Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

342 The Scarf Guys Had A Great Time, Deng Wendi And Three Other People Arrived, An Amazing Script!

At the same time, the Internet is very busy

After Qin Nuo clarified, the audience naturally believed it.

So the headline was changed to Zhuowei.

[The fall of a generation of heroes, how did the king of paparazzi, who had dominated the entertainment industry for ten years, be caught by Qin Nuo? 】

Netizens are quite interested.

They even suppressed the news that Qin Nuo made 200 million US dollars from a movie.

You must know that Zhuo Wei is not an ordinary person. He has secretly photographed countless celebrities, but in the end he fell into the hands of Qin Nuo.

"Come on, tell me, how did Zhuo Wei get caught?"

“I’d like to ask, this guy has been arrogant in the entertainment industry for more than ten years. How did he get caught?”

"I also want to know, Qin Nuo is so awesome, he actually caught the king of paparazzi!!"

"I raise my hand, I know"

"I own a small property in the Magic City Building, although I am not responsible for the Qintian Entertainment building. y

"But this matter has already spread among us!"

"This guy Zhuo Wei is really brave. He pretended to be a cleaner and deceived the security guard of the building. Because of Qin Nuo, their building has strict inspections.

"In order to sneak into the building, this guy really applied for a cleaning job!"

"Then he secretly recorded and filmed the conversation between Qin Nuo and the senior executives of Qin Tian Entertainment in the elevator!"

"Unexpectedly, Director Qin, who has a sharp eye, discovered the abnormality and caught Zhuo Wei on the spot!"

"But Director Qin didn't expect that Zhuo Wei is very slippery, and his cleaning clothes are all specially made."

"With a gentle pull, the cleaning clothes outside fell off, giving Qin Yuan a golden cicada to escape from!"

Seeing this, everyone in the melon-eating group also exclaimed, Zhuo Wei is indeed the king of paparazzi.

This technique is really skillful.

Not only is he good at disguise, he is also very courageous, and he is even so professional with props.

Even the vigilant Qin Nuo was put off.

He actually used a move to escape the golden cicada!


"Keep going, keep going!"

"Yes, eat melon!"

"I'll reward you with five yuan, keep going!"


The old guys with scarves urged me one after another.

"Okay, okay, then Director Qin called the property manager. The property manager was very angry when he heard that Director Qin was secretly photographed in his building!"

"More than fifty security guards were summoned to surround the building!"

"Here's a little inside story. The reason why property managers are so interested is because Qin Nuo in the Magic City Building can bring them at least tens of millions of extra income every year!

“Remember it’s extra income…”

"Back to the topic, even like this, with more than fifty people chasing and blocking him, this guy almost escaped!"

"You will never guess where the security caught this guy..."

People who eat melons are also curious about how Zhuo Wei escaped being chased by so many people.

"I didn't bother everyone. I finally caught Zhuo Wei on the rooftop. At that time, this guy was planning to jump to the ground at a low altitude!!!"

"He almost succeeded. It was already dark at that time. If a drone hadn't discovered it, maybe this guy would have really run away..."

"In the end, Zhuo Wei saw himself surrounded. There were drones in the sky, security guards on the ground, and he was surrounded on all sides!"

"I surrendered as a last resort!"

After listening to this, the scarf guy was so happy, it’s really cooked!

Delicious, really delicious!

Before, they thought Zhuo Wei was a bit jealous and it was just good luck that he hadn't been caught before.

If you are unlucky today, you might get caught by Qin Nuo.

But I didn't expect that the exact opposite was true.

Even someone as strong as Qin Nuo was beaten by Zhuo Wei.

In the end, dozens of people chased and blocked this guy before he was caught.

If it weren't for the drone, this guy would have parachuted away...

Damn it!

He is indeed the king of paparazzi!

If you have this ability, why are you being a paparazzi?

If you sue a certain person, you can’t earn hundreds of thousands a month every minute!


What a humiliation!

And this matter is not over yet, someone later saw the heat of this matter.

The showdown between the king of paparazzi and the genius director!

This damn thing is simply ready-made material!

If it were made into a movie, it wouldn't be able to make headlines immediately, it would definitely be extremely popular.

You can also do some artistic creation and add some grudges and hatreds.

The girlfriend of the king of paparazzi was fascinated by the talented director and dumped Zhuo Wei.

Throwing herself into the arms of Qin Nuo.

The indignant Zhuo Wei decided to become a paparazzi for the rest of his life, just to capture the unknown scenes of the talented director...

In the end, a thrilling chase took place in the building.

Relying on this popularity, not to mention the box office of more than 1 billion, several hundred million will definitely be no problem.

