Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

The Envious Eyes Of The Big Guys In The 431 Circle, Another Hugely Profitable Movie, Li Binbin And L

Just when the audience was ready to applaud.

The dark screen lit up again.

"Easter eggs!"

"Absolutely. KIKO said in the end that Qin Feng did not pass the test. This must be the third one!"

Fans became excited and stared at the big screen.

Inside the airport.

Wang Baoqiang pulled Qin Nuo out.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I can't hold it in anymore!"

"Who told you to eat randomly on the plane!"

"That's not Noda Hao's fault. Why did you ask us to come to Xiaolili when you have nothing to do? Assholes!"

When the camera turned, Noda Hao was chatting with the flight attendant next to him outside.

The sultry smile is in need of a beating.

The camera slowly zooms in, and the whole of Tokyo is in view.

Finally the film finally ends.

"It's Sakura Country! Next time Detective Tang will definitely be from Sakura Country!"

The fans behind said excitedly.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? It says Tokyo International Airport. If it wasn't in my childhood, where was it?"

"Sakura Country is great, maybe it can be linked with Conan!"

"You must be mentally ill, you're not even in the same dimension!"

Fans were very happy after watching it.

The previous guests from the entertainment industry were very envious after watching it.

His eyes fell on Qin Nuo in the first row.

This guy is really awesome.

The quality of Tang Detective II is not inferior to Tang Detective I at all, plus this is a series of movies.

There were already fans there.

They are people in the circle and naturally understand the power.

The quality of Tang Detective 2 is good, the actors’ acting skills are online, and Qin Nuo also stars.

Coupled with Tang Tanyi's background.

The box office is at least one billion!

It is not impossible to achieve 1.5 billion.

Compared with when Detective Tang 1 was released in 427, the number of domestic theaters has at least increased by more than half.

With more theaters, the box office will naturally increase.

What makes the entertainment industry bosses even more envious is that this is a series of movies!!!!

You can eat it for a long time.

Counting the embroidered spring knife.

Qintian Entertainment already has two good IPs.

As long as the style continues, embroidered spring knives will definitely sell well.

By the way, there is also the embarrassing series!!!

Xu Zhen is already filming.

Although the prospects are unclear, it will probably make money.

In this way, Qintian Entertainment has three movie series!!

It’s like just lying around and making money!!!

Wang Zhonglei, Wu Kebo, Wang Changdian and others looked at Qin Nuo in front.

His face is full of envy!

Soon sporadic applause sounded, and slowly the applause gathered into one place, and then broke out into deafening applause.

Fatty Zhou at the front had a face full of excitement.

Just now, he sat at the very back just to listen to the fans’ most sincere feelings.

Many fans laughed happily when watching it.

And he keeps praising Tang Detective 2 for being so funny.

The big stone in my heart finally let go.

You must know that the value of Tang Tan’s IP is not low. Qin Nuo is also taking care of him by letting him take over.

Now complete.

He felt a great sense of accomplishment in his heart. He finally lived up to Qin Nuo’s trust in him!

The applause lasted for three minutes in total, and waited until it was over.

Fatty Zhou just arranged his clothes and led everyone onto the stage with a shiny face.

Bowed deeply to the audience.

"thank you all!"

"Fat Zhou cheats!"

"Looking forward to Tang Detective 3!!"

"(chai)Thank you!!"

"You laugh so coquettishly!" Reba, like all the other female celebrities, felt unhappy when she saw Liu Yifei standing next to Qin Nuo.

"You're still playing with two dimensions even though you're old, huh, you're just showing off~"

Yang Mi, who was sitting next to Reba, rolled her eyes. She really regretted sitting with Reba.

This girl actually laughed happily while watching the movie.

But as soon as KIKO, played by Liu Yifei, came out, she started scolding him.

After scolding, he continued to laugh.

The whole thing is schizophrenic.

She couldn't even watch a movie properly.

But then again, Yang Mi looked envious of Liu Yifei on the stage.

Although Qin Nuo has taken good care of her and originally let her play one of the heroines in Inception.

The effect is also good.

But Yang Mi also discovered that if she took the movie route, it would be really narrow.

There are not many roles suitable for her.

On the contrary, Liu Yifei is very suitable, her face and image are very suitable for the movie.

There is no way around this innate gap.

Plus movie actors need a certain mystique.

How should I put it, good actors cannot be exposed too much, especially in variety shows.

Once you are stereotyped by the audience, it will be difficult to star in movies.

It's easy for the audience to get upset.

This woman Liu Yifei also does this very well.

He rarely participates in variety shows and even rarely performs in commercial shows.

Yang Mi also knew that this woman was not smart and could not realize this at all.

But people are lazy...

