Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

354 Rushed To The Hot Search, Qin Nuo Is Going To Make A Superhero Movie, Deng Wen Is Angry! What A

As for losing the challenge?

That's really nothing.

If Qin Nuo can really open up the golden mountain of DC, they can accept giving Qin Nuo some peripherals.

Really acceptable.

After all, they are really difficult to open and you can only drool just looking at them.

And I don’t dare to try it easily. If I don’t get it right, I might turn a golden mountain into scrap metal.

"Yes, David, you should fight for it. I think the movie has the added bonus of Qin's fame. Three hundred million US dollars is not a problem!"

“There is no cost to shoot, it’s pure profit!”

"You're right. David, this was your mistake. If it had been true, we wouldn't have forced Qin!"

"He may not be able to burst out with inspiration to create such a wonderful story!"

"Matthew is right, we can also take the other half of the credit!"

"I think Qin should give us a large sum of money for providing creative ideas!"



David listened to the words of these directors and rolled his eyes in his heart.

You guys are really like wild geese.

This requires Qin to give you money, just dream.

"Okay, Mr. Mas, as a director, I can entrust you with full authority to ask Qin for creative fees!"

"See if he gives it or not!"

"This..." The corner of Mas's mouth twitched.


Give me a hammer.

Mas felt that if he really came to talk about this, Qin Nuo could shoot him to death with a machine gun.

What a joke.

Warner didn't participate in the script creation~!

"Then why was the distribution given to Fox again?"

"Ask me, you looked down on me just now. Do you think I would believe that Qin Nuo could come up with such a wonderful idea in five minutes?"

David looked at Mas.

"Mr. Mas307, if you think you can do it, I can give this position to you!"

"As a director, you are fully qualified to serve as Warner's CEO!"

Mas was silent this time.

Give up!

Although he is a member of the board of directors, it is really not feasible for him to serve as the CEO of Warner.

This is not a simple statement.

Ordinary people really can’t do it.

If he takes over, Warner Bros.'s performance may drop by 30% in less than a year...

"Don't worry about these minutiae!" Smith looked at David.

"We have seen Qin Nuo's talent. David, you are responsible for maintaining a good relationship with him!"

"I have a hunch! Qin Nuo will really open up the golden mountain of DC!"

Smith is a truly wise man.

In his view, creative fees and distribution fees are just small amounts of money.

Even if this movie has a global box office of 500 million, they can only make tens of millions more from distribution.

This money seems to be a lot, but if compared with DC, there is a real gap.

If DC is really developed, it will be a market worth tens of billions.

So Smith didn't care.

The other directors nodded after listening.

That's right, the current situation is to establish a good relationship with Qin, maybe he is the key to unlocking DC.

"Mr. Smith, don't worry, I will do it!"

In fact, Smith said, David would do the same.

As long as he successfully opens the DC treasure house, his prestige in the Warner system will be further enhanced.

Maybe it’s not impossible to become the CEO of Warner Times in a few years.

That's the real top hitter.

Time flies so fast, and the Spring Festival is here in a blink of an eye.

Although the crew did not have a day off this (cheg) day, Qin Nuo still set aside half a day for everyone to relax.

Everyone drank and bragged together, it was so lively.

But because of what Qin Nuo said about superheroes last time, it became a hot search topic on the Internet.

This is not surprising, after all, there was a lot of talk that day, so someone might have spread the word.

On the first day of the new year.

A scarf celebrity directly posted a scarf.

[Breaking news, it is said that after Qin Nuo finished filming this movie, his next movie will be in Hollywood! 】

[And Qin Nuo personally admitted that he was filming a superhero movie!!!!]

It didn’t take long for the scarf to become a hot search topic.

Originally, everyone had discussed before when Qin Nuo would go to Hollywood!

Whether they are netizens or insiders, they all know that Qin Nuo will definitely go.

But not sure about the time.

I didn’t expect this big V to be so brave, and he found out about it in just a few days.

Netizens are talking a lot.

"Superhero? Isn't the Avengers about to be filmed recently? Doesn't Qin Nuo deserve to be chosen?"

After hearing this, netizens immediately cheered, yes!

Taking jobs, being a superhero, and having a project recently.

It's the Avengers!

Qin Nuo is awesome!

You know, Disney has been promoting Avengers for a long time.

For the first time, all superheroes are united together, although many Chinese have not watched Marvel in its entirety.

But they were still interested.

"Are you kidding me, are you really an Avenger? Why do I not believe it so much?"

