished speaking, the entire Warner board of directors fell silent.

The expression on his face was the same as David's before.

The boss with his mouth open.

Eyes full of shock!

Even Smith, who always regarded himself as a gentleman, dropped his crutches to the ground.

Just an idea in my mind.

This man is a madman, a real madman!

ps: The fourth update has arrived.

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Less than 1.2 million words in two months.

The author’s character is guaranteed!

There are only three tickets now, and there are still seven chapters to go...

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