What can you do if you hit the target wrongly?

"Forget it, I'll settle the Jiahang matter first and then I'll settle the score with you!"

Yang Mi was also very angry when she thought of this.

"What is this woman Liu Shishi doing recently? Didn't she agree to form an alliance? Why can't she get through the phone all day long?

Yang Mi didn't have time to trouble Liu Yifei now, so she thought of letting Liu Shishi give Liu Yifei some trouble first.

But who would have thought that this woman would not answer calls or messages.

Damn it, you're not going to die.

After thanking everyone, fans and guests slowly left the theater under the guidance of the staff.

Qin Nuo yawned and chatted with Liu Yifei and Li Binbin.

Fatty Zhou competed with the big guys in the front row and some celebrities.

Detective Tang was very good this time, and everyone was congratulating Fatty Zhou.

By the way, I was also asking when the next Tang Detective movie will be filmed.

Detective Tang 2 continues the funny style of the first film and will definitely not be bad at the box office.

Tang Detective 3 has two bases. Even if it is shot as a mess, it can guarantee that it will not lose money.

If the script is good, it will be easy to explode at the box office.

Now that Qintian Entertainment is going to be the boss, everyone will recognize it, but no matter what, it has to share some meat with the younger ones!

As the boss, you are the fattest one, so you have to leave some of the remaining bones and soup.


"Hey, Qin Nuo, did you see it just now?" Liu Yifei said with a look on her face.

"The fans behind me just now praised me for being beautiful, and at least I brought a box office of 100 million to your movie!"

Liu Yifei is also a bit vain, but Qin Nuo is used to it.

But Li Binbin on the other side sounded unhappy?

With your poor acting skills, you still have the nerve to say that you can bring in 100 million?

If it weren't for Qin Nuo taking care of you.

You woman have long been a box office poison.

I can’t survive in the film industry anymore.

"Some people just don't know themselves!" Li Binbin played with his delicate nails.

Said casually.

"Obviously I've benefited from someone else. I don't care if I don't thank you, but I act like I'm getting a good deal!"

"How disgusting!"

"You, Li Binbin, what did you say?" Liu Yifei was a bit naive.

But she's not really stupid, this woman is clearly talking about her.

And it was too much, he even called her disgusting.

"Why, are you taking the right seat?" Li Binbin looked strange.

"I didn't tell you anything!"

"Hmph, stop talking about that, old woman, and a woman who is about to run away from home, don't make a fuss here!"

"Xiao Nizi, you don't understand that only a woman in her thirties can serve others!"

After speaking, he looked at Qin Nuo with a coquettish smile and asked.

"Yes, Director Qin!"

Qin Nuo...

"You guys are noisy, don't take me with you!"

Qin Nuo is having fun, please continue!

Seeing Qin Nuo ignoring her, Li Binbin didn't mind continuing.

"Then let me tell you straight, what do you mean by being beautiful and being able to bring in 100 million? This is Qin Dou's character creation!"

"I dare say that any pretty girl in the entertainment industry will have the same effect!"

"Even better than you!"

"You bastard"

Hearing this, it was also a crime that his defense was broken.

Lies won't hurt, the truth is the sharpest knife.

Liu Yifei has acted in such a role, so it is obvious that the role of KIKO is obviously a flattering one.

The character development is perfect.

Two-dimensional, cute and beautiful, a little bit venomous, and a computer genius.

Girls like this don't exist at all in reality.

But that’s how many people imagine their girlfriends to be.

Therefore, what Li Binbin said is true.

Anyone can change this role, and as long as they look good, they can become popular.

"Huh, no matter what, I got the role!" Liu Yifei didn't care.

"And Li Binbin, although you may be a big flower, my popularity and fans are not as good as yours!"

"Even my movie box office is much higher than yours, let's find out more about Interstellar!"

Liu Yifei was not stupid, so she quickly changed the place to attack Li Binbin.

It’s true that I can’t compare to you in terms of acting skills, and it’s hard to talk about aesthetics.

Turnip greens and love.

In this case, let the data speak for itself.

"You've been acting in movies for so many years, but it's not as high as mine at the box office!"


After hearing this, Li Binbin said calmly.

"Liu Yifei, as someone who has been here, let me remind you that getting fat first is not fat, and then getting fat can overwhelm Kang!"

"It's hard to talk about this until we quit the circle!"

"What do you mean? Those useless things are being pulled." Liu Yifei said dissatisfied.

You don’t care if I’m fat or not, I’m better than you anyway.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, Qin Nuo is really a good person, he let me show my face in front of Director Anderson"

"I didn't expect it to happen. Soon I will go to Hollywood to participate in the filming of Resident Evil 5!"


ps: Three updates, one more after one hour!.

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