Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

543 Exploded The Official Website Of Warner Bros. In China. The Third Master Was Furious. Friends In

In this way, they also have a sense of pride.

Because they watched Qin Nuo grow up.

But now because of this matter, I really want to break up with Oscar.

That’s the end of it!

"Then what should we do now? Damn Warner, are they playing tricks on us?"

"Sure, bastard Warner, Qin Nuo will help you open the door to DC. The Dark Knight is almost a billion dollars!"

"After making so much money, you still have to spend money on our Qin Nuo, you bastard!"

"Damn Warner, let's go, let's blast their official website!"

"Let's go together!"

Some viewers also looked a bit wrong. It seems that Qin Nuo also got a share of the box office this time.

The higher the box office, the better for him.

But seeing everyone so excited.

No matter what, it's definitely not my family's fault anyway, it's definitely Warner's fault.

Fuck him!

On the other side, Qin Nuo still didn’t know that these troll fans had started attacking his allies again.

At night.

Qin Nuo is still answering the phone.

People in the circle can react much faster than netizens.

This is definitely not a good thing, although the box office has increased.

But the losses could be much greater.

"Don't worry, Brother Chao, it's okay, I can solve it!"

"We're seeing you, Brother Chao, remember to come to the celebration party!"

"Brother Fan, it's okay, it's a small problem!"


"You still don't believe me. We've known each other for so long. Have you ever seen me afraid?"

"Okay, okay, I'll treat you later!"

"Xiao Nizi, why are you crying? You are really worthless."

"Brother Nuo, am I afraid? I won't really offend Oscar. I heard that their academy is very energetic," Reba said while crying.

"You won't be banned, wuwu!"

Qin Nuo

"Block a hammer. If your brain is not good, don't make it difficult for it. What are you thinking about all day long?"

"Brother Nuo, are you calling me stupid?"

Qin Nuo was speechless. This woman Reba seemed to be supported by him, and it didn't seem like this in her previous life.

Quite thoughtful.

There is also a ban? How can Oscar have such ability? What a joke.

If Qin Nuo doesn't care about awards, then the Oscars will have no binding force on him.

Moreover, he can help Loywood Company make money, and he has so many fans around the world.

To be honest, the Oscars banned Qin Nuo.

Then you have to ask Warner and Fox if they agree.

"Hang up, stupid woman!"

After that, Qin Nuo received many more calls from Teacher Huang, Li Binbin, Fan Pang, Wang Zhonglei, International Chapter...

Basically, everyone who has a good relationship with Qin Nuo calls me.

Qin Nuo all answered one by one.

After all, people are here to make connections, so if you look impatient.

It will be chilling.

Qin Nuo naturally knows how to behave in this way!

Finally it was the third master’s turn.

As soon as Qin Nuo got through, there was a lot of scolding on the other end.

Doesn’t he know it even if others don’t know it?

This must be Qin Nuo's cool operation. Ordinary fans can't be that good.

And Warner.

How could those stupid guys come up with such a brilliant publicity idea.

Therefore, the third master dares to conclude that this must have been done by Qin Nuo.

And Qin Nuo also mentioned it last time I called.

"Qin Nuo, are you obsessed with money?"

"What happened? You don't want Oscar? Let me tell you, there is hope for many people in you!"

"The Ministry of Culture called me just now to ask me about you."

"Money, money, money. Just make money. How many US dollars do you have a year? It's not enough to spend!"


The third master is really angry, although he really wants the Dark Knight to break two billion.

But Qin Nuo must not be sacrificed.

What a joke.

He is China's most promising Oscar winner in the past thirty years.

"Third Master, calm down, it's not a big deal!"

"Besides, at worst, I won't win an Oscar. Isn't there a foreign language film award?"

Third Master "......"

"Qin Nuo, can you please pursue me a little bit?

Hearing this, the third master became even more angry. Now this young man really made him angry.

Oscar didn't take it seriously either.

This is the number one award in the world.

Han Sanpin kept talking for twenty minutes, and Qin Nuo really couldn't stand it anymore.

He also knew that Third Master was doing it for his own good.

But, this old guy is more annoying than Tang Seng.

"Okay, okay, I understand, Third Master, don't worry, I will definitely solve it perfectly."

"Okay, okay, I still have something to do. I'll come to the capital later and treat you to Quanjude!"

"Hello. Hello!" Third Master glanced at the phone. His face turned red with anger.

"Damn it! This guy hung up on me!!!!"

Han Sanpin looked at the phone and couldn't believe it. This guy's wings were really hard.

