The Kf cinema was noisy, like going to a market.

This made Jin Zaizhu and Cui Zaiying very angry. Which Xibal revealed this.

How can we do a road show like this?

The whole cinema was packed with people, and Qin would have been eaten alive if he had gone.


Damn it!

"Cui Zaiying!" Kim Zaizhu's eyes were fierce, full of indifference.

Cui Zaiying stood upright, his body bent at ninety degrees, and his whole body was shaking.

"I'm sorry, President, Director Qin, this is my problem, I didn't manage my people well~"

"Director Qin, I'm extremely sorry for the trouble I caused you!"

Qin Nuo doesn't think it's a big deal. The world of drunkenness is full of wonders.

Selling this news can earn at least six or even seven figures in RMB.

It's normal for some people to take desperate risks.

But Jin Zaizhu was very angry, Qin was a good partner of SM.

Because of Qin Nuo and the fact that Hua and Han are still in their honeymoon period.

Many artists from their SM company are doing very well in China.

Although part of it will be taken away by Qintian Entertainment, Jin Zaizhu doesn't mind at all.

Because he knows that sharing benefits can last long.

Even without this, every time Qin Nuo's movie is released in Hanguo, SM Company, as the distributor, can still make a lot of money.

For example, this time The Dark Knight was released in Hanguo for more than ten days, and the box office was almost 200 million yuan converted into RMB!!

When it was released, 300 million people were no problem. The number of people in the Han Kingdom was less than 60 million.

Three hundred million.

Sm company can earn at least 20 million!

There are also peripherals for sale!

The angry Jin Zaizhu stood up and slapped Cui Zaiying hard on the face.

Vice President Cui's face turned red in less than a second.

This is not acting.

"I'm sorry, president, I'm sorry, Director Qin, I will find this bastard within a day!"

"It's useless to find out, what should I do now?"

Jin Zaizhu didn't listen to the explanation at all. He was worried that Qin Nuo would have a feeling of distrust towards SM because of this incident.

This is the real big deal.

"Cui Zaiying, you are finished, I tell you, you pack your things immediately..."

"Okay, President Jin, there's no need to be so harsh. I believe Mr. Cui didn't mean it." Qin Nuo waved his hand.

"Let's forget about it this time!"

"Director Qin, there's no need to do this. Cui Zaiying should have been punished!"

"President Jin, President Cui has made a lot of contributions to SM Company. For my sake, let's stop here!"

"I think President Cui can accept any punishment. Give him another chance!"

Qin Nuo said with a smile.

Of course, he is not a kind person. In fact, he didn't want to care about it, but just now Girls' Generation sent him a message.

Choi Jae Young took good care of them before, so Girls' Generation wanted to ask Qin Nuo for help.

Everyone knows the price.

It doesn't matter to Qin Nuo, it's just a favor.

"Director Qin, don't be like this." Jin Zaizhu smiled.

"I will definitely give you your face, no problem."

But when he turned to look at Cui Zaiying, his face changed instantly.

"Hmph, Cui Zaiying, you should thank Director Qin. If it weren't for him, I would definitely kick you out of SM Company today~"

"Yes, thank you very much, Director Qin, and thank you, President Jin!"

Cui Zaiying finally let go of the big stone in his heart, and his whole body seemed to be exhausted.

He was very lucky that Lin Yuner and the others should have played a role.

Fortunately, he took care of a few people before.

Otherwise, Qin would have no reason to help.

"Hurry up and re-contact the theater. If you don't get in touch within half an hour, get out immediately!"

"Yes, President!"

After speaking, he bowed deeply to the two of them before leaving.

After Cui Zaiying left, Zaizhu was still worried about leaving a bad impression on Qin Nuo. Bowed.

"Director Qin, I'm sorry. The SM problem is huge this time. I apologize to you!"

"President, accidents are always inevitable. I believe that this kind of thing will never happen to SM in the future!"

"So I accept your apology!"

Seeing the smile on Qin Nuo's face, Jin Zaizhu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qin, please accept this!"

Qin Nuo glanced at the thing in Jin Zaizhu's hand, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

"President, this is not very good. Your house is not cheap. I am afraid that the money earned from this issuance will not be enough!"

What this old guy handed over was a real estate property, still in Jiangnan District of Han State.

A famous wealthy area.

This house alone is probably worth tens of millions.

This time the Dark Knight is released, SM will earn about 30 million.

Probably not enough.

"It should, it should!"

Jin Zaizhu is not a short-sighted person. It would be silly if you just think that others will make this little money from the issuance.

Peripherals, copyrights, and establishing a good relationship with Qin Nuo don’t have too many hidden benefits.

Not to mention the huge market in China.

To be honest, let alone a set, it doesn't matter if Qin Nuo is given a villa as long as Qin Nuo is willing.

