Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

426 Eager To Return Home! After Returning Home, The Excited Little Secretary, Xiao Bailu Cried!

Want to achieve the greatness of Heath Ledger.

Qin Nuo thinks from Nolan's perspective.

It feels like most people Nolan didn’t think that much.

I just think it's safer to shoot this way.

What drama.

Maybe they didn't even consider it.

But, as long as it works, don’t worry about it.

Other reading comprehension authors say that I never thought about it this way when I wrote the article.

Those teachers are just talking nonsense!

The same goes for Qin Nuo...

Anyway, I made the movie.

How you interpret that is your business.

It's none of my business.

As long as it sounds good.

"The Dark Knight, paragraph 58, first shot, action!"

Everyone is very nervous, Qin Nuo must complete this scene within two times, if not.

The millions of expenses were reimbursed.

Or just reshoot.

The money lost is secondary. Warner is not short of money, but it can't afford the delay.

It will take another month to build this thing!

In the end I'm afraid I can only do special effects.

Sanov prayed in his heart that Qin must succeed.

With everyone's expectations, the camera slowly moved.

Aiming at Qin Nuo, who was wearing a nurse uniform and clown makeup on his face.

I saw him staggering out of the hospital.

Pressing the detonator in his hand, the staff behind the scenes immediately started the first round of explosions after seeing the instructions.

There were explosions from the hospital behind.

Rubbles were flying all over the sky, but Qin Nuo seemed not to notice it, and even had a smile on his face.

Open your arms and enjoy the feeling.

Halfway through, the clown played by Qin Nuo stopped.

Looking behind, there was confusion on his face.

Then keep pressing the detonator.

When he pressed 407 for the fifth time, a huge explosion suddenly sounded.

Qin Nuo was startled, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Open your hands and keep walking.

Soon a series of explosions sounded, and the entire hospital was reduced to rubble!!!

The smoke and dust can be seen from several kilometers away.

The clown who planned the bombing had already sat in the car and drove away.

"Card! Alright!"

Hearing this, the entire crew breathed a sigh of relief, Qin Nuo's performance was fine.

Everything went according to plan.

"Qin Nuo, awesome!" Sanov came to Qin Nuo and gave a thumbs up.

Bell was the same, looking at Qin Nuo with admiration on his face.

"Qin, you are so powerful. If it were me, I would be scared by such a huge explosion!"

"That's right, Qin, your psychological quality is really good!"

A kind of actor praised Qin Nuo one after another, although it meant to praise Qin Nuo.

But there is also some genuine feeling in it.

Being able to perform the trick so perfectly in such a dangerous situation.

Qin Nuo's acting skills are truly outstanding.

"It's just average." Qin Nuo smiled and pretended not to care.

He quickly put his trembling hands into his pockets.

If you want to pretend to be better, just put on a complete set and never let others find out.

Not afraid?

What a joke, Qin Nuo is a human and not a god, the explosion behind him was like it was in his ears.

It is difficult for those who have not experienced it to experience it.

It feels like you took two dollars and a firecracker and set off an explosion less than one meter behind you.

The first explosion almost made Qin Nuo pee.

The ones after that were a little further away, which was better, but it was still scary.

My hands are shaking now...

Everyone didn't notice Qin Nuo's little move and started to praise him again.

About ten minutes passed.

"Okay, let's go back early today! I'm going back to my country in the next few days, so you should also take a rest!"

"no problem"

"Director Qin, be careful all the way!"

After so many years of intense filming, the actors were relaxed for a few days.

After taking off makeup and changing clothes.

Qin Nuo returned to the hotel with Sanofu and Poke.

"I will stay in China for four days at most, and I will be back in four days!" Qin Nuo looked at Sanov as he walked.

"The crew is leaving it to you these days, Sanoff! Remember, the people behind the scenes can't be left idle."

"Everyone has good momentum now. If we really take a few days off, I'm afraid it will take a long time to get used to it when we come back!"

"I see!"

Although Sanov has not heard of it, he goes on and on, then fails again and again, as an old saying goes.

But the truth is still clear.

Filming is best done in one go.

If you get discouraged in the middle, the quality will be much worse when you go back to take pictures.

After explaining to Sarnov, Qin Nuo looked at Bo Ke again. The little guy was doing very well these days.

Qin Nuo also plans to give him a chance.

"Let Pok try out some side-by-side dramas!"

"Thank you, Director Qin!"

Pork didn't expect that he would have such an opportunity, after all he was doing odd jobs now.

I want to carry a camera.

Or invest 200 million in cameras.

What a dream.

Sanov also smiled, this young man is really lucky.

unexpectedly encountered such an opportunity.

"Okay, I will supervise Pok!!

