Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

381 Big Event! The Reporters Ate All At Once, And Feng Xiaogang Became Angry And Beat The Reporters.

Now Deng Chao has the upper hand because of Dream Stealing.

But Huang Xiaoming turned around and approached Qin Nuo again. The main character is that I, Huang Xiaoming, am not weak to others in my life.

"Brother Chao, what do you think of Director Qin's new movie this time?"

"Brother Chao, you said last time that you were Director Qin's male lead, why did Director Qin choose Brother Xiao Ming this time!"

"Brother Chao, did you have a falling out with Director Qin because of the salary?"

"Brother Chao, what do you think of Brother Xiao Ming's performance in the movie!"

A group of reporters wanted to put the microphone into Deng Chao's mouth.

The boss stared, hoping that Deng Chao would be angry.

It doesn't matter if you beat me up, but when the time comes, you will get angry and beat the reporter...

If you have a hotspot, you can also extort medical expenses.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Deng Chao was actually very smart. He felt that he would definitely be surrounded by reporters when he came out.

I have already made the best preparations in my heart.

But he didn't expect that he still overestimated the downline of this group of reporters!

No, these guys are not offline at all.

The eyes of each one were shining with light, as if they said hit me again, hit me quickly.

We just do it on purpose.

Quick, Brother Chao!

"Humph, you want me to be angry? You underestimate me, Deng Chao!" Deng Chao looked disdainful.

"I don't know you well yet, but I can tell you that Director Qin's new movie is very interesting and very full of ideas!"

"This is definitely the best gift that Director Qin has left for everyone this year!"

He touched his chin again.

"However, I think there is a slight flaw. Brother Xiao Ming's role as the biologist 27 is a bit off. He has not read many books and is not very bookish!"

"It would be about the same if it were me, Deng Chao. As everyone knows, I, Deng Chao, am a top student!"

“Back then, both the Capital Theater Academy and the Film Academy were vying for me to enroll!”

"And I didn't forget to study after graduation. I often..."

A group of reporters rolled their eyes when they heard Deng Chao's boast.

You are so fucking shameless.

Two schools are vying for it, is it that powerful?

You're still a top student, don't think we haven't heard of your plastic English.

Really good at blowing.

Slipping away.

After a while, all the reporters around Deng Chao ran away.

Take your time and play with it yourself.

Deng Chao looked at a group of escaping reporters with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Play with me and I can talk about my car all day~"

"Okay, let's go." Sun Li glanced at this narcissistic guy.

"It's such a shame to be with you!"

"Hey, wife, your words are hurtful!"



"Then get used to it slowly!"

Deng Chao “…………

Naturally, great director Feng Xiaogang has not escaped the glare of reporters.

I was surrounded by a group of reporters again. I wanted to leave, but I said a few words before saying anything.

"It's you guys again, must you be sick!" Feng Xiaogang looked at the reporters surrounding him.

So angry.

Pointing at the person next to him.

"There are so many celebrities around. If you don't interview those guys and interview me, are you being a bitch?"

But reporters don't care, they can scold them as they please.

"Director Feng, please stop scolding me. We are interviewing you because you are a great director. There are not many people in China who can evaluate Director Qin, and you are one of them!"

"That's right, Director Feng, you are second to none among mainland directors. Only you can give the audience the most fair evaluation!"

"Director Feng Da, do you think so?"


When Feng Xiaogang heard this, his face looked much better.

These reporters finally have brains.

Not bad, not bad. If it weren't for Qin Nuo, I would be the number one director in the Mainland.

Who do Zhang Yimou and Cheng Kaige count?

It's just that they have a great reputation, and I really can't beat them in terms of box office success.

The same goes for Jiang Wen. This guy has a brain problem.

He had sex with the Kingdom of Hades, and after letting the bullets fly, he was able to shoot some crappy stuff.

Just for fun.

"Okay, I'm in a good mood today, you can ask me!" Feng Xiaogang said with dignity.

"Director Feng, how about your professional evaluation of Qin Shi's movie today!"

"It's not bad. Although it's a gimmicky movie, it's quite imaginative. You can watch it!"

"Director Feng, is it true? Director Qin said last time that your private order was a money-making movie!"

"This..." Feng Xiaogang became a little angry when he heard this.

Qin Nuo, you have gone too far!

Who makes movies not to make money? At least they can make the audience laugh.

Isn’t that enough?

How profound you think your movie is is just showing off your imagination.

In fact, the plot is just average...

However, Feng Xiaogang still held back. Qin Nuo was so famous now that he couldn't afford to offend him.

"You may have heard it wrong. What Qin Nuo said should win the box office. Qin Nuo and I have a good relationship. Don't talk nonsense!"

