Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

The Stage Play Carefully Prepared By 510 Almost Scared The Guests To The Point Of Peeing! What A Han

Qin Nuo didn't have any stage fright and pretended to be surprised.

"Charlize, you are a South African diamond. Am I dreaming?"

"Haha! Qin, your acting is so good!"

"I'm not acting. Let's drink together later!"

"Okay, I'm not a good drinker!" Charlize said with a smile.

"That's not right. There is a saying in our country that if a woman doesn't get drunk, a man will have no chance!"


Qin Nuo's humorous dialogue made the Hollywood stars around him laugh.

Except for Little Plum, of course.

This guy suddenly felt that Qin Nuo was his nemesis, ever since Qin Nuo came to Hollywood.

He never had a good day.

I didn’t try the seafood from Saijier last time, so I wanted to try the seafood from Meizuan this time.

Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by Qin Nuo again.


Just wait for me, if you are this wilderness hunter, you are still fooling me.

I will definitely kill you~

Don’t you like beautiful women? Go back and find two uncles to let you know what fear is!

Qin Nuo chatted while walking.

Soon came to the front row.

The audience thought Qin Nuo would come up, but they didn't expect that the lights in the theater disappeared all of a sudden.

"What's going on? Let's start right away?"

The guests and fans who came were confused.

But suddenly a burst of low music sounded, getting louder and louder!

That deep voice struck each of them in the heart.

The heartbeat speeds up unconsciously.

Suddenly two dazzling lights lit up on the left side of the stage.

Then there was a roar.

The audience looked to the left of the stage.

I saw an incredibly handsome Batman chariot parked there.

It has a streamlined shape, a dark body, and a huge roar coming from its mouth!

It was like a giant beast crawling on the ground.

"Shit! It's the Batman Tank!"

987 "So handsome! Looks like he wants it!"

"This premiere is really worth it, this roar, I can't bear it anymore, I want this tank!"

Both the fans and guests who came were shocked by the scene in front of them.

This huge roar and handsome Batman chariot.

It’s so exciting to watch!


But it wasn't over yet, suddenly a huge roar sounded again.

The chariot rushed directly towards the auditorium.

All the guests in the front row were almost pissed!


"help me!"

But just at the edge of the stage, suddenly the chariot made a handsome and elegant splash with a white air and stopped steadily in the middle!!!

"Qin, I'm going to kill you!" Steve quickly glanced at his crotch.

Then I breathed a sigh of relief, it’s okay if it’s not wet! It’s okay if it’s not wet!

"Mr. Steve, you are so cowardly!"

"Huh, Cameron, you can't do anything better than me!"

The audience in the front row was frightened, and the guests and fans in the back screamed.

This tank is really a bunker!

If this were to be driven out, it would be fine.

Let alone a girl who can't help it, even a grown man can't help it.

Many fans who are not short of money are making plans.

Do you want to get one after the movie is over?

There should be some sales around this stuff.

"Damn, he's so handsome! I want to get one too!" It wasn't just Americans who were shocked.

The same goes for guests from China.

Deng Chao looked at this chariot and his eyes lit up!

"If you like it, go find Qin Nuo and get one!" Sun Li said on the side.

"Okay (chdh), I'll look for him when I get back. I heard it seems to be two hundred thousand US dollars, which is acceptable!"

"Deng Chao, where did you get your money?" Sun Li stared at Deng Chao with sharp eyes.

Super brother

"Sanov, are all the cars you build like this?" David suddenly felt a bit at a loss.

Isn’t it a bit of a loss to sell such a handsome and domineering tank for US$200,000?

"Of course not, BOSS!" Sarnov said with a smile.

“Qin’s customized model is top-notch in terms of performance, displacement, and safety.

"Not counting anything else, it cost half a million just to get this car!"

"The other peripherals are all fake, with the same appearance and roaring sound, but the others are all ordinary...ahem!"

"You know BOSS, of course you can open it, but I'm afraid it won't last long~"

David nodded.

That's pretty much it, if it really looks like this car.

Warner still has to die!

It looks like $20,000 is more than enough!

Anyway, rich people don’t buy them to open. They usually collect them and compare them.

It doesn't matter whether it can be opened or not.

More than 5,000 spectators were full of excitement watching the chariot on the stage.

