Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

531 Identity Exposed? Damn The Sun! Joker Turns Out To Be Qin! Fans Are Furious!

Of course it's possible.

There are still sixteen days left, if the publicity is good, although the possibility is very small.

But there is still a chance!

"No way, Director Qin!" Allen looked bitter.

"I definitely won't be able to sleep tonight. Your two billion dollars will definitely keep me awake all night!"

"Me too," Brad sighed as he looked at everyone.

"Two billion, let me think about it. Do all the movies I have made add up to two billion?"

"Forget it, Brad, except for me, none of you are here!"

Morgan said confidently.




"Morgan, you just live a long time! We are still young!" Boo-Rad retorted.

But he didn't expect that Morgan was a real veteran.

Brad choked with a backhand and couldn't speak at all.

"Huh, what's there to be proud of when you're young?" Morgan said with a look on his face.

"Who has never been young? Have you ever been old?"


"Ah ha ha!!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this and gave Morgan a thumbs up.

It's true that people are old and treacherous, and horses are slippery.

That’s the end of this…

While everyone was chatting happily, Hathaway suddenly frowned.

Quickly turn over the tablet in your hand.

There's something wrong with his look.

"What's wrong with Hathaway?" Bell asked attentively, noticing something was wrong with Hathaway.

Hearing this, everyone also looked at Hathaway.

The crew of The Dark Knight is relatively harmonious under the leadership of Qin Nuo.

There was no such nonsense as other crew members stealing the show or fighting openly or covertly.

The relationship is relatively good.

Seeing that Hathaway looked wrong, I thought something had happened to her.

"What's wrong?"

"Any questions? We can help!"

Hathaway looked up.

"Thank you, but you misunderstood. It's not me, it's Qin!" Hathaway looked at Qin Nuo.

"Qin, the clown you played seems to have been exposed!"

"What!! Show me"

"What's going on?"

"Who snitched?"

Everyone was very angry, and they were not stupid. They naturally knew that this time The Dark Knight could stabilize the box office in the second week.

Even the overseas box office has increased.

It all relies on the clown gimmick.

The whole world is looking for the real clown.

Some viewers even watched the movie several times to find the Joker.

It can be said that Oda's gimmick contributed greatly to the fact that The Dark Knight was able to break one billion in two weeks this time.

Everyone is angry.

On the other hand, Qin Nuo, who was sitting on the sofa, seemed very quiet and calm.

"I'll go, it's the Sun News!"

On Twitter, The Sun posted an official tweet.


[The clown hiding in the darkness~Odysseus Qin!]


[Maybe you won’t believe it, but after a week-long follow-up investigation by our Sun News. 】

[The Joker hiding in the darkness was finally arrested. Yes, he is Qin, the director of The Dark Knight! 】

[Qin is really smart, hiding Xiaotian’s identity from the beginning

[There was no mention of the character of the Joker, either at the press conference or in other public places. 】

[In order to confuse the audience, he even specifically mentioned that he would not star in the director's movie]

[The reason given is also very simple. Directing and acting on my own is very tiring!]


[The second thing that confuses the audience is that at the premiere, the clown and Qin appeared at the same time, so the majority of the audience did not focus on Qin at all!]

[I have to say that Qin is just like the clown in the play. He is very smart and cunning. He uses two small tricks to control the world.]

[But unfortunately, just like the Joker in The Dark Knight, every secret must have its flaws. No matter how sophisticated the plan is, there will always be loopholes! 】

[The following clown tricks given by our detective reporter all point to the talented director Qin!]

[First, Qin is not only a director but also an actor with excellent acting skills. Interstellar, Inception, and From Earth have proven Qin’s acting skills.

[This provides Qin Nuo with the prerequisites to play the clown! 】


[Second, we have found out that Qin received a huge sum of 15 million from Warner. This amount is amazing]

[Because it’s impossible for Qin to get cash for filming The Dark Knight, he will only get a share of the box office! 】

[Although neither Qin Nuo nor Warner admit this, anyone with a little bit of thinking ability can think of it. 】

[So there is only one explanation for this amount of money: remuneration! 】


[Third, this is Qin’s biggest flaw. When filming a clown scene, the crew will choose to clear the scene. 】

[This is very strange. If it were another actor, there would be no need to do this at all, unless this person is very important!]


