Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

513 Dark Knight, The Pinnacle Of Dark Art! An Unparalleled Test Of Humanity!

The plot of The Dark Knight continues, and at the end of the speeding scene, the Joker is finally subdued by Gordon and Batman.

The arrogant clown was arrested.

The audience breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that this was not bad.

The clown was finally caught.

Although they are attracted by the charm of the clown in their hearts.

But in my heart I still hope that the clown will be caught.

There is no way, if the Joker is allowed to go, it will definitely be a huge disaster for the entire Gotham City.

But just as the audience was relieved.

Suddenly bad news came.

Harvey was kidnapped on his way home, and Rachel was deceived by police infiltrated by gangs.

Also kidnapped!

"Ernie shit, I knew it!" an audience member in the back row yelled.

"I know how the clown could be caught so easily!"

"Yes, he did it on purpose!"

Seeing this, the five thousand spectators present widened their eyes and felt like there were ants crawling on them!

The clown did it on purpose.

He definitely did it on purpose!

His purpose is to catch Harvey and Rachel.

He had already figured out that Harvey was pretending to be Batman.

Scary clown!

On the big screen, the Joker was beaten very happily by Batman in prison, very happy.

He even smiled mockingly.

"Haha~! Haha!"

"Your fists are useless to me, useless! Because I have no weaknesses." The clown looked at Batman and smiled cruelly.

"But I can tell you where Rachel and Harvey were kidnapped!"

"But it's a pity that they are far apart and you can only save one of them!"


The audience present was impressed by the clown's method of playing with people's hearts. This guy is really hateful.

Harvey is Gotham's Bright Knight and Gotham's hope.

But Rachel is Batman Wayne's ex-girlfriend, and Wayne still loves Rachel until now.

Let Batman choose between the two.

No matter which one he chooses, he will lose a lot!

But what the audience didn’t expect was yet to come.

The Joker is absolutely evil, he did say two locations, and both locations were correct.

But Harvey and Rachel did switch places.

Wayne originally wanted to save Rachel, but unexpectedly he could only save Harvey.

And also because Harvey was covered in gasoline.

Half of his face was destroyed in the explosion!


Really creepy!

Seeing this, the audience turned their heads to look at Qin Nuo, with a bit of fear in their eyes!

The character of the clown was created by Qin.

Qin can create a character like a clown, who should he be?


He can't be a psychopath.

Can normal people create such terrifying, elusive characters?

"That Qin, I admit that I spoke a little too loudly before!" Xiao Lizi patted Qin Nuo on the shoulder from behind.

"Don't mess with me, I'm scared!"

Qin Nuo...you are crazy! Why should I do this to you?"

Xiao Lizi glanced at Qin Nuo.

It is not known who is the psychopath who could create such a terrifying character.

"Qin, I know some very good psychiatrists. I think you should go see them when you have time!"

"Go away! You are mentally ill, and your whole family is mentally ill!"

When Qin Nuo scolded him, Xiao Lizi was not angry, but very happy.

The scolding is good, it seems that Qin's spirit should be fine.

Damn, so scary!

The climax of The Dark Knight really begins, when Batman goes to save people.

The clown used his cell phone to detonate the bomb that was just inside his companion's stomach.

In an instant, the entire police station was engulfed in flames.

Seeing this scene, the audience finally confirmed that the clown was caught on purpose.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to prepare bombs in advance.

This is just the beginning.

The clown became even more unscrupulous.

Gotham seemed to be his stage.

Explosions, cries, wailing, and the clown's evil laughter filled the entire Gotham.

Another scene from The Dark Knight is here.

The clown pretends to be a nurse.

In the hospital, Harvey, who had lost everything, instilled a new sense of justice in him.

That's fair!

No matter who it is, poor or rich, a high-ranking politician or a beggar wandering the street.

All should be fair!

Treat everyone equally!

Harvey was on the verge of collapse. He lost half of his face and the woman he loved forever.


Successfully fell into the darkness with a gentle push from the clown!

Two-faced man is born!

The explosion scene in the hospital afterwards was an unforgettable one.

The detonator seemed to have malfunctioned, and the second explosion began under the clown's impatient pressure.

The audience saw this scene and didn't know what to say to the clown.

Crazy! Paranoid! Terrible demon!

This shot is interesting.

Full of drama!

The 5,000 viewers were completely absorbed by the plot of The Dark Knight and did not even realize that two hours had passed.

