Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

533 I Can’T Hide It Anymore. I Can’T Hide It Anymore. After The Last Wave Of Popularity, The Clown H

Hearing this, David laughed, and he laughed very happily.

"That's right, this old guy is probably so angry that he's vomiting blood now. A British media has come to the United States to run wild!"

"This must be dealt with properly!"

"The BOSS is awesome!"

Just as Qin Nuo and Warners expected, after The Sun broke the news that Qin Nuo is the actor who plays the Joker in The Dark Knight.

The popularity of The Dark Knight was very high the next day, and tickets were quickly sold out.

Many viewers want to watch it again to find out the shadow of Qin Nuo in Joker.

The same goes for the media, with The Sun also beginning to develop its own evidence.

Let’s hammer Qin Nuo together.

It's basically a stone hammer.

But when Qin Nuo faced the fans during the road show, he did not give a direct answer to the question of whether he was a clown.

This aroused the rebellious psychology of movie fans.

It’s all been hammered down like this, and you still don’t admit it?

OK, wait!

We must find the most direct evidence to prove that you, Qin, can't escape.

Until the third day of the hammer, Qin Nuo and their last stop in the United States were San Francisco.

Seeing that things can no longer be concealed.

The heat has reached its final stage.

Qin Nuo discussed with Warner and finally admitted it directly.

Eat one last wave!

In a theater in San Francisco, Qin Nuo, Hathaway and others were waiting for the movie to end.

Although it has been released for almost 20 days, there are many viewers in the cinema.

The occupancy rate of the two-hundred-person theater still remained at 80%.

On the screen, The Dark Knight has come 27 to the last bit of the plot.

Brad plays Sheriff Gordon with a hammer in his hand and unbearable eyes.

But in order to protect Gotham, all he has to do is wield the ax in his hand.

Under the witness of everyone, he smashed the searchlight that summoned Batman.

Seeing this scene, many tearful viewers couldn't help but have red eyes.

Soon the movie ends.

"Hey, Eureka, I can tell, this clown is definitely played by Qin, eyes!"

"You see the clown's eyes are very similar to Qin's. Of course I don't mean the color, but the shape!"

"Ian, you are right. It is true. Qin still doesn't admit it and is still pretending to be confused!"

"That's right, we will go online and post this later. Let's see how long Qin can keep pretending!"


Not just Eureka and Ian, many viewers are discussing it.

Every time the clown appears, everyone will look attentively, trying to find the shadow of Qin in the clown.

When the movie is over, the audience is about to get up.

Suddenly the lights disappeared.

The theater fell into darkness!

Audiences who reacted slowly were still a little confused, but those who responded quickly or often followed Qin Nuo's movies reacted instantly.

His face was full of surprise.

"Shit! We are so lucky that we got picked?"

"Qin, it must be Qin! This is his favorite way to appear on road shows!"

"Haha, surprise! Shit, it must be the crew of The Dark Knight. Wow, so excited!"

Many Americans even screamed.

Now everyone in the audience knew that it was the road show that was drawn to their theater.

so lucky!

But it was different than they imagined.

I originally thought that everyone was appearing together, but I didn't expect that the sound of leather shoes could be heard slowly from a distance.

The speed was neither fast nor slow, but the sound was strange, as if every step was stepping on their hearts.

"What kind of sound is this!"

"It can't be some kind of terrorist attack!'

A group of gringos were suddenly frightened. The last shooting incident had not happened long ago.

Just when everyone was getting ready to run.

Suddenly a familiar voice came from the front.

"Hehe~hehe~Why are you running [Aren't you looking for me!"

"Why run!"

Suddenly, the lights in the theater slowly brightened a little. Under the dim lights, the audience looked at a person standing on the stage.

She has long green hair hanging behind her head and a scary clown costume painted on her face.

He was wearing strange suits, colorful and looked a little strange.

But if you take a closer look, it actually feels a little crazy.

"Joker! It's a clown!"

"Onie shit, you scared me to death!"

“Wow, it’s exactly like in the movie”

"Is it Qin? Keep it safe!"

The audience who reacted quickly looked at the clown on the stage, their eyes almost wide open.

It's a pity because the lighting is too dim.

I can only see a general outline, not clearly at all.

"You're not afraid of me~" The clown on the stage suddenly laughed loudly.

The laughter sounded like it was coming from hell.

Dark, sharp, crazy. !

Not to mention that everyone was really shocked, even if it was very likely that this was Qin.

