Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

496 Best Boyfriend, Invited By The American Women's Association, Hundreds Of Dc Fans Surrounded

Qin Nuo and Bella were sleeping soundly.

He doesn’t know yet that he has been dubbed the best boyfriend!

If he knew this, Qin Nuo would definitely laugh out loud.

The reason is very simple.

With this character, it will be much easier to pick up Dayang Ma Ke.

Just throw out a certificate of best boyfriend.

This beautiful and lovely ocean horse has not yet come to the bowl obediently.

Early the next morning, shortly after Qin Nuo woke up, Bella brought breakfast in.

Put it on the bed.

Qin Nuo was a little speechless, but actually he was fine.

It may be because I took a lot of small pills produced by the system.

He's in great shape, so he fell to the ground yesterday, except for the initial pain.

Even before arriving at the hospital, I felt much better.

Except for a little scratch.

It's really okay.

But Bella still asked Qin Nuo to rest in bed, and she even prepared breakfast for him.

"I said, dear, I'm really fine. Didn't you read the inspection report yesterday?"

"Besides, you didn't feel it at night?"

"Oh, how can it be the same? Come here and let me feed you!"

Bella put Qin Nuo's head on her chest.

Then he took a spoon and fed Qin Nuo two mouthfuls of porridge.

She had this specially delivered from Chinatown.

She knew that Qin Nuo didn't like Western breakfast very much.

Although he was a little speechless, it felt pretty good. Qin Nuo adjusted his posture.

Lying between the two babies, soft and snoring.

From time to time, the smell of milk can still be heard, and I don't know if it's from Bella's body or the smell of breakfast.

"Qin, when I was surfing the Internet just now, I found that you had another title."

Bella thought of the hot search she just saw on the Internet and smiled happily.

Best boyfriend!

Netizens actually understood so well that Qin lying in her arms was definitely the best boyfriend.

Not only is 963 handsome, humorous and secure, the most important thing is that his woman is truly happy.

As long as you are willing, He can send you to bliss at any time!

"What!" Qin Nuo took a bite of the bun and said vaguely.

He is already used to it, and Americans also like to give others nicknames.

The previous Odysseus, the Titans, and other royal ministers from the east.

The mouth of the media!

Very good at it.

Bella looked at Qin Nuo, then kissed him on the face and said.

"Hehe, he is the best boyfriend!"

"Best boyfriend? What!"

Bella explained to him what netizens thought about Qin Nuo when he protected Sejir at the Super Bowl yesterday.

After listening, Qin Nuo really didn't know what to say.

He was not a gentleman to protect Segil.

If it weren't for the fear of losing money, Qin Nuo wouldn't protect the safety of a Yangma.

Sacrifice yourself.

What Qin Nuo didn't expect was that girls on the Internet said that Qin Nuo was careful and knew how to protect Sejir's face.

Know the importance of a face to a woman!

Of course Qin Nuo knows this. If he encounters a bump, he will have to pay a lot...

But, he will only keep this matter in his heart and will never say it out loud.

Best Boyfriend I like this title!

"That's right, I, Qin Nuo, am the most considerate man for women." The corners of Qin Nuo's mouth rose.

"I think the American Women's Association should invite me to join! I can be their patron saint~"

Qin Nuo has been coveting this association for a long time.

As we all know, anyone over the age of 14 can be considered a woman legally.

Hearing this, Bella smiled.

"Qin, don't tell me. I just checked the email and a woman from the United States actually sent you an invitation!"

"They spoke highly of their approach and hope you can join the American Women's Association!"

"Then what are you waiting for?" Qin Nuo looked surprised.

"Hurry up and agree, I will be your women's friend from now on!"

Bella rolled her eyes. As the person who knows Qin Nuo best among Caiguo people,

She felt that Qin Nuo's purpose of joining the association was somewhat impure.

Qin, you shouldn't be thinking about going in to find dozens of young women to have a party.

"My dear, please be careful. The police may catch you. Gathering a crowd to cause riot is also illegal in the United States!"

Qin Nuo""

"I don't. It's already hard for me to just deal with you. You got all over me yesterday!" "That's not your fault. I told you I couldn't hold it in any longer, but you still didn't let me go!"

Bella retorted.

Although Qin is usually very nice, sometimes he can be really torturous!

But Qin Nuo was just thinking about it. He didn't dare to mess around in the Women's Association.

