Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

365 Taylor Sang Live To Express His Love, Qin Nuo Was On Pins And Needles, Sissy, You Have To Listen

"Qin, have you already conceived the script?"

Qin Nuo glanced at the old fox and said lightly.

"I'm sorry Sanov, your status is not equal to mine, so I refuse to talk to you?"

He discovered that this old guy is more sinister than David,

Qin Nuo often puts hooks in his words, and Qin Nuo is really worried about being tricked by this guy.

"If you really want to talk, Wei Wei is right!"

Sarnov, who was sitting next to him, was not angry either. Qin Nuo said that the status was not equal.

This is of course a joke, Sarnov's status is not low.

That was the number two position at Warner Bros., as soon as David left.

The person taking over his position as CEO is the guy in front of him!

"You're still afraid that I won't succeed in trying to trick you!"

Qin Nuo just looked at him like this without blinking. I'm not afraid!

You're just trying to trick me!

"OK OK, let's do this. You have to give me some confidence." Sanov raised his hand.

"You are so demanding in your demands. If you don't have something substantive, I won't be able to do business when I get back."

Qin Nuo thought for a while and said.

“The movie is a hit!”

"That's it?"

"That's it!"





"Okay, that's it, I wish your new movie a big hit!"

Qin Nuo glanced at him and said calmly.

"I am very sure of that!"

"I love your confidence!"

After Sarnoff finished speaking, he found an opportunity to sneak away before the Oscars officially started.

Liu Yifei couldn't help but ask when she saw this guy running away.

"Qin Nuo, what are you talking about with that foreigner?"

"It's nothing. Remember this old guy. He is not a good person. If you see him in the future, stay away from him."

"Okay, I get it now"

Liu Yifei said obediently.

On the other hand, the artists around me felt strange.

Liu Yifei didn't know Sarnoff. Star directors like them hang out in Hollywood every day.

How could he not know the second boss of Warner Bros.?

They all looked at Qin Nuo, feeling very strange.

Qin, hasn’t he always been cooperating with Fox?

Why are you getting involved with Warner now?

Could it be that Warner poached Qin?

Thinking of this, everyone in Hollywood can't help but admire Warner, it's awesome.

To be able to steal people from Fox, Warner really has a bright future!

The two chatted, and within a few minutes the Oscar awards began.

"Wow, the opening guest this time is actually Swift. It sounds great! It sounds great!"

"It sounds really good, and it's so sweet, lovestory" sounds so good!"

"The song is great, and the people are great at the box office. I have to say that Taylor is really good-looking, and that little face is so charming!"

"Yes, yes, I like her too. I watched this live broadcast in vain. Her legs are so long. Except for Cai Xiong being a little smaller, everything else is perfect!"

A group of old perverts in the live broadcast room kept drooling as they watched Taylor wearing a hollow dress on the stage.

Qin Nuo was not that surprised. Although this song was newly released, he had heard it in his previous life.

It's just a little bit different, but it's roughly the same.

But what surprised him was that if Qin Nuo remembered correctly.

This song was probably written by Taylor a few years later.

Why did this world come out so quickly?

But he didn't care and didn't think much about it.

after awhile

Qin Nuo felt something was wrong, not just him, but many people around him felt something was wrong.

While the sexy Taylor was singing on the stage, her eyes had already glanced in the direction of Qin Nuo several times.

How should I put it? There seemed to be light in the eyes.

The people who can sit around Qin Nuo are all big guys and good people.

I figured it out instantly.

It seems that this talented director from the East has captured America's sweetheart.

Everyone around looked at Qin Nuo, with warm smiles on their faces.

Qin, that’s awesome.

The two of them have not known each other for long, and they actually let Taylor show his love in public!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Qin, when did you and Taylor meet?"

After Sarnoff left, Charlize Theron also returned to his seat and turned to look at Qin Nuo.


"What acquaintance, I don't know Taylor at all!"

Qin Nuo could already feel a huge amount of resentment condensing on his left side.

It's like a volcano that's ready to erupt at any time.

What a frightening thing!

"I am a director, and Taylor is a singer. We are totally different from each other. I have never heard of her songs!"

After Qin Nuo said this, he did not look to the left.

But I also feel that the resentment seems to have dissipated a lot.

"Really, but last time I heard Scarlett say that you and Taylor had a great chat at the celebration party of Inception!"

When Qin Nuo heard this, he felt as if ten thousand grass and mud horses were passing by.

Charlize cursed in his mind.

Ocean horse!

Just wait for me and don't let me find a chance.

If I get the chance, I will definitely put you on a cross and make you unable to get out of bed for several days!

Give you the most profound lesson.

Seeing Qin Nuo's face become embarrassed, Charlize Bolong smiled even happier.

