Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

389 Liar Qin Nuo, Leonardo Was Shocked, Warner Actually Wanted To Restart Dc! The Director Turned Ou

They might not have known David and Sarnoff before.

But since Qin Nuo came to the United States, people in the Chinese entertainment industry have also learned more about the top management of Hollywood.

They thought very well, what if one day they were chosen by Qin Nuo to take them to Hollywood.

First, let’s get to know some of Hollywood’s top bosses.

Don't look back and offend.

Although the chance is very small, but what if.

That street kid Yan Kuan can star in Qin Nuo's movie, why can't we?

"Okay, please tell Mr. David that I will be on time for the appointment in ten minutes!"

"I'll pass it on, sir!"

The hotel manager said politely, and then quickly disappeared from the world.

"Well, apart from the people from Fox, I also know a small number of people from Warner, but I really don't know the rest."

Qin Nuo spread his hands and said seriously.

The three of them were very suspicious, but they still believed it.

After all, Qin Nuo's time in Hollywood was too short.

It seemed like I didn’t stay long even though I was full of money.

It’s already great to know people from both companies.

But before the three of them could speak, another excited voice suddenly came from behind.

"Qin! It's really you!" Leonardo was wearing a suit and looked like he had just participated in some activity.

He was accompanied by his agent.

Seeing Qin Nuo smiling happily.

He quickly ran over and slept on Qin Nuo's chest.

Pretended to be dissatisfied.

"Qin, don't you think of me as a friend? You didn't even say a word to me when you came to Hollywood!"

"I promised that I would take you there to have fun next time I have time."

Leonardo blinked at Qin Nuo.

The hint is obvious, a group of blue girls have recently come to the Ruby Club.

She looks pure and beautiful, and all of them are unopened...

"Hey, Leonardo, are you missing your brain stem? Didn't you see anyone else?"

After hearing this, Xiao Lizi noticed Shen Teng and the others.

He quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry you three, hey, you are actors from the earth, you are an archaeologist, you are a psychologist, you are that student"

"I watched the movie and you guys did a great job"

When the three of them saw this, they quickly thanked him. Leonardo and the others were very familiar with him.

He is a super star of Hollywood and has countless fans all over the world.

Ten years ago, that was the dream lover of countless women.

But he also complained secretly in his heart.

Qin Nuo, you are really stubborn.

You still say you don’t know anyone? You are such a good relationship with a top A-list Hollywood superstar.

Anyone with eyes can see it.

The three of them ignored it and ran away immediately. Qin Nuo didn't tell the truth.

"Then you guys talk, and we can get the room first!"

When they left, the three of them looked at Qin Nuo with resentful looks, and Qin Nuo looked speechless.

I don't know how to explain it either.

I really don’t know many people in Hollywood, and I don’t have many friends. Who would have thought that they would all be together today.

"Hey, Qin" Xiao Lizi pushed Qin Nuo, with a smile on his face that all men understand.

"That girl named Reba is yours, you really know how to enjoy it."

“The girl I brought to the Oscars last time was so beautiful, and I’m bringing another one this time.”

"I finally understand why you never went to the Ruby Club even once when you came to Hollywood. It turns out that you can't even finish the food at your own place!"

Qin Nuo""

"Okay, are you okay? If nothing happens, I'll leave first."

He felt that Leonardo was so idle, as all the first-tier superstars were so busy.

This guy seems to be either picking up girls every day, or on the way to pick up girls.

How did you, a superstar, get into this?

Seeing Qin Nuo was about to leave, Leonardo quickly grabbed Qin Nuo.

"Don't leave, how about I treat you to a drink tonight."

"I'm afraid that won't work. David and Sarnov have something to do with me!"

"Do you want to talk about something private?"

Qin Nuo shook his head. It was not a private matter. Now many people in Hollywood knew that he had contact with David.

"Then I'll go play with you, I'm fine anyway!"


After Leonardo greeted his agent, he followed Qin Nuo into the elevator.

"Qin, I have something for your reference."

After the last Oscar, Leonardo listened to Qin Nuo's opinions and searched for scripts for a month.

It took a lot of effort and a lot of money, but it really paid off.

"I spent millions to find a few good scripts, why don't you read them!"

"listen and see!"

"One is called The Prisoner, which is the story of a man's survival trapped on an island in the Atlantic Ocean."

"The second one is Love Killing, which is a love story about a madman. In the story, he used many methods, including self-mutilation, to save his love."