Slowly, the plot of The Dark Knight comes to an end.

The Joker used a terrorist attack to force prison inmates and Gotham's upper class who wanted to escape onto two ships at sea.

The climax is coming.

The greatest test of human nature.

The Joker placed a bunch of bombs and gasoline on each of the two cruise ships.

But he gave the detonator to the other party.

Let the people on the other side's ship decide whether you want to live or die.

As long as they can press the detonator and kill the people on the other side's ship, they can survive.

This is a test.

It is also a chain of suspicion.

Because the people on the boat don't know what the other person is like.

In this scene, Qin Nuo vividly demonstrates the darkness of human nature!

Everyone opened their mouths when they saw this scene.

Who is Qin, and how could he come up with such a plot that makes people's skin crawl all over.

This plot is so exciting.

One is Gotham's upper class, and the other is Gotham's ugliest prisoner.

What will happen.

It made them think. Think deeply.

Many viewers feel that the upper class must be more valuable than those ugly prisoners!

But many viewers disagreed!


Why should those upper class people enjoy life?

We are all human beings and we are all ecological!

It shouldn't be judged that way.

Many directors present were excited when they saw this scene!

Qin is really a genius, how did he come up with this kind of plot?

The greatest test of human nature.

Make their scalps tingle.

With such depth, they simply doubted whether this was a super movie.

Can a super movie be like this?

The Oscar for Best Movie is nothing more than that...

"Hey, what a pity!" Cameron looked at the big screen and sighed.

Steve turned around and asked in surprise.

"Cameron, what are you crazy about?"

"You'll find out later!"

Steve frowned and looked at the screen.

Soon he understood that Xiaotian had lost.

The brilliance of humanity shines through in this scene.

Although the people on the two ships had arguments, noises, and even conflicts.

But in the end, no one pressed the detonator on the other side's ship.

A tall Uncle Hey prisoner grabbed the detonator and threw it directly into the sea.

Then he said to the police officer guarding them.

"You should have done this ten minutes ago!"

Opposite, a man in a suit and leather collar snatched the detonator from the police officer.

His face was full of struggle, and he tried to press it down several times.

But I still couldn't make up my mind.

Those are all people, thousands of pictures are embarrassing!!

"Ah, bastard!!!!Shit!"

The man threw the detonator directly into the sea!

Steve saw this and understood.

Why would Cameron say it's a pity.

Qin Ruo arranged this plot so that everyone on the two ships pressed the detonators at the same time.

Then The Dark Knight can definitely reach the pinnacle of film art!!!!

The ultimate irony!

It will show the darkness of human nature vividly!

But Qin Nuo did not do this.

"Hey! 220° Steve sighed.

"Qin is smart. I think he would have considered making such an arrangement before, but he did not do so!"

"That's right" Cameron also nodded.

"After all, this is a superhero movie, and the chance of winning an Oscar is basically zero!"

"There's no need to be like this. Let the brilliance of humanity shine through and the movie won't seem so heavy!"

"Otherwise, I think very few viewers would be willing to watch it a second time!"

"Yes, Qin! He is always right!"

It's not just Steve and Cameron.

In fact, many Hollywood veterans can see that Qin Nuo's plot is a compromise with the audience.

This arrangement is made for the sake of box office.

But this is understandable, it is about the audience.

This shouldn't even be called compromise, it's what smart people do.

The movie comes to an end.

on the building. Batman looked at the Joker in the sky and said.

"You lose, clown, that's why everyone believes in the light!"

"Haha, no, no, no, I didn't." The clown played by Qin Nuo in the air smiled happily.

"Batman, you are so naive. I never thought of using this method to decide the outcome with you!"

"Sometimes you need a trump card, and mine is Harvey!"

Batman Wayne's pupils narrowed instantly when he heard these words, and the next second he disappeared on the roof of the building.

The clown's wild laughter could also be heard in the night sky.

As if he was mocking something

The last scene of the movie.

Harvey is dead, killed by the Joker's conspiracy.

He kidnapped Gordon's family and was eventually killed.

But Harvey's death stumped Batman and Officer Gordon.

Harvey is no ordinary person.

He is Gotham's Knight of Light, the last glimmer of light in the hearts of Gotham people.

If the citizens knew that even such a righteous Harvey would fall into darkness.

Killed several policemen.

So what will they think.

Is there hope for Gotham?

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