No one dared to walk up.

Qin Nuo's acting skills are very good, and they have just finished watching The Dark Knight, in which the clown does all kinds of evil.

Crazy and paranoid, like a psychopath.

The psychological shadow hasn’t dissipated yet~!

"Then don't leave!" The clown on the stage changed his face instantly and took out a dagger from his arms!



"Attack Attack!!"

But just when everyone was panicking, suddenly another voice came from the side.

"You're under arrest, clown!"

"You can't run away this time!"

Everyone turned around and saw two people in the corner. One was wearing a police uniform and the other was wearing a black Batman suit.

"It's Gordon and Batman!"

"Movies come to life!"

"This seems to be a continuation of the stage play at the premiere. The clown ran away, and now he can't escape anymore!"

"Yes, I've seen it too!"

"Haha, the Joker who has been hiding for more than ten days was finally arrested by the righteous Gordon and Batman!"

The last stage play was also very popular online, with a high click-through rate.

Many of the audiences who came to see The Dark Knight had seen that stage play.

After thinking about it, I thought it was quite interesting.

I thought it was over, "I didn't expect it was just the beginning.

"Don't move, clown, you killed Harvey, you poisonous people, I declare that you will be imprisoned forever."

Brad quickly pulled out a prop pistol from his waist and pointed it at the Joker.

Next to him, Bell also took out Batman darts from his arms!

"Hehe~ You guys came here so fast, so what if you lose, so what if you catch me, I will show up again one day!"


Bell came to the clown and controlled him, while Gordon took out the handcuffs from his arms and roasted the clown played by Qin Nuo.

Then the two looked at the audience and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, the clown has been subdued and peace has returned to Gotham City!"

"Everyone, I am Batman, and I will always protect the peace of Gotham City!"

Upon hearing this, nearly two hundred spectators at the scene gave their applause.

"Chief Gordon is handsome!"

"Mr. Wayne, you are so awesome!"

The audience was very happy. They did not expect that they were so lucky to be the first people to see the follow-up to the stage play.

The applause lasted for a minute before slowly dying out.

Then, all the lights in the theater were turned on.

The audience quickly looked at the clown on the stage, their eyes widening.

"Is it Qin?"

"Seems to be?"

“I can’t tell”


Qin Nuo on the stage rolled his eyes and raised his hand towards Brad.

The handcuffs were loosened and he looked at everyone.

"What are you looking at!"

"What catches your eyes."

"It's Qin, it's his voice!" a bearded spectator in the front row said excitedly.

"I heard it. It's indeed Qin!"

"I got it right!"

"Qin, I can't hide it anymore!"

The whole audience burst into laughter, and he was finally arrested.

Soon Hathaway, Allen, Morgan and others also took to the stage.

"I'm really impressed by you." Qin Nuo held the microphone.

"Don't I just 377 want to hide my identity quietly? As for this!"

Looking at Qin Nuo's helpless look.

The audience laughed again.

"Qin, we just like to get to the bottom of things!"

"Yes, Qin, don't you know that we Americans all have a curious mind?"

"Okay, okay, I admit defeat!" Qin Nuo spread his hands.

"Everyone wants to take photos and queue up for autographs. Today is the last road show in the United States!"

"Every one of you has a chance!"

Hearing this, the entire audience was instantly surrounded by happiness.

They think they are already very lucky, but they did not expect to be so lucky.

I was able to take photos with the Dark Knights and get their autographs.

Make a lot of money!

Soon everyone had formed a team, and everyone was happy as this was the last stop for Caiguo.

He was even in the mood to chat with the audience.

"Mr. Wayne, is your suit specially made?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Hathaway, you are so beautiful!"

"Thank you!"

"Aaron, you did a great job playing Two-Face, but it's a pity that you won't be seen in the next one!"

“Thank you for the yes lady!”

"Don't touch it, it's really a wig!"

"Can you give it to me? Qin!"

"It's a beautiful thought, but I can give this to you!" Qin Nuo handed the sunglasses in his arms to the fans in front of him.

"Wow, what a big brand!"

"I've made a lot of money, I'll fix you!"

Everyone's eyes were full of envy.

"Why aren't you leaving yet?"

"Qin, can you sign your name?"



"Thank you Qin" Hughes held the sunglasses in his hand with eyes full of excitement.

"I will support every movie you make in the future!"

The audience afterward rolled their eyes and had smiles on their faces.

ps: Second update.

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