"This eighty-eight thousand red wine tastes average." Qin Nuo smacked his mouth.

"It doesn't feel much different from the Great Wall in China. Damn bastard, it's all hype!"

Vertical sun.

Qin Nuo and his team began to conduct road shows in major cities in the United States. Depart from Los Angeles and then transfer to Las Vegas and Atlanta.

Fox even arranged for Qin Nuo and his team to go to Detroit...

Qin Nuo rejected this crappy place without even thinking about it.

Twenty years ago Detroit was fine.

The manufacturing industry is very developed. Now because of the de-manufacturing process in the United States, it is turning to finance, technology, and tourism.

This place has completely turned into a slum.

The crime rate remains first in the United States all year round.

Uncle Hey with guns is everywhere. Qin Nuo came to the United States to make money, not to die.

If you want to go, go ahead.

After passing through Washington State, we finally arrived at New York, the most prosperous city in the United States.

Inside a movie theater in Times Square.

A group of people are watching Qin Nuo's new movie, and the final climax is playing out.

"I'm sorry, I had to leave then, I'm really sorry!"

"It's you, it's you who abandoned my mother, you are Su Lin!"

"Ace, this movie is very good, Qin's imagination is too big, it makes me doubt my life after watching it!"

Ace looked at his companions, his face full of pride.

"I have told you that Qin is a very talented director. If you don't believe it, you should believe it now."

"Let me tell you another secret, 27, this movie cost Qin less than 200,000 US dollars!"

"Hey, awesome!" Jesse was very excited.

"Ace, you are the leader of Qin Zai's New York fan club, can you bring me in?"

"I also like Qin from now on, and I also want to become Qin's official fan!"

Jesse feels that such a talented director deserves to be a fan.

He will support Qin's future movies.

"I'm really sorry about this, Jesse!" Ace looked regretful.

"You can only be a trainee fan, and it will take two years to become an official fan!"

"What? Two years~!"

"Of course, as Qin's fans, we have to filter, otherwise how about bringing in some rubbish.

Ace said with pride still on his face.

"You see only official fans have this badge!"

Jesse looked at the badge in Ace's hand with envy in his eyes.

The white badge has a Chinese character inside.

If he remembers correctly, the character is pronounced Qin!

It is the Chinese surname of Qin.

"What do you want to do?" Ace looked wary, this guy wanted to steal his treasure.

"I'll just take a look~ Don't be nervous. Is there any other way Ace can do it?" Jesse looked at Ace with a begging look on his face.

I really like Qin, can you help me?

Two years is too long.

I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on.

"Well, there are some. You can go to Amazon and buy one signed by Qin."

"As long as you have a signature and it is confirmed, you can become an official fan!"

"Okay, how much does it cost?"

"It's hard to say. Last time I saw one selling for 800! It was robbed in less than an hour!"

Jesse was confused.

He is still in college, and eight hundred US dollars is not a small amount of money for him.

But I turned around and saw the handsome badge in my good friend's hand.

Very envious.

Gritting his teeth and stamping his feet.

"I paid for this money!"

"Then go and see it tonight, but be careful. It's best to do business in person. There are many people imitating Qin's signature online now!"

"I know, I'm not stupid!"

There are also many people around who are talking about Qin Nuo like Ace and Jesse.

For this talented director from the East.

They were also very impressed.

Two hundred thousand dollars actually told such a wonderful story, and the knowledge was quite profound.

The movie covers a wide range of knowledge. If it is true, director Qin is very powerful.

If it were fake, it would be even more powerful

What the heck, how can you make a fake story so realistic that you can defraud them of their movie tickets.


When the last scene of the movie ended, Zhao Jing, played by Qin Nuo, turned off the lights.

The theater fell into darkness.

The audience was ready to get up and leave. This movie was very good and they must recommend it to their friends.

The thoughts conveyed are also very profound.

How long is forever? Has anyone ever experienced it?

If our knowledge is so shallow, neither history nor self nor belief can prove or disprove it.

So what is the meaning of time, era, survival and death?

Where should humans go if they cannot transcend the times and themselves?

These involve eternal topics such as the meaning of philosophical life and the meaning of human existence.