So a year later, the character prototype Qin Nuo actually had an unexpected income.

Thirty million in copyright fees......

As for Zhuo Wei, he actually has a share of the 30 million.

But Qin Nuo has collected it for him.

Of course, this is another story.

Shuri, Qin Nuo was finally able to take care of himself at home, but he didn't expect to be woken up by Fatty Zhou's call early in the morning.

"Qin Nuo, you are such a genius!!!"

"Fat Zhou, you are sick!"

Qin Nuo glanced at the time and it was less than seven o'clock.

It's still dark, so I'm calling him so early.


"If you are sick, go take medicine immediately!"

Fatty Zhou didn't mind Qin Nuo's attitude at all, his tone was still quite exciting.

"The script of Qin Nuo is incredible. How did you come up with it? Damn it! This is the most exciting science fiction script I have ever seen!"

"Absolutely amazing! You are a god!"

Fatty Zhou talked a lot, but Qin Nuo ignored him at all.

Hang up the phone and turn off the phone.

Then lie on the bed and continue to sleep.

Damn it, crazy!

the other side.

"Ms. Deng, Mr. Kevin, Miss Bella, hello, your coffee!"


"Thank you, miss!"

Deng Wendi and Kevin took a taste, then looked at Qin Nuo's office, with some disappointment on their faces.

The office can be said to be very simple.

The simplicity is a bit unlike a room of a major international director.

However, two pretty little secretaries not far away added a bit of embellishment to the office.

"Hello, Ms. Hong, when will Qin Nuo be poured?"

Sister Hong secretly thought.

I know a thing about this.

Just now when Deng Wendi and the others came downstairs, Sister Hong actually called Qin Nuo.

Many of them are shut down!

After asking, I found out that it was because Fatty Zhou made harassing calls to Qin Nuo in the morning...

could not be reached.

In addition, Qin Nuo always does whatever he wants when he comes to the company.

Morning, afternoon, evening, or even not coming...

"Boss, I have been busy creating work during this period, so I may be a little late, so please don't take it personally!"

The two nodded, not doubting it.

Qin Nuo created another science fiction script in such a short period of time.

You must be very tired, and it's normal to come late.

"Ms. Hong, since Director Qin will come later, if you have time now, can you let us take a look at Director Qin's new script?"

"We at Fox are Director Qin's loyal partners!"

"Of course there is no problem with this. Du Ling will go get two scripts!"

"Okay, manager~"

Sister Hong naturally knows the energy behind Deng Wendi, and this small request will definitely be met.

And last night they had ordered the people at Hollywood to register the script.

So look it's really nothing.


After the two thanked him, they looked at the script in their hands.

Curiosity was written on his face.

"This man is from Earth? His name is a bit strange!"

However, the two of them didn't think too much and continued to watch.

Half an hour later.

Deng Wendi, Kevin, and Bella who were secretly watching from behind couldn't believe their eyes.

They can't describe this script. It's really indescribable.

They even doubted their own lives after reading it.

The plot alone was enough to shock them, a man who lived for 14,000 years!

He has lived since the time of the cavemen until now.

Whether it's religion, calendar, war, or culture, even though it's only scratched the surface, it makes people deeply fascinated.

I have to say that I doubt the authenticity of this incident!

Could it be that the Jesus whom everyone worshiped was not actually dead...

But I am still alive now!!

It seems absurd, but I have to doubt it.

What shocked the three people even more was that it was said that the script was written by Qin Nuo within a few days.

Just a few days.

The talent of this man!

There are simply no words to describe it.

Deng Wendi closed the script and looked at Sister Hong with a serious face.

"Madam, Fox can fully invest in this movie and then distribute it. We can give Director Qin 20% of the global box office share!"

Deng Wendi is not stupid, she is also a senior filmmaker.

This movie is quite cleverly conceived. Although it is a science fiction film, it does not have any traditional science fiction elements.

Aliens, spaceships, interstellar wars, special effects, and a series of hugely expensive scenes.

Nothing at all.

But if you say it’s not science fiction, that’s not okay.

This movie definitely belongs to the science fiction genre.

But it's just an extremely sophisticated design.

Deng Wendi estimated that the filming time for this movie would probably not exceed twenty days.

It's really too simple, relying entirely on dialogue to drive the plot.

The scenes are all set in a small house.

That's it!

Not counting the actors' remuneration, the filming cost is one million.

Even hundreds of thousands can be shot.

Both time cost and capital cost are basically zero.

Pure profit!

ps: The fourth update has arrived, it should be six monthly passes correctly.

There are still four cards left, everyone, come on.

Hey hey!!! Stand up!.

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