Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

375 The Two Women Are Planning To Sell Liu Yifei. Sister Hong Is So Numb, Why Are The Premiere Ticke

"That singer named Taylor is so shameless. He is so ugly and yet he seduces my husband in public!"


The two women sat on the bed and looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

The two of them also watched the entire live broadcast, and Taylor's song about confessing his love was even a hot topic before.

They both had to admit that Qin Nuo was really awesome.

I was fascinated by the country music queen.

So charming.

But Liu Yifei said Taylor was ugly, which was a bit excessive.

They both think she is pretty, with a pretty face, a good figure, and long legs.

"Hey, you guys are talking." Liu Yifei was annoyed.

"I have tried many methods, but Qin Nuo is not willing to come to my house at all!"

"Qin Nuo is not stupid. He knows that if you set a trap for him, he will be in trouble!"

The two of them thought to themselves.

Thinking about it from another person's perspective, if they were Qin Nuo, they probably wouldn't be willing to get married so early.

Not even the fairy sister.

There are so many beautiful girls out there, but if they don’t have fun, they will fall into the grave of marriage so quickly.


"Maybe Qin Nuo is afraid. After all, I heard that Auntie is not very satisfied with Qin Nuo!"

"Yes, Sissy, men, Zero Qiqi, don't look very brave on the surface, but in fact they are also very timid sometimes~"

"Really?" Liu Yifei calculated it and it seemed that it was indeed the case.

Qin Nuo really doesn't seem to be interested in her mother, and she doesn't even allow Liu Xiaoli to follow her when filming.

"But that was before. My mother is very satisfied with Qin Nuo now. I tried it last time and she didn't object!"

"Then we don't know."

The two women quickly abdicated their responsibilities. They don't blame us anyway, and Xixi, don't look for us either.

We just want to follow you and Qin Nuo and pick up some bargains.

I didn't think about getting into a position or anything.

I really never thought about this.

"This method doesn't work, I've thought of another one, please give me the total!"

If one plan fails, try another one.

Liu Yifei felt that since Qin Nuo still wanted to play for two years.

That's fine, but it must be under your nose.

So she planned to secretly buy a house in Qin Nuo's community.

Monitoring Qin Nuo.

"I plan to..."

"This way I can keep an eye on Qin Nuo nearby. He won't be able to steal food even if he wants to. He must pay me the public food when he comes home every day!"

"What do you think~!"

Song Yi and Li Tingting opened their mouths when they heard this. Suddenly they felt that Liu Yifei seemed to be much smarter.

I actually came up with this idea,

Buy a house secretly and spy on Qin Nuo.

I even want to move the studio to Shanghai.

But we are now double agents. You are making things very difficult for us.


"This method is very good, I support it!" Song Yi said quickly, and secretly patted Li Shuo's hand.

Don't even think about telling Sissy.

Have you forgotten what Qin Nuo said last time?

If you dare to betray him, you will give them both to Huo Huo later.

I also want to take photos for them.

Song Yi didn't think it was necessary. A best friend's sincerity is valuable, but innocence is more expensive.

Besides, given Liu Yifei's conditions and silly and simple character.

The possibility of reaching the end with Qin Nuo is the highest.

So why do we have to get involved? Let the two of us play, and we can just watch the show and get some benefits.

Song Yi and Li Qing had been together for so long, and they understood what Song Yi meant with just one look.

He nodded quickly and said.

"Tie Zi is right, this is a good idea, I support it!"

"Okay!" Liu Yifei smiled happily.

"Let's do this. You two will help me buy a house in Qin Nuo's community. It's best to be close, preferably in the same building.

"I can't go, I'm afraid Qin Nuo will find out!"

The fairy sister looked at her two best friends.

"The house is in your name, and I will pay you later!"

"Ah! This!"

The two women originally planned to abdicate responsibility, but just pretended they didn't know.

Neither Qin Nuo nor Liu Yifei helped!

But they didn't expect that Liu Yifei would put this house in their name...

It would be impossible not to help Qin Nuo now.

It would be a disaster if he was discovered.

The house in your name, you told Qin Nuo you didn’t know!!

Doesn’t this make Qin Nuo a fool?

"Sissi, are you sure? You can still regret it now!" Song Yi looked hopeful.

"What's there to regret?" Liu Yifei looked unconcerned.

"Are you going to hack my money? Are you kidding me?"

After hearing this, the two women secretly thought in their hearts.

We don't want to hack your money, we wouldn't dare to do it even if it's millions of dollars, but we have to tell the truth!

The poor Taoist will never die, fellow Taoist!

Sissi is sorry.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, after the two women had eaten, they returned to the car with Liu Yifei's bank card in their hands.

