Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

377 Guests Swarmed In, Feng Xiaogang Was So Angry, Qin Nuo, He Ignored Me! He Actually Ignored Me! !

There were also many guests at the premiere.

Qin Nuo just won the statuette, so it's appropriate for him to stop by and congratulate him.

Anyway, everyone I know and those I don’t know are here.

Qin Nuo had no choice but to give him some face since everyone was here.

Standing at the door, Qin Nuo smiled and sent Wang Baoqiang inside.

Soon the two Huayi brothers came over.

"Congratulations, Director Qin, on the Oscar!" Wang Zhonglei smiled happily.

"You have made a big face for our country, Hua!"

"Mr. Wang has overestimated the prize. He spent millions to get a broken trophy. To be honest, I still feel that it is quite a loss!"

Hearing this, the two Wang brothers rolled their eyes.


It's a shame, people want to spend this money but they can't find a place to recruit people.

If a few million dollars can buy a best foreign language film, Wang Zhonglei thinks he can pay for it every year.

It's a pity that Oscar doesn't like him at all...

"Director Qin, let's go in first!"

“Bad hospitality, poor hospitality!

"Director Qin, long time no see." Qin Nuo turned around and saw a woman who was charming to the core.

Fan Pang was dressed very sexy today.

The big baby is ready to come out.

Looking at Fan Pang's eyes, Qin Nuo always felt that there was a kind of resentment in it.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Fan Pang is a smart person, Qin Nuo just stared at her several times and thought to himself.

The clothes I spent all day choosing were indeed not in vain.

If you like it, just read more, it’s free of charge.

"Director Qin, are you free? How about I invite Director Qin for coffee sometime?"

"Yes, definitely!"

Although he said so, Qin Nuo thought in his heart that it would definitely happen next time.

She couldn't afford to offend this woman.

Looking at Fan Pang's swaying back.

Qin Nuo feels it's a pity. Actually, this woman is quite good-looking.

"Still looking, your eyes are straight!" Liu Shishi and Hu Ge walked over together.

She was very unhappy because Qin Nuo was eating out of the bowl and thinking about what was in the pot.

Still thinking about the food in other people’s pots.

How greedy.

"Why can't I understand what you are saying!" Qin Nuo pretended to be confused.

Liu Shishi was also helpless, this guy was like this again.

On the other hand, Hu Ge smiled happily and looked at Qin Nuo with eyes filled with gratitude.

"Director Qin, thank you very much for that. I will definitely play the role of Hu Bayi well!"

"Don't thank me, I just gave Director Wu a suggestion. It's your ability to be chosen!"

After several days of hesitation, Wuerxing finally gave Ge the role of Hu Bayi.

The reason is very simple. Hu Ge has a gentle temperament, which is very suitable for Hu Bayi's character in the play.

Deng Chao's salary was a bit high, and Wu Erchen thought it was not worthwhile.

Wu'er originally liked Huang Xiaoming, but he was a little worried about Huang Xiaoming's acting skills.

This guy's acting skills are unknown, and he becomes stronger when he is strong.

If an evil smile comes, Urchan is a little worried that he won't be able to control it.

Forget it.

Liu Shishi on the side watched Qin Nuo chatting with Hu Ge, and felt very happy.

Although she is pretty cool, she also has vanity.

She felt that Hu Ge was able to get this role because Qin Nuo was taking care of her feelings.

Give her face.

Actually, it's not just her who thinks so, Hu Ge and Cai Yinong also think so.

Such a good cake, although Hu Ge's acting skills are good, but it is not so delicious.

In the end, the two of them combined, it must be Qin Nuo taking care of Liu Shishi's face.

For this reason, Hu Ge even treated Liu Shishi to a meal.

"Okay, you go

"Okay, Director Qin has something to say!"

The two of them went in one after another. Liu Shishi took advantage of Hu Ge not paying attention and whispered into Qin Nuo's ear.

"You don't have to consider my feelings in the future. Hu Ge even invited me to dinner twice because of this matter."


After saying that, Liu Shishi left with cheerful steps.

Qin Nuo was a little confused at first.

Only later did he react.

Sister, you really misunderstood.

"Forget it, just say so, it's a lot of meat anyway!"

Today the reporters made up for the regret of not taking photos of Qin Nuo at the airport last time.

There are quite a few celebrity bosses coming.

Every time Qin Nuo's movie is released, it's a day for reporters to have a good meal.

The camera in my hand was almost smoking.

Originally, I wanted to take a rest, but then I thought of Qin Nuo going to Hollywood.

I'm afraid I won't have such a good opportunity in the future, so I held my breath and continued shooting.

This is the last meal.

You have to eat enough.

On the other side, Qin Nuo also spoke so hard that his voice almost started to smoke.

There were too many people coming, many of whom he didn't even know and were very strange.

But he is a good person. When he sees Qin Nuo, he bows and salutes.