What if you are really accused?

But joining the women's association has more than just this benefit. From now on, Qin Nuo will be one of their own.

Don’t you still support movies made by your own people?

This is all money.

Women's money is much easier to earn than men's money.

Men make money, women spend it, this saying is true all over the world!

After finishing the meal, Qin Nuo was about to stand up, but was directly pushed down by Bella.

Then he looked at Qin with a charming look and said.

"You are full, I haven't eaten yet!"

After speaking, he slowly lowered his head.

Qin Nuo touched Bella's hair and said, "Eat whatever you want."


the other side.

David has been walking with wind every day since the end of O'Neal and Barkley's last TV show.

I feel very happy.

The quality of The Dark Knight is great.

The publicity is also quite strong.

Even yesterday's Cowboys victory wasn't as popular as the Dark Knight ad.

In fact, this is not surprising, although the Super Bowl is the largest event in the United States.

Football is the number one sport in the United States.

But how many fans do the Cowboys have?

The other teams wish the Cowboys were all dead.

How could it be possible to contribute to their enthusiasm?

Therefore, the popularity of the Dark Knight on the Internet is far greater than that of the Cowboys winning the championship.

Even Qin Nuo and Sejir are more popular than the Cowboys to win the championship.

David also has a very lively mind.

I was thinking about going back and spending some money to make the news about Qin Nuo and Sejir more popular.

Best Boyfriend is a good title.

He and Qin Nuo thought the same thing. It was much easier to cheat a woman out of her job than out of a man's money.

Women, most of the time, are not mindless.

"Leave this matter to Korgas later and let him take care of it!"

David locked the car and was just about to enter the company.

Seeing the lively crowd in front of me, I was stunned.

This is Warner's headquarters.

Why did so many people come all at once?

Just like the wet market.


what happened.

"BOSS, you're finally here!" Korgas rushed over.

Wiped the sweat from his head.

He couldn't stand the gathering of Dark Knight fans.

You are sick.

Can't understand people's words?

Want to release it early?

How is this possible? We have already made a publicity plan and have contacted the theaters.

Everything is going according to plan.

Do you want to release it early just by shouting two slogans?


Do you know how much trouble this will cause us?

Brainless American~

David asked, looking at the hundreds of angry marchers.

"What the hell is going on? Something happened to the company.

"BOSS, you misunderstood" Cogas quickly explained.

"These are DC fans. They saw the trailer for The Dark Knight yesterday and can't wait any longer."

"They are marching to demand that we release The Dark Knight early, otherwise, they will not leave!"


"Are these guys mentally retarded? Do they think early release is just a matter of one sentence?"


David was very angry.

Just as Cogas thought, the plan had been made long ago, and it couldn't be modified so easily.

Once the changes are made, many things will change accordingly.

Maybe we will lose millions before this movie is released.

roll roll roll!

Get out of here!

"I said the same thing, but David and the others didn't listen at all. They even said they would sue me if it wasn't released in advance!"

"He said that the Dark Knight makes him unable to sleep every day and wants me to compensate for mental damages!"

Hearing this, Yinwei felt really numb.

What a shameless person, there are such shameless people...

Not to mention that the laws in the United States are still so strange. If these people dare to file a lawsuit in China, the courts will basically not accept it.

But if it’s in the United States, it’s really hard to say!

Maybe you can get compensation for this.

The court will definitely accept it, and usually they side with the people in this kind of matter.

This is so fucking embarrassing.

"I'll tell you!"

Korgas quickly handed David a big speaker.

Come to the steps.

David looked at the Americans below holding a sign for The Dark Knight, as well as some people shouting for early release.

Picked up the loudspeaker and shouted.

"Everyone, I am the CEO of Warner Bros. Please be quiet!"

Hearing that it was David, the hundreds of people present gradually became quiet and all looked at him.

"I know you are all loyal fans of DC, and I am very grateful for your support over the years!"

"But it's really not possible to release it in advance. The theaters have already made arrangements and it's difficult to adjust. Please wait patiently for another two weeks!"

"No, two weeks, how can this be allowed? It's too long!"

"Yes, it's all your fault. Why did you release the promotional video so early? I couldn't sleep last night!"

"You're right! Release it immediately, or I'll go to court and sue you!"

ps: The fourth update has arrived!!.

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