"Okay, I'll accept it then!"

"I will ask people to clean it up, Qin, you can move in at any time~"

Qin Nuo nodded.

Later, the fans at kf were confused because there were too many people in the cinema, and SM posted a message saying that Qin Nuo would have a road show at the Samsung Cinema on another street.

Some viewers who bought tickets burst into joy.

I didn't expect to find such a bargain. It's really a pie in the sky.

Because we only have one roadshow in Hanguo, Qin Nuo is nice to everyone.

After the movie ended, everyone got Qin Nuo's autograph and went home happily.

By the way, he also posted his signature on Hanguo's forum.

It made many Hanguo netizens envious.

Everyone in the KF cinema was in tears.

Damn it!

In the evening, after finishing the dinner with SM Company, Qin Nuo just returned to the hotel and smelled the fragrance of flowers when he entered the room.

In the living room, all nine members of Girls’ Generation are wearing anime costumes.

It looked like he had just attended an event at the Comic Con.

"Are they all here?"

"Yes, thank you for today," Kim Taeyeon said with a smile as the captain.

He came to Qin Nuo and bowed deeply.

"Thank you, Taeyeon," Qin Nuo teased, lifting her chin.

Kim Taeyeon's face turned red.

Then he glanced at the sisters behind him.

The girls also knew what to do and came to Qin Nuo one after another.

"Brother Nuo, thank you!"

"Thank you, Brother Nuo!"

Everyone came up to give Qin Nuo a kiss.

Two minutes later, Qin Nuo sat on the sofa with Lin Yoona and Kim Taeyeon in her arms.

"Did you bring wine?"

.........Please give me flowers 00

"Yes! There are also snacks!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Come and have a drink! Why don't we go home if we don't get drunk today!"


"Me too, I've wanted to drink it for a long time!"

Soon the room was filled with laughter and the sound of fist pumps.

The dancing Hanguo girls are really exciting.

Qin Nuo even missed his flight.

We had no choice but to go to Sakura Country in the afternoon.

After the road show with Han Guo, Qin Nuo also had a great time in Sakura Country.

Masami and Aragaki Jieyi came to pick him up.

I was in Sakura and went whoring until I lost contact!

At the same time, domestic netizens were anxious.

Didn't Qin Nuo agree to return to China on the 14th?

Where is this person?

Where did he go?

Now the domestic box office of The Dark Knight has reached 1.75 billion after 20 days of release!!!

There are still ten days to go, and two billion is a certainty.

Breaking the record of Inception is not a big problem either.

Not only that, the Dark Knight is also taking off on a global scale.

The Joker craze has just passed.


The box office of The Dark Knight in the 20 days after its release in the United States reached 480 million!! It is only one step away from 500 million.

The overseas box office, excluding China, also reached 723 million!

The global box office in the 20 days since its release has totaled US$1.45 billion.

If nothing unexpected happens, it will surpass Avengers next week.

It is simply a huge dark whirlwind!

took the whole world by storm.

"Holy crap! Where is Qin Nuo? Didn't this guy agree to have a roadshow back home on the 14th? Where is the person?"

"I saw on the Internet that this guy is doing a road show in Sakura Country. I heard he has a cold and needs to take a day off!"

"It's like a cold. Qin Nuo's physical condition is like catching a cold. You haven't seen how strong this guy is."

"In Xiuchundao, the Jiaqian layman played by this guy has a scene where he takes off his clothes, and all his muscles are very well-proportioned!"

"I think this guy is playing with the girls from Sakura Country, Masami Nagasawa, Satomi Ishioka..."

"The relationship between these two women and Qin Nuo is simply not good!"


"Uuuuuuuuuuuu, don't forget there is my wife Yui-chan, Qin Nuo is so abominable!"

"Okay, okay, say goodbye to your wife, she might still be kneeling in front of Qin Nuo!"

"Upstairs, you bastard!"

"That's what it is!"

After hearing this, many fans of Aragaki Jieyi cried and fainted in the toilet.

Although they were reluctant to admit it, what the guy said was probably true.

Qin Nuo also has a very good relationship with Araguan Jieyi, and they joined Douyin to support Qin Nuo.

Maybe it’s already been revealed.

"Stop talking about this, have you seen the box office of The Dark Knight? The domestic box office has reached almost 1.8 billion!"

"What are you talking about, upstairs? I checked on the Internet and saw that the United States already has 480 million U.S. dollars, and the global total box office has reached 1.45 billion!"

"Maybe it will reach 1.5 billion tomorrow, and maybe 2 billion when it is released!"

Hearing this, a group of scarf guys took a deep breath.

Two billion!.

If it really had 2 billion, it wouldn’t have directly ranked third in film history!

ps: The first zero update.

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