Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

507 What A Coincidence! What Is A Confidante? Isn't It Just A Free Prostitution And You Don&#03

"Sister Mi, look, look, look!" Reba looked at the Hua Guo Grand Theater and bent over with a smile.

"It made me laugh. It was not like this last time I came here. This theater is so ugly now!"

"Don't talk nonsense~" Yang Mi patted Reba's forehead.

"I heard that Warner spent more than one million to recreate this, just to let everyone feel the atmosphere of the Spring Festival!"

"It's really ugly~! What kind of aesthetics do they have, and they spend millions of dollars to make it look like this?"

Yang Mi looked carefully and found nothing beautiful.

I also feel that Warner’s money is simply better spent than not spent at all.

"Anyway, don't talk nonsense. You heard other gringos say it looks good!"

Reba pursed his lips, not knowing how many times he had complained about these foreigners.

The other Chinese guests who came were also similar.

I couldn’t help but laugh when I looked at this big red theater.

But I was too embarrassed to say it.

The wonderful festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival was almost turned into a horror movie by you guys.

the other side.

Qin Nuo is welcoming guests.

He didn't care whether it looked good or not, as long as these foreigners thought it was good.

It's not like he spent his money, so it doesn't matter.

"Steve, long time no see!"

"Haha" Steve smiled happily and patted Qin Nuo on the shoulder.

"I'm here to see what a superhero movie is!"

“Don’t worry, you won’t be disappointed!”

"Please come in!"

"Cameron, welcome.

"I couldn't help but watch the preview of the movie first!" Cameron looked at Qin Nuo, his eyes filled with wonder.

"Qin, you are really a genius!"

"Mr. Cameron, I don't dare to call myself a genius in front of you. One of your big ships has already stopped me!"

"Not to mention the future Avatar!" Qin Nuo spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Haha, I believe you can break my record one day! Go in first!"

"Depp, I'm sorry about what happened to Amber last time." Qin Nuo looked at the two of them with an apologetic look on his face.

"Both Sarnoff and David think Hathaway is more suitable. I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay~" Depp said with a smile.

"You have helped Amber a lot, we should thank you!"

"Say yes, dear!"

Amber nodded, although she was still a little disappointed.

However, he was still very happy when facing Qin Nuo.

"Qin, if it weren't for you, it might be difficult to even attend the final interview!"

"If you can say this, I feel much better."

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and after chatting for a while, Depp asked in Nuo's ear.

"Can you tell me what happened to Qin last time?"


Qin Nuo naturally understands what Depp is talking about. This guy also wants to win an Oscar!

"There are too many people here, come back to my villa and I'll tell you!"

"No problem, let's go in first, bye!"


As soon as Depp left, DiCaprio ran over with a tall beauty beside him.

Blonde, blue eyes, long legs and thin waist, he looks to be in his twenties.

Should be a model.

Xiao Lizi's hobby has never changed in his life.

The beautiful Yang Ma was a little embarrassed when she saw Qin Nuo and nodded shyly.

On the other hand, Xiao Lizi didn't regard himself as an outsider at all, and directly hugged Qin Nuo's shoulders.


"Qin, how are you?" Xiao Lizi raised his eyebrows.

"How about what?"

Qin Nuo is a little strange, when did this guy become the Riddler?

Leonardo rolled his eyes at Qin Nuo and said.

"Still pretending, let me ask you how Sejil tastes? Don't try to lie to me. Last time I saw her take the initiative to ask for your phone number!"

Leon was very excited.

"Come on, tell me! You can do it. She is the number one supermodel in the world right now!"

Xiao Lizi was so envious that he almost drooled. He had tested Sejir before.

But they didn't pay any attention to it.

Now seeing Sejier taking the initiative to call Qin Nuo, Xiao Lizi is very jealous, very jealous!

"What nonsense are you talking about? I already have children!"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

"You're crazy! Who asked you to become a father? Can't you just have fun?"

"talk later!"

Qin Nuo shrugged. Not to mention, Segil actually called Qin Nuo when he returned to Hollywood two days ago.

Invite to dinner.

However, Qin Nuo refused because he was very busy at the time.

The Dark Knight will be released soon, so there is no time.

And although Qin Nuo also really wants to taste the seafood of the world's number one supermodel.

But when people have children, they always feel a little bit guilty.

"You're so boring, you don't even have such a good opportunity!"

"If it were me..."

"Then people must like you." Qin Nuo looked disdainful.