They don't take me as a leader in the entertainment industry seriously at all.

Believe it or not, I will deal with you!

The movie has been removed from the shelves for you.

Wang Lin next to him couldn't help it and laughed out loud.

Then he quickly covered his mouth.

This was the first time that he saw the third master being so angry.

Brother Qin, you are really amazing.

However, Wang Lin's move made Han Sanpin furious.

I secretly thought, Qin Nuo's wings are hard.

I can't deal with him, and I can't deal with you either.

"Wang Lin, you are laughing like a hammer!" The third master's eyebrows rose.

His eyes were fierce.

"Ah?" Wang Lin was a little confused, I didn't do anything.

"Ah what! Look at China Film for yourself. It has been nearly thirty years, let alone foreign language film awards!"

"There are not even two of the three major European film awards."

"How did you become the production director!"

"Third Master, I am!"

"What am I? I'm telling you, you should hurry up and write me a five-year plan. If Huaying still has no revenue next year!"

"Just get out of here, you still want to be in the position of labor and management, what a piece of shit!"

"Go and sweep the latrine for me!"


He really wanted to cry, Brother Qin, you are in such misery.

You are willful and let me pay the bill.

Why am I always the one who's hurt.

Also, this old guy Han Sanpin is really hateful.

Thirty years of no income has nothing to do with me, you are the boss.

You deserve the most credit for Huaying’s appearance.

It's just your luck, old guy, that you met Qin Nuo.

Otherwise, you are no better than me.

"What?" The third master picked up the crutch and looked at Wang Lin, his eyes became confused.

"You're still not convinced!"

"Okay, okay, Third Master, I'll do it right away, I'll do it right away!"

"get out!"


The third master looked at Wang Lin's hastily running back and said angrily.

"What a lack of eyesight!"

Thinking about what happened to Qin Nuo just now, I became even more angry.

“Today’s young people are really worrying!”

The next day at 7pm.

Night has just fallen in Los Angeles.

It's brightly lit outside.

Holly House is basically a city that never sleeps. Night has just fallen, and even the air is filled with the aroma of wine.

The whole city has a party atmosphere.

But Warner headquarters seemed very silent.

In the conference room, David sat at the top, and everyone below had their heads lowered.

His face was very troubled.

On this day in the United States alone, the box office of The Dark Knight reached 13 million!!

Yesterday it was less than seven million.

A total increase of five million.

I am afraid that the global box office bucked the trend and increased by nearly 20 million!

But they still couldn't be happy.

The reason is very simple. The Oscar issue has not been resolved.

On the contrary, it is getting worse!

Of course, this is not Warner's fault. In fact, they have already initiated many relationships.

Dismissed many of the marching fans.


Hollywood is not just a Warner company.

There are still seven giants, and they are very jealous of Warner.

Very jealous.

DC is obviously buried, and it may really be over in a few years.

Unexpectedly, Warner was so lucky to find Qin Nuo.

The box office of The Dark Knight has almost reached 2 billion!!!

What is this concept?

The cost is 200 million, and the global box office can pay for it with less than 500 million.

Qin Nuo was confident at the beginning and made a betting agreement with the sponsor and won a lot of money.

The sponsorship fee alone is as high as 100 million!!

Even if the subsequent publicity costs are included, the cost is only 400 million.

Everything else is profit.

1.6 billion, with Warner as the distributor and producer.

You can get about 45% of the share.

Almost, around 750 million!!

Of course, the price of Qin Nuo will not be low, but no matter what, Warner will make money at the box office.

Think this is the end?

Are you kidding me, peripherals are where the real big money is made.

Although they don't know exactly how much they earned, based on what they investigated.

Even before the movie is released, the sales of peripheral products have reached 500 million US dollars!

It’s no problem to screen 600 million.

And after the movie is released, the peripherals can still be sold.

It's a long-term business.

It can be said that Bina relies on Qin Nuo.

This year alone, The Dark Knight's profits will reach one billion!!!

This will prevent other companies from being jealous and make more money after the rise of DC!!

Maybe even more profitable than Marvel.

In this case, don't blame us for being rude.

Qin Nuo must not be left to you Warner, we just want to destroy the relationship between you and Qin Nuo.

We may all have meat to eat by then.

Which giant currently doesn’t have the copyrights for a few superheroes?

Qin Nuo can even save the dead DC, so can we too.

Isn’t it just box office and peripheral sharing?

Just give it, since you can’t make much money now anyway…

ps: Second update.

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