The reporters were not stupid, they had seen the flash of anger in Feng Xiao's eyes just now.

Need to add more fire.

"That Feng Dao, Qin Nuo said privately that you have gone back to the old path again. It turns out that Tangshan and 1942 have some connotations~!"

"Now that I'm resting on my laurels again, it shows that I don't want to make progress. What do you think?"

Feng Xiao clenched her fists, Qin Nuo!

You're a disgusting boy.

It’s up to you to decide what kind of movies the labor and management make, no matter how simple the comedy is, it’s easy to make and can make a lot of money.

Feng Xiaogang is not stupid. Isn’t it nice to make easy money?

After filming Tangshan and 1942, he felt ten years older.

So tiring!

"You obviously made up what you said, Qin Nuo is not that kind of person!"

"Director Feng, what do you think of Qin Nuo winning the Oscar?"

"Director Feng, Director Qin will go to Hollywood for his next movie. Are you willing to go?"

"Director Feng, some people say that Qin Nuo is no longer on the same level as domestic directors. Qin Shen has completed the mission in three years that you have not completed in thirty years!"

"What do you think!"


Chen Fan on the side saw that Feng Xiaogang's face was so gloomy that he was on the verge of losing his mind.

I quickly wanted to lure Feng Xiaogang away.

But it's a step too late.

Feng Xiaogang couldn't stand it anymore.

Picking up the nearest microphone, Minato tapped the bald head that was dancing the most.

"It's you, it's you who dances the most joyfully. I know Qin Nuo is awesome, but so what, I, Feng Xiaogang, am not bad at all!"

Talking while knocking.

"Just wait for me, I'm going to make a big move today, isn't it a blockbuster? I, Feng Xiaogang, can also shoot it!"

"Have you checked it out for me?"

After finishing speaking, Feng Xiaogang smashed the microphone on the ground, pushed away the reporter in front of him, and walked away.

The reporters around were so happy that the cameras in their hands were really going to smoke.

He patted Feng Xiaogang's back and then patted his bald head, which was bruised and purple.

He patted the microphone on the ground again.

The excitement on his face was almost overflowing.

Big drama, big drama.

Sure enough, Qin Nuo is going to give us reporters a good meal for the last time.

They already had the title figured out.

[Feng Xiaogang lost to Qin Nuo in the movie, so he violently attacked the reporter. The reporter was rescuing him and his life was in danger!]

Chen Fan on the side was also drunk.

, When will Feng Xiaogang be able to control his temper?

I used to scold reporters, but now I still beat them.

Don’t you know how annoying these ghost reporters are?

I still want my mother to wipe my butt.

The surrounding celebrities were also stunned, Feng Dao was so awesome!

They don't know what to say even if someone's bald head is knocked out.

To be honest, as celebrities, they are also helpless. They need reporters to increase their popularity.

At the same time, he was angry with reporters.

These guys are just so pervasive.

Secret photography is not too common.

Seeing the reporter being beaten so badly, many celebrities had sympathy on their faces.

But I laughed in my heart.

You guys should be beaten to death.

"Are you okay, this reporter?"

Chen Fan helped Brother Liu up.

"Sister Fan, Director Feng went too far. He beat people. I feel like my brain is failing. I want to go to the hospital!"

Brother Liu burst into tears as he spoke.

Chen Fan rolled his eyes.

Pretend, keep pretending, I saw you being beaten just now.

Holding your head and laughing is called happiness.

Moreover, Feng Xiaogang was not a fool and did not do anything serious.

Basically, they hit this guy on the arm.

"I see that you are in good spirits, you probably don't need to go to the hospital.

"Sister Fan, my head really hurts!"

"I saw you smiling with your head down just now!"

Brother Liu

"Okay, half a million, you can come to the studio and get it yourself." Chen Fan had no choice but to talk to this family.

"If it's too much, don't even think about suing. You might not get that much."

"Besides, Feng Xiaogang doesn't have much of a personality. He is a director, not a star!"

"This, that..." Brother Liu pretended to be hesitant. Just accept it as soon as you see fit.

"Okay, actually I am a fan of Director Feng, otherwise, 500,000 yuan will definitely not work!"

Chen Fan shook his head, these guys are also cheap.

Even though he knew that Feng Xiaogang had a bad temper, he still said so much.

It would be weird if he didn’t get beaten!

Seeing Chen Fan leaving, Brother Liu recovered instantly.

A smile spread across his face.

Director Qin is such a good person. He didn't give me a huge sum of money when he left at the end.

I thought that I would have to go to the capital tomorrow morning and get the money quickly.

It's too late, the wound on the head will be healed...

ps: Old rules. Four updates guaranteed.

Come on, brothers!

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