"Look at how long your legs are when you stand up!"


Qin Jiao!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Lizi glared at Qin Nuo fiercely.

Then he hugged his little girlfriend and left.

Qin Nuo almost laughed out loud when he looked at it, Xiao Lizi is really interesting.

Receiving Xiao Lizi, Nuo rested for a while.

He had learned the lesson early and asked Bale and Hathaway to help him screen some of the other guests.

What was left to him were those with good connections or, in other words, big wrists.


A lot more relaxed.

After chatting with David next to him, Qin Nuo returned to his previous position.

What a coincidence, Qin Nuo just came over.

Segil Bundchen also just walked on the red carpet, and when he saw Qin Nuo, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He quickly came to Qin Nuo with his long legs!

Qin Nuo looked at these slender and plump long legs and thought to himself.

Even if it's not as tall as Little Plum, it's at least as high as his chest...

He was about to wave and say hello, but he didn't expect that Sejir was much more enthusiastic than him.

He hugged Qin Nuo immediately.

Suddenly, Qin Nuo felt like she fell into a warm embrace, so soft!

It smells so good!

Smell carefully.

It even tastes like milk...

Qin Nuo is a bit strange, Saijier's child is more than one year old.

Why is there still~

"Qin, long time no see!"

Sejir hugged Qin Nuo with a smile on his face, and his eyes seemed to light up when he looked at Qin Nuo.

"Yes, Segil, long time no see. You seem to be more beautiful than the last time I saw you!"

.........Please give me flowers 00

"Haha, Qin, you are really good at talking. The last incident happened less than half a month ago!"

"It's very long." Qin Nuo also gently filled Sejir.

"There is a saying in our country that one day without seeing you is like three autumns, and half a month is like hundreds of days!"

Segil didn't understand a little bit, but judging from the meaning, it seemed to mean that he missed it very much.

I was very happy.

In fact, she was the same. After being rescued by Qin Nuo last time, she missed Qin Nuo's arms very much.

That sense of security.

Make her whole body feel comfortable.

It feels like even if it is full of wind and rain outside, you will feel very warm as long as you are in Qin Nuo's arms.

"Qin, you speak so nicely!"

"Are you free? I'd like to treat you to dinner later. If you refused me last time, you can't do it this time!"

Said Gil, pretending to be angry.

Qin Nuo looked at Saijier and thought to himself.

Is this a meal or seafood?

Originally Qin Nuo still felt a little guilty, Sejir had just divorced.

You can see this woman's perfect figure and her pretty and sexy face.


Couldn't help it anymore.

No matter how much he does, everyone is divorced anyway, so what are you afraid of?

That's it. Let's talk more.

I haven’t drunk it yet….ahem.

"Okay, call me anytime later, I'll definitely come when I'm free!"

See Qin Nuo agree. Segil laughed.

"Then say yes, see you later!"

The two hugged again, and then Sejir entered the Grand Theater with sexy steps.

This scene was also seen by Bell and Hathaway next to them.

"Hathaway, don't you care about this?" Bell asked with a smile.

"Humph" Hathaway glared at Bell and then at Qin Nuo.

I felt a little unhappy.

Not just for Qin Nuo, but also for Segil.

He said secretly.

What a bitch!

As soon as I got divorced, I couldn’t help but find another man.

The world's number one supermodel, isn't it just the judges' award?

Don’t think I don’t know what you Victoria’s Secret supermodels are doing in private.

Every one of them is extremely dirty.

And Qin.

Playful bastard!

I'll drain you dry by night!

"Qin and I are just friends, Bell, don't talk nonsense!"

"Friend, but last time I..." Bell was very surprised. He was a very clean and tidy man.

When he was on the set, he saw Hathaway staying in Qin Nuo's room at least twenty times...

"They are friends anyway, don't ask!"

"Hathaway, I didn't say that there are very few talented and handsome men like Qin. If you have the opportunity, don't miss it!"

"You will regret this!"

On the set of The Dark Knight, Bell and Hathaway had many scenes opposite each other, and the two were considered good friends.

So I gave you one more word of advice.

But Heather really didn’t know how to answer this.

Is that something I don’t want to miss?

It's obviously Qin!

If he is willing, I can be his girlfriend right away.

Even getting engaged.

But this guy obviously just wanted to prostitute her for free, and he didn't want to be a confidante.

To put it bluntly, I don’t want to give any money after playing...zero...

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