[Fourth, two interviews also indirectly prove that the clown is Qin, one is the interview with Taylor and Shakira, and the other is the interview with Depp. 】

[When Taylor and Shakira were asked who was the clown, their faces were full of joy and even a little proud!]

[Listing down among the Hollywood actors who have the best relationship with the two, apart from Qin, I can’t think of anyone else!]

[Original follow-up reports showed that the relationship between Qin and these two queens is not simple, and they are real "good friends"]


[Depp’s interview was also very interesting. He said he guessed who the clown was and a smile appeared on his face. 】

[As we all know, Qin has two bad friends in Hollywood, one is the water gun boy, and the other is the pirate captain!]


[Last point, we used the most advanced methods to compare the height, body shape and walking posture of the clown in the movie with Qin! 】

[The similarity reaches 90%!!!]


[So the truth is that only one Qin is wrong~ Maybe I should call you a clown! 】

[I declare that you have been arrested and will be locked up in this hellish prison in Hollywood!]

【The deadline is forever!!】


After watching it, netizens cried out: "F*ck!"

It turns out that the clown has been hiding among us all along, and we have been deceived all along!


You bastard!

Netizens can imagine Qin watching everyone spare no effort to find the clown.

He laughed so happily and wildly behind his back.

The whole world was deceived by him, just like the clown in the play.


"Qin, come out quickly, come out quickly, shit!! You are evil! You lied to us for a whole week."

"Is this true? The clown is Qin!! Shit, we were all fooled!"

"Didn't you say before that you wouldn't play another role? Lie to me!"

"The performer on the same stage turned out to be a substitute. Damn it, I didn't expect it!"

"I looked at this hateful guy Qin three times, and the results told me that the clown is Qin!"

"This clown is me!"

"Plus one! The clown is myself!"

"plus 1"

"plus 1!"

In less than two hours, the Sun's tweet hit the headlines.

There are over 200,000 comments below!

They are all accusing Qin Nuo of his crimes and have deceived the whole world.


The scolding was so dirty!

"This damn Sun!" Brad yelled angrily after reading it.

"That's right, why is this damn newspaper still being published! Bastard!"

"It's all their fault. They are just paparazzi. We could have continued to lie."

Several of the lead actors were angry.

The Sun is really notorious. No matter what happens in the world, they have a hand in it.

What I'm best at is taking candid photos.

It's almost pervasive.

Whether they are celebrities, dignitaries or athletes, they are all their prey.

This time the Dark Knight was also targeted by them.

Qin Nuo was found out within a week.

"Qin, how about we sue this damn newspaper?"

"That's right, let's sue him and make him pay~!"

"I'm afraid this won't work." Morgan, a real veteran, shook his head.

"We can't sue them for anything. Although The Sun is disgusting, they didn't use any drastic measures.

"Even if it was secretly photographed but not caught, there is nothing we can do!"


"Morgan is right." Bell nodded. He had the right to speak because he was from the Eagle Country.

"Perhaps The Sun is ready to file a lawsuit with us now."

"They are even very happy. The Sun's reputation skyrocketed as soon as this lawsuit was filed!"

Hear what Bell said.

Everyone's lips twitched, not to mention that this was really the case.

The last thing the media fears is lawsuits.

Especially a shameless media like The Sun.

If Qin Nuo goes to court with them, their person in charge will laugh out loud.

But when everyone turned to look at Qin Nuo, things became strange.

Why does it feel like Qin is not angry at all?

"Qin, aren't you angry?"

"Yes Qin, this will greatly affect our box office!"

Qin Nuo smiled.

"It's okay, it's been a week, and it's only a matter of time before he's discovered."

“Unexpected and reasonable!”

Everyone felt that things were not that simple. After getting along with Qin's character for so long, didn't they understand it yet?

He is profit-seeking, smart and cunning, and is good at giving free money to prostitutes and can talk about anything.

Giving money will do nothing.

"Qin, did you set a trap for The Sun? I always feel like it was intentional."

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