At first, the two women didn't speak. After a while, Song Yicai asked.

"Qinqin, what should we do? Should we tell Qin Nuo?"

"This... this?" Li Qing was also very confused and thought for a while before saying.

"Let's just say it, I'm afraid..."

"My butt hurt for a long time last time. If Qin Nuo found out, we wouldn't report it!"

"My death will be even worse later. I'm afraid I will have to lie in bed for several days!"

"Maybe I'll get hit by something else!"


"What about Sissi? Her plan will come to nothing again!"

"It's okay," Li Qing said, holding his chin.

"Director Qin must like Qianqian, otherwise, why would he give her the golden man?"

"It's just that I haven't had enough fun yet. I think Sissi will definitely make it to the end. Who wouldn't want such a beautiful and innocent fairy sister!"


Thinking of this, the two women felt no pressure. We are not doing this for ourselves.

But for your sake, Sissi, don't act too hastily, you will have the last laugh.

come on!

Time passed very quickly, and the movie "Earth from the Future" also began to be promoted.

Sister Hong originally planned to spend 20 million as promotional funds.

If it's not enough, we can put aside 10 million as spare.

Unexpectedly, it was not used at all, and netizens were very considerate.

Many people said on the Internet that Qin Nuo won the Oscar and they would support the new movie even if it turned out to be a piece of shit.

This was originally a very brainless statement, but I didn't expect that everyone agreed with it.

Everyone grabbed tickets for the premiere.

In less than three hours, the tickets for the premiere on the first day were gone.

Everyone at Qintian Entertainment was shocked. Before we even started spending our money, you snatched up all the tickets...

What should we do?

Very shameless...

Hurry up and contact the theater chain and ask them to arrange more films. This money will be spent no matter what.

Directors in the entertainment industry are also beeping.

They have learned that the film shooting this time will cost less than two million.

Many people said that the script was exquisite.

A genius idea.

But they don't believe it!

Two million can buy a hammer.

Therefore, many directors are thinking of stepping on Qin Nuo to become the director, and several films were released at the same time as Qin Nuo.

If he defeated Qin Nuo head-on, he would make a lot of money.

This is Qin Nuo.

But what they didn't expect was to receive a call from the theater soon, hoping that they would withdraw the film.

Theaters don’t have that many movies lined up for them.

Qin Nuo costs 70% of a movie.

not enough...…..…

Now the directors are unhappy, so why should we?

We just want to step on Qin Nuo and rise to the top.

It's useless to persuade the theater chain. They are not a point of light and have no right to ask these directors to withdraw their films.

But there is no way to treat them.

Tell them directly that you can release it, but there is no film schedule, or you may only schedule a few percent of the film for the premiere.

Whatever you want......

Now the directors are numb, what the hell!

Isn't this bullying?

Why do we only schedule movies with a few percent? Qin Nuo has 70% for a movie with an investment of less than 2 million.


But the theater chain ignored these people at all.

You guys are really stupid, let alone Qin Nuo’s appeal.

I really thought that the investment in this movie was only two million, and it was just a gimmick.

Look at the actors in it, Huang Xiaoming, Cheng Daoming, Chen Baoguo, Qin Nuo, Liu Shishi, Shen Teng, Reba...

Either he is a very popular star, or he is an experienced actor with good acting skills.

That is Qin Nuo.

Otherwise, it would cost tens of millions just to invite these people.

If you still pay two million, there is something wrong with your brain.

And the theater selection is not stupid. The senior management made this decision after watching the movie.

0.5 is also based on the quality of the movie.

I’ve kindly advised you, but you still don’t listen. Are you still thinking about chickens?

Even if you are looking for death, you are not looking for death like this.


Seeing that the release of the new movie is getting closer, Qin Nuo also began to appear in the company.

Taking advantage of the break, he went to visit the little flowers again.

"Master Xing is still Master Xing"

Qin Nuo sat on a chair and looked at the data on the Spring Festival stalls in his hand. Now all the movies on the Spring Festival stalls have been released.

Zhou Xingchi's "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" became the biggest winner, although it was released a year earlier than in his previous life.

But the box office was still good.

One billion and ninety million!

It became the biggest winner in this year's Spring Festival and the third domestic film to exceed 1 billion.

Very powerful.

Next is Feng Xiaogang's private customization, which costs more than 700 million.

This old boy is making a lot of money.

Like Ode to Joy, Feng Xiaogang's movie cost nothing at all and it has a box office of 100 million.

At least you can earn more than 200 million.

Xu Zhen in front of him.

There are exactly 500 million people on the road!

ps: Adding the first chapter, there are still eight chapters to go, continue everyone.

While your health is still good, update more and finish writing as soon as possible!

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