Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

424 Classic Robbery Case, The Elusive Clown, Acting Like A Minotaur In Front Of You! Qin Nuo Deserve

Whether it’s the staff behind the scenes or the extras.

Everyone said loudly.

After getting along for a few days, they understood that Qin was really tough.

All he had to do was whip them from behind with a whip.

Whenever everyone can't stand it anymore, Qin Nuo will say, everyone did a great job today.

The bonus will be an additional 100,000~

Relying on the carrot and stick, Qin Nuo finally figured out how to deal with them.

Qin Nuo is not kidding, this plot is the first climax in the play.

Classic heist!!

The clown robs the bank.

A total of seven people wearing clown masks came to a bank, and at first the clown told each of them.

As long as you kill a companion during robbery, you can get a little more money.

All six robbers believed it and killed their partners while robbing the bank.

In the end there is only one true clown left.

I have to say that Tian Zhen has studied human nature very thoroughly.

In the face of interests, any partner is fake.

"The Dark Knight, Paragraph 15, Act 1 Action!"

The camera moves slowly.

The lobby of the bank was in a mess. The clowns had succeeded and took out the money from the bank vault.

Center The real clown played by Qin Nuo is being pointed at gunpoint by another clown wearing a mask.

"Thank you, but you should go to hell!"

Qin Nuo said calmly, even having time to look at his watch.

"Sorry, I have to kill the school bus driver!"

27 "What a school bus driver!"

Before the masked accomplice could say anything, a school bus suddenly rushed in from outside the wall and sent him away directly.

Another clown wearing a mask came down from above.

He didn't care how his accomplice hurriedly said.

"School is over, it's time to go!"

Qin Nuo nodded and threw the luggage bag full of US dollars on the ground to the school bus driver.

Then when his back is turned.

Without looking back, he was sent away with two shots.

So far, there are seven clowns in total, and only Qin Nuo is left.

The bank manager lying on the ground next to him laughed when he saw the clowns killing each other!!

Laughing loudly.

Looking at the clown played by Qin Nuo, he taunted.

"Do you think you're smart?"

"The man who hired you to rob us will kill you in the same way!"

After speaking, he looked at the sky outside.

His face showed his attachment to life.

"The former criminals in this city still have their own beliefs, persistence, respect, and medical glory!"

"Look at yourself"

"What do you have? What do you believe?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Nuo came to the brave bank manager with strange steps.

Then he took out an explosive and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then he arranged his hair and took off the mask from his face.

His face twitched and he said seriously.

"I believe that things that can't kill you will make you weirder!"

After speaking, he showed an evil smile.

Then Qin Nuo drove away in the school bus.

The fuse of the explosive was also pulled.

The camera focused on the bank manager. Looking at the explosive in his mouth, the manager was frightened.

But after a while, there was no explosion

The dynamite turned out to be just a prank.

No gunpowder was added.

The manager breathed a sigh of relief!

"Ka, nice!" Pork said looking at Qin Nuo.

"Director Qin, your acting skills are so good!"

Qin Nuo smiled and said nothing, is that okay?

Heath Ledger spent a lot of exchange points to play the role with his life.

Hearing Pork's words, everyone around him, including those behind the scenes as well as Bell, Hathaway, Morgan and others, nodded.

Qin Nuo's acting skills are really nothing to say.

It was almost like being a clown, especially what he said to the bank manager.

The kind of evil, twisted, and dark that comes from the heart.

It almost engulfs people.

It makes people feel cool and numb even on a hot summer day!

"show me!"

Qin Nuo threw the mask aside and straightened his messy hair.

I came to the computer and read it twice.

no problem!

Although these guys at Hollywood are a bit rebellious, they do a good job.

The lighting and lensing were all fine, and the extras performed very well.

This can be passed.

"Okay, let's continue..."

Before Qin Nuo could say anything, Po on the side pulled him.


"Director Qin, it's already six o'clock in the afternoon, we can't shoot anymore!"

"Shit!" Qin Nuo was very unhappy.

In China, even if he was filming until twelve o'clock in the evening, no one would say anything, and now it's just six o'clock.

Just can't shoot.

Qin Nuo didn't care at first.

It depends on who dares... but someone reported him a few days ago.

I don’t know if it was someone from the crew who did it or Disney.

Then people from the Screen Actors Guild and the Los Angeles Labor Union came.

Tell Qin Nuo directly that the shooting time can only be eight hours a day.

If the overtime exceeds one hour, three times the overtime rate will be paid, and the maximum exceeds two hours.

