Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

379 The Audience’S Views Were Shattered. This Movie Is Poisonous. It’S Really Poisonous!

A smile appeared on Deng Chao's face. He still believed in Qin Nuo's script. Just watch Ode to Joy.

The premiere is now over, with the highest ratings in the same period.

The audience's comments are very good, especially some little girls, who watch it every day.

There were even a lot of male viewers.

Because to be honest, the actresses chosen by Qin Nuo are really good-looking.

The plot logic is also remarkable.

Just think of it as looking at beautiful women.

The most important thing is that Qin Nuo has not appeared yet, so Deng Chao is even more relieved.

Wife, you can go wherever you like...

"Fuck you, Deng Chao, I want to act but I need your permission." Sun Li slapped Deng Chao hard on the head.

Said fiercely.

"And I just like acting with Director Qin. It's none of your business!"

Deng Chao

After saying that, Sun Li looked at Qin Nuo and her expression changed instantly.

He said with a smile on his face.

"Director Qin, just contact me at any time. Don't listen to this guy. If he dares to ask more questions, I will divorce him!"

Qin Nuo…”

"Then I'll contact you later!"

After saying that, Qin Nuo left quickly. Sun Li's character is really suitable for Zhen Huan, a strong woman!

It seems that Brother Chao’s status in the family is not very high!

All the bullshit I used to brag about was all lies...

Arriving at the front row, Qin Nuo greeted Lao Mouzi and others, then picked up the microphone and walked to the stage.

This time Qin Nuo didn't do anything fancy, but when Qin Nuo stood on the podium.

It was as if the entire audience had pressed the mute button.

It was quiet for a moment.

The guests who were talking with their heads down also raised their heads to look at Qin Nuo, not to mention the fans in the back row.

The eyes looking at Qin Nuo were full of enthusiasm.

It was like a god watching them.

Looking around, Qin Nuo smiled at first.

"I lied to everyone before. How could I make a movie with 200,000 US dollars? To be honest, the movie From Earth is actually what I have always wanted to make."

"It makes you look at everything that's going on in the world, and sometimes the things you firmly believe in, from another perspective.

"Maybe it was just a joke made by someone at a certain time."

"But it has been regarded as a wise saying and has been spread for thousands of years..."

"Without further ado, please appreciate this man from the earth!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo bowed deeply to the thousands of spectators in the audience.

The audience also burst into thunderous applause.

As soon as Qin Nuo said it, the guests and fans were even more curious, what kind of movie is this? It makes people question life.

There is nothing doubtful about this.

As Qin Nuo took his seat, the projectionist behind him turned on the movie at the same time.

The familiar dragon mark appeared on the screen, and the subtitles briefly introduced the participating actors.

The movie gets to the point.

To be honest, many viewers were a little confused at the beginning of the movie From Earth.

In a quiet town, university history professor Zhao Jing, played by Qin Nuo, resigned, and many university teaching colleagues came to see him off.

The scene is warm.

The plot is also smooth. What makes the audience wonder is you told me this is a science fiction film?

What a joke.

How can this plot be made into a science fiction movie? There's no way an alien spacecraft wants to invade the earth now.

The guests and fans behind were whispering.

"Damn it, have you been deceived? This guy Qin Nuo is really in a science fiction movie?"

"Yes, is it a mistake? I don't think so at all."

"Damn, this guy Qin Nuo is not trying to make money, is he?"

"Shen Teng, you are also one of the leading actors." Mary looked at Shen Teng.

"Tell me, is this movie really a science fiction movie? Why do I see a strong smell of money making!"

Shen Teng glanced at Mary when he heard this.

"What are you talking about? Keep reading. How can you mortals understand what Director Qin said!"

Mary “.………………

She felt deeply humiliated!!


Well, I'm going to see how Qin Nuo adapted this plot into a science fiction film.

Amid the confusion and doubts of all the guests, the plot slowly advanced.

Soon the audience noticed something was wrong.

Put Van Gogh's words in the trunk of the car.

There are also some weird decorations in the room, as well as fossils from hundreds of millions of years ago.

All this gives the audience a strong hint.

The identity of Zhao Jing played by Qin Nuo seems really unusual.

And from Qin Nuo's words, the audience also felt that Zhao Jing was deliberately hiding something.

This guy can't be an alien...

As more and more weird things happened, Zhao Jing, played by Qin Nuo, said that sentence after being questioned by everyone.