It has been mentioned since the time of Socrates and Plato, and continues to this day.

Qin took it out in another way and asked everyone.

It is indeed a movie worth watching.

It will bring you a new understanding of life and faith.

Suddenly the audience felt a little strange, it seemed that it had been dark for a long time.

Why don't you turn on the light yet?

Could it be...

Everyone needs to be excited, we are lucky stars!!!

Thinking of this, the entire audience screamed.

The current Qin Nuo roadshow method has not changed from before, and everyone has seen it online.

Netizens say that Qin likes to surprise the audience.

Each time it emerged from the darkness. ,

"Okay Qin, turn on the light, we know it's you!"

"Shit, I'm so lucky, so lucky, Qin, is it you? Stop playing!"

"It must be you Qin, hurry up, hurry up, I can't wait!"

Jesse in the back row was stunned.

Am I so lucky? Qin came to New York in person to get an autograph.

Also came to the cinema.

Then can I make a wish for a beautiful and sexy girlfriend...

"Ace, is this Qin coming?"

Ace looked at his friend's face with a strange expression, why?

Why is this guy so lucky? You have to know that he traveled thousands of miles to Los Angeles to get his autograph.

And this guy just wanted to become a fan of Qin, and Qin had already arrived at the scene.

This gap is too big.

"Yes, Qin likes this way of appearing."

"Then I'm so lucky!"

"Yeah, you're a lucky bastard!"

Qin Nuo on the stage thought that he must change his appearance next time, but this method has been exposed.

Soon Qin Nuo snapped his fingers, and the theater staff heard the instructions.

The lights all over the place came on.

Qin Nuo stood on the stage, with Shen Tengreba and others standing beside him.

All the people had smiles on their faces.

"You are so smart, you guessed me just when I came on stage!~"

"It doesn't feel interesting~"

Qin Nuo spread his hands, his expression quite helpless.

After hearing this, more than two hundred fans at the scene laughed happily.

Then they crowded forward.

Qin Nuo said with a smile after seeing it.

"There's no need to squeeze in. The security won't let you come up. The main reason is that I'm not enough for everyone!"

The audience was a little disappointed when they heard this.

"Qin, can you sign your name for me?"

"Of course you can, but first I want to ask everyone, how was the movie?"



“Very unexpected!”

"Qin, you are a film genius that is rare to see in a century!"

Qin Nuo laughed happily when he heard this.

"Okay, then can you agree to my request? As long as you can do it, I will sign it for each of you in a moment!"


Everyone present felt very lucky. Previously, Qin Nuo would only draw some lucky viewers in some theaters.

Unexpectedly, everyone signed this time. 577

Finally I no longer have to pray to God.

"It's very simple. How about you go back and tell your friends and let them watch this video? The more people you can bring, the better!"

The audience thought it was something very difficult.

I didn't expect it to be that simple.

"Qin, Jane, tomorrow I will invite my whole family to watch a movie. This is simply a summary of more than 10,000 years of human history.

“Great for the whole family to watch together!”

"Jackson is right, I can bring my child too!"

"Qin, don't worry, I'll invite my classmates to watch a movie together tomorrow!"

Everyone present said one after another.

Don't think they are joking, to be honest, Americans are quite serious.

As long as it is promised, we will try our best to complete it.

If you have American friends, you will feel deeply.

Chat with your American friend and tell him: I’ll treat you to dinner when I have time.

In the eyes of Chinese people, this is just a polite remark.

But Americans don't think so. Most of them are a little more rigid in their work.

I will really ask you what time it is, and what you will eat, and finally write it down in the notebook.

So Qin Nuo believes that most people here will fulfill their commitments.

Shen Teng and others behind him are also used to it.

Qin Nuo's popularity in the United States is not high, it's very high.

And Americans are much crazier than domestic fans.

What kind of fan group you have created really looks like that.

There are also formal fans and trainee fans.

There is also a membership application, which requires filling out a lot of forms.

But what makes people laugh or cry is that the more this happens, the more people want to join the Qin Nuo fan group.

There are even guides online.

Shen Teng and the others have really realized the power of Qin Nuo’s fans these days.


ps: I got up late... The old rule is, first update, guaranteed four updates, additional updates are up to you.

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