If he dares to squeeze employees and actors like this again, they will take legal measures.

Not only should Qin Nuo be sued, but all the actors should be taken away!

Qin Nuo has no choice now.

There are three types of people you cannot mess with in the United States. One is Uncle Hey, because you don’t even know if these people are smart or not.

Secondly, various protection associations, especially the Animal Protection Association, are really powerful.

I don’t know if you still remember The Shawshank Redemption.

There is a scene about eating bugs.

During the original filming, people from the Animal Welfare Association participated, and the crew was not allowed to use live insects at all.

Must be dead...

The crew had to wait three days for the bug to die before filming.

Finally, there are various labor unions, and the Hollywood Actors Guild is also very powerful.

Not to mention Qin Nuo, not even the eight major Hollywood companies can afford to offend you, as long as they discover that you have abused actors.

So I'm sorry, people can take the actors away by force.

You can even take away all the registered actors in your crew, and these actors will have to follow you.

No matter what the Actors Guild says, they are still on their own side.

Fight for their interests.

Qin Nuo had no choice but to agree.

Now I only shoot eight hours a day, nine hours at most.

He has become a key target of supervision by the union.

From time to time, union personnel would wander around his crew.

"Okay, that's it for today, we will continue at nine o'clock tomorrow!"

"Oh, it's time to get off work!"

"Let's go, have a drink, York!"

The crew packed up their things and dispersed quickly.

Qin Nuo felt distressed when he saw it. He had seen the shooting plan before and it was supposed to be completed in four months.

But Warner said it would definitely take five months.

He didn't believe it yet, but now he really believes it. What a fool.

Everyone in the next shift was gone.

"Hey, Qin, it's still early, why don't we go have a drink together!"

Hathaway had a special feeling when she looked at Qin Nuo dressed as a clown.

"Yes, Qin, let's have a drink together!"

Morgan, Bell, and Brad also came over.

They also had a good impression of Qin and spent more than ten days filming on the set.

Knowing that Qin Nuo was not lucky, Tuan became the director of the day.

Whether it’s the handling of the shots or the crew movements in all aspects, it’s very impressive.

The more they take pictures, the more confident they become.

Now that I have established a good relationship with Qin Nuo in advance, I might be able to become Qin's queen actor in the future.

Generally speaking, directors like to use acquaintances.

"Okay, wait until I take off the makeup!"

"no problem!"

"Sanov, these are the props and shooting lenses that will be prepared for tomorrow, please arrange them!"

"no problem"

After the explanation, with the help of the makeup artist, Qin Nuo returned to normal and walked out half an hour later.

I saw Poke on the side still busy.

Waved him over, and the two took a taxi to a nice bar.

Inside, Bell, Morgan and others were already drinking.

"Come on, come on, Qin! There's still Bo Ke sitting down!"

Bo Ke was still a little nervous. There were some well-known artists in front of him.

And he was just a rookie.

Although he is a director, the gap is too big.

"Sit down, why are you nervous, work hard, maybe they will ask for you again in the future!"

"Hahaha, you're right," Brad said, pulling Poke aside.

"Poke, when you become famous in the future, you have to remember who we are, stay rich and honorable, and forget each other!"

"Mr. Pitt, I don't dare!"

Pork's face turned red, he really couldn't believe it.

This is Brad, Hollywood's A-list star.

"You can do it. You have made a lot of money, and you met a real noble person right after graduation!" Morgan looked at Pork with envy on his face.

"Follow Qin well from now on, and your achievements will definitely not be low!"

"Mr. Morgan, I can do it. Qin is like my teacher. I will always respect him!"

Pork's eyes were full of seriousness.

He knew he was lucky, even very lucky.

After graduation, you will be valued by world-class directors.

It has brought in a crew with more than 200 million investment.

An opportunity like this is undoubtedly pie-in-the-sky for a new director.

So happy.

Qin is now a real nobleman to Po Ke.

"That's very good!" Everyone nodded.

Although Pork has a little less experience, he has excellent professional knowledge and a good personality.

If you follow Qin Nuo well, your achievements will not be low in the future.

"Come on, don't bully other children," Qin Nuo said, hugging Hathaway.

"Come on, drink!"

"You're still protected, okay, come and drink!"

"Qin, you're going a little too far. Why are you holding my girlfriend?" Allen joked.

The two-faced Harvey he plays in the play is Hathaway's boyfriend.

"Yes, Qin." Bell pretended to be angry.

"Rachel is my ex-girlfriend too!"

"In person ntr, don't tell me, it tastes really good!"

os: The fourth update has arrived!!!

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