After a while the car door opened.

"Wow, it's Batman!"


There was another scream at the scene!

Bale steps out of the tank wearing a Batman suit.

The sound of stomping footsteps could be heard, and some female viewers couldn't be too excited to see the handsome suits.

In good shape!

It seems like touching...

It must feel very good.

Bell shifted around, looking as if he was looking for something.

He even frowned.

The scene and the guests were a little strange, what was Bell doing?


"What's the sound?" Huang Xiaoming and other guests suddenly heard a burst of weird laughter.

Very insidious.

Very scary~!

It seemed like it was coming from the Nine Nether Hells.

Extremely evil!

"My dear Mr. Batman, are you looking for me?"

Suddenly there was a sound of leather shoes hitting the floor. Everyone's eyes widened.

"This is the Joker! This is definitely the voice of the Joker!"

So exciting!

So interesting!

Although they have not seen the movie, they know from the promotional video that the biggest dark boss this time is the clown.

Movies come true!

Qin's premiere certainly did not disappoint.

The fans in the back row were even more excited. What an interesting arrangement Qin made!

Although the audience was very excited, Bell was still not affected at all.

It's like a real stage play.

He even installed the suit's mechanism, and three Batman darts appeared in his hand.

Looking around, he said with a wary expression.

"Joker, come out quickly. The people of Gotham are yearning for a better life, and I will never allow you to destroy it!"


"I don't care about other people, you are the only one I care about! Are you ready?"

"Are you ready to watch Gotham burn?"

The clown's evil voice comes from all directions.

"Asshole! I will definitely catch you!"

"Hehe~ Come on, my dear Mr. Batman, I enjoy this chase!"

The audience listened with great interest.

But some people didn't smile.

Xiao Lizi pursed his lips.


"Children's plot, no!"

But before he could say anything, he suddenly saw a clown-like person suddenly appear behind Batman!

Her messy green hair is draped behind her head, and her face is painted with scary clown makeup!

Slowly touch Batman's head with both hands!

But Bell didn't see it at all!

"Damn it! I scared daddy to death!"

"Haha," the South African beauty turned her head and glanced at Little Plum and said.

"What a timid little kid!"

"little plum"

Leon was so angry that he didn't know how to refute even if he wanted to.

I was really scared just now.

"Damn it Qin, you bully me even when you're not here! Ugh!"

"I hate you!"

Other guests and fans in the back row were also shocked when they saw this scene.

They put themselves into the role of Batman.

Suddenly a clown appeared behind him, slowly reaching towards his head.

It would be strange not to be afraid!

Even some timid audience members were frightened and screamed just like Li Zi.

"Shit! Damn Qin!"

"Maersk, you are so cowardly!~"

"How can I not, it's obviously Qin~!"

"Wow, Brother Nuo is so hateful, I was scared!" Reba was a little timid to begin with.

Although I usually dare to dance with Qin Nuo and Yang Mi.

But it's just a mess in the house, and I don't know how well-behaved it is outside.

Seeing this scene, Yang Da was immediately stunned.

He was still talking about Qin Nuo.

"Bad Brother Nuo!"

"Okay, let me go, it's really useless!" Yang Mi was already drunk.

You girl likes to contradict me, and you think of me whenever you are in danger.

What a white-eyed wolf.

It’s better to raise you than to raise a dog.

Are you afraid~"

"Hand" Yang Mi glanced at her chest.

"Get away from me!"


Yang Mi slapped the woman on the forehead.

"Ouch, it hurts!"

"Deserve it!"

The stage play continued, and the audience watched the clown's hand getting closer and closer to Bell.

The clown's smile gradually became ferocious.

But Bell didn't seem to notice at all, and couldn't help but yell.

"Batman~! Be careful!"

"Batman, there's someone behind you!"

"Bell, be careful!"

But Bell seemed to have been heard and kept walking forward.

However, the clown behind him looked up at the audience and said with a smile.

"Hehe~ It seems I've been discovered! I'll let you go this time, Batman!"

After saying that.

Slowly retreating, and when he was about to disappear, Bell suddenly turned around.

"I see you, clown, don't run away!"

ps: The first update! It seems like something went wrong~ Sorry, my background operation is a bit messy. If you subscribe, you don’t need to subscribe again!

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