He almost knelt down.

What can Qin Nuo do? As the saying goes, don’t hit the smiling person.

I can only say a few words, the visitor is a guest.

Even when Feng Xiaogang came, Qin Nuo didn't have the heart to laugh at this guy, his throat was so dry.

"What's going on Qin Nuo? It's so unusual today!"

Feng Xiaogang was already prepared when he arrived. No matter how Qin Nuo showed off, he pretended not to hear.

Is Oscar awesome?

What’s so amazing, my movie made more than 200 million during the Spring Festival.

I'm not bad either.

Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo saw him and just said hello casually, and then chatted with her wife.

After that it was gone.

Feng Xiaogang was very uncomfortable with it.

"You are really a bitch. Qin Nuo mocked you and you wanted to scold me when you were angry. Now Qin Nuo won't mock you anymore."

"You still feel uncomfortable!" Chen Fan glanced at this guy.

"Aren't you cheap!"

"You don't understand!" Feng Xiaogang thought as he walked, and suddenly slapped his thigh.

"Okay, I understand!"

"This guy must think that I am no longer worthy of his ridicule, and treats me as one of Lu Zhi's ilk!"

Thinking of this, Feng Xiaogang became furious.

Qin Nuo, you have gone too far.

This is the highest level of ridicule, ignore it!

This guy is ignoring me.

"Damn it, this guy went too far. He dared to ignore me and wait for me!"

Feng Xiaogang was so angry that he was going to go back and make a big move.

Isn’t it just a blockbuster movie?

You think labor and management really don’t know how to shoot.

I am definitely the second Mainland director to make more than one billion.


Chen Fan next to her rolled her eyes. She felt that Feng Xiaogang had completely gone crazy.

I was dumbfounded by Qin Nuo's PUA.

Forget it, it's okay to be stupid.

The provincial mother is worried.

After more than two hours, it finally came to an end. Liu Haochi took Lao Mouzi's hand and came to Qin Nuo.

"Hello, Miss Liu, long time no see, Imperial Master!"

"Hello, Director Qin!" Liu Hao's eyes lit up when he looked at Qin Nuo, and he said sweetly in his throat.

Then he poked Lao Mouzi next to him.

Come on, come on, you promised me last time.

Please help me get an artist spot from Qintian Entertainment.

Lao Mouzi was also drunk.

Is this girl stupid? Is this the place to talk about things?

Why are you in such a hurry?

"It's been a long time, Director Qin. The waves behind you in the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. I'm so envious of you, the little golden man..."

"With good luck, I believe the Imperial Master can get it one day." Qin Nuo looked at Lao Mouzi.

I was also very happy.

It was like seeing prey.

Qin Nuo has been staring at Zhang Yimou. Not long ago, the national master seemed to have had a quarrel with Zhang Weiping.

The reason is simple: the two have different movie concepts.

This is no small matter, making a movie is almost like fighting a war.

All it takes is one voice. If there are too many voices, the movie won’t be as good.

It's very possible that it will be different.

Seeing the conflict between the two getting deeper and deeper, Qin Nuo felt that it was time to take action.

Dig Zhang Yimou over.

Lao Mouzi's film skills are very good, especially the superb visual sense. No director in China can compare with him.

It’s just that the storytelling ability is a bit weak.

But from Qin Nuo's point of view, this is nothing. I have a script, just follow it and shoot.

I'll tell the story and leave the filming to you.

Let's make money together.

The last thing Qin Nuo likes about Lao Mouzi is that he has a really good temper, and he can actually endure Zhang Weiping's tantrums for more than ten years.

Moreover, Qin Nuo didn’t believe that Lao Mouzi didn’t know about Zhang Weiping’s little tricks.

(The one who gets it) must be aware of it, but he just doesn't care because of the years of friendship.

Who wouldn't want such a director who has a good personality, is capable, and can hold shares and work hard.

"It's not that easy, right!" Lao Mouzi looked at Qin Nuo.

"Do you have time, Director Qin? I have something I want to talk to you about!"

"Of course, come to me anytime!"


After finishing speaking, Lao Mouzi took Liu Haoyou into the theater. When Xiao Green Tea left, he gave Qin Nuo the courtesy of a lady.

Her legs were slightly bent, holding up her skirt.

Qin Nuo smiled happily. To be honest, Liu Hao was the greenest woman Qin Nuo had ever seen.

But the key is that the tea content is quite high.

It has even reached a point where it is difficult to distinguish.

This woman is probably the first actor to make a career out of tea.


What a great comparison!

What a stunt!

"Damn, that's good tea!" Reba came over, and she saw all Liu Haoyou's actions just now.

I got goosebumps all over my body.

Reba felt that Liu Haoyou's actions just now were embarrassing to her, but this woman could still do them naturally.

This is too thick-skinned.

"Brother Nuo, you won't like this kind of woman, right?"

ps: The second one, there will be two more updates later!.

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