"But didn't Qin Nuo talk about superheroes? Apart from The Avengers, what other superhero movie projects have been approved now?"

"I heard that Captain America 2 is going to be filmed. Maybe Qin Nuo will film this!"

"Yes, there is also Thor 2, which is not necessarily the Avengers!"

"I still think it's the Avengers. With Qin Nuo's imagination, it's not easy to make a movie like this!"

"Qin Nuo's imagination is beyond the reach of ordinary directors!"

"I agree. To be honest, I think it's a bit overkill. Superhero movies are actually really simple!"

"It just requires a lot of special effects. The plot is really nothing!"


Soon more netizens joined in and successfully made this matter a hot search topic.

Stars in the industry were moved to tears after seeing it.

Director Qin, are you leaving us so soon?

We thought we had to wait a little longer, but we didn’t expect the bad news to come so quickly!

Sad, really sad......013109127 Feilu091373461]

The saddest among them should be Feng Xiaogang and Xu Zhen.

Their movie was released well, and I originally planned to take advantage of the Spring Festival release.

In other words, during these few days when people all over the country are on vacation, they can make a lot of money.

The two trolls have already been invited, and they are just waiting to grab the hot searches and grab the headlines!

But I didn't expect that as soon as I took action, I would be suppressed by the news about Qin Nuo.

No matter how much money you spend, you can't grab the headlines.

The angry Feng Xiaogang started scolding Qin Nuo again in the office, "You must be sick."

If you are sick, take medicine immediately.

Do you have any movies released during the Spring Festival?

Why are you grabbing this headline when you have nothing else to say?

Are you deliberately against me?

Labor and management owe you my whole life!


"Invest another two million for me!" Feng Xiaogang looked at the staff.

"I don't believe it. I can't grab this headline!"

"Okay, Director Feng!"

The staff felt that Feng Xiaogang was already attracted to Qin Nuo.

Your two million dollars may not even make a splash.

On the other side, Xu Zhen also cried, Director Qin, my Director Qin!

Why are we our own people?

Can you be careful when shooting so as not to accidentally injure your teammates?

This guy has half of your investment in Jiongtu!

You're so crazy that you even hit yourself, aren't you?

"Baoqiang! Look at Director Qin..."

The two of them were drinking, and Xu Zhen couldn't hold it any longer and asked.

"Brother Xu, you can blame Director Qin for this!" Wang Baoqiang defended.

"Director Qin definitely didn't mean it. It was the big V who did this. Director Qin is not stupid, why would he do such a thing!"

"Wouldn't that make it difficult for you to live with yourself?"

"Hey" Xu Zhen sighed, of course he knew this was the case.

It hurts.

The hot search was robbed, and the box office will be at least 10 to 20 million less.

Making money is the second priority, in case you are stuck at a node of hundreds to tens of millions.

Then the gap is huge.

"Damn it, I'll go back and see who the blind guy is!" Xu Zhen said angrily.

"This news is being released at this time."

"By the way, Baoqiang, you have a good relationship with Director Qin. Does he really want to make Avengers?"

Xu Zhen was also very curious. This thing was really shocking.

"Who knows? I asked some people, but Director Qin didn't admit it. He just admitted to filming superheroes~"

"There are so many superheroes in the United States. Basically every big company has some!"


Xu Zhen and netizens thought the same thing.

They all think Avengers are the most likely.

After all, Qin Nuo's fame makes it impossible for him to film some minor superheroes.

The only superhero movie currently being planned that can rival Qin Nuo is The Avengers.

This thing fermented very quickly.

Even Qin Nuo didn’t expect it.

Soon the news reached Fox's ears.


Deng Wendi smashed the vase on the table to the ground.

In an instant, the vase fell apart and made a huge shattering sound.

In the office, Kevin and Mike both took a few steps back.

The expression on his face is not very good.

The same goes for Deng Wendi, whose face turned red with anger, like an enraged lioness.

She didn't expect Qin Nuo to hook up with Disney.

Before, she had always focused on Warner.

Because the intentions of both David and Sarnoff were simply written on their faces.

He just wanted to poach Qin Nuo.

But Deng Wendi never expected that Disney was the real sinister villain.

He actually stabbed him in the back.

Last month the two companies teamed up to co-finance Rescue 3.

It turns out this is confusing me!

Damn it!

ps: Everyone knows the old rules, ten monthly tickets plus one update, and you can also give rewards for prompting updates.

Guaranteed four updates. Brothers, a new month has begun. It’s useless to give them monthly tickets. Please give me more updates!

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