The Chinese woman next to her must be Qin's girlfriend.

It's really beautiful.

But your boyfriend should be careful.

It will be stolen if you are not careful.

Feeling that resentment had invaded his body, Qin Nuo said again.

"Charlize, it's not like you don't know that Scarlett knows nonsense in a day.

"That woman took drugs and became unconscious~"

Charlize curled his lips and didn't continue, teasing was okay.

He didn't really want to piss off Qin Nuo either.

Qin Nuo breathed a long sigh of relief, and then glanced at the fairy sister next to him.

I noticed that there seemed to be no expression on her face.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

I secretly thought in my heart, I have taken note of Charlize’s account, don’t let me find a chance.

"Hmph, the big pig's hooves are dishonest!"

Liu Yifei is not a fool.

Naturally, it was obvious that Taylor, who was posing on stage, felt something special about Qin Nuo.

I glanced in their direction several times.

Liu Yifei's intuition told her that this woman was looking at Qin Nuo.

This guy still doesn’t admit it?

If I don’t look at you for a day, will you go out and hang out?

Liu Yifei squinted her eyes and looked carefully at Taylor in the stands.


What's so good about this woman? Her face is so ugly, her eyes are ugly, and she looks like a ghost.

How could I be so good-looking~

Qin Nuo's aesthetics are really bad.

Liu Yifei wondered whether she should buy a house in Shanghai.

Looking at Qin Nuo from afar, this guy is too wild.

I eat all kinds of seafood in my mouth.

The same goes for viewers watching the live broadcast, although they can't see it.

However, the camera guy with the scarf saw it and helped me.

Every time Taylor looked in the direction of Qin Nuo, he turned the camera to focus on Qin Nuo.

Once or twice, netizens still haven’t noticed.

But after a lot of time, I understood.

This Taylor can't be looking at Qin Nuo.

Damn it!

"Hey, something seems wrong! Is this Taylor watching Qin Nuo?"

"Are you making a fool of yourself upstairs? The camera guy made it so obvious, but you still can't tell?"

"I've seen it a long time ago!"

"Plus one, Qin Nuo is so coquettish, hell, even the queen of country music can surrender to her, she is so coquettish, she is so coquettish!"

"I just don't understand how Qin Nuo, who is average-looking and somewhat talented, is so popular among beautiful women!"

"Why is it that no one likes a man as down-to-earth and reliable as me?"

"Whoever has yellow urine please wake this guy up. Don't come if you are diabetic. Be careful of giving this guy a taste of the sweetness!"

"Here I go! You upstairs, are you dreaming that Qin Nuo is just as tall as him? How is this guy different from the previous Kansai brother!"

"Yes, you still have some talent? Reporters exaggerated a little bit some time ago, but even if they are comparable to each other, Ji Bai is not the best."

“It’s no exaggeration to say that Qin Nuo is a great talent of our time!”

"I agree, and Qin Nuo makes more than a billion dollars from one movie! If I were a woman, I would love them all!"

"To sum it up, upstairs, if you have any of these three points, you will be favored by beautiful women!"

"What a pity, you have nothing!"

"Yes, Qin Nuo has three of them, so it's normal that he likes Yangma!"



Although the scarf guy scolded Qin Nuo quite harshly.

But if someone slanders Qin Nuo, they will take action.

The main one is my brother. I am the only one who can hack. Who are you? Are you worthy of hacking Qin Nuo?

At the scene, Qin Nuo finally breathed a sigh of relief, and this bitch finally finished singing.

Soon a hip-hop host came on stage.

"Wow, Taylor, your singing makes me crazy. Is this your new song?"

"Yes, this is the title song of my next album, 15.8overstory!"

"This is my fantasy love story!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Qin Nuo again, and now the host became interested.

As we all know, Taylor likes to write songs for her ex-boyfriends, and many of them are abusive.

Qin Nuo was a little panicked.

Damn it, this song couldn’t have been inspired by me.


But the more Qin Nuo thinks about something, the more he thinks about it.

The sand sculpture host asked.

"Then where did you get the inspiration for this song and who gave it to you."

As soon as these words came out, Taylor looked in the direction of Qin Nuo and showed a big smile.

"Is he there?"


"Then who is he?"

Soon the live camera followed Taylor's gaze, with Qin Nuo in the center.

Qin Nuo really wants to kill this idiot host.

What the hell are you asking about a hammer!!!

You wait for labor and management.

An awkward and impolite smile appeared on Qin Nuo's face.

He whispered in his mouth.

"I really have nothing to do with that woman, Sissy, believe me!"

ps: Added chapter 2, continue on, brothers, where are you? ,

Gao Chao is here, stand up.

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