"Do you believe that a person can live from the time of cavemen to the present day?!"


"It's actually like this!"



The guests and fans at the scene finally realized, is Immortality a science fiction movie?

Of course, it turns out that this is the science fiction that Qin Nuo was talking about.


But can anyone really live that long?

The caveman era is more than 14,000 years ago, spanning almost the entire period of human civilization.

The audience didn't believe it, and as Zhao Jing's colleagues, they didn't believe the characters in the play either.

Hearing this, they looked at each other and smiled.

They even thought that Zhao Jing had some kind of mental problem, such as hallucinations.

Even the biologist played by Chen Baoguo asked Qin Nuo how long this situation had lasted.

However, the archaeologist played by Cheng Daoming is very interested.

Chen Baoguo was interrupted and Qin Nuo was asked to continue.

It can be regarded as a science fiction novel.

Anyway, if I’m bored today, I’ll just listen to stories.

Then comes the climax of the movie,

At first, colleagues thought he was just joking. As Qin Nuo talked more and more deeply, as a representative of the top level of human wisdom,

Five top Chinese professors: anthropologists, archaeologists, biologists, Christian theologians and psychologists decided to "expose" his lies from various fields!

a debate that runs throughout the film

This is the pk between "human civilization" and "unknown existence";

It is the pk of "existing knowledge system" and "immortality hypothesis";

The pk of "bookism" and "historical practice"...

How to "expose" a lie that sounds absurd?

The debate lasted three hours.

The last group of top Chinese professors fell silent.

Qin Nuo's reason seemed absurd, but they couldn't refute it at all.

Anthropology PK!

Qin Nuo "No matter how long a person lives, he cannot transcend the era in which he lives."

...Please give me flowers...

"He cannot possibly know more than the best of the pack."

"Although I have lived for 14,000 years, it does not mean that I am a genius. All I have is time.

Psychology PK

Qin Nuo: "I never said I was immortal, I was just very old. If you shoot me, I might die, but you will be painfully thinking about why you did it in the first place for the rest of your life."

Religious Studies PK

Qin Nuo: "Maybe you won't believe it, but I am actually Jesus himself."

"I once arrived in India and met Buddha. I took everything I learned in the East and returned to the Mediterranean region to teach the local people simple teachings!"

"But the historical Jesus was actually modified by those in the Holy See. No one understands the Jesus in the church, not even me!"

After listening to Qin Nuo's explanation, a group of top Chinese professors didn't know what to say.

They feel that their original three views have been seriously impacted.

It has even reached the edge of fragmentation.

If what Zhao Jing said is true, then what else can be believed in everything in this history book.


They cannot accept it, absolutely cannot accept it.

The biologist played by Chen Baoguo asked Zhao Jing, played by Qin Nuo, to admit that everything he just said was just a story.

A fictional science fiction story.

There was even a look of begging on his face.

Qin Nuo looked around, everyone was looking at him.

He lowered his head and smiled after a while.

Under everyone's gaze, he admitted that he just made a joke with everyone.

I hope you don't mind...

Everyone in the room finally breathed a sigh of relief, and their three views were preserved.

But they saved it, but the views of the guests and the audience who were watching the movie were shattered.

Is this really true?

Zhao Jing in the play really lived for more than 1,400 years, which is simply unimaginable.

This movie is toxic.

The film brings a thought: is the so-called definition of this world actually up to you to judge?

And whether the actual operation of the entire world is really like this is a huge question.

What will happen if the truth we believe in is broken?

When a ray of light shines into darkness, does this ray of light become a sinner?

The end of the video.

It gave a huge shock to the audience. Zhao Jing, played by Qin Nuo in the play, did not lie.

It turns out that Shen Teng plays a psychologist.

It turned out to be the child Qin Nuo gave birth to when he was with his girlfriend from another university forty years ago.

Shen Teng could not accept this reality. It turned out that all this was true and Zhao Jing did not lie.

He covered his chest in excitement.

Soon the ambulance came to the scene.

Ten minutes later a body was removed from the house.

"Have you never seen your adult child die?" asked the lover played by Liu Shishi.


Qin Nuo looked at the ambulance going away, his eyes full of loneliness.

He reached out and turned off the light in front of the door.

Everything fell into darkness.

Before the audience could react, the music at the end of the film sounded.

The movie ends here!

ps: The fourth update has arrived.

It seems like there are only six tickets. Hey, is it difficult to take a day off?

Brothers, you won't be so considerate of me...death....

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