Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

501 Went Online And Exploded! More Than 200,000 Likes In Five Minutes! Damn It, Make Money!

After talking on the phone for more than two hours, Qin Nuo felt a little hungry.

I asked the little secretary to order two hard dishes and settle it in the office.

Afterwards, seeing that there was still time, he pulled Bai Lu into his arms to play a small game.

"Boss, it's almost time. It's already eight o'clock and we haven't taken the video yet!"

"It's okay, don't worry, it's just a self-introduction. Just take a photo later!"

After saying that, Qin Nuo kissed him again.

Bai Lu's cheeks were extremely red. She looked at Qin Nuo in her arms and wanted to laugh.

Why do I feel like my boss is like a child?

Stop eating.

Really not...

"Boss, we still need to edit. We have to connect the two videos!"


"Have you forgotten what I do?" Qin Nuo looked at Bai Lu and smiled.

"For that little bit of work, give me a computer and I can cut it in two minutes. Don't move around. Let me try it again!"


Half an hour later, Qin Nuo let go of Bai Lu, leaving Xiao Nizi coquettishly angry.

Meimei glared at Qin Nuo.

I buttoned up my clothes and quickly ran into the bathroom.

It took a while to come out.

After that, the two of them worked for a few minutes and recorded the video. Qin Nuo really didn't lie.

The editing took less than two minutes.

At nine o'clock, Qin Nuo registered.

Uploaded the video directly.

On the other side, ByteDance saw Qin Nuo uploading the video and immediately launched propaganda weapons.

Nearly 100 million was invested!!

Advertisements are placed on all major online platforms.

The tagline isn’t bad either.

【Douyin, record a beautiful life!】

The same goes for offline.

LED displays on major commercial streets in major cities across the country are covered with shady advertisements.

There are also buses and subways.

There are even many shady advertisements in the elevators of the community.

On this day alone, Byte cost at least 3,000 and 2.5 million yuan.

It can be said to be quite a gamble.

But now because of Qin Nuo, they are more confident.

Xiao Zhou is a college student and has been staying at home since the winter vacation.

Eat and sleep every day.

For ten days in a row, Xiao Zhou felt like he was almost useless.

"College life is great...but college students are really bored during their holidays!"

Lying on the bed, bored around me, I picked up my phone to see what's new.

"Hey, Douyin? Short video?"

Xiao Zhou also likes to download some software, and he suddenly became interested in this stuff.

"You can take a look, Kuaishou's short videos are just the ones that a few people are tired of watching!"

In less than two minutes, Douyin has been downloaded.

"Hey, it seems to be much more fashionable than Kuaishou, and it's also a pull-down style, which is very convenient!"

Xiao Zhou swiped lightly and was surprised by the first video that appeared.

"Qin Nuo! It's actually Qin Nuo!"

He looked at the handsome Qin Nuo on the screen and couldn't believe it. He was so powerful.

Qin Nuo actually let Qin Nuo release the first video.

I quickly looked at it carefully.

"Hello, everyone, I am Qin Nuo!" Qin Nuo waved towards the camera in the screen.

Show a bright smile.

“Welcome everyone to Douyin, I will update some short videos on Douyin every day from now on!”

"Friends who like it can follow me!"

"Everyone can also post their own videos on Douyin to record their wonderful life!"

"Next is my first video, a super hot promotional video for The Dark Knight"

“If you think it’s wonderful after reading it, don’t forget to give me a like (chef)!”

"Just double tap the screen twice to give me a like!"

"Okay, no more nonsense, please enjoy!"

As soon as Qin Nuo finished speaking, the camera turned and the Dark Knight promotional video began.

"I believe that what doesn't kill me makes me weirder!"


"I have to stop him!"

"I am Batman!"

"Dad, why did Batman run away!"

"Because we have to catch him!"

Before Xiao Zhou could react, the 40-second promotional video had ended.

"Holy shit! This is so exciting!"

I sat up in shock while dying of illness!

Xiao Zhou jumped up from the bed, his blood boiling as he looked at the phone.

This promotional video is so cool, so fun to watch!

That tank is so handsome, and Batman is so powerful, damn Oda, you are really evil!

"February 23rd, the first day of the Lunar New Year!"

"No, no, I must go see it!"

Xiao Zhou was very excited. Thinking of what Qin Nuo said before, he could like it by double-clicking twice.

Quickly tap the screen hard.

Then click on the comment.

“Holy shit!!, how come there are thousands of comments so quickly?”

