Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

428 Tang Detective Ii Premiere Begins! Zhao Jinma And Zhang Zifeng Faced Off! The Feud Between Xiao

Not only does it have connotation, but it is also a blockbuster.

Feng Xiaogang originally wanted to announce the film project within the next few days.

Then in front of all the reporters, he told them that this movie will definitely break 1 billion!!!

It even has to break Qin Nuo’s record from Earth.

Unexpectedly, he hasn't announced yet that Qin Nuo is back...

This is a hammer. Those idiots on the Internet are not very nice to Qin Nuo.

Feng Xiaogang felt that even if Qin Nuo farts, it might become a hot search.

Maybe I have to analyze what Qin Nuo ate yesterday from the fart...

His announcement of a new movie now is definitely not a hit at all.


"Hmph, let's wait until this son of a bitch leaves. Wife, call Qintian Entertainment. I'm going to the premiere of Detective Tang II!"

"Aren't you going? I have already agreed with Sister Hong that I will go by myself!"

"Who says I won't go? This time I'm going to give Qin Nuo some color. My new movie will definitely break her movie record!"

"What record, dream stealing?" Chen Fan asked.

Feng Xiaogang"...

Hearing this, Xiaogang's face turned dark.

Are you kidding me, the record of Inception?

That's more than 2 billion. Although he is confident in his youth, he is not really stupid.

How is it possible! "603" is a record from the earth!

"Tch!" Chen Fan looked disdainful.

“You might as well have called it a Exploding Drummer record!”

.......Honey, you are going too far, are you helping me to help Qin Nuo~!"

At half past six the next night.

At the entrance of Wanda Film City, the magical city, the lights are flowing and the entrance is filled with flowers.

There is also a row of beautiful and youthful beauties.

Wearing a uniform red cheongsam, revealing her slender white legs.

It makes people look twice.

The premiere has begun.

Celebrities on the red carpet - walking by, with exquisite makeup and smiling profiles.

Let the reporters around you keep pressing the shutter.

As soon as they heard that Qin Nuo was coming this time, many reporters rushed over.

When Qin Nuo held Liu Yifei's hand and walked across the carpet, it was not only the reporters who were excited.

Fans not far away were even more furious.

Fortunately, Wanda has been prepared for it, otherwise, there would be so many fans.

A dozen security guards would definitely not be able to hold him back.

"Qin Nuo is so handsome!"

"Director Qin, look here!"

"Sissi is so cute and beautiful!"

"What kind of outfit is this? She looks like a heroine coming out of a comic book. It's so cool!"

Liu Yifei is wearing the costume from Tang Detective No. 2 Middle School today. In the play, KIKO is a computer genius,

He is also a serious two-dimensional enthusiast.

So the outfit is quite full of two-dimensional feeling, with colorful hair and braids.

Wearing a basketball uniform underneath and a gorgeous feather coat outside.

Pair it with a short skirt and small leather shoes.

The whole person really seems to have stepped out of the second dimension.

Liu Yifei felt happy when she heard someone praising her for being cute and beautiful.

I wanted to laugh, but quickly stopped it.

I thought to myself.

Don't smile, you mustn't smile, otherwise the teeth will not be beautiful when exposed.

Qin Nuo also misses the time when Liu Yifei wore this dress and walked the carpet while no one was paying attention.

whispered in his ear.

"Bring these clothes with you at night and on road shows these days. Use them in bed!"

Liu Yifei

"Asshole! You are a pervert!"

The fairy sister is not stupid, she knows that Qin Nuo likes this tune.

"Eat more tonight. I'm afraid you will use up too much energy tonight!"


Liu Yifei was a little shy and hurried in.

Qin Nuo looked at the woman's back and thought to himself, are you still pretending?

How reserved I am now, I will be wild at night.

Speaking of which, Qin Nuo felt that he was among so many women.

Liu Yifei is quite open-minded.

Try everything.

It probably has something to do with a little perversion in my heart.

It's fun.

"Qin Nuo, you guy, come and help me, there are so many people!"

Fatty Zhou quickly wiped his sweat.

This time there were many more guests than expected.

Fatty Zhou had been waiting for more than an hour, and he was almost exhausted.

Quickly ask Qin Nuo to help him.

This guy knows how to pick up girls in one day. Isn’t he almost exhausted if he doesn’t look at me?

"It's not a movie I made." Qin Nuo spread his hands with an indifferent expression.

"None of my business."

"I'll go in first. Don't be rude while you're busy. Many seniors from the industry are here today!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo patted Fatty Zhou on the shoulder.

Seeing Zhao Jinma who had grown up a lot on one side, he shouted with a smile.

"Wheat, long time no see!"

"Brother Qin Nuo!"

When Maizi saw Qin Nuo, his eyes lit up and he ran over quickly.

He wanted to jump to Qin Nuo, but was held down.

"No hugging allowed!"

