Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

433 Qin Nuo Made A Rescue, Everyone Was Amazed And Admired, And It Was A World Where Only Feng Xiaog

Hearing this, the reporters were extremely happy. Deng Chao is such a good person!!!

The words are nice and pity the beauty, but to put it bluntly, isn't it just that you are afraid of your wife?

Unexpectedly, Brother Xiao Ming, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, is afraid of his wife...

Write this down as well.

Go back and speculate, and you will get the bonus again.

Keep going!

Many people in the circle also laughed out loud, Deng Chao came with a critical attack.

Brother Xiao Ming is afraid it will be a little difficult this time.

really interesting.

"You bastard Deng Chao, what the hell do you want to say about this kind of thing? Do you want to break your face?"

Huang Xiaoming glanced around quietly and thought to himself.

Somewhat unbearable.

He glared at Deng Chao fiercely, and Deng Chao was naturally not afraid either.

Stared back.

It was obviously you who came first.

Still causing trouble for me.

Didn’t I just suppress you for ten games?


Brother Xiao Ming was just about to retort. The real owner Qin Nuo came out.

Looking at the two of them like a bullfight, they were also drunk. He was chatting happily with Zifeng and Maizi inside.

The two girls are not only cute, but also talk nicely.

And she was very good at cheering. Qin Nuo said everything the two women said with admiring eyes.

It's great.

Unexpectedly, Sun Wen came over and told him that Huang Xiaoming and Deng Chao were quarreling outside.

Listen to "One Seventy" and finish Sun Wen's words.

Qin Nuo was speechless. You two must be sick.

Can this be noisy?

Not afraid of being laughed at.

"Ahem, Brother Xiao Ming, Brother Chao, the reception has started, let's go!"

The reporters on both sides are not satisfied, should they leave?

Go whatever you want.

Just leave if you say so!!

Beautiful thought.

We also hope that Brother Xiao Ming can also reveal the shocking information about Deng Chao.

Resolutely not allowed to leave......

"Director Qin, who do you think is your best friend in the industry?"

"Director Qin, who do you think helps you the most in the circle?"

"Director Qin, Brother Xiao Ming and Brother Chao are both your best friends. What do you think?"

Soon a group of reporters surrounded Qin Nuo.

You don't have to leave now that you're here, just stay.

Hearing this, the artist next to him started watching the show again.

Today is really interesting. Unexpectedly, the drama is yet to come, and Qin Nuo comes out to save the situation.

Got caught by reporters again.

This question is not easy to answer. After all, Qin Nuo has a very good relationship with both parties!

Moreover, Huang Xiaoming and Deng Chao also support Qin Nuo.

Whether it's a new movie or a new TV series, we will help Qin Nuo promote it.

Although they are a bit flattering.

But I have to say that Qin Nuo did a good job if he offended anyone.

It will also be heart-breaking!

After all, when you are in the circle, just like in the arena, you pay attention to face.

And people still quarreled over you.

Otherwise, Qin Nuo's good popularity will be gone.

Deng Chao and Huang Xiaoming also realized this and felt a little sorry for Qin Nuo.

What the hell.

These guys are a bit over the top.

But it seems too late now, and there is no way to leave even if I want to.

He looked at Qin Nuo with an apologetic look.

Qin Nuo, on the other hand, didn't care. It didn't matter.

I still don’t know the nature of you reporters. Even before Qin Nuo came out, he had already thought that these lousy reporters would ask such questions.

These guys just watch the fun and don't mind it.

Without this diamond, would I be doing porcelain work?

What a joke.

"This question is very simple!" Qin Nuo looked at everyone with a smile.

Seeing Qin Nuo about to answer, the artists, reporters and two Mesozoic leaders present were all shocked.

Qin Nuo, are you serious?

It's not easy to answer this. If you get it wrong, something could happen.

If you are not careful, you may offend someone.

Although your status is very high now, you must be more careful at times like this.

As the saying goes, the higher you stand, the more painful it will be if you fall.

When a person reaches a certain status, it doesn't matter if he makes mistakes.

But it’s serious if you say something wrong.

Otherwise, why is there a saying that misfortune comes from the mouth.

Huang Xiaoming and Deng Chao also quickly winked at Qin Nuo. Director Qin didn't want to talk about it.

Be careful.

But I also have a little expectation in my heart. It won’t be me.

I was very confused inside.

"What's not to say? I, Qin Nuo, always answer all questions."

"Actually...my best friend in the industry is Director Feng!"

Qin Nuo looked at dozens of reporters and said loudly.


The reporters were confused. Is Feng Xiaogang your best friend in the industry?

Qin Nuo, you are lying.

Three years ago, you and I, Tang Detective and Tangshan Earthquake were released, and it was a huge hit during the Spring Festival!!

The two even started arguing with each other over scarves.

The scolding was an unpleasant one.

The wind director is almost going to be hurt internally by you.

Is this your good friend?

Nowadays, many netizens still take it out to reflect on it from time to time.

Feng Xiaogang, who was eating melon, was also confused. He was about to leave.