Qin Nuo patted Bo Ke on the shoulder to show encouragement.

Then we got in the car and went back to the hotel, and soon arrived at the airport.

Two hours later.

A plane pierced the sky and headed towards the other side of the ocean.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, to be honest, Qin Nuo was quite excited.

He has been away from China for more than forty days.

Never been away for such a long time.

I didn't notice it during the filming, but I got on the plane.

For a moment, everyone was looking forward to it, hoping to return to China and the Magic City as soon as possible.

This feeling is like when you go to school in another place and you only go home once a month.

It’s the same feeling when you’re on a train and thinking about home.

Twelve hours later.

(chaf) Qin Nuo finally set foot on the land of China.

It was just nine o'clock in the morning, even though I didn't sleep much on the plane last night.

But Qin Nuo’s spirit is very good.

I got in the car and went directly to Qintian Entertainment.

Looking at everything familiar, Dujiao smiled.

Ten minutes later, Qin Nuo appeared in the office.

The two secretaries were busy with the premiere of Detective Tang in the evening and did not notice Qin Nuo at all.

"Du Ling, have you given the list to sister?"

"What a list!"

"The guest list, I have to arrange the seats, I'm impressed! Go quickly and don't make a mistake!"

"I know, I know, why don't you wait for me to finish this ice cream first?"

Qin Nuo stood without the two women, listening to this.

I rolled my eyes in my heart. Sure enough, it was still like this. Duling, this little girl, knew how to eat in just one day.

"If you still eat, look how much fatter you have gained!"

Hearing these familiar yet unfamiliar words, the two of them were stunned.

But they quickly reacted and turned their heads, looking at Qin Nuo in disbelief.

Immediately, surprise and excitement appeared on his face, and he handed it over directly.


"Boss, you're back!"

The two women rushed towards Qin Nuo together, Qin Nuo one in each hand.

He hugged the two little secretaries.


Still a familiar smell.

The scent of youth.

"Wow, boss, I miss you so much!" Chen Duling looked at Qin Nuo with tears in her eyes.

The same goes for Bai Lu, although she has nothing to say.

But the hand holding Qin Nuo tightly said everything.

She has not been separated from Qin Nuo for such a long time since she last joined the company.

Bai Lu has regarded Qin Nuo as the most important person in her life.

Qin Nuo was away these days, and Bai Lu couldn't sleep for the first few nights, worried that no one would take care of Qin Nuo in the United States.

I won’t be able to eat well or sleep well.

I couldn't fall asleep until midnight every time.

My mental state became very bad, and I still used work to numb myself.

Try not to think about Qin Nuo.

Now seeing Qin Nuo coming back, Bai Lu was very excited.

Hugging Qin Nuo tightly.

It's like embracing the whole world.

Qin Nuo looked at Chen Duling and she was also drunk. She missed me and hugged me with ice cream in her hand.

"How delicious you are, yet you are so reluctant to put down what you are holding!"

"Hehe" the assistant smiled happily.

"Here you go, boss, open your mouth!"

Scooping up a large spoonful, Chen Duling put it into Qin Nuo's mouth.

"How does it taste, boss!"

"Sweet! Just like you two!"

"The boss is annoying!"

Qin Nuo carried the two girls to the sofa, and they both lay in Qin Nuo's arms.

Chen Duling and Bai Lu talked about what happened in the country these days.

Qin Nuo listened carefully.

Smell the hair of the two women from time to time, this feeling is quiet and beautiful.

Think of this.

Qin Nuo really plans to take a good rest after The Dark Knight.

In the past four years, he really felt like a mad dog chasing success.

Basically no rest.

The movies also come one after another without interruption.

Gotta take a good rest.

If The Dark Knight is released, he can earn at least one to two billion US dollars.

With so much money, it should be enough to expand the theater chain.

As for the investment in scarves, just take your time.

Anyway, the relationship between Qin Nuo and the scarf is very good, so a little time extension is not a big problem.

If it really doesn't work, you can still get a loan.

Qintian Entertainment’s current debt ratio is not good, less than 10%.

With the fame of Qin Nuo and the momentum of Qintian Entertainment.

A billion dollar loan is really not a big problem.

However, Qin Nuo still thought too much and had sex with the two girls for less than an hour.

Sister Hong appeared at the door of the office.

In fact, Sister Hong knew it the moment Qin Nuo returned to the company.

If you don't know this, it means that Sister Hong is not qualified to be a CEO.

When the boss came back, she couldn't receive any news, which meant she had very little control over the company.

The reason for waiting for an hour.

The reason is simple. Sister Hong knows the relationship between Qin Nuo and the two secretaries.

on purpose.

ps: Second update, there are two more to come!.

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