If Qin Nuo remembers correctly, this little girl seems to be less than seventeen.

Don't go back and tell him that he has a copper-smelting addiction.

"Brother Nuo, you are so timid." Zhao Jin wrinkled his beautiful nose.

"I'll hold your hand"

"That's okay!"

Zhao Jinma had a cute and joyful smile on his face, and he led Qin Nuo and walked inside while jumping up and down.

Fatty Zhou on the other side was stunned.

Qin Nuo, you bastard.

Zhao Jinma was not yet seventeen years old, but he was already on his radar.

I have to say that Qin Nuo has really good taste.

Although Xiao Nizi is not fully open yet, she is already very beautiful.

When I grow up, I am afraid that I will be a new generation of little flowers.

This newly launched seafood may be given to Qin Nuo again.

"Damn it, you forget your friends when you see sex, go to hell!"

Wang Jinhua was also very happy, watching Qin Nuo and Zhao Jinma holding hands.

I thought to myself.

This girl has a very good relationship with Qin Nuo.

If there is a chance later, I can send her to Qintian Entertainment.

Although Wang Jinhua has a lot of energy in the industry, she also has no shortage of general resources.

But, she can't get some top resources.

All for their own people.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Nizi has grown up, and she has to teach Zhao Jinma two tricks later.


Wang Jinhua had an evil smile on her face.

"Brother Nuo, let me tell you, I have been admitted to the Capital Film Academy in advance!"

Zhao Jinma was very happy to see Qin Nuo.

"You will be my senior from now on!"

"Okay, elementary school girl, tell me your name in school from now on, I guarantee you will become the big sister of the school!"

Qin Nuo patted his chest.

"Really?" The little girl opened her cute big eyes and couldn't believe it...

"Why did I lie to you? Teacher Huang Lei has a good relationship with me, as well as Dean Liu and Principal Li!"

"I'll call them later and I'll protect you at school!"

Although Qin Nuo is joking, Nortel does have a good relationship with him.

Qintian Entertainment has recruited many behind-the-scenes personnel, and most of the young people are from Nortel.

Dean Liu highly praised Qin Nuo’s protective behavior.

His photo has even been hung on the school’s alumni wall.

Recently, Gao often called him and asked him to go back and visit more often.

Qin Nuo was even given the title of visiting professor.

Qin Nuo naturally has no time to go back, but Nortel's 50th birthday will be in less than two years.

This Qin Nuo is definitely not to be missed.

I'll have to go back and take a look then.

"Thank you, brother Qin Nuo." After saying this, Zhao Jinma jumped up and kissed Qin Nuo on the face while Qin Nuo wasn't paying attention.

"Hey, Xiaonizi, what are you doing!"

"I'm not doing anything. I brushed my teeth. Look, they smell good."

Zhao Jinma thought Qin Nuo disliked her for being dirty, so he quickly said.

Qin Nuo was also drunk, how could she say this.

Forget it, it should be fine.

This girl is also seventeen.

However, this scene was seen by many people in the cinema.

Among them is Zhang Zifeng.

"Damn little mine! Last time you stole my role, you also want to steal my brother Nuo!"


Zhang Zifeng was furious and walked over directly.

"Brother Qin Nuo, long time no see!"

"Zifeng, you are here too. Long time no see. Qin Nuo also likes Wang Zhangzi very much.

This little girl's acting skills are very good,

It is developing very well now.

Zhang Zifeng also participated in Feng Xiaogang's 1942, playing a little girl who was stabbed.

That acting skill made many viewers cry.

Although he is young, he is a real actor.

"You played the little girl who was stabbed very well!"

"Thank you Brother Nuo!"

"By the way, this is Zhao Jin Mark!" Qin Nuo pushed out the 3.0 Zhao Jin Mark.

Qin Nuo thought very well. The two were about the same age, with Zhao Jinma just a little younger than Zhang Zifeng.

Considered peers.

And both of them have good acting skills.

They should become good friends.

We can talk about many things.

"If she's a little younger than you, she can be considered your sister."

Zhang Zifeng narrowed his eyes and said with a strange smile on his face.

"Yes, she is indeed my good sister!"

Why, although Zhang Zifeng is smiling.

But she always felt scared. The more she looked at her smile, the more panicked she became.

"Sister Zifeng, hello!"

Zhao Jinma said timidly.

Watching the interaction between the two, Qin Nuo didn't notice.

Because for a moment, Qin Nuo didn't think too much and still regarded the two women as children.

"Then you two just sit together and have a good chat. I'm leaving first!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo patted the two women's heads.

Walk towards the front.

The two women looked at Qin Nuo's back. After a while, Zhang Zifeng turned to look at Zhao Jinma.

The smile on his face changed instantly.

The smile with a strange feeling was a bit cold and a bit mocking.

ps: The guaranteed four updates have arrived, let’s see what everyone thinks next!.

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