Xiao Zhou couldn't believe it. When he watched the video just now, there wasn't even a single comment.

But just after reading it, there were so many comments.

I lost it!

With a quick move, Xiao Zhou refreshed again, and the number of comments actually reached 2,000!

"Cao! You guys are so fast, you want to get the first comment!"

"Director Qin is awesome! This promotional video is absolutely epic. Brothers, we will gather in the cinema on the first day of the Lunar New Year and we will see you there!"

When Xiao Zhou saw the first comment, he smiled and quickly gave it a like.

Then I scrolled down again, and all of them were praising Qin Nuo, confessing their love, and even making ridiculous remarks.

Watching him laugh like a pig on the bed.

Sure enough, the comments are more interesting than the video.

Scarf buddy.

Are you here?

At the same time, Qin Nuo and the little secretary were looking at their mobile phones.

"Boss, why don't you yell a few words on your scarf? How come it's been so long and no one has liked it!"

Bai Lu felt a little strange.

If Qin Nuo yelled a few words on his scarf.

It can definitely attract a large number of people.

Qin Nuo’s fans on Bibo have reached an astonishing 60 million!

Although not the most.

But he has never bought fans once, so the 60 million are real people, with very little water.

If he yelled a few words on his scarf.

There must be a lot of fans who want to support Qin Nuo.

"You don't understand, this is not good!"

Qin Nuo smiled and did not explain.

In fact, scarves and Douyin are somewhat competitive to a certain extent.

They are all platforms.

Although the content of the two is somewhat different, Douyin mainly focuses on short videos, advocating recording life and companionship.

The scarf section mainly focuses on news, and there are also some interesting things.

But it is undeniable that there is a competitive relationship between the two.

As a good friend of the bib, Qin Nuo is also the spokesperson and secret shareholder of Douyin.

Caught in the middle, it's hard to do.

Others can use a scarf to drain Douyin, but it is not good for him to do so!

People wearing scarves may not say anything, but secretly they must still be a little unhappy.

So Qin Nuo had already decided to be neutral.

Try not to mention Douyin on the scarf, and don't mention the scarf on Douyin.

This way both sides can save face.

"Okay, hey, someone liked and commented on the picture!" Bai Lu said in surprise.

“Boss, this netizen who rode a pig to visit the Widow Village praised your promotional video for being so beautiful!”

“Although that shady netizen’s name is not very good, he still has some discernment!”

The two had just chatted for a while when Qin Nuo refreshed the video again.

In one fell swoop, the number of likes reached over 20,000, and the number of comments skyrocketed to over a thousand!

"Wow! The boss is here, there are so many comments!"

"Of course. Byte has mentioned to me that among netizens who download Douyin within 24 hours, the first one they see will be my video!"

"That's it!"

The two chatted for a few minutes, then refreshed the post and the number of likes exceeded 200,000.

The number of comments has also reached 40,000!

The speed is really too fast!

Qin Nuo was relieved when he saw this number. There were at least 200,000 downloads in five minutes.

Even more than that, after all, not everyone likes to like.

the other side


Byte Headquarters.

Although it was already after nine o'clock in the evening.

But the building where Byte is located is still brightly lit.

Today is the new software that Byte has worked hard to launch for more than two years.

Everyone knows the importance of today to ByteDance.

So they are working overtime to pay attention to everything about Douyin.

Zhang Yimin was the same, staring at the data on the computer.

"Gong Li! How many downloads are there now!"

"Mr. Zhang, the number of downloads of Douyin has exceeded two million! There are also 1.5 million registered users!"

"Not bad. How many likes does Director Qin's first video have?"

"Nearly a million!"

Zhang Yimin calculated in his mind that there are 1.5 million registered users and 1 million likes!

Director Qin can do it!

Sure enough, I was right to find you, so many people miss you!

"Where's Xiao Sun?" Zhang Yimin looked behind him.

"Didn't Qin say that there are dozens of celebrities who want to join Douyin? Hurry up and get them certified, hurry up!"

“I’m afraid the video stock of our own robot is not enough!”

Douyin must be more than just a Qin Nuo video, that’s a joke.

Before this, Byte has prepared thousands of robots, each with several videos.

Landscape, sand sculpture, and other styles.

After all, in the beginning, no one posted videos, they had to do it themselves.

Otherwise, just Qin Nuo’s video, what will netizens do after finishing it?

When he was a human, Brother Ma also pretended to be a little girl and chatted with male netizens to relieve his loneliness...

Basic operations~

ps: First update!.

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