I didn’t expect to see a good show, so I planned to watch it before leaving.

He was eating melon, but he didn’t expect that he would eat it on himself!

Qin Nuo’s best friend is me?

You're not kidding, then why does this guy bully labor and management for nothing?

Just now, I was still being bullied.

This is not right, it seems that there is a kind of friend who cherishes each other.

Is it true?

Deng Chao and Huang Xiaoming were also confused. What the hell?

Director Qin, what are you doing here?

"You don't believe it! Hey, although Director Feng and I have many conflicts, you don't know that Director Feng and I have a really good relationship!"

"When you saw Detective Tang 1 released, if director Feng and I hadn't been fighting each other, how could the box office of the movie be so high?"

"And for the Golden Horse Award later, the director is also very good. If it weren't for him, I would have been scolded by the third master!"

"And for interstellar travel in the future, Director Feng will also come to support it!"

"By the way, have you forgotten the movie From Earth not long ago? Director Feng thought that although this movie was good, it lacked the highlights!"

"After watching the movie, why don't you quickly give me an explosive point?"

"Let me tell you that in the end, the director was compensated 500,000 yuan, and was even named and criticized by the superiors!"

Qin Nuo looked at everyone and said seriously.

"Look at how much Director Feng has put in, isn't he still my best friend in the industry?"

"Half of my Qin Nuo's fame comes from the encouragement of Feng Dao!"

After Qin Nuo finished speaking, the audience was stunned for a few seconds.

The next reporter, Huang Xiaoming, Deng Chao, artists in the industry.

All laughed!!!

Even Chen Fan laughed hard.

Although Qin Nuo's words are a bit exaggerated, but if it weren't for Feng Xiaogang and Lu Chuan, he would still be in trouble.

Qin Nuo is really not that famous.

This guy just steps on other people's heads to get to the top.

Deng Chao and Huang Xiaoming laughed so much that their stomachs hurt...

I thought to myself.

Director Qin, you are a real genius!

I'm sorry I underestimated you before.

Comeback against the wind.


This is another world where Feng Dao is injured, and everyone laughs.

But Feng Xiaogang was the only one who didn't smile.

He was even so angry that he knew Qin Nuo was not so kind. What the hell, did you order me again?

Labor and management thought you were sincere, but unexpectedly you were mocking labor and management.


One million dollars in labor and wages!

Otherwise, I will go to court and sue you, you idiot!

"Hey, look, isn't my best friend Feng Dao there? What are you waiting for?"

The reporters turned around and saw that Feng Xiaogang was standing behind the pillars of the theater with a dark face.

No matter the three people.

He quickly ran towards Feng Xiaogang.

Director Feng and Director Qin all started firing.

Your best friend doesn't say a word.

In an instant, there was no one around the three of them.

Qin Nuo took advantage of the opportunity, pulled the two of them and ran away.

Huang Xiaoming and Deng Chao also understand very well. It disappeared in a flash.

But in the ears of the three of them, Feng Xiaogang's roar could still be vaguely heard.

"You idiot reporters, stay away, you're crazy!"

"Don't point the phone at me! Believe it or not, I'll knock you!"

"What the hell, that turtle son Qin Nuo is just mocking me, don't you see?"

"Don't pretend to be confused because you understand, this guy did it on purpose!"

"That guy is so hateful. He even cheated me out of one million. If you wait until you turn around, I will sue him!"

"Whoever is his good friend, a fart's good friend, is my enemy!"

"Don't stop me, labor and management are taking action!"

"Asshole Qin Nuo, wait for me!"

Now the artists are full after eating melon.

I originally thought there would be a world where Deng Chao or Huang Xiaoming would be injured.

But I didn't expect the development of the plot to be so unexpected.

Qin Nuo appeared and directly transferred the damage. Feng Xiaogang was laughing so happily just now.

How angry I am now.

All red and warm 3.3...

Sure enough, netizens are right, smiles will never disappear.

He just moves from one face to another.

Director Feng, I have suffered so much.

The reporters were also very happy. No matter what Feng Xiaogang said, they would write a big report for Xiaogang later.

Even the box office of Detective Tang 2 can't match your popularity.


It’s so interesting!

On the other side, at the cocktail party, Deng Chao and Huang Xiaoming had just apologized to Qin Nuo.

This is probably the first time they have considered it.

As soon as I looked up, I forgot that this was a premiere.

But Qin Nuo didn't mind too much, since he wasn't the one who got hurt anyway.

Director Feng helped him hold on.

Maybe the box office will be worth 10 to 20 million because of this.

"It's okay, drink more today!"

"Thank you, Director Qin"

"Thank you, Director Qin!"

The two of them had smiles on their faces. Fortunately, everything was fine. This would have caused trouble.

Not small.

But just as the two were about to leave, Qin Nuo suddenly said from behind.

"By the way, you two have four hundred and thirty games each, and you two have four hundred and twenty games each. Don't forget it!"

ps: The first update, guaranteed to be the fourth update today.

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