Qin Nuo listened carefully to Leonardo's words.

This guy really listened to what he said. The scripts he found were all good, and the male protagonists in them were all very miserable.

Completely different from the characters he played before

I have to say that although Xiao Li Zi is a bit out of touch, he can change his girlfriend faster than his clothes.

But his professionalism is better than many domestic actors, or even much higher.

"Oh, and the last one, what's the name of the hunter?"

"It tells the story of a fur hunter in the 19th century who was injured by a bear and had his belongings taken away by other hunters and abandoned in the wilderness. The hunter experienced pain and miraculously survived and then began to take revenge!"

"Forget it, I'm more afraid of the cold. If this movie is shot in ice and snow, I can't stand it, I can't stand it!"

But when Qin Nuo heard this, his eyes lit up.

Isn’t this story the same as The Revenant in which DiCaprio won the Oscar for Best Actor a few years later?

Is the script now available? Qin Nuo quickly checked the system.

Only then did I realize that this thing actually existed a long time ago and was adapted from the novel of the same name.

"The Revenant, right?"

"you know too?"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

"Is this a novel? When you read the script, don't check whether it is an adaptation or an original work!"

Leonardo shrugged.

"I don't know that much. Anyway, I don't like it. I'm afraid of the cold!"

Qin Nuo”

He felt that Leonardo was a little ungrateful, as God would put food in your mouth.

You still shook your head and didn’t want to eat.

"As a friend, I advise you to make The Revenant. I have a hunch that this movie might help you get that damn statuette."

.........Please give me flowers 00

Qin Nuo patted Xiao Lizi's shoulder and said seriously.

Although the time is different, Qin Nuo still feels that the wilderness hunter has the best hope.


"It's up to you. Anyway, I think this novel is good and has potential!"

Xiao Lizi is very conflicted. On the one hand, he is very afraid of the cold and does not want to film in the ice and snow.

On the other hand, he also believed in Qin Nuo,

This guy has a special kind of magic power, and what he says naturally makes sense.

"Then I'll go back and think about it!"

"Okay, if you don't want to film, remember to sell the script to me, and I'll sell it to Depp at a high price!"

Qin Nuo quite likes Depp's villa on the Malibu beach.

He felt that it would not be a big problem to exchange this script for a villa.

Hearing this, Leonardo was surprised and thought to himself.

This needs to be seriously considered. Qin is obviously very optimistic about this script.

"Qin, long time no see! Leonardo, you are here too!" David said with a smile.


"David, Sarnov, what do you two want from Qin?"

Leonardo was very curious as to why these two people were looking for Qin Nuo.

"It's not a big deal. We are planning to restart DC, and Qin Nuo is the director we selected!"

David didn't hide it either. This matter will be announced soon, and Leonardo is a smart man.

Even if he knew it, he wouldn't tell it.

"What! Restart DC!"

Xiao Lizi's eyes widened. He had heard that Qin Nuo had contact with Warner before.

I just wanted to release some Qin Nuo films.

I didn’t expect that Warner’s appetite would be so big that it would restart DC!!

This is so bullish on Qin Nuo.

But at the same time, he was also worried.

As a Hollywood veteran, Leonardo has heard a lot of DC rumors.

This thing is poisonous!

There is not a single movie to watch. The original Green Lantern was such a disaster that Warner didn't make a DC movie for ten years.

Can Qin grasp it?

He was Qin Nuo's good friend. Leonardo was very worried and tugged on Qin Nuo's sleeve.

Qin Nuo looked at Xiao Lizi and nodded, indicating that he knew.

Leonardo is helpless, you are really not afraid.

There are not many great directors who have failed in DC.

The four of them sat opposite each other, and the light and soothing sound of violins came from the distance.

Looking up, you can enjoy the bright night sky of Holly House.

The salty and humid sea breeze blowing from the beach from time to time makes people feel lazy and comfortable.

Although the city of Los Angeles is a bit hot during the day.

But at night it was extremely comfortable.

"Qin, we agreed to your request, 22% of the global box office share, and 20% of the individual superhero share."

David looked at Qin Nuo.

"It's just that I hope it can start sooner. You also know that DC is in a precarious situation now!"

Leonardo finally knew why Qin Nuo accepted it, hell, just forget about the global box office share.

Unexpectedly, there is still a 20% share for individual superheroes!

ps: Just four tickets? It’s a little less.

Guaranteed four updates to arrive at zero!.

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